Thursday, March 12, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 2, 2020

This foreign born A list mostly movie actress who is a multiple Oscar winner/nominee told a story the other night about how the rapist producer was never interested in her because she was always slightly overweight. Despite how fat he is, if an actress was over a size two, he thought they were fat and wanted nothing to do with them.

Kate Winslet/Harvey Weinstein


  1. By Hollywood standards she's a supertanker.

  2. Good for you —- what person in their right mind slept with him for acting jobs only
    Good ole no balls Harvey let the jokes begin

  3. And despite that, what an ingrate she has been, didn't even thank Harvey in her acceptance speech for landing her an Oscar

  4. This is O/T, but so bizarre I had to share it. Randy Quaid tweeted this last night:

    The Tom Hanks thing smells like a Jussie Smollett thing and it’s got Michelle Obama written all over it.

    1. Randy knows what's what.

    2. Did he mention if there was a shit cloud coming?

    3. Shit storm!!! 💩💩💩

  5. Randy Quaid needs serious help and really big pills.

    1. Thought RQ was dead. He dropped way too much acid...

  6. Could be that he’s just saying Tom Hanks is pretending to have it, for whatever reason. Wouldn’t put it past Hanks. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  7. That doesn't surprise me. You might see a bunch of "stars" and politicians heading for New Zealand. Enjoy the show!

    1. No thanks! I'm currently enjoying a walk round Mt Maunganui with the ocean surging on my left and quite happy for rich plonkers to stay t f away.

  8. @LaurenMaye I've got my popcorn ready :)

  9. Do Tell I’m not sure what RQ means much of the time,and as cryptic and bizarre as he is ,there is always a message (as odd as the delivery is). Decoding it at quick glance,maybe he’s saying TH /RW are faking it to make a bigger deal and bring it to a mass hysteria so Michelle Obama steps in (in some way) and enters the Prez race to save humanity?. Not connecting all dots ,but maybe? Or Hillary?

  10. Iam not on Twitter but this is what I would say.....

  11. Not saying that’s the case at all/just that he may be thinking that

  12. Randy Quaid is kinda insane so nothing he says should be taken seriously. now if Dennis says it, then pay attention.

    1. You will find, in time, that Dennis is merely an assh*t and Randy is the one that actually has a good grasp of what's happening. He's colorful, but he knows.
      Plenty of people in Hollywood know what's going on at high levels. They have to - their lives are literally at stake.

    2. I'll take the affable outwardly crazy brother over the super asshole quietly crazy mean drunk one, thx tho.

  13. What's interesting about Michelle O--why would she give up all the $$$-earning opportunities and open herself up to a level of scrutiny I doubt she would be comfortable with? Her and Barry have been laying low for many good reasons I'm sure...

    1. She? Herself? Dude, he’s a dude!

  14. Off this particular topic but related to a recent post......I just saw a crawl on the news to the effect that Prime Minister Trudeau is 'self-isolating' pending his wife's COVID-19 diagnosis. LOL!!!!!

  15. That checks out with the Ronan Farrow book.

    Re, another Weinstein blind on Rose McGowan. I'm on pg. 152 of "Catch and Kill" by Ronan Farrow. People were saying how self centered Rose acted and if the Weinstein rapes, attacks only happened to her.

    Just a few pages ago, I was horrified to read that someone who befriended Rose and was writing a book with her BEFORE Ronan Farrow's article came out, was actually an Israeli Black Cube undercover woman, hired to discredit Rose for Weinstein. This is what these accusers had to put up with, along with terror, threats, their careers being destroyed, PTSD, etc.

  16. Weinstein preferred those small women he could easily over power. A big girl might have got a few good licks in and knocked his disgusting azz out

  17. @R in NYC: You are correct. That is exactly what Weinstein was looking for. Women he could overpower physically, that could not fight back.

  18. Maybe he just wanted to pollinate her potted plants?

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  21. Randy Quaid's not crazy, he's just an OG Texan character.

    The infiltration of that State by skeevy Connecticut yankees in a world that defers to the Buffeted Billions of a handler from Dallas sans sufficient grace to pull off a curtsey has been a tragedy for true Texans.

    OG Texans loathe our monochrome-minded world of pasty poseurs whose nouveau riche notions of privilege evidently include a lot of cheesy hookers Customs blow and kiddie sex.

    They can all burn ... Randy Quaid will still be standing tall and having himself a hell of a time

  22. @Skull, You think Texas is going blue this year?

  23. Well, Lena & Amy were always safe! Once again, he's playing the weak heart deal and is back in the hospital.

  24. I went back and watched that YouTube vid of Randy losing his shit in that hotel in Canada. Umm...his ramblings don't seem that insane to me today.

  25. Word @Mrs Libnish.

  26. Smart girl. Concentrate on learning how to act rather than being a size 0. Kate's career will go on forever because she has never tried to play the bombshell.

  27. Real women had curves. In the 50's and 60's Kate's look would have been considered very sexy.

  28. I'd like to say something. to everyone here.
    First, To posters here like myself - like Tricia, and Alf, Monkey and Mydog, et al (sorry to any anons I've left out), id just like to say that in the midst of this craziness, it is heartening to finally see fellow travelers consistently and unapologetically standing up for what they believe ,as well as for what they know to be true, sometimes in the face of ridicule, criticism, and even ostracism. and at the same time, to our more liberal friends here - like Studio, aqua and rosie et al - I'd like to say that tho today we may stand on opposite sides of the divide, I look forward to a new day, very soon, when we will all come together. You can call me crazy, and a right wing conspiracy nut, and any other derogatory appellation that you can think up for us "trumpers"(for lack of a better term, altho I prefer constitutionalists) but I TRULY believe that in the not too distant future, what is already clear to many of us, will become clearer to you, and then finally impossible to ignore. when that time comes, we are not liberal or conservative, we are not democrat, republican or independent, and we are definitely not socialists or fucking anarcho-communists. we are fucking Americans. we love our country, and we love the freedoms written into OUR Declaration and then codified into OUR Constitution - our constitution, the most revered and envied document in the history of human civilization. Those freedoms were undeniably in peril. I truly believe that the last 4 years have brought us back from the brink. I also believe that the next 4 will put us on the path to not only fully reclaiming many of those freedoms but to reclaiming the prospect of the American dream for our children, our children's children, and for every subsequent generation. And from this day forth, all generations would be wise to heed the words of our nations 40th president, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." GOD BLESS YOU ALL. I mean that with all the sincerity of a patriotic freedom-loving American. and I truly believe that we will ALL get thru the coming days ---together.

    1. Philly - very uplifting and encouraging words! Thank you!!! God Bless us all!!!

    2. Maybe start by not calling people who disagree with you “libtards”.

    3. THIS 🔥🔥🔥 WWG1WGA

  29. Someone above said it well: The poster above needs to take a very large pill. Hope you choke on it.

  30. Have noticed European actors do not have to subscribe to that one size fits all type of Barbie American beauty. Maybe why foreign films and tv shows appeal for their authenticity for some people?

    Re. the underweight child like shape so popular in models and actresses. Go to videos of rock groups in the 70s and compare the size and shapes of men and women. It isn't just the trunk of the body.....70s = more hair, more energy, healthier looking, women had much bigger hips and breasts. WE are being engineered by our food and environment. It is partly the growth hormones in our meat supply. Steroids for growth. (capitalism) You can see the same abnormality in someone with a chronic disease requiring steroids. Thin hair, large moon face, large belly, spindly arms and extreme it is named Cushings Disease.

  31. As for this blind, let me use a 2015 meme-

    Uh huh. Sure, Jan.

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  33. @KIKI, yeah in this post, I went out of my way to not refer to liberals in such a way. so, theres that.
