Sunday, February 09, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 3, 2020

The speculation about engagement for the A+ list singer was all carefully crafted to get people talking. It is no different than Jennifer Aniston cradling her stomach on a red carpet.

Taylor Swift


  1. They should maybe try something more interesting then, instead of trying to get people excited that Taylor Swift is engaged for the umpteenth time. Zzz

  2. If Tay ever cradled her stomach nobody would ever believe she was knocked up so fake engagement it is.

  3. Hmmm, yes, a virgin birth would be newsworthy...

  4. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Wooohahahahaaaaa, there ain't no baby coming out of Old Jennifer's vag.... She doesn't have one.
    PMSL. LOL.
    Cradling her stomach. What a hoot.

  5. Swift may be brain damaged but there ain't a thing wrong with a young, tall, gorgeous blonde with millions of dollars.

  6. The point is that her dumb fans will believe it alongside the Kneepads public.
