Saturday, June 06, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 30, 2020

I don't think this network actually paid the disgraced director to trash his child, but it sure seems that way. Maybe they agreed to run a marathon of his movies or something for their new streaming channel.

NBC/Woody Allen/Ronan Farrow/Peacock

Blind Item #8

Ohhh, this just got more interesting. The bad guy in the divorce apparently has audio recordings of his soon to be ex wife discussing the death of the foreign born A lister. This is one of a collection of audio recordings between the pair. 

Blind Item #7

Speaking of drugs, this back in the day A- lister who has tried to stay afloat with really bad television movies, actually gained five pounds which made her look less Castaway like. Apparently that just made her start taking Adderall to lose it all.

Blind Item #6

This A- list rapper/frequent celebrity dater was warned about his frequent trips to the bathroom during a recent meal. He was incredibly coked out.

Blind Item #5

There is hope on the horizon that this A list mostly television actress who stars in a long long long long long running network show has finally split with her serial cheating husband.

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 30, 2020

The rapping child rapist/snitch likes to act tough, but knows if he tried to actually fight anyone he would get destroyed, so he beats up on tied up women instead.


Blind Items Revealed #3

May 29, 2020

This former Housewife is really pushing her new relationship because she wants back on the show. She is also trying to give herself other story lines and using Kneepads to do it.

Meghan Edmonds/RHOC/People Magazine

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 29, 2020

The A list singer who would rather be acting made it seem as if she was donating six figures to charity. Nope. It is a company that is doing it.

Lady GaGa/Postmates

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 29, 2020

This A list dual threat actor who is married to someone equal to or higher on the list was asked if he would donate all the money he made from a recent sale and he said absolutely not.

John Krasinski/Some Good News

Blind Item #4

Once again, this foreign born A-/B+ list actress is being called out for being a thirsty hypocrite. Nothing new. 

Blind Item #3

The same story ran a year ago about the same suspect in this long running child abduction case. There are no new leads from a year ago. It is literally the exact same story. Why run it again now? There was a sketch circulated in the second round that looked remarkably like the madam/procurer, but the suspect for the abduction has been in jail and there are photos. 

Blind Item #2

This daytime talk show host says one thing out of their mouth, but for years, they were one of the  behind the scenes reasons why another separate Pride parade had to be set up in south Los Angeles. 

Blind Item #1

Don't believe the hype, this Jeffrey Epstein loving, former A+ list actor was never dating anyone for over a decade. It was all about promoting a single for a singer.

Friday, June 05, 2020

Blind Item #11

This didn't quite get into bad band behavior because it is kind of funny. Apparently an employee for this one named permanent A++ list singer was fired. As part of the severance, the singer agreed to fly the employee cross country back to the employee's home. The singer was on tour at the time. Well, the singer arranged for the flight back to have either two or three connections knowing that there was no way all of the planes would be on time. He was right, and the employee had to spend a night in the airport which the singer considered punishment. Apparently the fired employee never complained about the flights or the airport floor and the singer hired him back the next day and flew him to the singer first class.

Blind Item #10

There appears to be a coordinated effort on multiple fronts from reporters and bloggers to force out of the closet a "public figure" who supports anti LGBT policies. As in, this is happening in the next day or two. 

Blind Item #9

This disgraced actor was up to his old tricks. A couple of months ago he cornered a room service waiter and kept offering him money for sex. When the guy refused, the actor complained to management. This is one of the actor's go to moves.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 28, 2020

This foreign born A-/B+ list actress told the major media outlets in her country, they needed to write an article each time she posts a message to social media or she will not give them any interviews.

Priyanka Chopra

Four For Friday - Bad Band Behavior

#1 - This foreign 80's hair metal band once tried to tattoo a baby elephant, but the tattoo artist bailed on them when he saw he the size of the elephant.

#2 - This permanent A list singer from a permanent A list band that has been around for many decades, once extended his stay at a hotel for five additional days because that is how long it took him to peel every inch of wallpaper off and pull up all the carpeting from his suite.

#3 - This permanent A+ list singer both in a group and solo had sex with multiple boyfriends before everyone decided she was waiting for the right guy. She had all the exes sign NDA's and then when one of them tried to talk about it anyway, it wasn't a lawyer sent to confront him, but two guys with guns. He never mentioned it again.

#4 - This former A- list singer who reached his peak in about the 2005-2007 range had his bedroom in the back of the bus. He would tell women that if they wanted to sleep with him, they had to walk past all the other men and women who were in the front parts of the bus. If they stopped her and wanted some kind of sex act, she had to do it. He never slept with any of those women. He just like to humiliate them.

Your Turn

From a reader

Through whatever circumstances someone offers you a part in a big Hollywood movie. It's a speaking part with the main star lasting around 10 minutes. Since you're an unknown you'll get paid $100K. The only catch is that the main star is someone whom you've expressed very negative opinions about on CDAN. Do you take the job?

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 28, 2020

Notice that no matter what direction the reunion talks are headed for this foreign boy band, every discussion always leaves out the junkie from the lineup.

One Direction/Zayn Malik

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 28, 2020

All the "friends" of this long time reality star from multiple shows who also has a floundering side business used as sources for tabloids, are actually just the reality star herself.

Kristin Cavallari

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 28, 2020

Of course the alliterate former actress had a member of her group be the source/instigator for the tabloid hit job on the family members she can't stand.

Meghan Markle/Vanessa Mulroney is bff with author of Tatler article about Kate Middleton

Blind Item #8

This B+ list actress has slipped from A- list now that her long running hit network show has ended and her cable gig has ended too. It turns out the new guy she is desperately in love with is cheating on her. Oh, and it is with someone he met at a party she threw for him.

Blind Item #7

The foreign born actress/singer/host is probably A- in the Spanish speaking world and B-/C+ list outside of it. Anyway, she says that she is married to the long time boyfriend of this permanent A list singer.

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 28, 2020

So, it looks like the narrative going forward is this former A++ lister has an open marriage so all of those women he has been with while in political office and after, are all just fine.

Bill Clinton

Blind Item #6

Apparently there were too many people blocking the shot at a protest, which is why this B+ list singer/celebrity/adult beverage was told to get on a vehicle by her photographer. 

Blind Item #5

This former A-list athlete was high as a kite when he pledged to run for President on social media.

Blind Item #4

It looks like the lawyers for this A list mostly movie actor have finally caught on to what I have been saying for years. The celebrity CEO was smitten with the A- list mostly movie actress and she talked him out of many millions of dollars over the years. Now, there will be a documentary trail of it.

Blind Item #3

This three named actor/creator/award winner who is probably A- list made a decision to hold off on the release of a project. He didn't do it out of kindness. He knew no one would be watching it right now and that would affect future deals with the company.

Blind Item #2

She was only there to be seen, but several people saw this foreign born A- list model who is also a really bad actress doing bumps of coke during the early stages of a protest earlier this week.

Blind Item #1

This former A+ list rapper has a long long list of donations made that never actually go through. Oh, and if you thought it was a one time check thing? No, no, no. It will be a certain amount over the next many many years that may at some point equal the amount stated.

Thursday, June 04, 2020

Blind Item #11

This former A-/B+ list actress turned escort, not named Lindsay Lohan has a special she does which includes her sister.

Blind Item #10

This former A+/A list mostly movie actress who had quite the stall in her career due to some drinking issues, is probably A-/B+ list now after some good television runs. She is back to drinking again though.

Blind Item #9

This B+ list celebrity offspring of former A listers spends a good hour a day online trashing the three named ingenue using some fake accounts. Apparently there was a boyfriend dispute a couple of years back.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 28, 2020

Why is anyone surprised? The former A+ list rapper paid the legal bills of her pedophile rapist brother. She married a child rapist/murderer. So, of course she is willing to collaborate with the rapper/child rapist/snitch. Why does she have fans again?

Nicki Minaj/Jelani Minaj/Kenneth Petty/Tekashi

Today's Blind Items - We Better Move - Old Hollywood

This permanent A+ list director is known for being dark and macabre. He is also known for the way he sexually assaulted women or forced himself on them. Sometimes he would combine the two. In the middle of World War 2, our married director invited an aspiring actress back to his home. At his house, things got out of hand and the woman was killed. The director had to tell his wife what happened and she said he needed to take care of the problem. Apparently his way to take care of the problem was to dig a hole and bury the body in the backyard. One week later on his wife's birthday he bought her a purse and inside the purse was a key and a note. The note said he took care of the problem and the key was to their new house without a dead body buried in the backyard.

Your Turn

Will any associate of Jeffrey Epstein ever be arrested?

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 28, 2020

If you are expecting the permanent A list rapper to come out and say anything that will rock the boat in his attempt to get an ownership stake in a NFL team, then you will be waiting a long time. Being in the NFL club matters to him more than anything else.

Jay Z

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 28, 2020

This streaming service is trying to make a big splash and just forked over a massive pike of money to try and make that happen. Might as well throw it in a dumpster and light it on fire. They have been played by this permanent A list director.

Apple/Martin Scorsese/"Killers of the Flower Moon"

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 27, 2020

This A+/A list actor can spin and spin, but the fact is he convinced people he was in it for the good, but was actually in it for the money.

John Krasinski/Some Good News

Blind Item #8

Apparently after getting arrested in his later years for a public sexual indiscretion, this recently deceased B+ list actor hired a permanent escort to see him once a week all the way up to about a month prior to his death.

Blind Item #7

Apparently they have not entirely learned their lesson. The parental unit of this desperate to be a celebrity offspring is pressuring some people he knows and does business with, to give his offspring an influencing deal.

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 26, 2020

This permanent A+ list mostly movie actor who starred in not one, not two, not three, but four movie franchises is having trouble getting insurance for an installment in his solo franchise. It appears age is catching up with him and he might never get to star in another installment.

Harrison Ford

Blind Item #6

This new relationship the mogul/frequent name changer has, will not last. They always leave once they discover his fetishes. 

Blind Item #5

It was not a voluntary exit for this daytime host, no matter how much they would like to portray it as such.

Blind Item #4

This one fifth singer turned one fourth singer has done nothing but nonstop partying for the past two months and needs rehab badly.

Blind Item #3

The B+ list celebrity offspring of a permanent A++ lister was wasted on something at a recent public event. She could barely even form a sentence.

Blind Item #2

This television jinx has always shared way too much about her home life which has caused her issues in the past. Her latest is really going to have some blow back.

Blind Item #1

This tall alliterate former A- list model once was the threesome partner for a couple who are in her extended family.

Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Blind Item #11

The alliterate actress already made a deal with Kneepads and is going to tell her side of the story with no push back or followup questions. Now the actress is also trying to find the right television host to do the same thing. 

Blind Item #10

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who enjoys going full frontal is attempting a Pattinson. He is telling people/media he already lined up the lead role in this long long long running spy franchise, hoping to make it hard for the producers to say no if it has already been reported.

Blind Item #9

This aging permanent A+ list celebrity/host/author is known for growing the best weed at her farm. She gives it away for free in packages with her name on it like she was sending over cookies.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 27, 2020

People on social media are sharing stories about the late night actor cheating on his much higher on the list actress girlfriend. The one he is not quarantining with.

Colin Jost/"SNL"/Scarlett Johansson

Today's Blind Items - Never Again

Back in the day, this actor was A- list. It was a brief stay there, but he was the heartthrob on a Friday night show. I have written here before about his pressuring actresses for sex who were guest starring on the show or had walk on roles. He would tell them he could get them more work. Our actor was married at the time all this was going on. After a huge scandal he was essentially forced out of Hollywood. He was finally given another shot several years later. He had a chance to make a nice living on a very popular already long running show. Then, he blew it by threatening an actress because she didn't want to have sex with him. He was fired and never worked again.

Your Turn

Have you ever heard your parents having sex?

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 27, 2020

The woman who was dating this disgraced B- list actor when he was suicided says she went to his place to get some of her things and when she got there, someone had taken every laptop, phone and tablet out of the place. In addition, all of the drawers in one dresser had been dumped out. The other dresser had not been touched.

Mark Salling

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 26, 2020

Over the weekend, this permanent A++ list NBA player hooked up with one of his mistresses.

LeBron James

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 26, 2020

I don't think she would leave because she enjoys the lifestyle, but things have not been going well in the fairly new marriage between the former reality star turned B+ list actress and her celebrity husband.

Katharine McPhee/David Foster

Blind Item #8

What is the obsession of half naked and naked children for this B+ list mostly television actress? She is at it again and considering her most recent actions, was probably not the best idea.

Blind Item #7

The foreign born former superhero who crashed and burned out of it when his underage exploits were thought to be imminently exposed, found yet another 16 year old. Oh, and apparently he did have phone sex with the activist but never actually hooked up with her.

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 26, 2020

The foreign born reality star from the show I really don't like is taking one last shot at getting paid a ton of money for doing porn before she settles for a much smaller amount doing it on her own.

"90 Day Fiancé"/Larissa Dos Santos Lima

Blind Item #6

There is a lot of buzz that this former B+ list athlete/celebrity is going to be the first gay Bachelor. This won't be any Finding Prince Charming spinoff type thing. 

Blind Item #5

This B- list celebrity offspring of at least one permanent A lister told a friend this week that the offspring's parents would have a threesome three or four times a week and it was super awkward to have breakfast with a complete stranger that often.

Blind Item #4

Why yes, that was this closeted A+/A list mostly movie actor/singer who was hooking up with a guy Monday night at a secret club in Oakland.  

Blind Item #3

This foreign born former A+ list mostly movie actor who is probably still A- list has not been able to get treatments for his disease and has been suffering a lot the past few months.

Blind Item #2

Speaking of publicists, the one for this B/B- list actress wrote an apology for the actress without actually saying sorry which has only made things worse. Fire the publicist quickly or it will be a long time before you work again.

Blind Item #1

There was not a meeting per se, but apparently a publicist told a publicist friend of theirs that the alcoholic and the actress were going to a protest yesterday. The next thing you know that publicist told our favorite closeted former network actor he should go and he told he the closeted foreign born former boy bander and the word  spread that Tuesday was celebrity day for protesting.

Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Blind Item #11

One of the male stars of this most recent Netflix dating show was seen doing lines of coke and making out with this actress from a hugely popular Netflix show that has a lot of teens in it.

Blind Item #10

Speaking of disgraced directors, this one who is accused of sexually assaulting nearly a dozen women and that doesn't include the casting couch or the parties with prospective actresses that he and this A list federal official used to have is now being considered for one of the Board Of Governor slots for the Oscars. 

Blind Item #9

Of course the A list actor who is best friends with the worst casting couch director of all time has no problems endorsing the child molesting director. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 26, 2020

It took about a week for the permanent A list everything in her mind to come up with a story explaining the scary scene at her home. Thing is, the explanation was not that great and not believable at all.

Jennifer Lopez

Today's Blind Items - Not A Nice Guy

If you are a celebrity and date this foreign born A list singer/DJ, he will start off nice and eventually turn into the tool he is. His relationships never last because he is such a tool. All of you know who he is. If you are not a celebrity, or not very well known, then he treats you like crap almost from the outset. This one named celebrity who dated him for a short time was warned by an ex of the DJ to never get drunk around the DJ or lose control over your actions in any way. Apparently this ex had got drunk and the next thing she knew, the DJ and a group of his friends were all sexually assaulting her. She heard from several other women who had been with the DJ who had similar experiences. Our one named celebrity says she took the warning to heed and noticed that whenever the DJ was with male friends and our celebrity was there he would get visibly angry if she wouldn't drink or do drugs. When they were alone, he didn't care. 

Your Turn

Which actor/actress would you want to star as you in a story of your life?

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 26, 2020

After a massive box office failure within the past year, this A list actor needed a hit. Well, his new streaming show is a disaster. It is almost unwatchable. That hit network show is getting further and further in the past. He needs a hit.

Steve Carell

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 26, 2020

Yesterday, we were at two children for the foreign born A list dual threat actor. Today? We are back to three children for the first time since the lock down. Could someone just please ask him.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 25, 2020

The child rapist/snitch is offering a contest to meet him at his place. Two things. #1, the contest is only open to women who will have sex with him, and #2, if he does actually invite someone, he will be forced to move again which is really ticking off the government.


Blind Item #8

"One in a million." That is all I could think of when I heard the husband of this B+ list actress offspring of people higher on the list had to go to urgent care with his wife after a candle they were using to peg him broke off inside him and they couldn't get it out.

Blind Item #7

Apparently this southern reality star who is not a redhead claims she has receipts for the recent claims of an extra-marital affair.

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 25, 2020

With another and then another video of the two hit singer being racist, one of the members in the chat room says he has videos of the singer naked and performing sex acts on herself while she talked dirty to a couple members of the racist chat rooms.

Doja Cat

Blind Item #6

This alliterate former A list mostly movie actress is losing her mind. Her oldest child had to intervene and now takes care of the youngest child.

Blind Item #5

This foreign born A+ list singer when she actually releases music is so paranoid about her offspring walking in on her having sex, she hooks up with her current boyfriend only in her car.

Blind Item #4

The permanent A list "singer" was told what to say in a recent social media post. Apparently no one could decide whether she should say anything or what she should say.

Blind Item #3

This disgraced royal was permanently banned when it was discovered he sexually assaulted two 13 year old girls. What isn't clear to me is they were referred to as "sisters." I'm not sure if that means they were close friends, or real sisters that were both 13 so twins?

Blind Item #2

This A+ list lifestyle brand/television couple have multiple undocumented employees they force to work 60-70 hours a week at less than minimum wage and threaten them with deportation if they object.

Blind Item #1

Don't believe the hype. As thirsty as our alliterate former actress is, she would never do anything like that network reality show. It could make her look bad.

Monday, June 01, 2020

Blind Item #11

A celebrity photographer not named Terry Richardson is being investigated for sexually assaulting an actress/model he was photographing two weeks ago.

Blind Item #10

This alliterate A-/B+ list actress all of you know is hooking up with yet another married man. I'm not sure she has ever dated anyone who was not in a relationship.

Blind Item #9

Add another person from the three month reality show who is doing porn. The latest already used to do webcamming, so this is not much of a stretch. This latest person was on the show this season. Apparently a porn company is sending a crew and talent to her country.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 24, 2020

Speaking of the PR relationship, it was because of it that this movie studio was going to release a movie starring the foreign born half of that relationship. Now, with the studio boss in jail, that is where the publicity focus is going to be.

Ana de Armas/Aviron Pictures/"The Informer"/William Sadleir

Today's Blind Items - Rashlike

Apparently there have been several battles between record companies and artists over the past six to nine months. This battle is because the artists have all wanted to call albums Rashlike. It was such a bizarre name that a record executive at once label told her friend at another label and she said an artist had also put in the same request. They then asked around to others and found a total of three who had requested it. One is a foreign born B+ list rapper/singer who actually ended up getting his second choice which is interesting considering he would have started one if he had his original choice. The second one is from the same country as the first. She is a one named B+ list singer. The final one was the best selling one. Also a foreign born singer, but he is A+ list. There was buzz that the latest effort from this A list singer was also going to try and use the name, but that hasn't been confirmed yet. So, why does everyone want to use the name as of late? No one knows exactly why, but it is the closest anagram to the word Ereshkigal, so that has been everyone's guess.

Your Turn

Have you been to a drive in movie theatre?

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 24, 2020

Apparently the new woman in his life is one of his daughter's friends that he has known for years. She recently turned 19. The foreign born celebrity has always liked his women young or willing to act/look young.

Olivier Sarkozy

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 24, 2020

The former actress turned royal now has approximately double the security personnel she had north of the border. Massive security bills every month being paid by taxpayers in two countries but with no actual benefit for the countries involved. This will go on month after month and year after year forever. The son is still officially in the line of succession which means until his death he will also need to be protected at taxpayer expense of two countries.

Meghan Markle

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 24, 2020

This B/B- list singer who is only that high because of her association with the reality family juggernaut is hooking up with a guy who used to pay the former actress turned escort a monthly retainer.

Justine Skye/Kardashians/Lindsay Lohan

Blind Item #8

There were lots of celebrities protesting over the weekend, but the only one I know of who had a pap meet them there was this A list one named singer.

Blind Item #7

This former A- list mostly television actress recently got out of a relationship. This weekend she hooked up with and spent the night at the home of this A list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee. Apparently the "boyfriend" of the A lister was also there. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 24, 2020

The funniest thing to come over the business news headlines yesterday is that the celebrity CEO yells Bitcoin as he climaxes during sex. Sounds like a very good deposition question.

Elon Musk

Blind Item #6

In an attempt to get even more security and to have it paid for, the alliterate former actress turned royal is having her people call reporters and tabloids complaining about drones and that they fear some of the drones might be lethal and targeting the family. This need for attention is getting ridiculous.

Blind Item #5

This former late night actor turned A- list mostly movie actor is quarantining with a woman who is not his wife.

Blind Item #4

This married permanent A list rapper has been hooking up with this A-/B+ list singer who has a name that is similar to "Karen" in today's lexicon.

Blind Item #3

During quarantine, this A/A- list mostly movie actor has been filming sex scenes with his wife and others. Apparently he thinks of himself as the world's greatest porn director.

Blind Item #2

Speaking of foreign born A- list singers, this alliterate coke loving racist singer has a loooooong history of racist posts and comments, but thinks people will forget about it if she posts one thing to social media.

Blind Item #1

This foreign born A+ list singer has her team freaking out over a long post she made on social media. It created a firestorm for the singer who has never had an ounce of controversy before.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 23, 2020

This former A/A- list actress is talking again, but she won't discuss the life event news she had or if it was true or if she was forced to terminate under the terms of her legal situation. It is a topic that is a deal breaker in our talks.

Amanda Bynes no longer pregnant

Blind Item #8

This actress/celebrity offspring all of you know is hooking up with one of her father's best friends again.

Blind Item #7

The career or the marriage? The people working with this alliterate actress say job offers will be scarce unless she throws her husband under the bus. 

Blind Item #6

This back in the day A list singer from an A list band that sounds like a really bad Halloween has really fallen. Now, he is trying to restart the becoming a religious leader thing he tried over a decade ago.

Blind Item #5

One of the rules this closeted A/A- list mostly movie actor with multiple franchises has with his girlfriend is that he will always have protected sex with men. Apparently he doesn't though, and the girlfriend has no clue.

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 23, 2020

I mean, they might not have been "swingers" out there swapping partners during their brief marriage, but the former A+ list mostly television actor was sleeping with different women almost every day while at work. So, he was swinging even if his celebrity wife wasn't.

Charlie Sheen/Denise Richards

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 23, 2020

It looks like the fourth installment of this massive movie franchise didn't just have one lover of underage girls, but two. One is dead and one is now in jail.

Fast & Furious/Paul Walker/Rhys Kember

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 23, 2020

This Bryan Singer loving showrunner seems to have forgotten everyone but one person when reminiscing about a show he dug into the ground. Lets not forget the two dead cast members who died under very strange circumstances.

Ryan Murphy/"Glee"/Lea Michele/Cory Monteith and Mark Salling

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 23, 2020

This foreign born one year wonder got dumped by her benefactor during quarantine. He went back to his wife and apparently got his wife pregnant. That is the reason for the tragic end.

Amber-Lee Frilis/"Miss Universe New Zealand" 

Blind Item #4

The three named ingenue just keeps putting her foot in her mouth and things will just get worse for her. It will not shock me at all if she disappears for a month and then comes back and says she went to rehab or something like that. 

Blind Item #3

This foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor calls his former actress wife, a sister wife. Does that mean there are others? Is this why he doesn't quarantine at home?

Blind Item #2

With their recent legal action, this royal couple is pseudo suing the alliterate former royal because it is one of her acquaintances that wrote the article that is causing all the trouble.

Blind Item #1

This A list do everything host will be exiting this daytime show once it resumes filming back in a studio.

Your Turn

This is an open forum for you to discuss the events of the past few nights.