Sunday, March 15, 2020

Blind Item #4

This foreign born A+/A list mostly movie actor who has been married forever has taken another step in his coming out journey. He is one in depth interview from telling the world.


  1. Something happened to the feed of this blog, doesn't get updates.

  2. I sincerely hope that he does come out, but that he's discussed this with his wife first.

  3. Hugh J.
    I guess his wife already knows and was another beard?

  4. This is Hugh. But, why? Because he was supportive of Kumail Najianji taking over wolverine role?

  5. Anonymous12:02 PM

    It would be a great thing but I will believe it when I see it.

  6. I think the wife is one of those "mother to the gay guy" marriages as opposed to a straight up beard

  7. Most probably Hugh. Probably at this point in his career it's not going to make much of a difference in the type of work that he gets.

  8. Hugh sang I will Survive whilst giving his PSA for handwashing, probably.
    Nothing outs a man more than singing gloria gaynor

  9. I assume he's carefully watching the story around Philip Schofield, the UK morning talk show host who just came out at age 57.

    Philip had also been married for about 30 years before coming out.

    From what I can see, the UK public seems to be taking it well, but they do have other things on their mind.

    1. Scofield looks so slight and uncomfortable on camera now. Like he’s trying to shrink into himself. I notice Hugh has gotten skinny too.

  10. Should be Travolta if he didnt have that evil "church" hanging over his head!

    1. Good guess at Alt Diva. But yeah its foreign born. Rumblings that he is about to flee from those chains ..hope so.

  11. What 'chains?' he chose to enter a fake marriage.

    1. Chains of scientology. Sheesh. KP is just dumb not mean

  12. Plenty of women have been trapped in loveless, often abusive, sham marriages by gay men who then dump them once they have finished using them. This happened within my own family. It is considered socially acceptable and these women are expected to support their "brave" husbands or they're accused of homophobia. Gay men have always been given a pass on misogyny, hence how they get away with calling women "fish" (due to their belief that personal hygiene is gender specific) and "hags."

  13. I knew a very attractive, talented woman who knowingly married two gay men in succession. The first one died of AIDS. For some people, it works.

  14. Who gives a shit? Last thing i need is hugh jackman talking about his love of d*ck

  15. on! Never married the guy but dated him all my college years. He was the definition of abusive. I could not pick up a fork without a critique, yet, was never allowed to talk to other men.

    Being gay NEVER gives an excuse for abusive.

  16. Lavender marriages are evil & destructive. My mum married a Broadway theater grip in the 50s. He and his BF raped my brother which led to a lifetime of mental illness for my sibling. The perp---got away scot free. One day I will share all Mother's accounts of the Hollyweird losers she worked with. Heads would spin.
