Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Donatella Versace Thinks A Size Zero Is Too Fat - Won't Let Real Women Model The H&M Clothes

Now I know why Allegra Versace is wired the way she is and wonder if she will ever be healthy being around her mom, Donatella Versace. Later this week Versace and H&M are releasing Versace clothes for H&M. H&M tries to brand itself as a store where people of all sizes and shapes can come and find clothes. As part of that The NY Daily News scheduled a photo shoot to have "real women" model some of the line. Even though the real women were sizes 0-6, Donatella went crazy and refused to give permission for the clothes to be used. First of all, size 0-6 does not really represent everyone or even the majority of women, but I get what the Daily News was doing. A size 6 is about 8 sizes larger than a regular model. Instead of using Versace clothes, the women will be wearing clothes from other designers.

It is this kind of crap and what Adriana Lima said the other day about starving yourself to look good that causes these health issues and people suffering from bulimia and anorexia.


  1. Donatella forgets, that the only reason Versace was recognized by main stream, was because a size 5 (at the time) woman wore her dress to the Grammy Awards, and made voluptuous sexy: Jennifer Lopez's green dress.

  2. Poor Allegra, Uncle Gianni was her only saving grace and after he died getting stuck with a mother like that, there was no other recourse for the girl but to be anorexic/bulimic, SMDH

  3. So I guess Donatella also thinks real women have lips like fish and resemble albino monkeys?

  4. I can't even look at her w/o cringing.

  5. What I saw of the collection, it's all hideous anyway. All looked like ecstasy-fuelled rave wear to me.

  6. no wonder Gianni left Allegra the keys to his empire. To get away from his bat shit crazy mother.


  7. Who the f*ck does she think is going to buy it at the bloody store? Hopefully no-one after this.

  8. I think this whole deny-yourself-food culture has a lot in common with the old self-denial cultures that were expressed in traditional religions. The more you denied yourself pleasure, the more holy you were and therefore better than other mortals. (Still exists among some religious fundamentalists who deny themselves music, dancing, etc.)

    It seems like these Size 0 types are seeking some kind of moral superiority by focusing on self-denial and sacrifice and measuring themselves against others' self-denial and self-sacrifice.

  9. The only thing that needs to be a Size 0 is her lips. Gawd they are big & ugly.

  10. Size 8 and proud, Donatella, And I can't afford Versace anyway.

  11. This is sick. Sick, sick sick. That attitude isn't just stupid & annoying, it is dangerous.

    Some stats:
    *One in 200 American women suffers from anorexia
    *Two to three in 100 American women suffers from bulimia
    * 5 – 10% of anorexics die within 10 years after contracting the disease; 18-20% of anorexics will be dead after 20 years
    *The mortality rate for anorexia nervosa is 12 times higher than the death rate of ALL causes of death for females 15 – 24 years old.
    *20% of people suffering from anorexia will prematurely die from complications related to their eating disorder, including suicide and heart problems.
    *Only 30-40% of eating disorder sufferers will ever fully recover.

    Thanks, Donatella.

  12. Lets see a size 0 is a vintage 4, oh yeah Donatella
    she needs emergency lipo asap...
    This woman is cracked.

  13. This pisses me right off and I'd like to revoke her membership in the women's club. You're doing our gender no favours, you superficial, loathsome waste of skin. Her poor daughter.

  14. Well, it wasn't JLo that made Versace. It was Liz Hurley's famous safety pin black dress back in the early 90s. Once it was voted most iconic dress of the red carpet of all time, that skyrocketed the brand name.

    I think that whole "most inconic ever" thing got to Donatella's head and its never left.

    But I also don't take my beauty advice from someone that looks like a leather handbag left out in the sun too .

    1. Gianni Versace was always iconic. But what truly made him and his brand ICONIC was the Gianni Versace Fall 1991 Runway. Then he kept producing Hit runways and iconic dresses

  15. fuck off Donatella and
    fuck off H&M for working with this troll.

  16. @rocketQueen - DITTO!

  17. No wonder her poor daughter is anorexic.

  18. oh AND she looks like a grouper fish - lips, face and all. Blech!

  19. @RQ - way to go! Some women work so hard at bashing other women, they don't realize the ridiculousness of their behavior. She truly does need to have her membership revoked! And hope her daughter gets away, fast.

  20. Didn't someone famous write or say a long time ago that she kept bricks of cocaine in her freezer?

  21. Anonymous12:16 PM

    @ RocketQueen: Ditto!

  22. In my days of starving, I did feel superior. It made me feel powerful to watch other people indulge in food while I could resist. It gave me a false sense of superiority. I was also f-ing miserable underneath it. As ugly as an eating disorder can be on the outside, it's just as ugly on the inside.
    So Donatella - suck it. All the money and starvation in the world wouldn't make me as happy as I am today.

  23. I think even she admitted she was addicted to coke for nearly 20 years. idk that i'd believe she completely stopped though....

  24. Anonymous12:17 PM

    @ selenakyle: That could explain some of her ugliness.

  25. @Love is the Moment - Congrats on getting better.

  26. oh Hendrix...those are some heartbreaking stats.

    my beloved h&m isn't getting business from me w/ this collaboration. suck it (and swallow it), donatella.

  27. Skinny doesn't make burnt flesh look any prettier. How sad to go through your whole life a fool.

  28. She truly is an unattractive person, inside and out. I would say that she looks like a muppet, but I really don't want to offend any Muppets that might be reading this.

  29. Fashion is not real life.

  30. A pet peeve of mine is thick, black-as-coal eyeliner with super light-blond eyebrows. Yuck. I KNOW she can muster up a darker blond brow pencil up in this joint, sheesh.

  31. Fat is temporary, ugly is forever.
    Just sayin'.

  32. So are they not producing clothes for H&M that are "normal" sizes, or just 0-6?

  33. Love, I hear ya. It was a sick kind of wonderful to sit back while others ate and pushing myself to see how many days in a row I could go without eating. After day five the mind does start to go and so does a period, anyhoo... the only thing worse than looking at Donatella is listening to her. I hate her voice and the way she talks. I loved Gianni, but she does nothing for me.

  34. If she can't design clothes that make a normal body look good, then she CAN'T DESIGN clothes. Period.

    What's wrong with her face. Did she get run over by a truck?

  35. I don't know the demographics of who shops at H&M, but seems like only making things in size 0-6 would cut out at least...1/4? 1/2 of their customers?

  36. When a woman is uglier than Janice the muppet made in her image, it really stops mattering what size her dress is. If that's what she needs to feel good about herself its a pity. The saddest part is shes even uglier on the inside.

  37. Gianni was the real talent in the family, and D knows it.

    She's pathetic. If Gianni hadn't been senselessly killed, D would be NOTHING but his ugly sister.

  38. She's a twat.

    Women that thin look ridiculous anyway. My smallest ex-girlfriend is a size 10 (British size), the biggest is a 20.

    To quote the band Beautiful South: "I like to hold something I can see".

  39. I agree, before her brother died I had no idea who this waste of space was.

  40. Has she looked in the mirror? She looks horrible...

  41. Honest to gawd, based on that photo, I expected a lead-in to an article on The Walking Dead. She's totally ready for the zombie apocalypse with that face.

  42. Maya Rudolph used to do a hilarious Donatella impression on SNL, and I think Donatella pretended she found it amusing. Riiiiiight.

  43. I didn't realize Versace was even a popular brand, anymore. Her design sense is kind of like Halston's -- it fit a certain era that doesn't really exist anymore.

    1. Versace remains a Top 10 fashion brand in the world. But Donatella doesnt even have half of her brother's talent

  44. There's a book out about the House of Versace. I haven't read it all, but I did read the chapters dealing with Versaces will.

    Donatella and the brother were FURIOUS that Allegra got left everything in the will. There wasn't much they could do about that, but they sure as hell went after Versace's boyfriend Antonio. Now not only was this guy Gianni's boyfriend, but he also chased after Cunanan after he killed Versace, at risk of his own life. Anyway, Antonio didn't get left much either, but he got an apartment and some money. Enough to keep him comfortable anyway. The siblings weren't happy about that, and it was advised to Antonio that he would be best not to fight them in court. So he got a condo to live in (not in his name, so he doesn't own it) and some cash. Oh, and he lost his job with the company and we haven't heard from him since. He could have fought it I suppose but he had no legal status since they were gay and not legally married.

    So if she can pull that shit on her "brother in law", god only knows what she does to her daughter.

    Oh, and I would believe she keeps bricks of coke in the freezer. She strikes me a someone who doesn't like to wait for her pleasures.

  45. @Love is the Moment, what a beautiful comment. Sounds like you have been transformed. Congrats.

  46. She has got to be one of the ugliest women in the world, inside and out.

  47. It's 2011. Why are we even hearing that tired old name any more? In their best year, that company will have two or three women agree to wear a gown on a red carpet as long as they don't have to pay for it; meanwhile, dozens of real designers are turning out fabulous, ridiculous, current designs that people pay money for. Let's agree not to speak of these has-beens any more, unless we're discussing the ancient history of Miami Beach.

    1. Versace is still a TOP 10 Global Fashion brand worth billions. Gianni made history with his iconic memorable runways and his iconic signatures such as oroton , bondage collection and safety pin's dress. Only Gianni had the power as a designer to turn an unknown woman into a superstar overnight such as is the case wwith Liz Hurley. Only Gianni could do that. No other designer before or after him has done that. No other designer has such a famous dress and such a famous moment. Only Gianni can be that iconic, distinguished and irrepetible!

  48. This woman is vile, inside and out.

  49. Poor woman tries so hard to be the beauty however she has a face of a beast.

    I don't have a problem with her limiting the size. Some things only look good on a size 0. Some things look better on a size 22. Fashion is a type of art. It's a business decision to limit the size. Probably a dumb one, but she's pretty dumb herself so... whatevs.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. I just can't get past her face. OMG. She should stop wearing her own clothes because parking that train wreck of a face on top of them is doing them no favors.

  52. She is willing to trade her daughter's life for fashion. She makes the Kardashians look like saints.

  53. I want to throw this out there -- I don't think designing a line for normal sized women is going to cure the anorexia of her daughter. It's probably some long term abuse going on... emotional, psychological type. I can imagine watching your mom snorts lines 24/7 be pretty damaging. It's a control thing.

  54. To borrow a quote, "let those who refrained from bashing JLH for her size 2 comment cast the first stone".

    'course, that would mostly likely leave this post without any comments at all.

  55. Is there an uglier woman in the world? And does this one have access to a mirror? Maybe that's why she's unaware of how fugly she is.

    I miss SNL's Maya Rudolph's Donatella

  56. I'm not usually an advocate of plastic surgery, but in this case, holy shit woman, invest some serious money in your ugly punnum cuz you is UUUUUGLY. I mean, children-run-screaming ugly.

    Does she really truly not know how hideous her racoon eyes and ruined-with-injections lips are? And her lump of cauliflower nose?

    And for the love of god, that peroxide wig looks stupid on someone with your Mediterranean coloring.

  57. @The Bitch Next Door, Get outa here before I love you too much!

  58. Look at that face and then tell me you would take beauty, fashion or any kind of esthetic advice from that woman....and i'll tell you i have a bridge for sale....

  59. you know, i don't wish any ill to allegra, but if the only way for donatella to realize that what she's doing is extremely wrong is if allegra dies or gets close to dying because of her eating disorder due to her mom's bilieves. I certainly hope not. I hope allegra gets help and comes to her senses and tells donatella that if she doesn't like it to shove it and go eff herself.

  60. She's an idiot. Real women have curves and don't look like tennage boys.
