Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Blind Item #4

This B- list mostly television actress from a middling hit cable show never lets an interview get in the way of telling the world exactly what she is doing and selling and promoting. Her interviews sound like an interview with a NASCAR driver. Our actress lets the interviewer ask one question and then proceeds to list every project in which she involved and any recent accomplishments or awards she has also received, no matter how insignificant. One person who went on a date with the actress does not remember saying anything except hello and goodnight. The entire three hours in between was her talking non-stop about herself.


  1. Ashley isn't mostly TV.

  2. Hmm yeah that's true. I guess she popped into my head cause she's done a lot of TV lately

  3. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Jennifer Love Hewitt

  4. Ooh I like the JLH guess!

  5. Asley Judd only did Missing for the tv
    Ashley Judd Filmography

    not her

  6. Yup...I was just about to say Emmy Rossum.

  7. Wasn't there a BV recently that was guessed to be William H. Macy telling Emmy off for being so divaish and arrogant?

    1. BI guesses do not = fact. She's very pleasant and sweet. Or she was to me when I met her through a cast mate of hers and when I ran into her again at private event at which she performed.

  8. Oh yeah I had a friend like that....HAD..

  9. @crila16 Yes! I believe it was this one? http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2013/01/blind-item-4_11.html

  10. This sticker is dangerous and inconvenient, but I do love fig newtons...

  11. I hate heariing diva stuff about Emmy because she's really good in that role!

    crila, well we don't know for sure it was her, but yes a lot of people guessed her.

  12. @msgirl Me too. I'm a huge Shameless fan and I love her on the show.

  13. I saw Emmy on Chelsea lately and she seemed very sweet and did not list all of her accomplishments. She was normal.

  14. I didn't know who Emmy Rossum was until I saw her on Kelly & Michael - no preconceived notions - but she seemed a little full of herself.

  15. Seriously? This is a blind?? "This actress talks a lot"?!?!

    Am I missing something?

  16. I've said this before and I'll say it again, I cannot stand Emmy Rossum. Hope she goes far away. Am I seriously the only person who saw the Disney Channel movie Genius? Or Poseidon..? She's so annoying!

  17. Replies
    1. Yup, just what i was gonna say!!

  18. Courtney Cox? Just to throw something different out there...

  19. Anonymous10:40 AM

    yeah, I'm with Cruz. all of em. Actors and Actresses are the biggest egomaniacs in the world, it's all me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, oh and did you hear about me? I've got to tell you about me! did you see me in? can you help me? I've been wanting to talk to you about me. please call me. I also can't stand Rossum, she stinks of desperation, try hard, I'm perfect and special, as unique and magical as a snowflake, kind of like Hathaway. Did you smell some Rossum in here? Is this look too Rossum? Good lord, did you see how Rossum she looked?!

  20. Anna that reminded me of Malkovich, Malkovich malkovich..

    Yeah all of them. And it's because they are so insecure. The industry keeps them that way.

  21. I agree with Cruz, all of them.

  22. ha ha ha, I had a boyfriend like that once. Briefly.

  23. Olivia Munn, The Newsroom!

  24. Olivia Minn because she is desperate to stay relevant. Emmy wins Emmys.

  25. I can't stand Olivia Munn. I would love for it to be her!

  26. Not a fan of Olivia Munn but can someone explain why there is so much hatred for her on every blog????

  27. @sandybrook, Emmy Rossum wins Emmys? News to me. She's never even been nominated.

  28. If this didn't say "B-list mostly television actress from a middling hit cable show" I would think this was a woman I work with. TALKS CONSTANTLY. From 8am to 5pm.

  29. @Amy good on the Emmy part but she has been nominated and won other acting awards. Olivia wont ever win any and Emmy still could/should be a winner for Shameless its her show not Macy' s.

  30. Hey, FrenchGirl, don't leave out 'Sisters!' She was on that show for years. I loved her back then, and I'm sad to have found out what a bitch she is. Sometimes I wish I didn't read celeb gossip at all.

    mae reeves, the reason I hate Munn is because she was so painfully unfunny on The Daily Show that she ruined it for me for the (blessedly short) time she was on. The reason a lot of people hate her is that she pretends to be a geek to get all of the guys who live in their mom's basements to fall for her. She's one of the worst phonies in Hollywood, and that's really saying something. There's also the fact that she uses sex rather than talent to get all of her jobs, and then claims that she never uses her sex appeal to get a job, which is one of the most laughable things I've ever heard. And hey, I think she doesn't like us much either! "I think that anyone who's out there trying to bring down why any woman would get anywhere, or why we're different, just needs to fucking turn her fucking computer off, take the sandwich out of her mouth and go for a goddamn fucking walk. You know what? Just walk it off, bitch. Just walk it off, bitch." Oh, I almost forgot, she actively hid her Asian ethnicity until she realized she could use it to help her career, and then she exploited it. How's that for a start? lol

  31. Anne Hathaway if she was TV

  32. Mooshki, don't forget that Munn also got her start on Attack of the Show- so for years she pretended to be a geek (even writing a book about what a geek she was), and then the second she went mainstream immediately stopped talking about being a geek.

    Fake. fake. fake. fake. And she doesn't even hide it.

  33. as much as i really like her, what about lea michele?

  34. as much as i like her, but what about lea michele?

  35. Ugh, Olivia Munn is awful. As a former video-game playing Asian girl (I gave up the games, not being asian hah), Munn's whole schtick on Attack of the Show was so offensive and painful for a feminist to watch. Cannot stand that woman, so not funny and so fake! When I heard she joined the Daily Show cast, I stopped watching. Hopefully she's gone, but I haven't stuck around to find out - what a shitty hire. Blech! >:P
