Thursday, March 19, 2020

Blind Item #10

This former A list actress who likes to pretend to the world she is progressive and is huge on feminism already had issues with her support of the sexually assaulting/serial public masturbating comedian. Now, she closed down all of her productions and offices and told everyone to claim unemployment because she wasn't going to pay them. Last I checked she was worth about $40-50M.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's a year old...

  3. Just another Hollywood shithead.

  4. So. Company is not a charity.

  5. I hope not Amy Pohler...I loved her Parks & Recreation

  6. Prob Amy but maybe Sarah Silverman?

  7. The blind is supposed to be Amy Poehler.
    I hope it's not true because she seemed cool. But if it is, like J said, she'd be just another piece of sh!t pretending to be a decent person. Maybe Pratt bent her over the desk a few times, he enjoys f*cking co-stars.

    1. I'm always amazed/confused by people who don't loathe everyone in Hollywood with a white hot hate.

  8. Enty please do a blind on who's not doing it, as all the productions in the world are shut down, for god knows how long. And while the while the bigwigs, producers, directors, big name actors all have money in the bank, many in the crews don't, nor do their families. There's a good reason the film industry has such a high divorce rate. And the crew in this question are lucky that they qualify for any kind of assistance, most freelancers don't. Commercials are the perfect example.

  9. Pamela Adlon to be different.

  10. Sandybrook. Alyssa Milano LOL she is F- list. And her owning a Production company Lololololol Last year she was trying to sue her accountant because she was bankrupt for making rocket science decisions such as putting 5 million dollars in renovations into a 1 million dollar house All of a sudden she starts pushing Democrat talking points and POOF no more talk about bankruptcy She is a paid propagandist

  11. Louis CK and Pamela Adlon

  12. It's always amusing when people conflate an actor's personality with the characters they play. "I really like so and so, she seems so real and deep and kind and noble and mature...etc." Folks, these are ACTORS. They just have really good PR departments. The best ones that make you cry are probably the biggest assholes in the business. They can even act out a decent personality now and then for tabloids. ACTORS = LIARS.

  13. Was thinking Silverman but her net worth is nowhere near Amy P


  15. Always new both of the Tina's are phoney. Greedy dog.

  16. Amy Poehler A list? Ever?

  17. pamela adlon is worth nowhere near 40 mil (though she deserves to be). plus i doubt it's her because she immediately fired dave becky, and i believe he's still poehler's manager. this is definitely amy poehler, although until i see it verified somewhere else i assume this is actually about the UCB layoffs

  18. We're supposed to believe a bitch who'd marry Canada's handsomest asshole is somehow not a C U Next Tuesday herself? Her and her buddy Scarface are such one-note piccolos, tryna "cool girl" it with pigs like Baldwin and Székely. Throw them all in the trash.

  19. AMY POEHLER still supporting Louis CK behind the scenes

    both her & Fey are seriously mean bitches IRL

    Love to see Poehler exposed

  20. pamela adlon / louise ck. shes a BITCH and everyone on her show hates her

  21. Poehler. Do as I say, not as I do. I hope H-wood remembers her actions when the crisis is over.

  22. It's 100% Poehler. She also shut down UCB theaters in New York and LA and is not helping anyone financially there either.

  23. Amazing J! Gets it right every time....

  24. She has a production company that pays into unemployment already so you're basically asking her to pay them twice. That's idiotic. No wonder you don't own your own business. RME
