Saturday, March 21, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 13, 2020

This back in the day A/A- list mostly movie actress who burst back on the scene a couple years ago is rewriting the past as a favor. She used to always complain about the behavior of this A list mostly movie actor while they were dating.

Wynona Ryder/Johnny Depp


  1. By all means, Winona, lie so future women don't know what they're in for with Dirtbag Depp.

  2. They all lie on each other good luck with the truth coming out

  3. She's in it for herself. Like the others.

  4. But as soon as she's subpoenaed into court she's gonna ghost him.

  5. Doesn't anyone else remember all those headlines about him destroying hotel rooms when he dated Kate Moss? That was just barely pre-internet, so it still might be a little unknown to people who weren't arounf then.

  6. They can't be bothered spelling her name correctly so I can't be bothered believing this blind. I am confident that my 12 yr old niece and 90 year old grandma knows her name is WINONA.

  7. Noni dodged a bullet with Depp. Smart move lady!

  8. She fell in love with that singer who was more her vibe and left Depp. Depp was too much of a redneck for her. No sign of abuse though. Depp was badly abused by his mother, and clearly has a temper, but he isn't a blind ragist like Amber Heard who is truly sick. Thing with the hotel room he trashed is, he trashed the hotel room. Could be seen as abuse to have to witness that, but he still never laid a hand on her. It's a differnt kind of abuse. When you are with someone who loses their temper on that level, it is abuse until you leave. Separate yourself from it. But, I'd like to add, that many other people who do not lay hands who are mean, withholding, spiteful, verbally abusive, which constitutes a large group of people are also abusive to a level of "it's time to leave". They might not have harmed you physically, but a happy person with a kind disposition cannot thrive in hostile conditions. Myself, I can't tolerate a hostile personality. It wreaks of entitlement. We are blessed everyday with life sustaining gifts that we should not take advantage and we are blessed with the ability to choose happiness and a positive point of view. Depp is damaged, but he is also a true, real, artist. Many times artists suffer bc of their sensitivity, I think in his case, he is badly damaged by his mother and highly sensitive. Now the legal mind in me says, he cannot be charged with wife-beating or physical abuse...he may be miserable, but he doesn't hit women.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. @Bleu I mentioned that in the original thread and people were like "Kate brought it on herself" ummm ok

  11. He is the reason she is still in psychotherapy. He wasn't just abusive mentally and physically, he groomed her when she was a teenager, and he was in his 20'a. She's always had a good and forgiving heart. Beside that, she really has no horse in this race. This is Amber and Johnny's hot mess - let them clean up by themselves. That means: no Ellen Barkin testimonry, no Winona - no one but the two nutjobs.

  12. Meh. They're both likely going down. How many days until they both announce they have "coronavirus"?

  13. @Freed Weave: She’s already filed the declaration in court.

    @Bleu: Don’t exaggerate. It was 1 hotel room, and Kate probably participated. I’ve worked with her many times and she’s a crazy coke whore.

    @Sunkist: +1

  14. Johnny was far too messed up on drugs and drink that he could barely string a sentence together. Amber is the abusive partner. She also abused an ex girlfriend. Women can be abusers too. Johnny was too far gone by the time all this shit happened and he isn't young, like Amber.

  15. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Winona ruined everything she was ever cast in and for awhile she was cast in everything. She was just one of those actresses who encompassed a certain era and hers is long gone.

  16. Did Johnny Keith Richards Jr. buh-buh-buh-buh-boooooooone Barkin???!! Now, THAT'D be iiiiiintereeeeeestiiiing......

  17. Sunkist: good comments. We're assuming here that you did not attend the Meghan Markle School of Psychological Counseling.

  18. Did Winona fall in love with Edward Scissorhands and not Depp?
    Can't blame her really.
    I don't dig the real, older Depp now.

  19. Love to hear all armchair psychologists here sitting across the country and analyzing an actor they have never ever met, and never ever will.

    Yes, he was very cute when he was younger, but so was Winona and Kate and Amber too, and every single one of them is 'troubled' so why is it that the fan girls go all nuts trying to defend Johnny, and hating on the girls, when they all are just the usual Hollywood dysfunctional people doing drugs and dating each other.

    No one knows what goes on behind closed doors. They are all train wrecks, so let the courts deal with it. British judges tend to be way less enamored with American movie stars than lonely fan girls are.

  20. It was just one hotel room? Ok and for Chris Brown it was just one car ride with Rihanna, and she probably egged him on

    2K damages to a hotel room due to a domestic dispute is not ok

  21. Commenters calling out Enty for spelling and grammar is really just too rich for words...

  22. Depp has issues and always has. I wonder what his real money situation is like.

  23. What does it matter how he behaved 25 years ago?

  24. I think that both Amber and Johnny are both messed up, but the audio whoever released shows that she is normally the aggressor and he can sometimes have a side refereed to”him” that must not be to pretty since they were referring to it like he was a monster. I just think these two were just a toxic couple and they need to move on. Two addicts can’t have a healthy relationship.
