Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Yesterday's Blind Items

Today I got an e-mail from a very distraught Jules Kirby who wants you to know she is NOT the subject of yesterday's blind item. For the record she is not. I did verify she was the one writing to me and this is what she had to say.

Dear Author,
This post attached must be removed. It was not me of course, but all through out the commentary it hints that it is. To let falsify that I would sell myself, be a hooker, or do anything sexual for money is an illegal act and untrue. This is slander and defamatory. I kindly ask that you respect this otherwise the only way this is able to be settled is in court by Blogger and Google law. Sincerely, Jules Kirby

When I asked Jules what she is doing now she said she is studying for a big Economics test.


  1. She protests too much! (Just Kidding.)

  2. Actually, it's libel, not slander, but whatever.

  3. Is English this woman's first language? If so, her grasp of it is so very sad. And by sad, I mean pathetic. Keep %^&*ing that chicken, Jules!

  4. Who is this person?

  5. No worries, Jules.

    Never heard of you.

    Good luck on your test.

  6. @PeepStone...exactly...?

  7. Add me to the list of people who have no idea who this is. Jules, honey, the next time you send a threatening email be sure and have a (literate) friend proofread for you, mkay? Good luck on that big econ test. Hopefully for you there is no essay portion. :-/

  8. So, this is a high school economics test and not a university test, right?

  9. lol @ the comments

    But I will add that I have NO IDEA who this chick is. Did anyone even guess her for the blind yesterday?

  10. Anonymous1:48 PM

    er....just had a look at yesterday's blind and no one even mentioned her.

    We don't know who you are woman, so just go away.

  11. I'm not a hooker, but here's a picture of me posing in my bathing suit..."studying".

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Lol. Hilarious comments. Add me to the list of people who never would have suspected someone whose name I've never even heard of. Did her name even come up in the guesses?!

  14. I love how she reads a post about a mom trying to pimp her daughter out and she actually thinks "hey, people might think this is me."

    It's like when my friends tell stories of a girl getting shit faced drunk and making out with a load of random strangers at a club, I think "damn, did I forget that night? No, okay, not me."

    Hint o' truth?

    Sweetie, you should have left it alone.

  15. “The commentary hints that it is.” We would just say your name in the comments if we thought you were the subject. We don't do blind comments sweetheart.

    Someone wants attention. I have no idea who this chick is. Maybe I could just start writing bloggers and say that blinds are not about me and that I resent the implication!

  16. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I also have no clue who she is and would never have guessed her for the blind. Guilty conscience much?

  17. Who is she and what the eff is she trying to say? Ted Casablancas just moved up a rung on the "I Can Write Clearly" ladder. Never heard of her, but maybe some family counseling is in order if she thought people would think this is her.

  18. I googled her. It seems that she was on the CW show High Society (never heard of that either) with Tinsley Mortimer. She was portrayed (exposed) as a racist, homophobic, jew hater. Jules, your 15 seconds of fame are up.

  19. The hints were so strong that we all missed them.

  20. Who is this girl? I won't even waste the five seconds to google her.
    I agree that getting defensive is something you do when you feel something hits too close to home!

  21. Sweet! So all I have do to get attention is claim I'm not the subject of a blind item? Duly noted, Jules whoever-the-crap-you-are.

  22. Hi Everyone - I live in NYC and yes, Stephen nailed it on the head.

    This young woman is the most despicable piece of poorly behaved rich trash that it is mind-boggling.

    And yes, she totally should have never called herself out like that - how stupid! ha ha!!

  23. Who the hell is Jules Kirby?

  24. Haha, this is beautiful.

    lol @ Jason -- thanks for bringing back "keep fucking that chicken"

  25. Okay, now I feel better. I thought I must have missed a day of reading gossip blogs, because I had no f'ing idea who this broad was. Nice way to point out that the blind resembles your life though...

  26. Okay - I'm curious - what is Blogger and Google law? I didn't realize they were laws unto themselves... or am I reading this wrong?

  27. Ego much? Never even heard of her and she's assuming a BI was about her. Eejit.

  28. Anonymous2:14 PM

    LOLOLOL@comments too funny

  29. Oh, and is her mother a celebrity (other than in her own mind).

  30. Who? Never would have guessed you because I never heard of you. Her next course should be one in humility, or a sel-perception reality check. Glad Enty posted her denial cuz we know get to rip on how no one knows who she is. HA!

  31. Jules - I had no idea who you were before and still don't. You also appear so uninteresting that I don't even want to waste time on a Google search to figure it out. I don't think you have to worry about your good name being slandered.

  32. What an ultra-maroon :)

  33. I never heard of Jules Kirby. Anyone?

  34. LMAO @ the comments :)

    I googled her and this was the first link I saw:

    LOL @Jillian S. on yesterday's post.

  35. Have no idea who this person is but if by any chance I remember her name (from this post), I'll remember her fondly as a moron.

  36. Huh? And you are?

    No Wiki page and IMDB only has two credits and a bio that says she was a thrill seeker.

    Okay fess up guys. Which one of you mentioned this lovely A-Listed puritanical beauty?

  37. I wonder if Blogger and Google law is practiced in a court of Skype?

    This nobody is a publicity genius.

  38. First of all, who????? and second of all, who????????????????

  39. Alice D Millionaire said...

    “The commentary hints that it is.” We would just say your name in the comments if we thought you were the subject. We don't do blind comments sweetheart.

    LOL hard at blind comments Alice.

  40. Who the fuck is Jules Kirby?!

  41. @Not on my dollar

    "Thrill Seeker" ??? hahahahahahaha

  42. OMG, people, you are too funny!!!

  43. This may be the funniest CDaN post ever. You guys are hysterical!

  44. Who the hell is Jules Kirby and why doesn she think we were talking about her in the first place?

  45. "Okay - I'm curious - what is Blogger and Google law"

    It's like martial law, but more 1337 and pwned.

  46. Don't worry, Jules Kirby. I've never even heard of you.

  47. Instead of MichaelK's Hot Slut of the Day we should have the CDaN Turd of the Day. I nominate the (not-so) lovely Jules Kirby.

  48. I also didn't know who this chick was.

    I do know a thing or eight about libel law and the first thing that would have to be proved is: Is she a public figure?

    Guessing by the responses here, probably not.

    So the other question would be: Did this item cause tangible loss to her career or reputation?

    Gauging by the responses her, probably not BECAUSE nobody knew who the hell she was!

    Besides, it'd be awfully hard to prove in a court of law that it is her. Whoever she is.

  49. HAHAHAHA these comments are fantastic! Like everyone else, after reading the post my first thought was, "WHO?" Sorry Jules, maybe if your life was as interesting as a daughter who's being pimped out by her mom then I'd care, but alas, I don't.

  50. My favorite part of this post and the comments is that you know she's totally reading these comments, all feverishly. Hiya, Whatsyourface!!

  51. OMG at the grammar. Please tell me she's not a high school graduate.

    And by the way, someone tell me why she's relevant. A no-name reality star from a hardly watched show is irrelevant.

  52. whatshername, Beef Jerky?

    the fuck? yes,yes we'll get right on that before we're banished from Google Earth FOREVER.

  53. Dear Jules,

    I'm pretty sure that you won't find the secret to pass your Economics test in Enty's blind items.

  54. Now if Sarah Palin had written thinking the blind obviously was about her pimping out another one of her children I could understand. But this person? Never heard of her and have no idea who her mother would be.

  55. The comments here have surely brightened what has been a miserable day/week (and yes it's only Tuesday - ugghh).

    My first thought was the same as most of yours - who is she and I don't remember anyone guessing her name in the comments. Did I miss something? Did get Lindsay or Tila's drugs today instead of them? Then I realized that she is a nobody. Thanks everyone for validating me. = )

  56. I've never heard of her either. Can't decide if this is more funny, or sad.

    PS - Does this mean I can't claim yesterday's BI was about me? Dammit, Enty!

  57. HAHAHAHA jules kirby. HAHAHAHA

  58. One way to get attention, What's the matter loser, publicist dump you?
    By the way, WOO HOO!!! I'm finally able to post after not being able to access my google account for over a year...(got another) Hello Everybody!

  59. This chick makes Courtney Love's tweets look like they were written by Hemingway...English is her first language, right? Because this reads like it was written in another language and put through Google translator.

  60. WTF is Google law? Also, Jason, i heart you.

  61. LOL at the comments today! You guys are on fire. Thanks for making my day.


  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Dear Author, This post attached must Be removed. It was not me off race, goal all through out the commentary it hints that it is. To let falsify that I would salt myself, Be has hooker, but C anything sexual for money is illegal year act and untrue. This is slander and defamatory. I kindly ask that you respect this otherwise the only way this is whitebait to Be settled is in short by Blogger and Google law.

  64. Now that someone brought it up, I kinda like the Sarah Palin guess.

  65. I thought that photo was Helen Hunt for a sec, and I thought damn, she's looking' rough.

    Google law ftw!

  66. Well, I've never heard of her, but I'll say this...

    JULES; You are a big old Vinegar Douche!

  67. Ha! This is funny. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who wonderfed WTF Jules Kirby was.

    Thanks for sharing Enty.

  68. I nominate we stuff Jules in the oil leak! She won't be missed, no one has heard of her.

  69. P.S. BEST. POST. EVER. I can't recall the last time I've laughed this hard! Love you Enty!!

  70. Can I email Enty and demand he admit that I'M the person in the blind? The panderer. not the pandered. Oh, and I'm not famous, and I totally don't have a daughter, but I like to confess to crimes I didn't commit, because I love attention.
    Kisses Jules, lovely personality you displayed, on TV, and here.

  71. Enty had to post her email, he had no choice because when she threatened him with that scary legal Google Law, he peed himself laughing when he posted this. I'm pretty sure he made up the part about economics too.

    Jules now knows this is a rough crowd. Much rougher than Gawker, or Blogger!

  72. In other news,

    Nicole Kidman noticed she wasn't surrounded by photogs at the MTV Movie Awards after-party, so she touched her belly.

  73. I hate this skank. I watched an episode of High Society and she is quite possibly thee worst human being on the planet. I wish I didn't know who this entitled, unbelievably rude, mannish, spoiled brat was. As if any one would pay to have sex with her, good one.

  74. Well bless your heart, Jules. I do believe you are dumber than a box of hair.

    Oh, and whomever commented that the picture looked like a rough Helen Hunt owes me a pair of panties. I tee teed in mine, I was laughing so hard.

  75. Doesn't High Society just sound like a show about call girls? I've never heard of it.

    P.S. Don't ya love it when BIs reveal themselves? lmao

    Nice meeting you Jules. Hope the economics thing opens up more career options for you.

    Poor thing

  76. i swear to god i LOVE you, enty!

    best. post. ever.

    who is this delusional person again?

    and major lols to jillian s...i love this: "I wonder if Blogger and Google law is practiced in a court of Skype?"

    someone pick me for this jury, i beg you.

  77. I think that Jules sent that email to Enty to get people to start watching High Society. Nice try Jules, but it won't work.

  78. Wow...Sarah Palin for the guess - that might just be it!!

  79. I must agree, the comments on this post are the best ever. It's 2am and I'm wide awake from LOL-ing too much. :))

    I'm trying to catch up on the posts I've missed and like everyone, my first thought was who the hell this girl is and then "what blind item from yesterday"? :))

  80. I could be going crazy, but I really think that I did read one guess that said "Jules Kirby lol." The reason I remember this is because it was the only guess where I thought, "WTF is that?"

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.
