Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Nicole Richie Doesn't Carry I.D.

The NY Post had a quick little blurb about Nicole Richie being carded at a bar and how she talked her way out of it by saying that she does not carry i.d. but she is a mother. My question is who does not carry i.d? How often are we asked for it? I know that if I choose credit instead of debit, I better be ready to pull out the drivers license. Interesting note. On my previous license I was so big and the cameras were not as good I guess as they are now that I barely fit in the space allotted. It looked as if I were actually coming out of the license because there was no background left to see at all.

What if Nicole gets pulled over by the police? This is not unrealistic considering her past driving history. Writing a check? Well, no one really does that too much anymore but you better have some identification for it. Picking up tickets at will call? You better have i.d.

I think I would have understood if she said she forgot it that night or something, but does this also mean she carries no credit or debit cards? She just expects magical fairy dust to appear when the bill comes and waves it away. She must carry some right? Does anyone here not carry i.d?


  1. "Don't you know who I AM??? I have a successful fashion line. And you don't. Give me my drink!"

    I can hear it, now...

  2. I work on the weekends working the door at a bar and you would be surprised how many people do not carry an i.d. Enty.

  3. Maybe she lied. Maybe she doesn't want anyone to see her photo on her driver's license. Maybe she doesn't want anyone to see her birth date or any other personal information.

  4. I have a fear of being a Jane Doe, so I never, ever go anywhere without an I.D.

  5. Unless you actually expect that you will need it, lot's of people don't carry ID with them. The main reason being that if they lose that ID, it is a bigger headache replacing it.

  6. Same here, afraid of being a Jane Doe. Even when I go jogging, I will have an ID on me.

    But people like Nicole... They probably have bodyguards carrying their ID for them. So the doorman was asking the wrong person:)

  7. Move that cone! She's Nicole Richie!

  8. @RQ LOL! That's where Lindsay learned her behavior?

  9. I always carry id, but I absolutely don't need it. No one ever cards me, no one asks to see my id when I use my debit card as a credit card - never. Heck, they don't even check the signature.

    So I can believe it.

  10. teehee, RQ! cofee just literally went up my nose on that one.

    idg why she doesn't. it's so easy in the US...a simply DL or state ID is a legal form of id, and it's not that difficult to get re-issued if lost. in my country of origin, for example, you legal id is one thing, your DL is another and they are not interchangeable.

    sigh. boo hiss on her entitlement and 1st world problems.

  11. I carded a teen girl at a wedding. She said she'd get her id and be right back. She really borrowed her older sister's id. Busted! The name didn't match the placecard at her seat.

  12. Most importantly, why did this make NY Post?! Even if she were in NY, she's not from NY - and, either way, it's a stupid non-story. That said, it's definitely a case of "everyone knows who I am," and "celebrities like me shouldn't have to give commoners the personal info on my DL. Idiot. Nicole: get an ID, have it mailed to your agent's office and get over yourself. Or stay home. But, entering a bar or buying liquor, it's the law that you must show ID, even if you look like Mrs. Roper at 60.

  13. For those upset at being carded - wait until you're obviously too old to be carded. Now THAT'S depressing!

  14. A lot of celebrities have their handlers carry their cards & money for them; perhaps that's the case with her.

    To me, it's a childish thing to do, like having your mommy hold your ticket to the ferris wheel.

  15. she is a spoiled brat...just like most of the talentless like her.

  16. If she's asked for ID, she probably responds, "Don't you know who I am?"

    A couple weeks ago I was buying some OTC cold medicine, and the clerk asked to see my ID. As I was pulling it out I said, "I don't look 18? Thanks!!!!"

  17. I'm on Team Jenny (if I were a celebrity I'm not sure I'd want some random out of town bouncer knowing my home addy, birth date and social #) -- and maybe Nicole has People to do this sort of thing for her. Or thinks she has. Maybe she should think about why Her People let her go out without ID, for starters. Do they know they're Her People?

  18. Weezy, social sec #s are not on drivers' licenses. Anyone with internet can find out her birthday and probably her home address - AND you don't need to have your home address on your DL - she could have a business address, her agents', her managers', etc. She can even have a She can have an ID that satisfies the legal requirements for bars and give away nothing "personal. Besides, chick's arrest record is all over the internet from when she was high and drove onto a freeway going the wrong way using an exit-only OFF ramp. There's more personal info in that than what her ID could contain ...

  19. I usually carry my drivers licence, but I've been known to forget my wallet on occasion. Which is a pain in the butt since I tend to get carded still...*L*

  20. I cannot fathom going to a bar without ID. I always have my ID, debit and a few credit cards with me, when I go out. When I'm shopping, I'm always asked to see my DL, so, pretty much all the time. I guess maybe if I lived in a city where I didn't have to drive EVERYWHERE to get anywhere, I might not carry it, but even then like others said, for safety precautions.

    I guess she figured she was recognizable enough that being ID-less wouldn't matter? I love how she used being a mother as a reason. Has she never watched 16 and Pregnant??!!

  21. PS -- I didn't realize social #'s aren't on driver's licenses (I don't look at mine because the pic is *that bad*.) I also didn't realize you didn't have to use your home addy on a license. Tx.

  22. I dont look my age and I'm Latina...I ALWAYS carry ID.

  23. i keep my debt card in my pocket, but if i'm running around our little community i don't bother w/ my purse. especially when i walk.

  24. My friend is the school nurse at the school Amy Fisher's kids attend. Last year her daughter was sick. Usually the husband comes to get the kids, but this time Amy showed up---with no id. Technically my friend wasn't allowed to release any kids without id, but she obviously knew it was Amy. The little girl kept repeating how her mommy is the most beautiful mommy in the world.

  25. One of my former English profs never got one!

  26. We recently had a 15 year old boy hit by a car while skateboarding in our neighborhood. He died at the scene, but had no id on him and his identity wasn't released until the next day. That was a very hard day for everyone wondering if it was someone we knew. Even kids need to carry id.

  27. Wasn't she supposed to be sober??!!
