Thursday, April 09, 2020

Your Turn

First thing you want to do when you get out of isolation?


  1. Lay out at the pool.

  2. Get everything waxed, meditate on the beach, fly to see my family, hug someone

  3. Work out in my gym. They closed beaches Monday (which had been amazing for swimming /exercise). Now hiking is all but it’s super hot

  4. Hug my boyfriend and eat pizza and sushi. In Italy it's been a month since the lockdown and it's such a difficult and strange time for my country and for all of us... stay safe, wherever you are!

  5. Go to a store without freaking out.

  6. Go to the Grove in LA.

  7. Thanks, Ilaria, you, too and everyone!
    JMcCain-- Hug someone is such a sweet answer and is missed!
    Go to a movie and restaurant with friends.

  8. Color my roots, take out my son for his 21 birthday and my birthday dinner !

  9. Sit in a wonderful Italian restaurant and feast!

  10. Thia meow you saucy one,you!La Morena-very sweet:) PS-if you do your own, I recomment LOreals latest line...really impressed.(I just went lighter(not darker) but I imagine it would work well if you matched your color

  11. Make out with everyone! Yeah!
    But actually, Tricia's right. No gym for several months has been a big problem.

  12. Ciao Ilaria, I am in Lombardy. These are strange, sad times indeed. Hope you are staying safe!

    I want to fly to see family, which I was supposed to do for Easter.

    Also, I just want noise! I remember when the lockdown first started, it was shocking how quiet everything was. Now I am used to it, but I miss hearing the bustle of life outside.

  13. Get my hair cut, take a long walk on a beach, see my goddaughter because she just turned 16 and they had to cancel her party.

  14. @Vita thank you, and you too! You are so sweet!

    @ gauloise. I am in Puglia (South), the situation here is not compromised as in Lombardia, but I am obvs worried. You are right about the noise... it's so silent and quiet out there. It's like being in an horror movie. Stay safe, ce la faremo!

  15. Poker at the casino

  16. Go to the beach, the pool, and to a restaurant.

  17. Rome around my hometown and admire it's beauty which I miss !!!

  18. Get laid. Women I talk to are getting antsy. No doubt men are too.

    Gonna be a lot of bumping going on when this situation eases off.

  19. see my therapist

  20. Leave some behind on her bills ne'er do well with 3 sore orifices after 14 hrs in a Days Inn.

  21. Full body deep tissue massage from Big Jason. Working from home without the proper equipment is taking its toll.

  22. Go pig out in a restaurant.

  23. Take the sleds bar hopping.

  24. Walk up Fifth Avenue in the sunshine

  25. Go out and spend spend spend.... and TIP extravagantly at every opportunity!

  26. Go shopping and eat at my favorite restaurant.

  27. @ Queen Tricia ❤️ I’m a retired hairstylist so I go to the local beauty supply store and get my items . Damn I was out there last month and thinking no I can wait on the color .😢. Then my store closed up a week later . I could order online from them I suppose and I probably will at the end of the month. I use Framesi color. Very good in covering white hair and makes it shiny . I also need my shampoo and conditioner which I’ll get for sure soon ! Thank you for the advice and stay strong n healthy sis !🥰

  28. I'm going to make a day of it! Shopping in the morning, a movie in the afternoon, dinner at my favorite waterfront restaurant followed by an ice cream cone that I'll eat while I window shop downtown.

  29. Not in isolation. Laughing at the sheeple walking around in masks and gloves

  30. Alf, you're the baddest badass of all.

  31. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Eat pizza

  32. Does anyone think this is going to actually end? They keep upping the ante for how this virus is passed along!

  33. Haircut, nail appointment, a cocktail at a nice restaurant.

  34. It doesn't work like that folks. The Spanish flu and the massive death toll was because it came in three waves. There's a second wave going on now in Asia. People get out of stay at home, and rush back in too fast, without social distancing, hand washing cleaning, and you get a second wave. Dr. Fauci said never to shake hands, keep 6 ft. social distancing and be extremely diligent about hand washing.

    Singapore's second wave of cases is a glimpse at what the US may be in for

    1. Yes. The shelter at home deal was to buy time to stock up on ventilators and experiment with treatments/vaccines. Infections will probably pop when people get back to life, then again in the late fall, if there is no vaccine by then.

  35. Get a haircut! Luckily, I live in a place where it is a treat to be in my yard. Gorgeous weather and beautiful scenery, so self-isolation is not painful. It's good for my bank balance not to shop. It makes a tiny dent in the significant amount I lost in the stock market. :( It will be nice when normalcy returns and I can go into a grocery store without having to wear a mask or stand in a line to get in.

  36. And then go to back to back movies, go to a couple of museums, shop at Homegoods and go back to my volunteer project

  37. Go to an arcade/bar.

  38. Haircut and eyebrows fixed

  39. You too @La Morena:))))

  40. Love it. Never leaving.

  41. Hug people that I love. Repeatedly.

  42. I'm gonna live life as if this BS never happened...bc it didn't.


  43. Go to work, get my hair dyed and cut (since I'm laid off atm I can't afford it), go out, get drunk and have sex with a hot guy. Ok, pretty much any guy. At this point I'm also really happy if I get to celebrate my 40th anywhere but home. Was planning on going on a party holiday somewhere in Mediterranean maybe. Yeah, not happening this summer.

  44. Oh, I can't wait to do our usual "boring" date night of dinner and a movie.

  45. Chinese buffet sans the bats and tentacles.

  46. I work at a "essential" store so the first thing I want to do is say fuck you and quit.

  47. I think I’ll just stay home. I didn’t like going out before & that certainly hasn’t changed!

  48. Go to the beach (Pt. Mugu) and have a picnic lunch with family/friends/dogs

  49. Lift weights at gym. My back is killing me from telecommuting from home. And get my hair cut.

  50. Greasy burger, fries with ketchup and a tall cold shake.

  51. Haircut. Already starting to look like cousin It.

  52. No Glenn ivy spa uor traveling until their is a vaccine. How sad

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  54. going to my fave thrift shop and filling up 10 carts

  55. I’m pretty much living exactly the same as before the pandemic. I hate modern society, so I’m fine with all this! And I’m not afraid either. No masks for me.
