Saturday, February 01, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 3, 2020

This now deceased guy was like the J Edgar Hoover of sports. The secrets he kept are huge, but the one everyone wants is the deal he made with the permanent A++ list athlete to take a break for a couple of years after the gambling scandal that could have taken down the sport for all time.

David Stern/Michael Jordan

Blind Item #8

It is that time of the year where this former A- list rapper starts talking about A listers and what they did to her when she was barely a teen. They then write her a check to keep her quiet. It is how she earns a living.

Blind Item #7

Apparently the alliterate former actress was willing to latch onto anything that would give her a paycheck regardless of the quality of the project. That is not going to be a good look if that continues.

Blind Item #6

This actor turned host is desperately trying to hide the fact he is bisexual. His wife knows, but not very many other people.

Blind Item #5

The final straw in that whole relationship between the former A list tweener actress who once got naked for the world and her now ex was when his female co-star posted a photo wearing the actor's shirt after a sex session.

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 3, 2020

This huge YouTube star is being controlled by a married man who wanted to have sex with the star. He got her hooked on drugs to the point where she needs rehab or will die. She is dependent on him for drugs and he forces her to have sex with him for the drugs. His wife just found out in the past couple of days. His employer also discovered it within the past 48 hours.

Lia Marie Johnson

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 2, 2020

The directionally challenged rapper confirmed this week what I told you last week. The former A list rapper turned actor turned professional online feuder doesn't have the money to own the cars he says he does.

French Montana/50 Cent

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 2, 2020

The disgraced former morning news anchor wants to make it seem as if he is dating someone appropriate. So, the former intern he hooks up with all the time has to stay in the shadows. She is not happy about it.

Matt Lauer

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 2, 2020

That former tween/teen actress I wrote about last week with the getting naked in a movie decision read her blind. She has gone crazy deleting any kind of edginess from her Vimeo account.

Bailee Madison

Blind Item #4

The legal bill for the alliterate actress is nearing $1M with another $1M-$2M to spend and all she is doing is repeating the same tired arguments which have no chance of succeeding.

Blind Item #3

This one named A-/B+ list actress keeps trying to make things look like dating with guys, but she would be much happier if she could reveal her girlfriend to the world.

Blind Item #2

This oft troubled Oscar winner didn't seem to be bothered by anything this week at a party where he was drunk and still hitting on women who wished he wouldn't.

Blind Item #1

Back in the day this, A/A- list actor/musician who did soaps before prime time used to swing with his actress wife. When they split, he stopped. He is back doing it again though and doing it with an A-/B+ list actress and his wife.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Blind Item #12

The majority of the trashing directed towards the one named foreign born former A list singer is from the people associated with the A list everything in her mind performer.

Blind Item #11

The permanent A++ list singer is hooked on opiates. 

Blind Item #10

The C lit celebrity dad who has been a reality star and arrested more than a handful of times and is nowhere close to being the most famous in the family is running a ponzi scheme. 

Blind Item #9 - Reader Blind - Kindness

If you were a celebrity visiting Detroit in the early 1980’s, this restaurant was the place to be if you wanted to hob-nob with other local and visiting celebrities. To some employees, the closest they ever came to the famous guests was parking their cars.  One night, an employee mentioned to this two-time Oscar winner how popular he was with all of the car-parks.    He responded by taking the time to visit them in their shack, signing autographs and even performing a dance from his most famous role.

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 24, 2020

It took them about six months, but a trio of people managed to come up with the number of 114. That is the number of animals this former A+ list reality star has been seen with over the years. Where have they all gone. Most of the 114 were only seen once or twice.

Paris Hilton

Four For Friday - The Worst

I have often written about this back in the day A+ list mostly movie actor who used his fame to attract tweens and teens when he was in his 20's to 30's. He used to brag that he would turn them away if they were over 18. When he was at his most famous, he was barely 30 and would troll high schools using other students to find him new girls to assault. Back when he first started out though, he was even worse. Once he got that first taste of fame on a long running television show, he sexually assaulted two of his co-stars the very first season and neither of them ever acted again. They quit rather than to have to spend time with him again. They had main roles and just walked. Instead of the producers taking action against the actor, they gave him a raise. Not only that, but they started bringing in teens for him to hit on so they wouldn't lose any more main cast members. His lowest point was probably when, in the third season of the show, he told this tween that when she hit 13 he was coming after her. He did just that, only she was just 12. She is the one who is blowing the lid on the guy and has plenty more to share.

Your Turn

Who is winning the Super Bowl?

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 24, 2020

This former A list actor/general a-hole had a guy kicked out of a restaurant because they guy did what everyone should do when encountering the actor. Ask him why he is best friends with a serial rapist and an apologist for the rapist.

Ashton Kutcher/Danny Masterson

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 24, 2020

She has never been known as a huge party person, but this former A list tweener turned B+ list adult actress who once got naked for the world to see, has been boozing and partying to fall down levels over the past couple of weeks, almost every night.

Vanessa Hudgens

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 24, 2020

Two of the three in this family based group are already looking forward to the future, and once again, it does not include the third that has been shunned/ignored in the past.

Nick and Joe Jonas/Kevin Jonas

Blind Item #8 - Reader Blind

This deceased actor starred in three different successful TV series (two comedies and one adventure show with a title character from another medium).  He also starred in several series that didn’t make it past the first season.  One of the failed shows he starred in required him to do some research for the title role and he met some practitioners of the dark arts.  They gave him background information that he used on the show.  However, he offended these people by doing two things 1.) Expressing doubts whether what they did was real 2.) Not acknowledging them in the show’s credits for the help they gave.  They put a curse on him.  After this, two close family members died , a fire destroyed a lot of his personal effects, and he went through a career dry spell after the third successful series.  Finally, he went back to them and apologized.  The practitioners lifted the spell and he found new success in a behind the camera role.  However, not that long after, he got sick and died of a treatable form of this disease so maybe the curse wasn’t completely lifted.

Blind Item #7

This B- list host/sometime reality star who got his shot because of the kindness of others shows what kind of guy he is by taking shots at the permanent A list host who is too ill to fight back. Really nice. Unless you are someone who can advance his career or higher than him on the list, he is a jerk. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 24, 2020

Apparently over the holidays, this former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort showed up unannounced multiple times at the home of this writer/former A list mostly television actress, asking for a role in a new reboot of a movie they once worked on together.

Lindsay Lohan/Tina Fey/Mean Girls

Blind Item #6

He stole before and ended up shelling out millions upon millions of dollars so I don't know why anyone is surprised that this permanent A list music producer who is also a one hit wonder was stealing from the singers he produced. It is how he made his fortune.

Blind Item #5

As I have said before, this award giving musical organization could only promise people a nomination for their money, but not a win. This isn't like MTV and the A+ list singer very much wants them to be like MTV. 

Blind Item #4

The flowering financial institution is out there showing people she wants to reach that she is perfectly willing to talk about her spells and the occult and witchcraft. 

Blind Item #3

This permanent A list mostly movie actor recently talked about his wife. He also implied what I have been telling you for years about his second family with an actress that has been going on forever.

Blind Item #2

She meant it as an anecdote, but the former A/A- list singer from back in the day just added another notch to why this A list singer/bad actor is such a tool.

Blind Item #1

The alliterate actor from the now defunct network show has been replaced in his duties as pickup master by one of his co-stars on the show who now finds the young young men for the disgraced director.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Blind Item #12

Considering the number of guys she cheated with, in particular during the filming of one movie, it is pretty rich that this former A/A- list singer/reality star is accusing her ex of cheating during their marriage. He probably did, but take a look in the mirror or in the bookcase of that one danger loving actor who has a nice little tape he sometimes pulls out.

Blind Item #11

The buzz south of LA is that a family member of a victim from the tragedy this past weekend is using his gofundme as a personal bank account. Everyone who knows the family member hasn't given a dime, but across the country, people have no idea what a freeloader the person is. 

Blind Item #10

That bar star continues to make comments about the sexuality of other people, but somehow neglects to mention the fact he used to sell himself to older men every month to pay rent.

Blind Item #9

One thing the permanent A++ list celebrity likes to keep quiet is the huge amount of money she makes each year from a publisher, not to write for, but to promote their books. So, it shouldn't be a shocker about her most recent endorsement.

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 23, 2020

Apparently the powers that be forced the former A+ list mostly television actor turned B+ list actor who has been around forever, to recant his true statement about his loathing of the permanent A+ lister. That kind of story doesn't work well with a goody goody image or an Oscar campaign.

Henry Winkler/Tom Hanks

Today's Blind Items - The Excuse

With the upcoming nuptials, there has been a lot of back and forth with friends on this side of the Atlantic. That leads to golden gossip. It can also lead to some shocking revelations. Several months back, this royal pedophile used an outlandish excuse as an alibi. The excuse seemingly was pulled out of nowhere and no one believed a word he said. It was interesting he chose that particular establishment because a friend of his offspring was going to be in the offspring's wedding until it was mentioned. The reason for pulling out? Well, at one point in time, he did take the kids there and also some of the kids friends. This would have been about the time he was allowing his way underage daughter to spend time with the billionaire pedophile. A female friend of the offspring was along for one of the dinners to the establishment mentioned and said the royal cornered her in the female restroom and groped her and penetrated her with his fingers while trying to kiss her and telling her that he knew what she needed. While this was going on, someone started banging on the door because they needed to use the restroom and she managed to get away. Several times after that night, whenever she would see him, he would always try and kiss her, but he never got close enough to do what he had that night.

When she heard the name of the restaurant, that was it for her. Apparently there was a huge argument about her going to the police all these years later and this is what has led to her departure from the wedding party.

Your Turn

The best museum you have been to.

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 23, 2020

The former A+ list rapper is playing on thin ice going after the one named foreign born A+ list rapper. He knows what the foreign born rapper has in his possession and isn't afraid to use it. I'm shocked the wife of the former A+ list rapper hasn't stepped in more aggressively considering she is the subject of all the material. Well, most of it. There is a sister involved too.

Kanye West/Drake/Kim Kardashian/Kylie Jenner

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 23, 2020

This musically talented sibling who is probably better vocally than her more famous sibling is canceling shows again. She can say what she wants, but even the press on her side knows it is substance abuse issues.


Blind Items Revealed #2

January 23, 2020

I would applaud all the things this actor/host/celebrity/wannabe rapper said in a social media post discussing some claims about him. However, he has said the exact same types of things and thought they were fine when directed towards others.

Nick Cannon

Blind Item #8 - Reader Blind

Sex traffickers and other criminals using celebrities as front people and also for their ability to travel is not a recent invention.

A number of decades ago, this foreign born strikingly beautiful female became a beauty pageant winner then a successful model while still in her teens.  At this time, two things happened 1.) She made a lot of contacts with the criminal underworld in her native country 2.) She was introduced to drugs.

On the latter point, she was what is called a functioning addict. She used on and off throughout her life but it never interfered with her career. However, it did damage her health and was a factor in her relatively early death. It was also a factor in a near fatal accident she had.

From modelling, she became an actress first in her own country then in the USA.  Her biggest success was in the first of a number of film reboots of this TV series. She adopted a stunning look for this film and was on a lot of magazine covers.  After that, her Hollywood career tailed off and she returned to film and TV work in her home country.

She also started doing a lot of work for her criminal contacts particularly in facilitating the trafficking of young girls. International charity work, which she did a lot of later in her life, was a good front for this and at any given time she was often seen in the company of five or six young girls who were in the process of being transferred to wealthy clients.

The actress/model herself was not very sexual despite a couple of marriages (second one was a bearding arrangement) and public romances in the US with a politician known for a car accident and also her co-star in an action film, an actor known for the lead in two different franchises .  This was the result of rapes she endured when first entering modelling as a teen.

Blind Item #7

This foreign born A+ list athlete in his sport which no one really watches except for rich people says the royal has attempted suicide more than once.

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 23, 2020

Not only did the A- list singer/crap actor make sure the paps were front and center for some staged photos with his wife, he also used it as a marketing opportunity by telling the pap the names of the companies that made certain items of the clothing being worn.

Justin Timberlake/Jessica Biel

Blind Item #6

This foreign born former A+ list tweener has been blowing off rehearsals for his new tour. This is going to end in a spectacular fail.

Blind Item #5

Supposedly this foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor is in a long time relationship with the mother of his children. So, that very young actress he was groping the other night was just a friend??

Blind Item #4

This awards organization was pressured into using the singer of the moment for their show so people could see how great she is. No one thinks she is great. She was manufactured and sold as someone great and won't be anywhere this time next year.

Blind Item #3

This one named singer was gifted a producer and some tracks for her comments about a situation involving an ex which made it seem as if the ex actually was dating a reality star/model.

Blind Item #2

As I previously told you, and has now been confirmed, the A list everything in her mind and the foreign born former A list singer are to the point where they can't even share the same stage this weekend.

Blind Item #1

This A+/A list mostly movie actor is ticked off he is going through another round of dating this singer/actress because her people wanted to give it one more try.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Blind Item #12 - Reader Blind

This long lived, deceased Oscar winning/Oscar nominated actor was married a number of times and at least one of his wives has described him as abusive.

One thing that all of his wives would agree on(including the two who were celebrities in their own right and also his last wife whom he was married to the longest) is he liked to choke his partner during sex and got really turned on if he could force unconsciousness.

Blind Item #11 - Reader Blind

Recently, the two founding, constant members of this permanent A+ band that has not been active in several decades and whose heyday was even further back, met to discuss a possible tour.

The two members, a singer/songwriter and an instrumentalist lesser singer/songwriter, are closely related but their animosity towards each other is legendary.

The meeting did not last long as an argument broke out immediately and escalated to the singer/songwriter mimicking the other member’s health problems - Dragging one foot and slurring his words.

Blind Item #10

Speaking of music videos, this foreign born former A+ list boy bander wanted to make out with a guy in the video but the record label said no. 

Blind Item #9

Filming her latest music video is taking forever because of all the coke breaks this A- list singer needs. In addition to the coke breaks, she complains about the temperature and her wardrobe and then needs another break "to get herself together."

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 21, 2020

This foreign born A- list model is supposed to be in a serious relationship. This past week, she and a one named A list DJ had a threesome with a woman they picked up at a party.

Cara Delevingne/Diplo

Today's Blind Items - The Other Side

It is fairly rare that I use the big blind of the day to talk about something from this country on the opposite side of the world, but it is just too interesting to not discuss. Plus, it will make you work a little bit to get the answers. With all the digging I have been doing on the B+ list actress from that country, a lead told me to look into a producer that our actress has been known to sleep with, not so much for parts, but also for favors from others who can then do something for her. They have also done some producing together. This is one of her main benefactors. Right now he is embroiled in a scandal for agreeing to pay stars their asking rate and then, after they have signed, cut their salaries as much as half. If the star tries to back out he calls them greedy. Meanwhile, he is funneling the money he is saving into other schemes, some of which he has done with the actress. The blind though is not really about all of that, but instead, the killing of his wife so he could sleep with as many actresses as he wanted without scandal. He made sure he had an airtight alibi, but he also knew her habits and knew she would eventually take the pill that killed her. The pill which was a replacement for one of the many she took each day.

Your Turn

If the technology was available, would you cryogenically freeze yourself, to come back at a later time?

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 22, 2020

Good luck winning that lawsuit. The alliterate former actress wanted press outlets to have to pay her for photos, not the agency that took them. Notice they are not being mean to the outlet that took the pictures, only the ones using it. If you leave the bubble, this is what happens. I'm also not sure how you can compare someone in the woods you invited to being pursued in a high speed night time car chase, but, you love pulling that comparison.

Meghan Markle

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 22, 2020

The streaming giant just reported that last year, it blew through the largest mountain of cash in the company’s history.  Of course, they said that this year would finally be when they burn through about only 75% of that amount.  two years ago, they said the same thing and were wrong.

Meanwhile, they finally had to admit what I told you years ago, that the viewership numbers they report are total crap.  The government regulators must have taken notice and  made them do that.


Blind Items Revealed #2

January 21, 2020

That didn't take long. This A-/B+ list actress most recently supposedly in a long term loving relationship with a wannabe A++ lister was sucking face with another man this weekend.

Rosario Dawson/Cory Booker

Blind Item #8 - Reader Blind

The diehard and fanatical fans of this foreign born singer who is A/A+ in his native country and who has a new album coming out soon would be surprised to know certain aspects of his real life that are seemingly in contradiction to the public persona he has built up over the years in lyrics, in interviews, and even in his own autobiography.

For one, he has at least two illegitimate children, the result of encounters while on the road. One was conceived during his time in a now defunct band that is still popular today.  He has always been coy about his sexuality, he is bisexual, but in fact, contrary to popular opinion, he has had more relationships with women than men.

Also not known is his violent temper.  He headbutted a promoter in the early days breaking the man’s eye socket.  He put a former bandmate in the hospital and has been known to get into fights in pubs.  He is bigger and stronger in real life than he appears on TV and in videos.

He has always downplayed the fact he was a very good athlete as a teenager but, despite his statements mocking this, has always been into working out especially in his glory days several decades ago and travels with a personal trainer.

Those who have met him during unguarded moments have also commented on the fact that his natural speaking style is much coarser and working class than the affected voice he puts on in interviews.  He grew up in a tough neighborhood and this reflects that.

The last couple years, this singer has been in trouble for comments he has made.  Those comments are in fact closer to who he actually is and what he actually believes which reflect a certain type of character named after a hairstyle he sang about in some of his earlier songs.

Blind Item #7

This foreign born former A- list mostly television actress who starred in a now-defunct hit pay cable show became an ambassador for a makeup brand that still tests on animals and has people talking on why she signed with them as she knew about it. So they ended up gifting her a puppy so that it would distract people from the animal testing controversy and paid mass amount of money for PR articles to be written up about her Instagram post to cover it up.

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 21, 2020

Over the weekend, at a pre-screened audience no less, this permanent A++ list celebrity was heckled and booed while speaking.


Blind Item #6

With all the stories this foreign born B+ list actress is having her people spread, you would think her landing a role in an upcoming massive reboot has her as the star and that the whole movie is contingent on her signing on. Umm, she will be about 8th in the billing, if not a little lower. 

Blind Item #5

The manager and the foreign born former A+ list tweener had dinner together to discuss the health of the singer. The mom lost the argument. The singer will tour until he is run into the ground.

Blind Item #4

This Oscar nominated director for this year has been hanging out in clubs where one picks up women for the night and gives them a generous tip.

Blind Item #3

Once again, the alliterate ex of this A++ list celebrity has been asked to join a reality franchise. One of the stars of it hung around her this past week several times in an attempt to convince her to join.

Blind Item #2

Apparently the disgraced producer's back was fine when he was having sex with the woman he calls his girlfriend. She told her friends that for three straight nights he wouldn't leave her alone. Or shower.

Blind Item #1

Under relentless pressure from the momager's office, the office of this one named permanent A list singer gave in and sent the A list reality star a box she could open.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Blind Item #12 - Reader Blind

This influential foreign born mostly retired A+ musician who is considered a virtuoso on his particular instrument has long had a problem with violence towards women.

His physical abuse of both romantic partners and groupies is well known and documented in at least one ex’s book.

But it wasn’t just women he was sleeping with. Over the years it escalated to a point where the musician would punch random autograph seekers or any woman who approached him.  He usually aimed for the head or the face.

On the farewell tour of this “dark” band which was his claim to fame, after a couple of lawsuits, the musician had assigned to him a handler who kept him away from female fans.

Blind Item #11 - Reader Blind

This Oscar nominated actor has been in many great movies.  He can be play all kinds of roles but is probably most famous for villainous ones.

He looks very good for his age and lives a very healthy lifestyle.  While not something he talks about with the press, privately he advocates an unusual routine which is drinking a glass of his own urine every morning. He is a strong believer in the health benefits of this. 

Blind Item #10

Speaking of cheating, it looks like this host of multiple shows on differing networks is trading in his long time girlfriend for a flight attendant he has long been hooking up with but decided to make more permanent. 

Blind Item #9

This former athlete turned movie guy was hooking up with someone this week while out of town who was most definitely not his wife. He said he has to keep his groupies happy.

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 21, 2020

This foreign born/probable one hit wonder who has that hit playing right now says he was wasted out of his mind and freaking out at the same time when he met the abandoning royal.

Lewis Capaldi/Prince Harry

Today's Blind Items - Two Summers - Part Two

The middle of the night sex was the beginning of the end of the relationship between B & C. At that point, he began to pull back. He was trying to lay low and talked about moving to a different country to see what that was like. It was very hard to keep a low profile because of who C was. The press was becoming more interested at a time when B was really sweating his involvement in that tragic event. P isn't sure if he provided money and his expertise, or was even more deeply involved. From what she was told and pieced together, P thinks that B was the person who was the day to day manager of the operation, but probably not the person who initially conceived of the idea.

For her part, C couldn't understand why B was pulling away when C had done nothing but show unconditional love and support and ready to make a permanent commitment. Slowly, C began digging into B a little more. Why would he disappear for a few nights without any warning, and while gone, not be in touch. P doesn't know much about things from C's perspective because all of her knowledge comes from what B told her. Apparently C suspected B was cheating or already had a wife and family in one of the many countries he was always traveling to. This caused C to use her connections to dig. This went on for many months. Around Easter that year, the couple had a very big fight about what he had been doing and then at the beginning of May, there was another argument where she confronted him about things she had discovered. B decided to publicly break with C so she would stop trying to look into his past and what he was doing when away from his normal profession. It didn't work. Instead, C reached out to a friend of a friend who put her in touch with someone who knew everyone in the Middle East. That person connected C to someone. P doesn't know who it was. B would always tell P that C found out from someone what exactly happened. Maybe an intelligence agent. Maybe someone who knew about the operation. All B knew was that C called him and told him she knew and that she was deciding what to do. That hesitation because of her love of B cost C. If she had gone right away to the media or police or anything, it would not have given B enough time to put a plan in place. Compared to the plan of the previous summer, this was a piece of cake. Those are the words he told P. B said, "it was a piece of cake." It took two bribes and a spiked drink and a passerby with a strobe light. Done and done. P said B was cold and very matter of fact about what he had done. It was time to pick up and start a new life. The problem was he was not given that chance and for a decade had to play a role he hated. That hate grew. It was at the peak of that hate that P came into his life. He released that hate on P and told his stories. P was miserable. She often thought she wouldn't make it out alive, but had powerful protectors that B would never cross.

Your Turn

First video game/arcade game you ever played.

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 21, 2020

This A-/B+ list mostly television actress from a long running network comedy which she will never duplicate, has stopped taking pics with fans because she says they don't appreciate her enough or respect her time enough. Please, she works a few hours a day four days a week for six months a year and makes millions.

Sarah Hyland

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 20, 2020

SAG Awards

This foreign born former A- list singer who is probably B/B- list right now, certainly was enjoying the booze and other party favors like it was a decade ago and she was famous.

Lily Allen

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 20, 2020

SAG Awards

This A- list celebrity offspring has an exciting new role that she isn't supposed to be discussing. A few drinks later, she spilled everything.

Zoe Kravitz/Catwoman

Blind Item #8 - Reader Blind

This occurred on a somewhat surreal sitcom many years ago. All the people involved are deceased.

The attractive foreign born lead actress came from an acting family and had a noticeable accent.  This aging supporting actor on the show was most famous previously for being a sidekick in a specific genre of films.

The supporting actor had grown obsessed with the female lead and his character on the show being oily and dishonest allowed him a chance to harass the actress. At first she ignored it but one day he made the mistake of touching her.  The actress, who had done some fighting as part of her work-out routine,  immediately punched the supporting actor in the nose bloodying it and knocking him down.

The Oscar nominated lead actor on the show who was not on set at the time supported her action. On her behalf, he had already warned the supporting actor to knock it off. Needless to say, the supporting actor did not bother her again. 

Blind Item #7 - Reader Blind

This deceased writer/publisher of a well known magazine that still runs was also known for having a television show. His manner and speaking style were mocked on sketch comedy shows many times.

He preferred sexual relations with men rather than with women but like a lot of men of his generation he could not acknowledge this and so married and had children. In addition, the audience he cultivated would not have accepted this.

He spent a lot of time with homosexual prostitutes from a specific procurer.  He would often tell his favorites that he would refer to them on his TV show by assigning them an obscure word, Latin or old English, and then use the word on his show that week.

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 18, 2020

This foreign born permanent A- list celebrity is out looking to raise money again for a new project. It will probably lose millions of dollars like her last one, but people just throw money at her anyway.

Victoria Beckham

Blind Item #6

Of course the barely there celebrity parent of this barely there celebrity was thrilled she was getting married. Since then, the offspring has been able to support everyone and they haven't had to work. There has been no more talk of tax liens or losing their homes in foreclosure either. 

Blind Item #5

The alliterate actress turned royal turned whatever it is she is now wants to drop her lawsuit, but the tabloid isn't letting her off the hook. They don't even care if they lose at this point. They want their days in court and the spectacle of the trial.

Blind Item #4

Unlike some cases where celebrities really are not invited to award shows, this A-/B+ list singer/celebrity offspring has a standing invitation to attend the Grammy Awards, but chose not to go because she had nothing to plug. She told her "boyfriend" she wasn't invited so she wouldn't have to play make believe for an entire night in front of the cameras.

Blind Item #3

At the same party as #2, this foreign born B+ list mostly movie actress all of you know who starred in a franchise directed by her ex was daring anyone at the party to stop her from illegally chain smoking cigarettes while prowling the party. One cigarette lighting the next for the entire time she was there. 

Blind Item #2

This A-/B+ list mostly television actress from a long running hit sitcom got drunk last night at a party with her new boyfriend and confirmed they were hooking up when she was still with her last boyfriend.

Blind Item #1

Apparently this former Teen Mom that you wouldn't expect, has found a guy who is wiling to pay to be with her on a monthly basis. 

Monday, January 27, 2020

Blind Item #14 - Grammy Awards - Mr. X

Which one named musician and Grammy winner and recent defector of that cult had bodyguards with him when he arrived because he thought his limo was being followed by cult goons, probably sent by his still in the cult ex? 

Blind Item #13 - Grammy Awards - Mr. X

Which manager/reality star/host and generally vile human being told a reporter to f**k off when they asked about her sending her ailing husband on another tour (probably his last)  in the condition he's in? 

Blind Item #12 - Grammy Awards - Mr. X

Which singer/actress/celeb spawn sibling of an EGOT who attended one of the main pre Grammys parties was to attend with her more famous sibling, but older sister hasn't been out of her house in a while. Mainly because she's pretty much wheelchair bound and needs assistance to walk.

Blind Item #11 - Grammy Awards - Mr. X

Speaking of the icon from the previous BI, apparently she confirmed in that same conversation  that she has indeed pulled out of a project that was to be produced by that one-named host/mogul for obvious reasons. Finally she came to her senses! 

Blind Item #10 - Grammy Awards - Mr. X

Which A+ list icon was overheard at the big pre Grammys party was overheard saying that she and her former sister in law are financing her nephew's documentary about her late higher on the list sibling? Don't be surprised if they agree to be interviewed as well. 

Blind Item #9 - Grammy Awards - Mr. X

What member of that legendary hip-hip trio (now duo) barred reporters on the red carpet from asking any questions about his scandal ridden brother?

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 18, 2020

Apparently the story is that you couldn't buy a win from this award giving music organization, but you could buy a nomination.

Grammy Awards (and the next day, this was confirmed)

Today's Blind Items - Two Summers

Several months ago, Bani forwarded the contact information of someone who had a story to share. Because the contact came from Bani, I assumed it would be someone with a yachting story. It promised to be a good yachting story, but not much else. I was wrong. In a series of messages over the course of late last year and early last year, I was introduced to a person I will call P.

P came to know Bani because many of her family members have used his services. When she once started to tell her story to him, he told her to pass it on to me. It has been well over a decade since she was told the story by someone she was married to out of an arrangement, but definitely not love. That being said, she went into it with an open heart and mind. It was only a few months into the marriage that she saw she was just being used to deflect and distract. It was during that marriage that she was told/discovered/looked into something she has been carrying ever since. I am not the first person she has told the story to, but others told her to keep it to herself and what could anyone do about it now.

It started nearly twenty five years ago. A chance meeting between a man we will call B and a woman we will call C. Legend over the past twenty five years was that the meeting was chance. That is not the case. B had been trained for his role and he was ready and he did his job. His job was to sweep C off her feet. He was going to get one chance and he took it and knocked it out of the park. C was crazy about him. Right from the beginning, she was smitten. A few months after they first met, C had to go to NYC to accept an award. C was always getting awards. C was a permanent A++ lister even back then. Her understanding was that B was going to stay away and not attend because he was always staying in the shadows. He never wanted to be seen. He never wanted to be photographed. In addition, apparently he had some visa issues and it would just be easier for him to stay home.

So, imagine the surprise of C to see B in NYC when he said he wouldn't be able to make it. B had always planned on going to NYC, but the "surprise" to C gave him a great cover. Despite them being together in the city, and this wonderful romantic gesture, B only stayed with C one night and told her he had pressing business and had to return back as quickly as possible. The thing is though, he didn't return home. He met with some friends of his from his home country.

Throughout the next few months, C rarely left the side of B. When B said he had to return to his home country in the spring to see his family because of an illness, C insisted on coming. This was a huge deal. B had not planned on C saying yes. B had meetings with some people he previously met in NYC and needed to keep a low profile. This was the complete opposite of that. He had no choice though. Instead of getting away to meet with the people, he invited them to his family home and introduced them to C as relatives. In all of this C seemed to have forgotten all about the "sick" family member that necessitated the visit. She hadn't, but that wouldn't come out for some time.

As spring turned to summer C had another trip to the States. Part of the reason for her traveling at that time was B said he was going to be very busy for the next few weeks and even might have to go home and see the "sick" family member again. He did go back to his home country and he also made another trip to NYC. His visa problems had been solved because of his relationship with C.

B and C were together in bed in the middle of the night when the news broke about a horrible tragedy that killed hundreds of people. Apparently B, instead of being in shock about the whole thing decided this would be the perfect opportunity to have sex with C. There are some gaps in some parts of P's story and this was one of them. Not so much a gap, but one time she was told by B that C had said no and B forced her. A different time, B said C thought it was amazing to have sex during the middle of the night.

Part Two tomorrow.

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 19, 2020

Speaking of not living with your spouse, this former escort turned celebrity turned actress turned reality star turned actress has been hooking up with her musician ex who got kicked out of the greatest gig of his life because he couldn't stop using.

Denise Richards/Richie Sambora/Bon Jovi

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 20, 2020

SAG Awards

This older sibling of an acting family is really breaking free from her past because she is signing on to a new film which will require multiple sex scenes.

Dakota Fanning

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 18, 2020

This music manager is trying to rehab his own image through a documentary about a client that the manager had final cut on. It makes the manager appear to be some type of angel, when that is clearly not the case.

Scooter Braun/Justin Bieber

Blind Item #8

The foreign born A-/B+ list actress loves the red carpet for the big shows. Absolutely loves it. Even performances from the supposed love of her life though brings out yawns during and golf claps at the end.

Blind Item #7

Tick tock on the fake relationship for the foreign born singers. Despite the pair seated next to each other, the director was told to not get a reaction shot from the north of the border singer when his "girlfriend" was singing. Reason? He hadn't decided if he was going to be seated there during the performance or not.

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 18, 2020

It figures that the massive online tabloid who isn't a friend to victims of sexual assault sold massive amounts of ad space promoting the foreign born serial rapist's return to the ring.

TMZ/Conor McGregor

Blind Item #6

Despite a little hiccup in coverage, it appears this media conglomerate which owns Kneepads and will put the couple on the cover once again as part of the deal, also landed the first interview with the talk show they own which is hosted by the one named host. 

Blind Item #5

The former A+ list singer who presented last night not only showed off new work to her face but also her new love for Adderall. 

Blind Item #4

The co-star/thrown under the bus actress in a recent scandal managed to land a pretty big yachting gig because of all the publicity. 

Blind Item #3

Once again the Academy decided to pretend the three named ingenue didn't exist in favor of the artist who was more willing to go along with the narrative the record industry wanted. What that artist doesn't know is that she is going to be one and done much like the foreign born one named singer that came before her that everyone thought was the second coming at the time a few years ago.

Blind Item #2

Theatrics were fine for the Grammy performance, but next week those are not allowed. Apparently there has not been a good enough take for the backing track yet for next week which has organizers a little worried for this A-/B+ list singer.

Blind Item #1

At a pre Grammy party, this long time back in the day A list rapper got asked if she was Snooki. That even got a laugh from her.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 18, 2020

A producer is attempting to start a documentary about the assaulting of underage performers that this mogul/rapper has been doing for two decades. Every single one of you know who this mogul/rapper is. Everyone of your friends does. When the producer started reaching out to people for interviews, it took about two hours for his first death threat. Not a legal threat, but a death threat.

Sean Combs

Blind Item #8

It is great that celebrities are calling for the permanent A list "singer" to be free, but they are not actually doing anything substantive about it. That is the way Hollywood is. If there is any kind of work involved other than a social media post, it is just too much effort.

Blind Item #7

This 30 something executive who had been sexually assaulting this A- list rapper/influencer who is old enough to drive, but not much else on an almost daily basis, filed a police report against the rapper who has taken his place. Where are the parents?

Blind Item #6

This foreign born back in the day A/A- list singer who may or may not have been replaced by a body double sure did get some work done to her face within the past couple of months. An extensive amount of work. Everything is just so tight on her face. Her smile is frozen in place.

Blind Item #5

Considering he slept with someone other than his wife at the party last year, and that the foreign born permanent A list singer was also in attendance, it shouldn't surprise anyone that the one named permanent A list singer just did a quick meet and greet and was gone from her husband's annual shindig. 

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 17, 2020

Quite the sight to see this foreign born permanent A list model have to crawl under her table at lunch to retrieve a vial of coke which fell out of her purse when she opened it to pay for her meal.

Kate Moss

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 17, 2020

This week, one of the largest media companies in the world laid off nearly 1,000 people who are being replaced by computers. Did the A list face of this company talk about it or mention it or even care how many people in his exact position were also replaced by computers? Nope. He doesn't care. The DJ/host/producer only cares about himself and his hair.

 iHeartRadio/Ryan Seacrest

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 17, 2020

Her original backer bailed when the costs spiraled out of control, so the actress turned escort had to find different financial backers to help her finish her sure to fail musical project. I wonder what she had to do for the money.

Lindsay Lohan/recording album

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 17, 2020

It's kind of creepy that all the intimate social media posts from this A list singer/bad actor directed towards his significant other are actually done by a PR team.

Justin Timberlake/Jessica Biel

Blind Item #4

No one could figure out why this foreign born A-/B+ list actress was at a music event this weekend. No one had even previously met her. She just wanted to be seen.

Blind Item #3

This foreign born former A+ list tweener turned A- list adult singer has recently been making friends worried with comments about the end being near and things are too tough. He says he feels like a commodity being exploited and doesn't see a way out.

Blind Item #2

This disgraced A- list mostly movie actor knows everything he did with this A- list mostly movie actress is going to look so bad for him in many of his court cases. He doesn't want his accusers to know anything about it.

Blind Item #1

This barely there female celebrity offspring of much much higher on the list celebrity has been mocking rape victims while holding herself out to be a supporter of victim's rights. She should cut back on that drinking too because that is becoming an issue.