Saturday, December 17, 2011

Barefoot Bandit Gets 7 Years In Jail

The aftermath stories are never quite as interesting as the beginning. Last year when Colton Harris Moore, known as the Barefoot Bandit was on the run, I think a lot of people were wondering how long he could evade capture and what he was going to do next. The kid was a teenager and was a one man international crime spree and was able to steal boats and fly planes to escape. It was all pretty remarkable before he was caught in the Bahamas. He was sentenced yesterday to 7 years in jail which will run concurrently with a federal prison sentence he already received. If he lived in Los Angeles he would already be home from prison, but since he does not he will have to serve at least half that time. Still though he says he will earn his college degree when in jail and will get out when he is 23 or 24.


  1. I will buy this guy's book, sure he was breaking laws but I bet its all one hell of a story.

  2. if this kid can use his intelligence in a constructive way, i'm pulling for him. his fucking mother's the one who should really be in prison. i'm not excusing what he did, but at least he didn't murder or rape anyone. get your shit together, colton. i'm on your side if you can do that.

  3. I already saw this movie and Leo did it better. ;)He must have a lot of street smarts and charm.

  4. Hmm, maybe it's wrong of me, but if I was his mother, I'd be secretly proud. That's one crafty kid. And if I recall, he didn't hurt anyone, just stole the planes and boats that were empty. I do think he deserves the punishment that he got and I too am pulling for him to make good use of his skills and talents - but as a momma - I'd still quietly smug.

  5. Wow!! - Nevermind my previous statement.

    I just read the Wiki page on Colton and it's just very sad. He father was a drug addict/prisoner and tried to choke him when he was 12. His stepfather died when he was 7 and his mother was abusive/drunk. His neighbors called CPS for him several times. It says that when he was a young boy, he began to live in the woods to avoid his mother/home.

    I REALLY hope now he has a chance to turn his life around and make a better one for himself. He seems very smart (taught himself how to fly the planes by reading manuals!)

  6. He won't be profiting from any book or movie deal. That was written into his plea agreement.

    From what the judge said Colton's childhood was a nightmare with his mother and some of his behavior started from just being starving and breaking into vacation homes looking for food.

    I think he got such a stiff sentence becuase he made such a mockery of so many law enforcement groups that couldn't catch him and the social media turning him into an anti-hero didn't help either.

  7. Wow... I really don't know what to say. But I do hope he turns his life around as he says he is and will have a better life after he gets out.

  8. I hope he gets into some program while he is doing his time to get an education and learn what a stable life could be. A kid this smart and strong should have the opportunity to make something out of himself.

    I hope the powers that be steer him in that direction and someone helps him get ready to have a better life when he gets out.

  9. He is one resourceful kid! The kid Catch Him if you Can was based on was a lot like this. He turned his life around for sure.

  10. I actually think it's kind of unfair that he can't profit from a book/movie deal. He didn't hurt anyone. Agree that the book would be a fascinating read.
