Thursday, March 26, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 19, 2020

This former A+ list rapper is losing her mind because her drug dealer won't deliver right now.

Cardi B


  1. Yep I think we all got that one lol Mind you didn't think she had that much mind left too lose !

  2. Forget the FBI, all it takes is an animal virus to immobilize sections of the drug cartel. I think all of Hollywood is losing their minds right now.

  3. Ticket to ride, white line highway
    Tell all your friends, they can go my way
    Pay your toll, sell your soul
    Pound for pound costs more than gold
    The longer you stay, the more you pay
    My white lines go a long way
    Either up your nose or through your vein
    With nothin' to gain except killin' your brain

    White Lines
    Grandmaster Flash and Rhe Furious Five

  4. Roof, can you help her out?

  5. She will be broke soon

  6. Former A+ lol
    literally everyone hated her

  7. Next weekend i am going to post an ad looking for a party girl, hoping a jonesing coke whore bites.

  8. I find it almost impossible to believe this. 100% no way.
