Monday, June 18, 2012

Your Turn

With the success of Fifty Shades Of Grey, I'm wondering if you would rather read about sex or have it? Watch porn or have sex?


  1. Uhm HAVE IT with someone I love and care for of course, DUHHHHH LMAO

  2. "ain't nothing like the real thing, baby"

    Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell

  3. Oh, Enty , just asking that question speaks volumes ...

  4. Much rather have it!

  5. Let's get it on.

    -Marvin Gaye and Ms. Cool

  6. Have it. With a porn actress.

  7. Sex..What's that?

  8. The question should be would you rather watch it or read it?

    But to answer the question have it no questions asked

  9. In order of preference

    1. Have it.
    2. Read it.

    I don't like to watch it.

  10. Is this really a question?? Have it.

  11. I definitely would rather read about it vs watching porn (porn is not for women, mostly. My reactions when watching are like this "Ow, that looks painful!! and seriously - that does not seem realistic?!" etc).

    So then it's a no brainer to YES on having sex rather than watching porn.

  12. I did an eyeroll too when I read the question for the day, but then I thought I would give an honest answer by throwing my friends under the bus who have read the book :) Like me, a lot of my girlfriends have 2 kids (or 3!) ages 3 and younger. When you've been changing dirty diapers all day, chasing down kids who don't want to get dressed, breaking up fights over who gets to hold the gum wrapper they found and trying to control tantrums (of course I'm just mentioning the bad stuff - kids are awesome!) it can be hard to transition to "Hey baby, let's do this thing". For my friends that have read the book (I just can't on the cheese factor alone) I think it helps to get them in a sexy mood and transition from frazzled Mommy to horny housewife (yeah, I can't believe I just typed it either). Anyway, if it can spark up the sexy time then go for BOTH!

  13. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Why limit yourself? Both. Read or watch something to get you in the mood or try out new things. It all works. P

  14. Obviously I'd rather have teh sex, but I do watch porn often. Not like sitting back and watching straight up full length porn movies, just a good scene to get off on. haha, I feel so weird writing that, but it's true.

  15. I love to read a GOOD sex story. But having it is infinitely better.

    HATE porn. I'm not opposed to it if that's what others want to watch, but for me it's just boring and icky and fakey, and all I can do is look for and laugh at any physical flaws. Like once in college, a bunch of us girls were watching a tape just for fun and got hysterical laughing at all the zits on the woman's ass.

  16. I love watching it WITH my bf! Or if we watch it alone we email it to the other n it's something fun we share. Sometimes we end up making fun of the academy award winners or we don't make it to the end. It's totally fun in so many ways.

  17. At this point, I'd much rather find someone to have a conversation with that doesn't include phrases like, "I ain't," "it don't," and "you're stupid" in his speech, more then sex or anything sex related, b/c I've been there, and done that.

  18. I'm with the both vote. Watch porn while having sex. But if I have to choose one, having it.

    I enjoy watching porn to get new ideas. Kind of like watching a cooking show to learn about new dishes.

  19. None of it. I don't care.

  20. i am so sick of the 50 Shades of Grey hype I read the books before the media onslaught and thought they were fun reads. But people becoming obsessed with the books and all this fake casting before the script is even written is just beyond annoying.

  21. You can’t beat a good naked romp! Porn? Pah!

  22. @timebob- I totally agree, the fake casting crap is beyond ANNOYING (are you listening, Ted C??)

    And I agree with everyone else, having it versus watching/reading about it. Although, watching it and reading about it are great ways to get in the mood for having it! Great, now I need to get some, ASAP. ;)

  23. I heard the book was perverted and disgusting and have zero interest in reading it.

  24. I truly don't get all the hoopla (I can't believe I used that word) about the 50 shade books. I have read other authors who write way better sex scenes and can use more than 3 phrases over and over again. If it wasn't associated with twilight all you would hear about is the shitty writing and weak plots involved in it.

    1. I couldn't agree more! All of the descriptions were the same (enough with the breath hitching & biting the damn lip! Ugh!) and I'm not into bondage but it really didn't seem like they did anything unheard of. I really don't see what all the fuss is about. I just finished it and will definitely not be reading the others.

    2. And I forgot to say that the guy is a bipolar control freak, and it may be my age and experience, but I just kept thinking "Run for the hills, you stupid, stupid girl!"

    3. I think someone needs to invent a drinking game for these books. For every time you read the phrases:
      Inner goddess or inner conscience-take a shot
      Looking through my lashes-take 2 shots
      Twitching palm, calling each other by mr or ms, oa fuck who am I kidding forget the damn books and drink the whole bottle the hangover is better than reading that bullshat

  25. I have not read the book, no desire to buy it or see the movie. Does any one remember "last Tango in Paris" I saw it after a professor mentioned the butter session. Nearly fried my poor 20 year-old rural Canadian mind.

  26. Definitely have sex, of course!

  27. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Come on Enty, " would you rather have sex or read about it? " How about a your turn with: would you stay with a wealthy powerful cheating husband (or wife) and try to work it out or would you leave? Would you cheat also to get back at them? Does the money and the access make up for it?

  28. Hmm, I like them in a "same but different" way.
    Sex with a partner is great, but can be very vanilla after 15 years, 2 kids, and extended family living in the same house.
    Reading a good piece of (well written) erotica can light the fire that is perhaps a little harder to get going than it once was.

  29. I like all three!
    It depends on how I feel at any given time.

  30. Well, as a single 25 year old female with a libido that matches that of Errol Flynn, I'd say I'd prefer to have it. But if I can't, reading it is ok, but watching it does it for me.

  31. Having it..hands down! Writing your own erotica is wonderful. I recommend everyone try that once.

  32. Depends on with whom.

  33. I'd rather have it with someone I love who loves me.

    I would rather read erotica than watch porn, but I find that they can have a synergistic effect under the right circumstances.

  34. Several of us have commented on this before (sorry for the repeat) but, if you want a fun read, see the comments on Amazon reviews re Shades of G, very, very funny.

  35. real deal. every time.

  36. In regards to 'Fifty' I would rather resurface the tarmac on my drive with my tongue than read that rubbish (I do enjoy the fifty shades of suck blog though!)

  37. @pippacalthorpe - thank you ! Hilarious. I saw the old gals who critiqued K K-ian's porno tape on there. They crack me up.

  38. Porn is NOT sex. Exploitation is that farthest from sexy I can imagine.

    Sex is sex. Sexy, sexy sex.

    I like dark-haired, subservient men and athletic, super-smart women. :D

  39. Agreed on the book being SUCK-ASS.

  40. Have it, matter of fact I just finished :-p
