Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Courtney Stodden Compares Herself To Marilyn Monroe

Yeah, she really did. Called herself iconic. You know, in a 16 year old marrying a 50 year old kind of way.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  2. This little girl isn't as iconic as one of Marilyn's poops.

  3. Courtney Stodden thinks she's an old soul?! Um, old souls aren't obsessed with Hello Kitty

  4. Everyone wants to be Marilyn but there is only one...

  5. I'm sure she misspoke.
    She had to be trying for "ironic"

  6. God, I love her so much!!!

  7. Is it any worse than when Lindsay says it? (I guess now she is going for the whole Liz T. thing now though)

  8. She must've had a hard paper round. That is a seriously rough face for a teenager, or a 30 year old for that matter.

    The phrase ridden hard and put away wet comes to mind.

    I just want to shave that tumble-drier-burned weave off her head, it's horrible.

  9. I was going to say: I believe the name she was looking for is "Lindsey Lohan."

  10. Hahahahahah!!!! What a joke. So delusional. I kinda feel sorry for her.

  11. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I love her. I can't wait to see what her career is like in 5 years. I'm not being mean, I am genuinely intrigued.

  12. Sorry, Courtney, but you wish. Marilyn was known to read books and work her intellectual side.

    I actually wonder if Courtney even has an average IQ. The elevator obviously doesn't reach the top.

  13. Anonymous9:28 AM

    This trick is a joke, but in her defense, she only says she "wants to be iconic", not that she is. Because of course she is not nor ever will be remotely close to anything resembling iconic..

  14. Miracle Noodle? Ewww...is that what Doug calls it?

  15. maybe she was trying to say "I comic"? You know she has that lip trouble going on.

  16. Wow. That is some bad lighting. Makes her look 40. Wait... no, it's not the lighting...

  17. Harsh, I am 40 and still way younger than her, give her 55 on a good day. She makes Jamie Lee Curtis look like a toddler.

  18. "They were old souls, and I'm just old."

  19. why do people interview her?? THAT is the question.

  20. lmao @ paris. You got that right.

  21. I love to laugh at her.

  22. Anonymous10:19 AM

    She waa confused. She meant Anna Nicole Smith.

  23. Anonymous10:20 AM

    <<<<<<♡'s Hello Kitty.

  24. That's so funny I forgot to laugh!

  25. But don't all the idiot bimbos think they are like Marilyn Monroe?

  26. Typical of this generation. They don't want to be good at anything, they just want to be famous. No skills, no training, no blood, sweat, and tears ... just famous. Even if it's by being notorious.

    Courtney has no idea what Marilyn's story was. She only knows about the fame part.

    Our world of instant gratification is sinking almost as fast.

  27. Oh honey. Just because you say it out loud doesn't mean it's true, nor will it convince anyone else.

    This abused little girl is much more pathetic than laughable. Imagine what she's gone through for her "career." Holy shit. Horrifying.

  28. At least she seems to be off the drugs in this clip.. Remember when she would be totally off her face slurring & trying to be sexy?

  29. All the vapid chicks in show biz say they want to be Marilyn.

    Personally I think Marilyn is overrated and if she was alive today she probably wouldn't be such an icon. She would have probably have had a bunch of bad plastic surgery to look younger, and everyone would be laughing at her on the internet and saying things like "She ruined her face!"

  30. This girl never had a chance. I wish she would divorce peepaw, marry a nice plumber and go live happily ever after in Peoria where her grasping mother can't find her.

  31. If the interwebs were around back then with tabloids & Twitter & all that shit, we would still be talking about what a hot mess Marilyn was & she would've been the guess for every blind.

  32. Anonymous4:38 PM

    A blonde Amy Winehouse would be more accurate.

  33. She also mentions Jayne Mansfield and Brigette Bardot and says "I want to be iconic,and I frrl like I am..." That'll be the day!
