Sunday, March 01, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 18, 2020

The top marketing guru for the permanent A- list actress had a meeting with the alliterate royal. Can't wait for the new line of candles.

Gwyneth Paltrow/Meghan Markle


  1. This candle smells like my cottage-cheese ass. My husband's candle smells like stupid.

  2. Can’t stand her at all

  3. What does 'Royal Bantu' poon tang smell like ?

  4. The bile continues to curdle the back of my throat.

  5. How about a fart smelling candle . Or smelly English feet.

  6. Omiword @J, LOL?!!

  7. Let’s hope a meeting was all it was, and the top marketing person is smart / compassionate / wise / responsible enough to decline unleashing any more pollution.

  8. This candle smells like my: narcissism

  9. I wonder if "Sussex Global" wants to contribute or distribute?

  10. When Meghan complained about the smell in Westminster Abbey before her wedding, the Queen said 'We've been OK with it for 1000 years'and denied her use of air fresheners and scented anything. Meghan's candle will be called 'Bile'

  11. Ah, the first Klan rally of the month.

    1. LOL. Like clockwork.

      The hate has made me somewhat of a fan. I get a kick out of it. She pisses people off into the red. How? Most people who hate her do not even know her. LOL.

      After people on this site took to weaponizing blogs against her...the hatred jumped the shark & showed itself to have a very nefarious agenda.

    2. @rosebud. I was willing to give her a chance but this nonsense of her wanting to be a super hero in a movie signifies that its all about her(if true). Being disrespectful to the hand that feeds (the Queen) was another reason. It was Uncalled for and is not making her son or husband a priority. Most of the shit you hear especially about imminent arrest, fake baby and other crapola is made up by bunch of old ladies with nothing to do before playing bunco or needlepoint. I hear you but i really think she is full of herself, MM wants to at the Academy Awards and hangiwith Beyonce. Enough already and go away for a couple of years

    3. I've been waiting with bated breath for the hammer, and the cross and the nails. Ahhhh, the smell of kerosene in the morning.

      Add a rope and it's a Yahtzee!!

  12. I will not be buying a candle that smells like Armpit.

  13. and Unknown wins the blind. well done.

  14. Eeek. As inevitable as it is unwanted.

  15. The blind should read - The aliterate NON ROYAL

    ..... And the snowflakes crying about some agenda on here are pathetic fucks , Markle has proven herself to be a horrible Scumbag , go cry about racism & whatever back on the Buzzfeed forums

    1. Wrong thread.

      Try Stormwatch, my brother!

  16. How I would have loved to be in that meeting.

    Two pompous women who each think they are better than the other. It would have been epic. I wonder if that much false sweetness is combustible.

  17. I wonder whose candle, MM or Goops will be thee better smeller

  18. @Edward GTFOH with that bullshit. Nobody is racially motivated here. Markle is just a scam artist and everybody sees it, is all.

    @Rosebud You've become a fan of a narcissistic grifter who has torn two families apart on the world stage. Wow, that really is something.

  19. @Suburban whores butt:

    Ironic how you screech that people aren't allowed to hate somebody they don't even know. How many celebrities do you hate whom you have never met?

    And how amazing is it that somebody attracts this much hatred from all over the world, from all sorts of different people, who have never met her? Besides all the hatred she attracts from people who actually have met her?

    Must be something about her character....

  20. Waaaaaaaaaaaa Your a Racist if you Hate Meghan Markle 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  21. Talking to Gwyneth about getting a part in some Marvel Super Hero movies. MM is not going away. She wants back in H-Wood. Big Time. This was her plan. Harry will be left behind. LOL...sucka!

  22. Sparkles is a hemorrhoid on Hollywood. And yes, Sparkles will not go away.

  23. Ah yes the 'candles' that smell of Harvey's sloppy seconds.
