Saturday, February 03, 2024

Blind Item #8

This one named permanent A list singer was a no show to the party hosted by her husband. She thought the guests were beneath her status. She is probably right.

Blind Item #7 - Reader Blind

This R&B singer is haunted by what happened to his former best friend. He went on to become a star , but his friend - who was equally as talented - was used, abused and discarded by a network of a closeted gay men in Black Hollywood. Or was he sabotaged intentionally for speaking out about a secret ?

Blind Item #6 - Reader Blind

The network behind the show about the athlete’s wives has access to all sorts of data which measures each wife’s popularity. The cast member who was attacked during the colorism and featurism scandal is still one of the most popular but won’t be allowed back because she intimidates the Wife whose TV show with Oprah flopped.

Blind Item #5

This former yacht star is set to take on a much bigger, high profile at the cable network where she currently works. A lot of skeletons in that closet though.

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 27, 2024

Are we ready to talk about the fact that this legendary soul singer’s father was a prolific child mole*ter ? Some say that the man who shot him was one of his victims.

Aretha Franklin/C. L. Franklin

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 27, 2024

The new single from this A list singer fizzled, which is making his label nervous since they just announced the dates for his big arena tour. 

Justin Timberlake

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 26, 2024

The celebrity CEO is trying to get a government contract which would allow him to expand his brain chip technology. He thinks every soldier in the military will get one implanted when they enlist.

Elon Musk/Neuralink

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 26, 2024

This foreign born A-/B+ list actress is incredibly thirsty. It is why she thought she could get away with posting a photo of a double date. 

Priyanka Chopra & Nick Jonas/Joe Jonas & Stormi Bree

Blind Item #4

It doesn't matter if it is a tour or a residency, this north of the border singer doesn't like to be tied into any permanent schedules. He is much happier doing one off surprise shows. 

Blind Item #3

This frozen flavoring has a secret about the way she used to earn a living in the past. The foreign born former A+ list rapper knows it and uses it to her advantage to keep the frozen flavoring on her team.

Blind Item #2

This A- list actress still has representation, but they are not putting her forward for any new projects because of her recent social media comments.

Blind Item #1

This trio of north of the border entertainers were on so many drugs that event organizers alerted the on-site EMTs to shadow them.

Friday, February 02, 2024

Blind Item #13

Speaking of A- list actresses who are Oscar winners/nominees. This one took a gamble when she broke up with her millionaire sugar daddy to take a chance on her now husband. They have been together awhile, so it worked for her.

Blind Item #12

This A- list actress is an Oscar winner/nominee. She loves telling the story of how she hooked up with a royal. The reality is his family has not held the title for decades and it was a one night stand where she wasted drunk.

Blind Item #11

This A list director has been trashing the lead actress of his most recent movie saying it is her fault the movie is bad.

Blind Item #10

After a long period of sobriety, this former superhero has been in a drug induced haze since Thanksgiving.

Blind Item #9

This foreign born former A list reality star who also got naked for a living, has been reduced to fulfilling the kinkiest of fetishes for men in order to make a buck.

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 11, 2024

As I told you two months ago, when the book was released, the permanent A list singer/actress who also directed, waited too long to write her memoir. The sales have not been good. They have only generated 20% of what the "singer" sold. The sales that are going to be epic though is the book of the three named singer who recently died. There is dirt piled on top of dirt followed by even more dirt in it. 

Barbra Streisand/Britney Spears/Lisa Marie Presley

Four For Friday - Strange Hookups

#1 - This one named permanent A list singer created a huge uproar back in the day with this permanent A list singer, but actually hooked up with the third singer who is not discussed as much during that uproar.

#2 - To prove that she was sexual enough for the part, this A list actress who is really getting close to an EGOT, stripped and then masturbated for an hour in front of this legendary A list director who just started at her the entire time.

#3 - This former A- list Disney actress and her on screen brother.

#4 - This former A- list mostly television actress from a very long long running television show and this former A++ lister who borrowed her from her boyfriend.

Your Turn

Should we keep doing the whole Groundhog Day thing?

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 10, 2024

I sure hope the former Disney actress turned singer knows what she is getting herself into with the foreign born A- list actor. Some of his fights at pubs in his country are legendary. Her team keep leaking stuff about them as a couple. It is really making her look bad though.

Sabrina Carpenter/Barry Keoghan

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 9, 2024

To protect the family, the public announcement of a cause of death was natural causes instead of the drug overdose it was. 

Sinead O’Connor

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 26, 2024

If the foreign born superhero was not worried before, he probably should be. His "girlfriend" was being very chummy with a guy in Paris.

Tom Holland/Zendaya

Blind Item #8

Keeping with the theme of #7, this Afrobeats star is still cheating on his wife, but this time it is with a one named singer.

Blind Item #7

This married A list comic/actor has been hooking up with a former Basketball Wife.

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 26, 2024

This B list celebrity who is about third highest on the list in her family, is still super young. Her new boyfriend said she should get fillers, so she did and it looks awful.

Noah Cyrus

Blind Item #6

I really love this former one-fifth and think she should stick to acting because she is good at it. She has promised new music for years and it has never happened. At least this time, she gave herself nearly eleven months to make her most recent promise come true. 

Blind Item #5

Much like the A list everything in her mind celebrity and her stripper/cigarettes/booze loving ex, this former A list (actress/singer) couple are going to also reunited and spend their golden years together.

Blind Item #4

The cable channel did the alliterate former talk show host dirty by using footage from years ago to make it look like she still has a drinking problem, which she doesn't. 

Blind Item #3

The permanent A list "singer's" attorney billed a whole lot of hours to convince the court to let him depose someone. The court ordered the person be deposed and then the lawyer decided not to move ahead with it. Wait until he he lets the woman with the guy name go free next.

Blind Item #2

Is it the flex you think it is when you gloat over your A- list singer ex being arrested over a minor drug offense while you were the only one of your friends who lived after an overdose at a party where everyone else died. 

Blind Item #1

This A list NFL player and his singer girlfriend are engaged. No, not the couple you are tired of hearing about and don't ever want to hear about again.

Thursday, February 01, 2024

Blind Item #13

This A list country singer is the biggest backer of a little MDMA factory that just so happens to make sure they are at his concerts selling the little pills with his initials on the front. The markup is crazy and he makes six figures most nights.

Blind Item #12

This former #3 guy thinks he is getting everyone back for stabbing him in the back. That college aged blonde he has been sleeping with doesn't really work in a bookstore. He really should have been more careful on their dates and on their sleepovers.

Blind Item #11

This permanent A list singer owes a lot of her career success to a music producing duo. On their big night, she was a no show.

Blind Item #10

This foreign born A- list actor is not old enough to vote, but he is being used by an A+ list producer almost every day and his team just looks the other way because of how much money they get for the roles the producer gets the actor.

Blind Item #9 - Reader Blind

The significant other of the foreign born superhero is trying her hardest to hide the fact that around the time the baby was conceived, she was messing around with a friend for almost a month and he’s the one who knocked her up.

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 23, 2024

I'm not sure why at her age, the permanent A list singer decided she needed butt implants, but it was another horrible decision on her part in a year of horrible decisions from her.


Today's Blind Items - Child Bride

The family of this foreign born A- list singer say he has been putting off marriage for far too long. Because of some things written about him in the past, more distant relatives have started wondering aloud whether our singer is gay. In their particular religion this has sometimes led to death. Our singer is in no hurry to get married. He has a collection of girlfriends that he rotates through a few months at a time and pays the rent of the others so they will be there for him when he wants. He likes a very specific type woman. So, he is not pleased that his family have told him they have found him a bride. It is the total opposite of what he likes and further complicating things is the girl is just 16. The girls has her parents' permission, but no one doing business with the singer or his fans are going to believe that. If he doesn't get married though, his entire family will cut him off. He will probably go through with the marriage and try and keep her a secret for as long as possible. There is even talk that she would not live with him in the same country, which is somehow acceptable, but not being married is not.

Your Turn

From a reader

What are your thoughts regarding brain chip implants?

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 25, 2024

At the present rate, there is no way this foreign born former A+ list rapper will be able to do an entire tour. She probably won't even be around for the beginning of it unless she goes to rehab.

Nicki Minaj

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 25, 2024

This desert festival is rethinking their lineup and are in talks to have the foreign born one named A list singer/tax scofflaw perform.


Blind Items Revealed #2

January 25, 2024

That 80s female pop icon showed her true colors when she refused to give a fellow airplane passenger an autograph. She said if she did that, then everyone on the plane would want one.

Cyndi Lauper

Blind Item #8

This friend turned Housewife has done more to move storylines for her show than some of the Wives who want her gone. Their fans / bots would like you to believe she is a liability but she actually tests better than they do with its core demographic.

Blind Item #7

The transportation people and the other behind the scenes unions were a big reason why producers finally caved in two strikes. Those two groups who were helped, won't commit to helping the behind the scenes guys. Of course. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 25, 2024

Keeping with the sex theme, the barely there celebrity offspring of barely there celebrities should patent whatever she does with her fingers because the A+ list actor is keeping her around for award season.

Gigi Hadid/Bradley Cooper

Blind Item #6 - Mr. X

What actress/celeb offspring sent an actress/former friend (who has a sibling in jail) some anti Scientology literature and it was mailed back a day later with an SP (suppressive person) declare attached? What a way to end a friendship. 

Blind Item #5 - Mr. X

Which alliterate former talk show host is rumored to be a surprise presenter at the Grammys this Sunday?

Blind Item #4 - Mr. X

What former ‘80s teen actress who’s been having a bit of comeback lately playing the ex wife of a late night legend hasn’t been immune to stories emerging about what a horrible person she is? Talk about perfect casting.

Blind Item #3

The alliterate one and her husband thought he was a lock for a recording award, and then he didn't even get a nomination. They had a huge party planned. They still haven't finalized the after party for the movie awards thing who don't want them there. Their staffers have fled. The football organization said they don't have room for them at the big game. Their favorite charity is a front for indiscriminate killings, ra*es and sex trafficking. But they did manage to get to a premiere and pose with an enabler of a sex predator. Great January for them.

Blind Item #2

The movie studio behind the industry planted prime minister actor don't want to lose their investment which is why they are working so hard to get him rehabilitated in the public eye. They didn't do that for the initialed comic/actor in the same world because guys like him are a dime a dozen.

Blind Item #1

This A- list actress/producer/oft failed business person can talk nice all she wants about her higher on the list husband, but their marriage ice is incredibly thin.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Blind Item #14

This east coast Congressperson has been hooking up with the chief of staff of an across the  aisle Congressman. He has been bragging about photos she has sent him. This secret is going to explode.

Blind Item #13

This three named actress worries so much about what people think of her, that she lets them get in her head. She has been essentially starving herself for a month to do rounds of publicity for her new project. She reads every word mentioned about her weight.

Blind Item #12

This foreign born A list athlete who is aa recent winner at an event is going to be absolutely crushed their significant other is cheating on them. Absolutely crushed. 

Blind Item #11

This one named former A+/A list singer says she was used by this actor/director to distract from the very young woman he is hooking up with. He wanted to present an image that he was dating women of appropriate age.

Blind Item #10 - Reader Blind

Hollywood is a twitter with casting news! This Former A list Foreign Going for triple threat actor gave up the hippie beads for poodle skirts and church keys. Casting calls are still out for main cast but that Tuneful actress that wasn't in Les Mis and can sing seems ripe for Kim. Cameos could be fun. Let's see those hips swivel cats and Dad-o-s!

Blind Item #9 - Reader Blind

This religious organization has a two witness rule which means a rapist can get away with anything so long as no one else sees them doing it. Victims are punished, ex-communicated and separated if they alert the authorities. That is why it has become a haven for predators including the Y2K mogul. The church knows and is protecting him as they have protected so many monsters before him . Ask his daughter’s husband how old he was when he met him.

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 24, 2024

The wealthy bookseller is going to help the permanent A list rapper buy a NFL team.

Jeff Bezos/Jay Z

Today's Blind Items - Stay Away

While having a chat last month with Bani about the record prices being paid for sex with barely legal K-pop singers, we got around to discussing the Super Bowl. It turns out he was just as fascinated with the Taylor/Travis story as people half a world closer. That led us to discussing the Super Bowl and all the sex trafficking that occurs. He said that none of his clients want anything to do with it. It is for small timers who are going to be nailed because the Vegas police do it every single day of the year. He also said the money is not worth it unless you have control of hundreds of women at once.

Enter this former A list singer all of you know who has been financing a lot of operations through smash and grab burglaries in California. he uses the money to pay for people to beat up and kill people who control a lot of women. Over the past year, our singer has consolidated many different sex operations and probably has several hundred women under his nominal control. He is making far more money through sex trafficking than he ever did as a singer without having to do any of the work. Oh, he still sings, but does it to help facilitate the trafficking of the women. He also established a production company that helps with tours, but which is just a front for transporting these women throughout the US. 

His women will be all over Vegas and judging by how he signed up new women and got rid of their bosses, there will probably be a lot of violence Super Bowl weekend as he attempts to add even more women to his stable. He thinks he can go worldwide. Uh huh. Try and he will be dead by various mafias throughout the world who wouldn't hesitate to have him killed, celebrity or not.

Your Turn

From a reader.

Have you ever consulted with a psychic or medium?

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 24, 2024

This former talk show host/sometime actress/comic/Epstein party attender really thought she was going to land a choice gig on this cable network. She has far too many enemies. Plus, they got to bring back an old favorite instead.

Chelsea Handler/The Daily Show/Comedy Central/Jon Stewart 

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 24, 2024

Well, that is not a look I was expecting. The alliterate one and her ginger haired husband taking yet another Caribbean vacation to try and save their marriage. Wait. Did they actually pose smiling while directly next to the CEO/best friend of the Nickelodeon predator producer? The same producer, who despite his best friend being in charge, can't even get back in the door of the studio. But hey, it was a red carpet, so that is all they cared about. 

Meghan Markle/Prince Harry/Brian Robbins/Dan Schneider

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 24, 2024

Speaking of pics or it didn't happen, the permanent A list "singer" has not gone topless at her hotel pool of choice for years. There are always dozens of people at the pool. Do you really think no one at the pool would have taken a photo of the singer topless?

Britney Spears/Four Seasons

Blind Item #8

In her live rant today, the foreign born former A+ list rapper contradicted herself multiple times about her coke use. She also said there were other drugs she liked taking more. Her tour insurance company must be crying right now.

Blind Item #7

Speaking of the actress in the first reveal, her people now believe because of the success of the movie which she toplined, she deserves to be paid more than the one named actress on the pay cable show and won't be coming back unless she gets it.

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 24, 2024

While doing press for their very successful movie, this alliterate actress and her co-star have only been using one room. Apparently, the "fake" relationship is now real.

Anyone But You/Sydney Sweeney/Glen Powell 

Blind Item #6 - Reader Blind

This rock star is hoping people forget the real origin of the song he “wrote” for the Material Girl. The song was actually written about him by his girlfriend and his producer who had to sue him for the royalties when he lied to the world and claimed he and the icon wrote it alone. No easy way to justify stealing from your friends, is there?

Blind Item #5

The alliterate one and her husband are in a big money crunch, so are choosing to not renew the contracts of people who know what they are doing, because those deals cost the most. To replace them, they have brought in at least one intern from college who they can pay minimum wage rather than mid six figures.

Blind Item #4

This current Oscar nominee is trying to make all those stories about him from university, disappear until after the voting is finished. It is pretty awful stuff.

Blind Item #3

With their movie division in disarray, and their television division not doing much better, this conglomerate is going to focus on its theme parks which are battling for dollars with another movie studio/theme park operator. The former though think they have the inside track because they are going to focus on selling time shares to newly built resorts and want to build one in Las Vegas that will be adults only. Isn't that against the brand?

Blind Item #2

This A list mostly movie actor with at least one massive franchise, has always said no no no whenever this drama school asked him for something. Then, he has a bunch of flops and bad press, and it is sure I will headline your fundraiser.

Blind Item #1

This two state actress is being cheated on by her higher on the list significant other. They have been on again off again for the past several months.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Blind Item #13

Usually players at this big game have to buy their own tickets. Guess what player doesn't have to pay anything this year and is even getting a box thrown in for free. I wonder how the other players feel about that.

Blind Item #12

This foreign born permanent A list singer has a new documentary about her life so it must include the grooming her former husband did to her. Oh, wait. It doesn't. 

Blind Item #11

This former A- list singer/reality star was a no show at a huge event. Apparently she is having drinking problems again.

Blind Item #10

This A/A- alliterate actress got called out for lying about yet another part of her past. Her problem is she can't keep any of her stories straight.

Blind Item #9

Wait until you listen to the celebrity CEO talk about his latest experiment and his ideas for running elections.

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 23, 2024

If you are going to take PED's and the risk of getting busted, at least hopefully you want to have turned into a super athlete and dominate the league. The north of the border athlete did none of that. If you needed PED's for that stat line, maybe you should retire.

Tristan Thompson/NBA

Today's Blind Items - Let Me Help

This former A+ list athlete is known to all. He had a lot of the typical relationships that attractive A list athletes have, but he also hid the fact that he enjoyed experimenting with men. He will say he wasn't groomed, but from a very young age, male coaches molested him and made him sleep in their beds. One high profile relationship went crazy wrong when his significant other found out he also enjoyed men. He had another high profile relationship with an older woman who knew lots of gay men and would call one up whenever our athlete wanted to explore. In his long time marriage, his wife often just assumes the role of a man which seems to work out best for them. He hasn't gone looking in a long time.

Your Turn

Last month, The New York Times published a report estimating that the family from the 1990 Christmas classic Home Alone was in the top 1% of earners in Chicago, the metropolitan area where the film is set.  

The news outlet worked with economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, who estimated that the McCallisters would have had to earn an income of about $305,000 (or $665,000 in 2022) in order to afford the home featured in the movie.

How did they earn their income? 

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 23, 2024

How is it that this streaming star who did a little network reality, has so many people in her life that abuse children and love child p**n. She always pleads ignorance.

Monica Aldama/Cheer

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 23, 2024

Unlike the princess singer, this frozen flavoring is not lying when she says she is not pregnant.

Halle Bailey/Ice Spice

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 23, 2024

This former franchise actress who crashed and burned hard in a drug fueled haze before making a comeback the past few years, finally posted a photo of herself this past weekend not wearing her wig.

Natasha Lyonne

Blind Item #8

The significant other of this former A+ list rapper has a string of women he will be seeing while the rapper is out of town for three months.

Blind Item #7

This A list American music producer who isn’t a household name but whose songs you always hear is spending 40K a month on drugs to keep up with the demand for studio sessions.

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 23, 2024

A lot of voting members still remember what the alliterate director did to the three named actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee. Now, a whole marketing campaign is going to have to be scrapped.

Greta Gerwig/Jennifer Jason Leigh

Blind Item #6

This two named manager was all over a tiny brunette at a party this week. There was no sign of his very high on the list significant other.

Blind Item #5

At a premiere this week, this foreign born A list dual threat actor who really should be the next Bond, said he would have confronted the alliterate one and her husband if they showed up to the premiere. He said they tried to upstage the recent premiere the couple went to last week, rather than being there to support the movie.

Blind Item #4

These two foreign born permanent A list models have been friends forever. Would they still be friends if one knew the other trafficked a family member?

Blind Item #3

This one half singer who has another half that also acts, has been posting a lot of thirst traps to social media. At the same time she has also been sending those and fully naked ones to this A list initialed actor. Taking her shot.

Blind Item #2

The long time girlfriend of this permanent A list singer who is decades and decades older than her was overheard saying she wants to have a baby at the same time as the singer's offspring. You better get started then. I think the girlfriend is only about a decade older than the offspring, so that is kind of creepy.

Blind Item #1

Apparently, one of the reasons the foreign born B+ list actress didn't travel with her husband is because she would have faced multiple collection efforts against her in her country. She has been selling apartments as fast as she can, but it isn't enough.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Blind Item #13

This not that long ago top ten Bachelorette contestant has been spreading the gift that keeps on giving to his various one night stands, including at least one former Bachelor contestant.

Blind Item #12

 A couple of decades ago, this southeast election machine whistleblower died. His "suicide" is now being investigated as a murder.

Blind Item #11

This back in the day A- list teen actress turned B+ list adult almost lost her Christmas movie making gigs because she and an executive at the production company broke up. He finally caved though and renewed her deal.

Blind Item #10

Speaking of on set hookups, this actress who got her start in teen romcoms, is hooking up with a much much younger co-star.

Blind Item #9

This 101 years ago actress is hooking up with a married co-star.

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 7, 2024

The organizers of the event tonight have subtly let it be known that if you make any kind of political statement while on stage that you will never be nominated for their award again.

Golden Globes

Today's Blind Items - Jealousy

At first, I was going to call this Old Hollywood, but at least one of the people involved in this story is still alive. Back in the day, this permanent A list movie actor filmed a movie in a foreign country and made it his second home. He married a woman from the country and molested a daughter who was born to them. What isn't widely known is the year following his movie, there was another movie made in the same country. It starred an actress who has never acted again. She was very young. That is how our actor liked his women. He pursued her and told her he would get her fired from the movie she was filming unless she had sex with him. Even though he was a newlywed, our actor spent every second he could with the actress. The problem was the actress was in love with her co-star and did everything to be with him. The co-star knew about the A lister, but he was scared of his power too. The A lister didn't know his new toy was involved with her co-star. When he found out though, he went ballistic. He wanted the co-star gone forever. He bided his time until the co-star returned to the US. Our A lister reached out to a friend in the FBI and claimed all kinds of crimes the co-star committed. The co-star was duly arrested by the FBI, but only one of the charges stuck. It was enough to end the relationship with the co-star though, who was forced to endure years of being the toy of the A lister until he finally moved on with a new toy and of course his daughter.

Your Turn

From a reader.

Have you ever been to a Super Bowl?

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 4, 2024

Once again, the manager of the permanent A list singer is trying to shame her into working so he can make some money. 

Cade Hudson/Britney Spears

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 4, 2024

The attorney who got the massage knew all about the private life of the billionaire. It is why he wanted to be involved in his orbit.

Alan Dershowitz/Jeffrey Epstein

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 22, 2024

This former A list NFL player who used to be engaged to sexual napalm is 100% convinced the A+ list singer is married to her boyfriend.

Tony Romo/Jessica Simpson/Taylor Swift/Travis Kelce

Blind Item #8

This former late night actor is doing his recovery no favors by hoovering lines of coke at every opportunity. 

Blind Item #7

This foreign born A list dual threat actor has at least one movie franchise. At a recent event he sent his significant other out trolling for a threesome partner and not to talk to him until she found one.

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 22, 2024

Not too long ago this guy had a little hardware store in the middle of nowhere. Then, he decides to send some photos to the wealthy farmer and the next thing you know, he is the doomsday prepper of choice for billionaires and is turning over hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue and has office space at the wealthy surfer's headquarters. 

Bill Gates/Mark Zuckerberg

Blind Item #6

This A+ list director made very sure there were as many Academy voters as possible at a recent screening of his Oscar nominated movie.

Blind Item #5

This foreign born A list singer stiffed an escort and was threatened with a gun a few hours later and coughed up the money plus a "tip."

Blind Item #4

The industry plant rapper and the married permanent A list actress certainly seemed more than chummy at a recent event.

Blind Item #3

If you want to see that state musical on Broadway you better go this week. It won't last beyond the weekend.

Blind Item #2

The recent social media post from the A list "singer" confirms other people have access to her accounts.

Blind Item #1

The problem the foreign born former A+ list rapper faces is that she needs rehab, but is so broke she can't afford to go to rehab and has to tour, but the tour is not going to cover her losses which she knows. So, she just spirals further out of control.

Blind Item #8

It shouldn't be a shocker the permanent A list one named singer is always late. Don't forget back in the day when she was making the music video with the permanent A list "singer," she made the singer wait for hours each day past the call time for the shoot. Each day there was a different excuse.

Blind Item #7 - Reader Blind

You should hear what his billionaire “friends” say about this talkative East Coast rapper. To him, they’re his role models. To them, he is their court jester always willing to do something strange for some change. 

Blind Item #6

Speaking of babies, the singing princess is being pressured by her significant other to monetize every aspect of their kid's life.

Blind Item #5

This foreign born A list dual threat actor plashed his baby everywhere right after the baby was born. Now the baby is MIA. Apparently, there is some behind the scenes drama about the baby between the parents.

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 21, 2024

The movement to free the A- list solo and group singer has spawned an entire industry devoted to deep diving his marriage. That is a lot of scrutiny. Maybe that can be the excuse needed for the split that is coming.

Free Nick Jonas/Nick Jonas/Priyanka Chopra

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 21, 2024

Speaking of former A+ list rappers, this one couldn't even make it 48 hours after his apology, before taking it all back again.

Kanye West

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 21, 2024

I have been talking about the celebrity CEO and his hard drug use for many years. It is nice the media is finally starting to catch on.

Elon Musk

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 20, 2024

The manager that has been in this spot a lot as of late is suspected to have molested nearly 100 boys and young men.

Chris Stokes

Blind Item #4

This famous for fifteen minutes celebrity who has blown through the payment his very rich ex gave him, is now trafficking undocumented women and also disposing of their remains when they invariably end up dead.

Blind Item #3

The ginger haired one will keep his head in the sand because there is nothing he can say or do that will make his charity look good. So many charities in that region of the world are about land grabs or human trafficking. It doesn't look like his was any different. He is leaving messes all over the world.

Blind Item #2

This alliterate wannabe rapper has been trying to hook up with the husband of her current arch enemy who is someone all of you know.

Blind Item #1

This permanent A list singer has finally agreed to try a full on backing vocal track for her live performances and not just here and there as she has done in the past.