Thursday, April 09, 2020

Blind Item #2

The former A list mostly movie actress who will always be remembered for stealing a script and how she got her Oscar is back working with fellow snake oil salesperson/gym owner. This will not turn out well.


  1. GWenyth and Tracy Anderson

  2. The insufferable Goopy

  3. Totally Goop and Tracy Anderson!

  4. Gwenyth...
    I hope I got the spelling right!

  5. Anonymous8:10 AM

    I’ve bought a few things off goops site and I’ve been happy so far. Tracy Anderson has some good fitness routines but I’m not a huge fan of her diet/nutrition advise. I think these two are over hyped but they are also overly hated. Some people prefer to pay more so they can feel posh, to each their own.

  6. Insufficiently hated, in my opinion.

  7. Goopy and Tracey Anderson

    They'll probably bottle their perfect sweat as salad dressing with healing properties

  8. Lol Vita, right up Goop's alley!!

  9. It's one thing to market a vagina steaming device, which is overtly stupid and sold to the overtly stupid, but if the two of them are attempting to exploit the COVID-19 crisis, then they should both fly coach straight to Hell. Better yetr, let them ride in the cargo section.

  10. I absolutely despise Paltrow. My brother has a good story about her and Winona at Blue Ribbon Sushi in NYC back in the early 90's. Goop is just nonsense about Vagina Steaming and Jade eggs.
    I used to follow Tracy Anderson on IG for her videos... They were just hysterical to watch. She's ridiculous

    They are peas in a pod. Both snake oil sales people

  11. Well? Spill! We want to hear the Blue Ribbon story!

  12. Good because we will get more blinds & gossip.

  13. Replies
    1. Yes. From Winona. For ‘Shakespeare In Love.’

  14. Aquagirl,

    Thanks for the answer.. I didn't know that

    I also fell asleep in the theater when it came out.. ;)

  15. @Do Tell Nothing too crazy to tell... It was NYC in the early 90's, most of us partied hard and that night was just another night to my brother- who later went to to rehab.
