Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Your Turn

Only Jimmy Kimmel would ask something like this. Well, except for me. The question, suitably modified for all sexes is have you slept with more or less than six people in your life?


  1. Hahaha


    That is all.

  2. I'll be really surprised if there's a lot of less! Heehee

  3. Is he qualifying the question by asking if they slept with six people per college semester?

  4. 6 total or at one time?

  5. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Yeah, give or take 70 or 80. Didn't always sleep, though.

  6. When I lived in Europe my romemate & I had pushpins and would mark all the countries/cunties (typo it stays) of the people we slept with. 6 was a good weekend.

  7. Did you leave off the zero and meant 60?

  8. I feel like a tramp now

  9. I'm not normally a grammarian, but this one made me laugh.
    The way Enty lists it in his intro, I could just say "Yes."

    "Have you slept with with more or less than six people in your life?"

    Yes is correct. I think the technical way to ask this is "Which of these statements is true: I have slept with more than six people in my life. I have slept with less than six people in my life?

    Those who have slept with exactly six people just say neither, I guess. ;)

    For me personally, I'll stick with 'yes.' :)

  10. I feel like a prude now....

  11. @rareavis - I call those Freudian typos, and they make me chuckle because at heart I am still 14.

  12. Awesome.

    And interestingly, a mini-sociological experiment. It was interesting that when the black man came up he got the biggest response from the audience insofar as them deducing he WAS over the 6 people. Oversexualizing black men is nothing new. Neither is assuming that overweight and/or nerds and/or frat boys all have assumed sexual histories that coincide with their stereotypical identities.
    Obviously my fav part was the audience's assumptions of the pedestrians before they annoucned their numbers.

  13. Since 2005, no...before that, well I'll just say no comment

  14. my. god. i've led a sheltered life. maybe i need to sew my oats? oh, eggs would not approve.

  15. Let's put it this way, when a man has asked me "how many?" My response was always, you don't want to really know

  16. I love how strangely quiet this thread is!

    I second the *crickets*

  17. I've been married four times, you figure it out.

  18. I've slept with less than six lesbians...

    Actually, no, I probably have.

  19. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Um, guess I'm a prude. Fewer than six.

  20. 7 here, 4 girls 3 guys.

  21. ButterKwup- We can be prudes together, lol!

  22. Yeah totally no more than 6 (fingers crossed behind my back).

  23. More than 20 for sure - I stopped keeping track after 23. Stopped keeping track of all the blow jobs I've given years ago. Whatever, I like sex. No biggie.

  24. It would have been a lot more interesting if they asked the guys if they'd slept with more or less than six guys.

  25. Less...don't feel like a prude though.

  26. Over. And yeah I like sex too. As long as your being safe, what's the big deal. Having a friend w benefits is a lifesaver sometimes

  27. I can still count them on both hands if that means anything lol

  28. told my nephew - what men say, divide by 3...what women say, multiply by 3

    On a personal note, I am now unemployed....anyone looking to hire someone?

  29. Fewer than 6, way fewer. Not on purpose just sort of worked out that way :)....Time to have that Cougar Crisis I guess

  30. "told my nephew - what men say, divide by 3...what women say, multiply by 3"

    I would say that rule applies if:

    For guys, the actual number is less than 10.

    For gals, the actual number is more than 20.

    No guy is going to claim to have bonked ten dozen women unless they're a professional musician or athlete.

  31. Good lord...6 a few times over!! I actually enjoyed my single years.

  32. @Big Mama I'm sorry to hear that. I got laid off in July of 2011 and have yet to get rehired anywhere. Going back to school now. I hope you're successful in your job search!

  33. Does shagging a father and son at the same time count as one, or two?

    My twenties were legendary. ;)

    1. Woah!! I would love to know more about this!!

  34. 1, my husband....but I'm not a prude! Lol, just started dating young

  35. Less. (Fewer?) As my beloved Cher Horowitz said: "Look how picky I am about my shoes and they only go on my feet!"

  36. But no judgment from me for whatever or whoever consenting adults choose to do. Get your freak on!

  37. I will be honest - I was going to write brave, but that implies there is something wrong with whatever number you put out there. 15, and my husband knows my number & I know his.

  38. I got fewer than six.

  39. @ Jasmine,
    the black guy is attractive, fit and 51 years old. Plus he obviously has an outgoing personality. Attractive, fit and outgoing guys get laid. Regardless of colour.

  40. Over, but only 3 were any good. I was single for most of my twenties. Pretty sure the hubs is under.

  41. Well, if my memory serves me right..I have slept with the same amount of men as Andie McDowell's character in Three Weddings and a Funeral..
