Friday, February 21, 2020

Your Turn

Is there a recurring nightmare you have?


  1. That there is no such thing as death, you just wake up in another dream, then another dream, etc, for eternity.

  2. no the nightmare recurring happens on a daily basis when im awake

  3. That you do an item about me that implies I slept with Harvey and then didn't get the part.

  4. Yes, a couple.
    One, flying in a swoopy, out of control kind of way...belly flopping sensations included
    Two (more frequent), variations on final exam day and I never attended class...basically, The Procrastinator's Anxiety Special

  5. Yes. Im living it. Im poor and live in California.

  6. I'm living it.

  7. every freaking day when I turn on the news

  8. I used to dream about tornadoes when I was a kid living in Iowa. I was the one that stayed outside when everyone else went to the basement. I would use my mind (in the dream) to control the direction of the storm and keep my family safe. Sometimes there would be two or three tornadoes in the storm. I was always successful in the dream.

    1. When my son was a little boy he was obsessed with tornadoes. I have this ink pen scribbles of his I saved, he drew them on everything and when I'd ask he'd say they were "tormadoes."
      A few years later, 'Twister' became his favorite movie. I must have seen/heard it hundreds of times.
      Flash forward to last May. My son's house was destroyed in the Dayton Ohio tornado. I 2x4 flew through his bedroom window and sailed right between his and his wife's head as they slept.
      Truth is stranger than fiction sometimes!

  9. My first wife keeps turning up in my dreams, I have not seen her in 50 yrs. Guess she is deeply imbedded in my mind

  10. For years I had these recurring nightmares of being in an underground facility with doors everywhere that didn't open. Sometimes it was similar, but in a closed mall. What's weird is my daughter, when young, told me she was having dreams about an underground facility... I of course hadn't told her about mine. In retrospect it looked like DC/ I didn't go there until I was older but walked underground and took the metro. The place in my nightmares looked just like the metro.

  11. Driving in the country and go down or up a hill that's so steep, I'm afraid the car is going to flip over.

  12. I rarely have nightmares but when I do , I’m being chased by a serial killer .

  13. I'm in a car or truck, I'm in the passenger seat, sometimes the back seat. I'm alone. Nobody is driving the vehicle, it's just going on it's own.
    I actually dreamt this just this morning!!
    Sometimes it's on a bridge, but this morning it was offroad, trees and a body of water.

    I'm sure there is meaning here, somewhere...

  14. I know the feeling @La Morena.....

  15. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Jennifer, I sense control issues in your dreams.

  16. Even though I've been out of college for decades I still sometimes have that dream about a class I've fallen way behind in/ not done the work in and have the final coming up.

  17. A stress dream. I’d suddenly remember I had a flight scheduled, and would look at the clock and think I could make it if I left right then, but rather than go to the airport, I’d go home to pack but would suddenly remember again and think I could still make it in time, but then I’d go to the grocery store or wherever and then I’d remember again and think I could still make it (though I’d also remember I’d gone home and then shopping and knew I was really, really, really late) and then it would keep repeating until I woke up.

  18. Every now and then, 'Being attracted by a wild animal.'

    Carl Jung says it's your instincts trying to tell me something.

    What, I have no clue!


  19. Wow.....
    All these dreams,I feel very left out!
    I can't remember my dreams for the life of me !!!
    Just never have!

  20. My ex-wife. and we are kind to one another and sometimes "together". odd bc when awake, i'd like to kill her.

  21. Getting lost in a mall.

  22. About to be attacked by an intruder and when I go to shoot my gun the bullets just plop out the end of the gun. Wake up immediately after every time (fortunately).

  23. Getting chased/attacked. I am always armed in these dreams and wake up when I open fire.

  24. Need to get to the airport but haven’t packed. Keep going through drawers, but can’t find what I need. (Odd dream for me; I travel so often that I can pack in 15 minutes, unless it’s a long trip or multiple climates.)

  25. I have recurring dreams, or dreams which recycle aspects of previous dreams, but they’re mostly just weird and not usually nightmares. I do dream every night, all night and I remember them when I wake up. Maybe I should start writing them down.

    Dane- my husband has dreams like that. He usually won’t wake up so I have to wake him up carefully, from a good distance. Are you a veteran? It seems to be common to veterans, maybe it’s PTSD.

  26. Hi Aquagirl, I saw your comment the other day but didn’t get to reply. Hope you’re good and had a good birthday, fellow Aquarius ♒️ 👍🏻😂

  27. Astra, I am not a veteran and no PTSD. I can’t imagine what people in the military or cops go through when they have to fire on someone, the dream is bad enough.

  28. I often have the two usual dreams (but I wouldn't really classify them as nightmares). There's the "taking an exam for a class I never attended" dream and then there's the "I am suddenly naked with people all around me" dream.

  29. Netty said...
    Driving in the country and go down or up a hill that's so steep, I'm afraid the car is going to flip over.

    I used to have that one too! Always up a hill though. Never down.

  30. Can't find my locker in high school. High school was a LONG time ago!

  31. I have two.

    First one is seeing funnel clouds off in the distance and being scared.

    Second one is that I am back at the job I had in high school at the mall.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I am asked by someone who is deceased to find the person they designate to tell them they are OK and the person whom I am to tell is ever eluding. It is fucked up and I hate them.

  34. Recurrent dreans of choking on plastic items...I have literally woken myself up hanging out the bed with my fingers down my throat trying to dislodge whatever was choking me. My throat would be sore all day.

    I believe it was because I've had a few big ops and would always wake up in recovery with the plastic breathing tube still down my throat.

    Good news is haven't recurred for a few years.

  35. Yes, I am always find myself lost wandering around an urban neighborhood. Sometimes I know what city it is, though it usually doesn’t look like it does in real life. I never reach my destination.

  36. Yes. I always find myself walking somewhere, but end up being lost and wandering around in an urban environment. I usually know in the dream which city it is, but it never looks like it does in real life. I always wake up feeling sad.

  37. Growing up, every single night my family would stay at our beach house (it was a lot), I’d dream of shark attacks.. I rarely remember my dreams anymore and after spending the first half of my life with crazy/prophetic/ think too hard/astral projection/let’s talk to all the dead people in real time...I am somewhat grateful for the silence. I notice when im worried or stressed, I’ll have nighttime panic.

  38. Not really for me, but I do hope that the vile pedos we read about that still freely roam the earth have the torturous nightmares of the damned dreaming about all the horrors they inflict on others being inflicted on themselves

  39. My death. This year. Have had it 6 since November, I have now found a lump on my breast.

    I also had reoccurring dreams of my parents scared shitless.

    1. So sorry MSA. Sending healing vibes.. my nightmare as a child is being at Magic Mountain, switching Upside down roller coaster fall off the track. Would wake up shaking and finally stopped around 30.

    2. Watching not switching...

  40. The phone rings and it’s a friend telling me that I must get to lecture hall x right away for the final in some class.
    Well no, I didn’t sign up for that. Then I look at my desk and the syllabus is right there. Sometimes I go and
    B.S. my way through the exam, sometimes I just say “Too late now, I’ll just take the F.”

    The other one that I always have is I get to a theatre in time for a show that no one told me about. I feel shocked
    and betrayed that these people,my friends, didn’t tell me about it. They insist that they did too tell me and get
    out there. I get a microphone and go on stage. It’s always some big free wheeling extravaganza, so all I
    have to do is be myself. Spotlight,applause, SRO crowd enjoying the show. I’m happy, but still stressed that
    I almost missed it.

  41. Not any recurring ones... but I have had a few over the years of being chased. One by a naked man in a campground. The other was a dream where I had to resort to prostitution and was picked up by a John. Once in his apartment I changed my mind and ran for my life out the door. He chased me and I woke up panicking as he was about to find me.

    I also have stress dreams or dreams involving demons when I eat gluten. That stuff is the worst.

  42. Falling ..because of course , I'm scared of heights . The good ones my husband is in and I get to talk with and hug him again .

  43. I park my car, go in somewhere, do some stuff, the when I come out I can't find my car.

  44. MSA, I can say your fear of death is only a warning to get checked out! You've felt that lump at every shower. Now is the time to act, please don't be scared.

  45. Being unprepared for exams, performances.

    Is it a procrastinators nightmare? Because I certainly do procrastinate.
