Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I Hate Myself For Loving This Show

For some reason I can take or leave the original Teen Mom cast, but I love the Teen Mom 2 cast. These people are a gold mine of dysfunctionality mixed in with a dose of Jerry Springer and brushes with the law. In a couple of weeks the new season premieres on MTV and they released a trailer for the upcoming season. Apparently Leah cheated on Corey for the millionth time. I think Leah and Jesse James should start dating and see who can cheat on the other more often. Honestly I don't even know why Jesse James even bothers getting into a relationship. Just go have sex with as many people as you want and call it dating.

Apparently Adam Lind takes his daughter away from Chelsea and I'm not sure how that is possible considering I don't think the guy has even moved off the couch or stopped playing video games for the entire run of the show. Maybe he finally opened his eyes and noticed Chelsea's hair and took away their daughter before she too could become the victim of a bad dye job.


  1. Can't watch it. It breaks my mom-heart and infuriates me the way these kids will ditch their babies with ANYONE so they can "have a life". And that one named Amber I think - ugh, all she does is nag nag nag, and her poor little kid really gets no attention other than being nagged at.
    Killssss me.

  2. I will never forget a the scene that asshole Adam said to that poor girl only 3 days after she gave birth. I believe he called her "a fat, stretch marked whore" or something to that regard.

    And yet, she took him back.
