Thursday, March 12, 2020

Your Turn

Does anyone think this will turn into The Purge?


  1. Let the fear porn flow Enty. No it won't :)

  2. No, but I don't see the panic slowing down for a bit.

  3. No in a week people will start calming down and the stock market will begin to comeback, as will all the sports leagues

  4. Hardly....the share market seems a bit orchestrated though!

  5. When it comes to toilet paper and basic necessity.? No. Reality and being safe: yes.

    1. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Out of toilet paper? No problem. Pick up a copy of an unsold Joel Osteen book.

  6. My WalMart was completely out of toilet paper and water when I was shopping there this morning and we aren't even near any area that might be affected just irrational panic like at hurricane time. People stock up on their necessities then leave town when told to.

  7. No but Cardi B says she will shift to an Island coz of the CV, so its not all bad!

  8. Saw a lady with a Bloomberg2020 sticker deliver supplies to a homeless camp near my 7/11 so on one hand no.

    On the other hand I saw a guy be a complete dick to a Target worker over some Mucinex so who knows.

    The lack of a plan and factual information won’t ease any of the panic. Just letting Dr Fauci tell everyone what to do and send Trump golfing would make a huge difference.

  9. The Purge? No, but....if people are already used to seeing "infected" folks shuffled though military facilities, it's sure be a convenient time to start working through that massive pile of 151,000 sealed indictments that Captain Jeff Sessions compiled and AG Barr now holds.

  10. What is the Purge? I'm guessing stupid movie.

  11. good one derp. It probably has 1,000 pieces of toilet paper too.

  12. Why are people more obsessed with toilet paper than food?

    I think this is like whack a mole, once one place gets cleaned up then it breaks out somewhere else and then reinfects the place that got cleaned up, like what is happening with china

  13. Well NOW I do, thanks Enty.

  14. Reading up on pandemics,they always follow the same pattern. There will be a vaccine,and Big pharm wins again . The Purge is going to be less dramatic,old folks won't be first in line for treatment, they take up too many resources. But like HINI, it will always be with us.

  15. Guy on twitter said:

    Most people aren't shaking hands because of coronavirus.
    I'm not shaking hands because everyone is out of toilet paper.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. @J very funny! No masks, no hand sanitizer, no toilet paper! Think of the people making your sandwiches in the restaurants. I'm staying home and making my own meals.

  18. COVID-19 does not cause diarrhea iirc so I don't get the toilet paper obsession. I would stock up on hand sanitizers which I couldn't find yesterday, food and water since I'm slowing down on take-outs and restaurants. We are not purging yet but I read some poor Italians have dead bodies in their house and can't get pickups for them and have to live in the same place. China has crematoriums going full blast. I think they lost count on how many have died and how many are ill.

    1. "Before respiratory symptoms, many patients in China with COVID-19 had diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal discomfort, according to researchers." <--- rise in TP stocking.

      Hand sanitizers are the second step after handwashing, people stocking up on them is because the CDC's poster says if you don't have access to soap, use sanitizer. People for some reason are not stocking up on soap but loading up on sanitizers (you can still get all kinds of soaps on Amazon, but no sanitizers).

  19. Look how much the Coronavirus tests costs. One of my favorite House of Representative members, Katie Porter did the math:

    Rep. Katie Porter
    I did the math: a full battery of coronavirus testing costs at minimum $1,331.

    I also did the legal research: the Administration has the authority to make testing free for every American TODAY.

    I secured a commitment from a high-level Trump official that they’d actually do it.

  20. Anonymous11:19 AM

    @Studio54 Greniger lab in Seattle will test and the cost is $200. He's got all the newest info on DNA coding of the pandemic. So if you enjoy genome aspect of the pandemic his posts are top of the line. My health insurer has waived copays for the lab test so it would be free for me.

  21. @Ann: Thank you very much for this info! I greatly appreciate it!

  22. @Brayson87 - Thank you also so much for that information. I did not know that.

  23. A friend of mine sent me this, that is being forwarded a lot, from someone in Italy:

    “I am writing to you from Bergamo, Italy, at the heart of the coronavirus crisis. The news media in the US has not captured the severity of what is happening here. I am writing this post because each of you, today, not the government, not the school district, not the mayor, each individual citizen has the chance, today to take actions that will deter the Italian situation from becoming your own country’s reality. The only way to stop this virus is to limit contagion. And the only way to limit contagion is for millions of people to change their behavior today.

    If you are in Europe or the US you are weeks away from where we are today in Italy.

    I can hear you now. “It’s just a flu. It only affects old people with preconditions”

    There are 2 reasons why Coronavirus has brought Italy to it’s knees. First it is a flu is devastating when people get really sick they need weeks of ICU – and, second, because of how fast and effectively it spreads. There is 2 week incubation period and many who have it never show symptoms.

    When Prime Minister Conte announced last night that the entire country, 60 million people, would go on lock down, the line that struck me most was “there is no more time.” Because to be clear, this national lock down, is a hail mary. What he means is that if the numbers of contagion do not start to go down, the system, Italy, will collapse.

    Why? Today the ICUs in Lombardy are at capacity – more than capacity. They have begun to put ICU units in the hallways. If the numbers do not go down, the growth rate of contagion tells us that there will be thousands of people who in a matter of a week? two weeks? who will need care. What will happen when there are 100, or a 1000 people who need the hospital and only a few ICU places left?

    On Monday a doctor wrote in the paper that they have begun to have to decide who lives and who dies when the patients show up in the emergency room, like what is done in war. This will only get worse.

    There are a finite number of drs, nurses, medical staff and they are getting the virus. They have also been working non-stop, non-stop for days and days. What happens when the drs, nurses and medical staff are simply not able to care for the patients, when they are not there?

    And finally for those who say that this is just something that happens to old people, starting yesterday the hospitals are reporting that younger and younger patients – 40, 45, 18, are coming in for treatment.

    You have a chance to make a difference and stop the spread in your country. Push for the entire office to work at home today, cancel birthday parties, and other gatherings, stay home as much as you can. If you have a fever, any fever, stay home. Push for school closures, now. Anything you can do to stop the spread, because it is spreading in your communities – there is a two week incubation period – and if you do these things now you can buy your medical system time.

    And for those who say it is not possible to close the schools, and do all these other things, locking down Italy was beyond anyone’s imagination a week ago.

    Soon you will not have a choice, so do what you can now. “
    Please share.

  24. Only the pedos and traitors are getting purged

  25. Just an FYI anti-bacterial hand sanitizers are great for bacteria. They do NOTHING for viruses. #asyouwere

  26. Don't worry anyone... Alf is vigilant.

  27. Never saw The Purge. I did see Maze Runner. Some disease called The Flare.

    The secondary effects of pandemics are often worse than the initial damage.

  28. I think this is the prequel to V for Vendetta.

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  30. Five reasons to stock up on toilet paper:

    1. If you get quarantined and run out you'll have to rely on online ordering and delivery, or have someone else buy it and leave it outside your door.

    2. If you have a large supply at home that means less reason to go to a crowded store later when the pandemic is active in your area.

    3. Self-fulfilling prophecy, if everyone is already buying it up, then it could be harder to find. Good luck wiping your a$$ with paper towels.

    4. Toilet paper almost never expires, and it's not like you won't be using it in the future.

    5. This one is completely out there, but if stuff does get bad, you can barter with extra toilet paper. I don't even want to know the things people are willing to do or trade for a case of toilet paper when they are all out.

  31. The Purge? What happens when police officers catch the virus, as they probably will working with the public, and have to self quarantine for two weeks? Bring in the National Guard? Have everyone stay in their houses as much as possible while deranged people in masks run rampant through the night?

    Probably not, 80% of the people who get it are fine and able to defend themselves and maintain social order in their communities. But who knows what the next virus will be like. They couldn't stop this one despite plenty of warning. There is no reason to believe they'll be able to handle the next virus any better.

  32. I heard Lindsey Lohan would do almost anything for a roll of toilet paper.

    And that was last July.

  33. "these people are sick"

  34. Exactly One Year Ago Q Said a Big Name Would Fall After Weinstein -Tom Hanks (starred in Big)

  35. @Brayson87: There is a shortage already of toilet paper in my area. It's being hoarded.

  36. 1) Trump was exposed to Coronavirus

    2) Italy doesn’t have enough doctors to treat the sick

    3) College & professional sports events cancelled

    4) Broadway postponed

  37. Still don't get why people are panicking. Why don't they raid stores every year during flu season? It affects and kills millions every year.

    1. @AbbyRock

      There is a vaccine to prevent flu.

      There is none for COVID-19. 20% of people who get it will need hospitalization. Italy & China healthcare system are overwhelmed & they’ve had to decide who to help & who to “let die.”

    2. Tamiflu too. CVA shreds your lungs but it Looks like HIV drugs worked in China.

  38. @Studio,
    That won't bother some people. Nothing more unnerving than walking into a public bathroom stall and seeing a turd just floating by itself in the water. Not only did they not flush, they didn't even wipe.

  39. @alf what about "march madness". I guess we no longer have to wonder what Q was referring to

  40. The transmission rate is much higher than, say, the flu. With a population of 300 million and a mortality rate of 1-2%, there will be millions of deaths in the US alone. Instead of comparing it to the flu, we should be thinking Black Plague.
    All the guns in private hands will likely become a factor.
    China is just gross.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Yes, if everybody gets it at the same time there are not enough people to take care of them all. That's the problem.

    Then OTHER already-sick people with cancer and broken legs and kidney hernias or whatever - they may be left without care also and/or exposed to covid germs.

    It's a big problem. Seeing NYC shut down and NBA season postponed/cancelled has kinda blown my mind.

  43. @MyDog, March MADNESS for sure! Not exactly connected, but March here is typically blizzard month. With the already 75+ inches of snow we have the people I worry about are the ones south of here when it melts. Hope they can get out of the way.

  44. @TW, the flu shot is a crap shoot. It may stop a particular virulent strain or it may not. In any case, tens of thousands die in the US from flu every year - more than have died worldwide from corona virus.

    hairydog, China had about 3000 deaths. The population of that country is 1.3 billion which means that 0.00000230769 died. Nowhere close to 1% or 2%

    Number of worldwide deaths divided by population.3 billion
    9000 deaths world population is ~7.3 billion again not even close to 1 or 2 percent:

    Most corona viruses fade with warm weather. Hoping this happens with 19.

  45. I don't think so but then again who would have thought Italy would have advised Doctors and hospitals, just yesterday, to not treat the elderly and save their resources for those most likely to survive.

  46. Italy has one of the oldest populations in the world and a much higher percentage of smokers so they have a higher rate of infection and death from corona virus. Also, most of the cases are concentrated in a small area which puts pressure on the medical facilities there.

  47. Routine surgeries are being rescheduled in the UK, bed blockers are being moved on. We are expecting significant numbers, but don’t have the capacity to meet those numbers. Some difficult decisions will have to be made by medical staff. It is the speed and ease of transmission, plus the lack of testing that concerns me. If you can self/family isolate and follow good hygiene practices, that is probably the best way to avoid spreading or catching it. Unfortunately not everyone can self/family isolate. Contact your older relatives by phone or Skype/FaceTime rather than visiting them as they are more at risk. Avoiding crowds, places with a high numbers of users (even if other users aren’t physically present at the same time) will slow down the spread, but I still expect to see infection numbers to rise in Europe including the UK, and in the Americas. Remember, the vast majority will recover. I think it will peak in the next 4-6 weeks then taper off in the Northern Hemisphere, but see a rise in the Southern Hemisphere as winter approaches. Some countries are not reporting numbers yet, but that is more to do with their infrastructure rather than a lack of COVID-19 cases.

  48. I meant to add, that most people will recover at home without any issues and their symptoms will be mild, but it is really important to stay at home and try to be self contained away from other members of the family. That is not easy especially if you need to share bathroom or living facilities, so it is important that all members of the household stay in isolation when one member is infected and practice extremely high hygiene standards.

  49. People need to stop acting like sheep and think for themselves. This is so overblown it's pathetic. A great way to bring down the economy, though.

  50. GATOR: If there is a purge-like happening, I will be dead before Noon. I am the only person in my apt. building who doesn't have an arsenal of firearms in their closets. NY State is one of the few states where you can't mail-order firearms of any kind. I'm toast.

    That said, yesterday I went to my Chase Bank to get some quarters for laundry day and it was closed at 3PM! The guard waved me off and told me their whole system was down. Couldn't do any money transactions. I asked him if I could come in and buy $10 in quarters and he said, "Oh sure!" He unlocked the door and I got my quarters and made small talk with the nice teller.

    Today---I called the 800 number you call to check on your credit card balances and it was down all day!

    This is the ONE topic no reporter in NYC is covering. Panic! I think the banks are afraid of people coming in to take their money out of their savings accounts.

    Something is afoot!

  51. Jesus Christ, Enty, NO. What is wrong with you?

  52. Not the Purge but The Last of Us.

  53. i posted this on another BI, but im gonna leave it in a couple places bc id like it to be seen. please indulge me this day.

    I'd like to say something. to everyone here.
    First, To posters here like myself - like Tricia, and Alf, Monkey and Mydog, et al (sorry to any anons I've left out), id just like to say that in the midst of this craziness, it is heartening to finally see fellow travelers consistently and unapologetically standing up for what they believe ,as well as for what they know to be true, sometimes in the face of ridicule, criticism, and even ostracism. and at the same time, to our more liberal friends here - like Studio, aqua and rosie et al - I'd like to say that tho today we may stand on opposite sides of the divide, I look forward to a new day, very soon, when we will all come together. You can call me crazy, and a right wing conspiracy nut, and any other derogatory appellation that you can think up for us "trumpers"(for lack of a better term, altho I prefer constitutionalists) but I TRULY believe that in the not too distant future, what is already clear to many of us, will become clearer to you, and then finally impossible to ignore. when that time comes, we are not liberal or conservative, we are not democrat, republican or independent, and we are definitely not socialists or fucking anarcho-communists. we are fucking Americans. we love our country, and we love the freedoms written into OUR Declaration and then codified into OUR Constitution - our constitution, the most revered and envied document in the history of human civilization. Those freedoms were undeniably in peril. I truly believe that the last 4 years have brought us back from the brink. I also believe that the next 4 will put us on the path to not only fully reclaiming many of those freedoms but to reclaiming the prospect of the American dream for our children, our children's children, and for every subsequent generation. And from this day forth, all generations would be wise to heed the words of our nations 40th president, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." GOD BLESS YOU ALL. I mean that with all the sincerity of a patriotic freedom-loving American. and I truly believe that we will ALL get thru the coming days ---together.

  54. @PhillyWilly, WWG1WGA will hopefully the mantra for the whole country and not just us deplorable right wing conspiracy theorists.

  55. Rachel Maddow: Canadian PM Justin Trudeau's wife has coronavirus.

    The shortages of supplies are all over the country. Earlier tonight "Kroger" was the #1 trending topic on Twitter. Everyone all over the country are reporting the same things. Stores like Kroger PACKED. Toilet paper, hand sanitizer, clorox wipes, liquid had soap are all SOLD OUT. Other food items like rice, peanut butter, soup, milk are in short supply. This is the reality of what people are doing. I wish I had thought like they had ahead and stocked up to the max on these items, because they are either sold out or not available also.

    Another important item in shortage A THERMOMETER. I had to call around to countless stores to find one.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. @Philly Willy. Excellent.

  58. Hell yeah! Bring on the end times! Seriously though, China needs to be forced to pay for unleashing this plague on the world.

  59. @Hotbox: China is trying to save face and is blaming the US demanding "An Explanation."

  60. I said, "COVID-19 does not cause diarrhea IIRC so I don't get the toilet paper obsession." Diarrhea is one of the symptoms so I stand corrected. Thanks, me. I'll head to the dollar store and get whatever is left. No hand sanitizers anywhere. Anyway, about this virus, I think something is up not having to do do with deaths or illness. I can't quite put my finger on it.

  61. @Unknown, mix alcohol and aloe gel at 3:1 for a good sanitizer. The aloe keeps the alcohol from drying out your skin. You can add a few drops of tea tree oil to the mix if you like.

    Keep pharmacies, Big Lots, or whatever discount stores you all have around to pick up supplies. When we have a hurricane coming, people always complain about the grocery stores and Walmarts being out of supplies but I always find what we need at the smaller stores.

  62. Purged by who? The military?

  63. AbbyRock said...
    "Still don't get why people are panicking."This isn't just about contagion. WE owe 21 trillion with no way to pay it back. Dept of defense 'lost" trillions...federal reserve "lost" trillions. No one looked for the money or was prosecuted. The chickens have come home to roost so to speak. China was our # 1 lender. They stopped lending Feb. 16. The virus is bio weaponry. Have long felt that when the time came to pay them back, WE would wage war instead. The virus came out of research labs of Fort Deitrick and UNC Chapel Hill....Harvard.....all the truly great facilities in our war machinery.

  64. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Reminder here- it doesn't matter who gave the coronavirus to us, it doesn't matter if you don't believe there will be pandemic deaths or not. The US govt is contemplating quarantining us in our homes for 60 days to stop the spread of the virus. Do you have the food and medicine you need to get through this time period? If you don't it's a little late but you need to play catch up. Time is quickly running out. Are your gas tanks full in your cars? Top up water jugs as backup in case of sporadic outages. In all this craziness I forgot the cat's medicine so today I need to order a refill so the cat will have her medicine too. Hubby can pick it up on his way home. So don't forget the furbabies too.

    1. Why would you need gas in your car if you’re quarantined in your house?

  65. Fox News implements coronavirus safety measures behind the scenes while its hosts downplay the crisis on TV

  66. Anonymous10:24 AM

    If we get through this the lesson learned needs to be FUUCK CHINA. We need to cut them off. We could bring manufacturing back to the US with green, sustainable factories and decent paying jobs. What we can't do can go South of the Border.
    China destroyed their beautiful country with pollution and enslaved their People to soulless corporations. It's time for them to stop.

    1. Agree 100%! They’re vile. The world needs to band together & stop doing business with these soulless, filthy dog-eaters.

  67. Anonymous10:27 AM

    With Trump in charge No. With Comrade Bernie in charge Yes. With Dementia Joe propped up in a chair while Valerie Jarrett runs the country...Oh Hell Yes.

  68. @Abbyrock
    mortality rate is figured on number of Infected who end up dying from the virus. The entire pop of China has not been infected, nor will all in US.
    But enough will to result in millions dead.

  69. It's coming, won't be overnight but Pedowood is doomed.
