Friday, January 22, 2010

Gwyneth Cooks Again - Kind Of

Hot, sweet, salty, sour. Those are four words you will hear constantly in this video. You will hear them so much that you will almost lose track of the fact that Gwyneth is cooking again. Sort of. Instead of going solo, this time Gwyneth invites us all into her dreary studio or home or wherever it is. I'm guessing a home because if it was a studio I wouldn't feel like I was watching some Galloping Gourmet episode from the 60's.

Right off the bat, Gwyneth says that she had this incredible salad so invited the chef who made it for her to share it with all of us. One question. If she had it before how did she not know it had raw bok choy? Watch her. She almost has an orgasm when she learns it is raw. I still think cooking chicken is the better of the two videos for entertainment purposes but at least this one looks more edible.


  1. douchetastical gwyneth, do not like.

  2. Maybe I woke up in a good mood or something for once, but this video almost made me like her. she's adorable in it.

  3. boo hoo - I have no audio

  4. I used to like her, but since she went to England, not so much.

  5. If that's an orgasm, no wonder Chris cheats on her.


  7. I don't think ol' girl will be heading any talk/cooking shows anytime soon, lol. She's not graceful or classy.. she seems brash and uncomfortable.

  8. I think she was kind of cute in this one too. But, that looks like an awful lot of trouble for a freaking salad.

  9. Yeah, what is she talking about? She acts so surprised raw bok choy is in it and then says she's NEVER had raw bok choy in a salad yet she invited what's-his-face over because she loved the salad? WTF?

    She seemed borderline stoned in this, she has such a lazy, monotone voice most of the time.

    Having said all that, the salad looked good. Too bad I don't eat fish sauce or else I'd try it. I might try to replicate it without fish sauce.

  10. beth,
    i am going to work on e vegetarian version of this and post it on my blog.
    delilah vs. GOOP!

  11. She lost me at "I'm back with my main man" Oh ya Gwyneth, your our home girl.

    And mr. chefy what's-his-name says to squeeze the lime over a strainer "to catch the seeds"

    wtf?? I have never had a seed in a lime. Must be one of those four leaf clover things or GooPs got special limes. Huh.

  12. Fab, delilah! I look forward to it. :) Thanks.

  13. Yes delilah! I'm now going to check out your blog!

  14. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Is she pregnant?

  15. Last weekend I had a dinner party, and made GOOP’s quick oven baked chicken. Aside from taking twenty minutes to gather my gumption in order to cut out the back and thigh bones, it ended up being fairly quick and easy. I’m a vegetarian (who willing cast her lot in with loads of carnivores), so while I didn’t participate in eating the chicken, I was told it was wonderful.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. working on recipe, post will be up next week!
