Saturday, February 22, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 13, 2020

The "perfect" Housewife did her own cheating and she knew for a decade her husband was cheating, but didn't care. To bring it up now, seems a bit self serving to give yourself a story line.

Teresa Guidice


  1. If that basilisk is perfection, we're more fucked than even I imagined.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I don't really know why her face even BOTHERED to try and have a forehead.
      It should have just gone ALL IN and grown hair from her nostrils on up.

  2. she looks like Chewbacca i hate her

  3. With all the $$$ she spends to try to look good did it never occur to her to get her hairline raised? She looks like a Neanderthal in one of those NatGeo recreations of the Stone Age

  4. J “she’s bringing sexy back”. If by sexy we talking 2 inch foreheads /early man with extensions and ill fitting clothing.

  5. Bringing sexy back to the Pleistocene.

  6. Who would want to fuck that Neanderthal drag queen?

    1. Don't underestimate the power of Perversions!

  7. Rough crowd today!

  8. Every time I see a picture of that dreadful woman I give thanks for my own forehead.

  9. Must be saggy teeted Marge's friends commenting. Her claim to fame---making the cheap make up bags on Marshall's damaged goods end caps. Now, Margey needs some estrogen for THAT bald head of hers. I'd be Teresa over that flabby arse instigator any day!

  10. Hey Karma -I like Marge, she's a riot. I'll take her ANY day over most of those women. Jackie is by far the best of the lot followed by Melissa and Marge.
    Mock Marge all you want but where is your business? She may be hurting financially now so it's easy to kick her but at least she went for it, started her own business and she was financially independent most of her life. I doubt you can claim any one of those things.
