Friday, March 29, 2013

Your Turn

I think a 3 day weekend for lots of people around the world would make this a good day to let you have a plug day. Get at it. Talk about what you want. Plug what you want. Let people know what you are working on or selling or wanting people to watch. This is your time so make it count.


  1. I had no idea how many people have Good Friday off, I did not think it was a national holiday?

  2. I have the day off! Nothing to plug, but Happy Endings is back tonight on ABC!!

  3. I volunteer for an awesome dog rescue in Kern County (north-east of LA) and we're currently trying to help a sweet Husky puppy beat the dreaded Parvo. Our own foster puppy Orion succumbed to the virus this past Saturday, so we're hoping to give Kona a shot. Marley's Mutts Dog Rescue on Facebook! :)

  4. Nothing to plug since I haven't started writing my book yet (note to self: don't use "beckon call" in it).

    I think that we need a Your Turn that asks us what future Your Turns should be--then Enty won't ask us about high school/college rings twice in a week.

    1. @Karen I'll bite!
      He should do one on celebrity encounters we've had. I still haven't busted out my Charlie Sheen story on this site :)

    2. @Karen- I like your idea,

      Your Turn: Last Lie You've Told Someone

    3. VIP, now I HAVE to hear it...spill!

  5. It's been a while since I plugged my art blog, so please check it out. New posts every Saturday... along with Enty reveals!

    and Happy Easter!

  6. Replies
    1. thanks FSP! that site looks good :)

  7. Anonymous10:06 AM

    My company:

    We don't sell anything, just thought I would share

  8. We have a 4 day long weekend here in Aussie land! Happy Easter guys!!!

  9. I'm working all weekend :( but I'll deal...GOT on sunday!

    Hey Ent- it would be beyond amazing if you had an open post for us on Monday for GOT discussions :)

    Follow me on twitter: @kurrypurr
    Have a wonderful Easter, Passover or weekend!

  10. I don't have anything to tout, but would like to take the time to say...thank you all for the gazillion giggles, laughs and coffee-up-the-nose moments you give me!! I don't like, per se, the sad stories, but I appreciate that people need to share and vent. Gahd knows I've had to vent a time or two.

    To end: be kind to yourself, people!! <3

  11. Nothing to bring to the table today :(

    I am very excited about my 3 day weekend though! Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates.

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  14. I'm working on a book called "The Startup Spouse: a humorous confession of the sacrifices you make when you get in bed with an entrepreneur."

    My husband started four years ago -- its been one heck of a ride.

    I have a full time job and write the book on the side, but my progress has slowed ever since I discovered CDAN. Like @Meanie says: thanks to everyone for the laughs! This site is bad for my time management but I can't get enough!

  15. Nothing to sell or tout, adopt a dog or cat that needs a loving forever home.

    Happy Passover, Easter, or just a lovely long weekend!

  16. No 3-day weekend here but the boss is letting us leave 2 hours early.

    I was conned... sorry, "volunteered"... into running my church's annual auction. It's getting really close to the end and we're desperate for items to auction off. Proceeds benefit both the church and the programs we support in the community. If anyone's interested in donating something (for example, gift cards, handmade crafts, etc.), we provide tax letters for IRS purposes!

    If anyone is interested in making a donation or if you're in Northeast Ohio and wish to attend, email me at or you can check out the auction link on our home page:

    Oh, we're also hosting our 3rd annual Blue Sky Folk Music Festival on May 4th! There's a link on the website for more info on that, too.

    Thanks, Enty!

  17. Just a reminder from Xander, in today's Lohan thread:
    Last days to get your CDAN swag to contribute to Ben's care/aftercare.
    We ordered shirts, if anyone else hasn't yet, and can do so, that would be awesomesauce!

    1. Hi Everyone!
      Thanks to you who have been so wonderful and supportive so far...
      To all who missed:
      Click here to order shirts
      Click here for the original story of IDoTheRobot’s nephew Ben.
      Click here for the follow up regarding T-Shirts and donations.
      Donations are extended until the end of this month - so if you can, get some orders in...
      I have new "Goop Happens" shirts for those of you who like a tongue in cheek skewer or support of Goopsterisms...

      Also those who ever want professional stylist makeovers - I do it over the Internet, very successfully. I have actually come to enjoy working with non-Hollywood people better than the divas I get paid to do my normal location work.
      If anyone is ever interested - my blog is (click that link).
      I'm very reasonably priced, and I will transform your life. ;-)

      Positive prayers and wishes to everyone!

  18. Well, since you offered, here goes! I'm doing a show I put together of the lyrics of Norman Gimbel, who wrote the lyrics to "Girl From Ipanema," "Sway," "Killing Me Softly With His Song" and the TV themes to Happy Days, Laverne & Shirley and Wonder Woman, to name just a few. I sing and there's a piano and bass accompaniment. It's tomorrow night, Saturday March 30th at 7:30pm at Don't Tell Mama in NYC at 343 West 46th Street. I've been doing it since August of last year and it's been going great. Tex Arnold wrote the arrangements and they are a blast to sing. Here's a link to my website with info about the show. I'd love to see some CDAN-ers there! That would be crazy cool. Have a great three-day weekend, everyone.

    Jeff Macauley

    Thanks for the forum, Enty!

  19. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I'm always happy plugging irreverent soap companies.

  20. @FSP, I feel like I was rick-rolled. ;)

  21. Watch The Americans. Be nice. Peace on earth.

    1. Auntliddy is right. The Americans is awesome!!

  22. LOL @ FSP.

    Ummmm...I started my blog back up again. There are only 2 posts right now, but I will be catching back up SOON.

    The Satist.

  23. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I started a fashion blog for the 99% after the GOOP fiasco can't make it clicky on my phone but site is: am working on a new post for vacations hope to have it done by Sunday.

    Also wanted to chime in on the zazzle shirts, it's a really great thing Xander did and I think speaks volumes about the kind of people on this site.

    Happy Easter to all!

  24. Ummm, VIP--- LOVE Happy Endings too, so excited about it tonight... and this seems as good a time as any to bust out that CS story. Just sayin'

    EntrepWife-- I use custommade often. I've set up a few friends/leather workers on the site in order to help them drive sales and get their names out there. As such, I've read quite a bit about your husband-- I wish you guys the best. Fascinating and inventive idea!

  25. Nothing to plug and as I am unemployed I have a long weekend anyway. On a personal and good note I got my cookie waxed and the weather is grand in the bay area.

    Love all the peeps here on the site. You're my great diversion from reality!

    Hugs, love and light..

    1. Love Always Sherry! Enjoy the weather.

  26. Anyone who is interested in reading my semi-sarcastic, all-hilarious dating manual, How to Meet Broads: A Comprehensive Guide to the Art of Seduction, can pick up a copy here.

  27. Hi everyone....
    Just let me say I religious look forward to the think tank session from a bI post. Sadly, I'm just a working class gal who would like to offer these organizations to this post.
    Soldiers & Animal rescues -are these are the folks out there in real communities helping.
    *If you click in the Animal Rescue site, by clicking( its free) helps toward food/supplies.

    I think all of you are delicious and very funny.


    Friend's org/site. Cancer patient education and networkig.

  29. Nothing to plug but I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Easter / Passover. I really enjoy visiting CDAN and the community here!

  30. It's official, I'm a homeowner finally!! It took us 4 months to close but we made it. I've ripped up over 2,000 sq feet of carpet and have painted most of the place but have a lot more to do. My kids are so excited to have their own rooms again and a huge yard (4 acres). Hopefully we will get everything ready in time to move next week.

  31. If you are po like me, click on

    It's Free, please click every day. There are links for breast cancer, animal rescue, books for kids, the rainforest and more.

    1. What a lovely sentiment Alma. Bless you!

  32. I feel like I always come in for the stealth comment then leave the discussion. I really appreciate what everyone posts. The debates, the theories, the new terms (Lohag is the bestest!) all make me giggle. This site is one of my favorite guilty pleasures!

    My plug is for an event I help plan at Disneyland. It is called the Gumball Rally and it is a total blast!

    Keep up the good sleuthing fellow CDANers! <3

  33. Happy Easter, everyone!

    Nothing to plug but I want to take a second to thank you all for your love, thoughts, prayers and kind words. You will never know how much it means. May youur kindness to a "stranger" be rewarded. :)

    Once I get out of this hospital I will share pictures of Quinn. She's got a great frown haha!


    1. @Robot, congrats in your new bundle of joy! Love the name Quinn!

  34. My etsy with some new items

    I also would like to say "treat yo self!" It is a beautiful Friday and the world should be filled with love and happiness today! Happy Friday everyone!

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. If anyone has a love for vintage clothing in excellent condition at affordable prices I would very much appreciate it if you checked out my ebay store!

  37. @IDoTheRobot, congrats again! Quinn is a beautiful name!

  38. I bought my tshirt today :)
    Congrats again @IdoTheRobot, love that name!

    here's a funny vid for everyone who missed late night

    Blake Shelton, Jimmy Fallon & Ron Offerman- The Chickeneers' All-Clucking Version Of "Ho Hey"

    1. @Primadiva, saw him at a private concert this afternoon and he joked about that. Just Blake and his guitar...and a red Solo cup...and he was amazing. Took requests from the small crowd like he was just starting out in a neighborhood bar. Him singing "Over" brought tears to many eyes.

  39. Congrats Robot! I also love the name Quinn :) we are still deciding on names for our little bean but we have until November so lots and lots of time! I like Charlotte after my grandmother and I also love June.

    Nothing to plug so I'll go Bob Barker here - don't forget to spay and neuter your pets ( not just for population control but for cancer prevention as well ) and support your local shelters and humane societies!

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Thank you for all of your hard work, Enty! I'm a huge fan.
    I have an Etsy store to plug:
    SmurfFetes on Etsy

    Happy Easter!

  42. First of all, I'd like to say that I love this site. It's silly, it's interesting and I love reading the comments and sorta following the community behind it.
    I need to find the iron man tee link--need that shirt.
    I'm a long time lurker who occasionally makes comments. Don't really comment much because (a) I suck at blinds and (b) the few times I've commented, I've had people attempt to hand my head to me.
    Being unemployed and dealing with all the happy crap that goes along with it, the site takes me away from it all. I'm thankful for that.
    I do have something to plug--kinda, sorta. I'll probably get bashed for it, but what the hey...while I've been job hunting, I started a blog to keep me sane and focused.
    If you want to check it out and give me feedback that'd be great. Here's the URL


    1. @Blondie!
      Just in case you missed the one above:
      Click here to order shirts
      Donations are extended until the end of this month...

    2. Welcome Blondie! Comment more! I think the plan is to send in pictures of us all wearing our Xander made shirts for reader photos!

    3. Blondie no one will hand you your head if you don't say anything stoopid! Just teasing of course. Please contribute whenever you can. Your input is always valuable.

  43. I have nothing to plug or promote but I wanted to say Happy Easter/ Passover to all of you.
    I have had a rough year or so and I mean it when I say it has been made easier by the people and support here. Thank you so much. I am quite tough and strong in my 'real' life so its nice sometimes to share things that I can't otherwise.
    @I do the Robot it is so good to hear from you. Quinn is a beautiful name. Take comfort in her.

  44. My bf is gainfully employed again, after an uncomfortably unsure hiatus. And since he is at work today (his first day) and I am off today, I will be doing happy hour in the lovely hillcrest san diego.

  45. Congratulations to everyone who got a job! YAY! Unemployment sucks, it seriously sucks.

  46. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Nothing to plug except the good ol standy:

    " Where's Shelly?" (Shelly Miscavige is missing)

  47. Longtime lurker. Thanks for the opportunity!

    I'd like to pimp out tear-jerking music videos we made of the most adorable, resilient and incredible shelter dogs I know (in Connecticut), trying desperately to get them adopted and into good homes.

    You can go to the user's page, or click on individual videos below:

    main page with all videos:

    NYLES (aka “The Panther):” This dude has lived most of his life in a cage. And look at his sweet personality. Please network him to get him home!

    CINCO: This guy wows everyone with his disposition and obedience. He's been in a cage in the shelter since LAST SUMMER.

    NATHAN: he is labeled URGENT. In shelter terms, this is not good):

    JJ (adorable pup is in a foster home):

    thank you for watching and for making adoption your first option!

  48. Thanks for the links!
    @Xander, thanks for the links. My budget's shot for the month--see unemployment sucks--hopefully, I can get one next month.

    @rejectedcarebear Thank you!!

  49. I rep a brand called Glo-Toob - the world's toughest, brightest, smallest emergency light marker.

    Waterproof to 11,500 feet, can be seen for miles.


  50. My new website, :-)
    It's all about food and travel, have a look and let me know what you think.

  51. Oh yes, I've been lurking for a long time and just getting my toes wet now.

    1. Welcome Tanya.I cannot wait to read your blog about two things I love the most.:::

  52. My best friend of 17 years has written and created an animated series on his own, which will be released this summer. Already has a website and two trailers:

    I have two words for you: Krono Kitty. This character alone is worth keeping an eye out for this, and I will do everything I can to get people to see what talent and passion my friend has.

  53. Still unemployed, still not sure what the hell I'm going to do/am good at, since I think losing 2 jobs in less than a year means the Universe is trying to tell me to stop being a legal secretary. (There is one thing I'm working on, but it needs to stay under wraps for the time being...) In the meantime, I've discovered an amazing recipe for Nanaimo Bars, which just might beat the brownies in terms of sheer decadence (Himmmm, are you listening? ;-) The first time a dear friend bit into one, she blurted out that she'd be willing to give blow jobs in downtown Boston (Tremont St., to be exact) to get more; I reminded her that she knew me, so that really wouldn't be necessary. ;-) Would any of the Canadians reading care to describe them for the drooling masses? *bats eyelashes*

    Oh, and feel free to check out my blog, although I haven't updated since late January; I'm trying to think of what to write about next:

    1. Robin girl hang in there. I've lost 3 jobs in 3 yrs so I feel your pain. Two after I switched careers and the last one totally took the wind out of my sails. I think I will look into Linda C's site for volunteers to help me not focus on myself. Then I'll send you my address for that awesome sounding sweetie snack you can mail me. LOL. I'll trade you some homemade smoked tomatoes.


    Sleaze rock band from Worcester, MA (near Boston).

    I'm the guitar player. Long time lurker, 1st time poster!

    1. Welcome Demon! Thanks for joining the party and bringing the tunes.

  55. Check out this awesome website for discounts on home furnishings, accents and fashion accessories. They have some killer Michael Kors bags for sale right now.

    One more final push to get your CDAN t-shirts in the next couple of days. Purchases made by March 31st will help I Do the Robot's sister Carol pay for Baby Ben's hospital care and final arrangements. Let's make Xander's generous offer a success


  56. And speaking of FX, if you have not seen the comedy on FX called The League you've got to check it out. The first few seasons are streaming on Netflix, and the 4th season is finishing up on FX. it is hilarious!!

  57. Check out our website for the best printable coupons, sales, deals and freebies around:

    NorCal Coupon Gal

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Hey Everyone,

    I sculpt monster model kits, you can see them at the blog below, thanks!

  60. Here is a new drink recipe, invented by my boss....I got naming rights since I grew the cherries:

    The Franklin Park

    6 muddles cherries
    2oz OYO Stone Fruit Vodka
    1oz simple syrup
    Juice from 1/2 lime

    It's good drinkin' when it's hot out

  61. If you're into philanthropy and volunteering, please check out my company's website, We're a new social network for volunteers and volunteer managers, making volunteering fun and easy! I've been on the job for a month and absolutely love it!

  62. Hi guys! I'm trying to get healthy and as part of that goal I am running the Disneyland Half Marathon. To help pay for travel expenses since I don't live in CA I am making and selling hats I make and other things on Etsy. It's a great trade, you get a cute hat made just for you and I get help getting to my race. Or even if you could just help me out by liking my facebook page it would be a huge help. The websites are or Thank you for your time!

  63. Website Design! $99 "Rent Special" Click here

  64. Robot: I love BabyBot's name!! I have always loved Quinn for a girlie-pie. I hope you're doing well. Take care and keep in touch!! <3

    Those of you who are out of work: Hang tough, guys and gals!

    Those of you who decided to de-lurk: Welcome and come on back, y'all!

  65. Delurking to say I suffer from a disease called bronchiectasis (it's like a mild, not fatal version of cystic fibrosis). Anyway, if you have any extra time or money, please check out the websites for the American Lung Association and also the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. CF is a horrible disease that sadly doesn't get much attention or awareness and I'm working to change this. Also please check out the National Alliance on Mental Illness's website if you have time (NAMI). They do some great work and advocacy to help relieve the stigma around mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder among other conditions. If you read this post, thanks very much and have a great Easter if you celebrate it. Please be happy and healthy and please quit smoking. Somewhere out there is someone who'd love to have a healthy pair of lungs but is not so lucky. And I agree that the Hunger Site is also a great place for charitable gifts and donations. Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox now. :) *back to lurking*

  66. My travel site -- I tell my crazy stories, share beautiful photo essays, and give travel advice to women. My goal is to help women travel solo and independently.

    Quite a few CDAN readers have become regular readers of the site, and I hope to see a few more of you over here!

  67. Xander - this is going to kill two birds with one stone - helping you sell your shirts while I promote my website - I posted a link to your shirts on the main page of my gossip site (yes, there is another gossip site - it's never going to end, people.) (soon to be

  68. Just gotta say I'm stunned. Good Friday has always been a statutory holiday here in Canada, as far as I know. Easter's not, because it's on a Sunday (and nobody works Sundays, right? *L*) But we get eight (I think) guaranteed paid days off per year (or paid at double time and a half, if you work them) and it's shocking to me that not everyone does!

  69. Nothing to plug but loving looking at everyone elses. Just wanted to say happy Easter and happy spring.

  70. Hot Babes in Toyland is my sexy holiday musical comedy, getting ready to be produced in 2013. Santa is firing all the elves, and replacing them with supermodels. If you can help with even $1, the Christmas Angels will smile down on you!

  71. Microloans at Coming together with people you don't know to positively affect lives of people you've never met ~ it's an amazing feeling. Same with, but Kiva gives better feedback and the same money can be used over and over again! I know it's good and charitable and all, but I keep doing it for the selfish reason that it makes me so happy.

    Also, overtip ridiculously from time to time. Order a cup of coffee and leave the waitress a $20. You will have MADE their day. I love doing this at dives like Waffle House or small town diners where tips are usually crap and the work is too hard for the sad pay it brings in.

    Buying happiness and goodwill: it's possible and really fun.

  72. so excited for baseball to start. go giants! and good for them for seeing the awesomeness of cain and now posey!

    and congrats to robot. our across the street neighbor is the most lovely, grounded and excellent girl (college freshman now) named quin. hope she brings much joy and solace to you and your sister.

  73. Good Friday isn't just a day's a day of reflection...what will we do for the rest of the year? How will we help others? And Enty, PLEASE! Chill with the ads! I'm always the last to comment!

  74. As a good Irish Catholic girl I am drinking on Good Friday, even though you cannot buy alcohol anywhere in Ireland today.
    Happy Easter everyone!!!

  75. I'm plugging my new blog International Mel is your average everyday Midwestern girl. For the last 15 years I’ve lived in Southern California and worked in Corporate America full time. In 2001, I traveled to Africa and my life changed forever – I caught the travel bug. It has taken many years to work up the courage (and save enough money) to make the decision to travel full time, but I am on the verge of taking the next step in this adventure. This blog will record my transition from the safety and security of a steady paycheck to the wild world of a full-time traveler. I hope will provide travel inspiration and support for others with the bug, particularly solo female travelers, like me!

  76. Nothing to plug, just wanted to say be kind to others, be kind to yourselves, and pay it forward. Have a peaceful Easter weekend however you choose to celebrate it.

    Also, where the hell is Shelley? Shouldn't someone from CSI-CDAN be calling shenanigans on this shit?

    1. Where's Shelly ? is one of the 3 shirts I ordered from Xander. Can't wait to wear it when visit Clearwater, FL. A few of Tony Ortega's readers reposted that shirt:)

      Click here to order shirts

    2. I plan on getting a Where's Shelly shirt for when I go to NYC so I can take a picture of myself in front of the CO$ center! And hopefully not get arrested. Or sent to Sea Org.

  77. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I have nothing to plug, but I just wanted to say that even though I don't comment very much, I'm still here! =) I tend to visit the site late, after everyone has gone home. Hopefully that will be changing soon.

    @Lucas needs to know that after his amazing comments last week, I officially have a crush on him. And kisses to @Smash!

  78. Anonymous11:45 PM

    I am such a thread killer. =(

  79. To use that most tiresome of cliches, longtime lurker, first time poster.

    My plug: I've kicked off a new blog, Strange Company. It deals with strange history stories of all sorts, and promises to be, well, strange.

  80. Follow me on twitter @auntjesssays. I have nothing else I say except please get your cats spayed and neutered. And don't forget our servicemen and women. Support your local VA!

  81. Be nice $$$$ to you waiter and waitresses this weekend if you take your family out to eat. :) they have babies to feed too. They aren't wearing an apron out of the goodness of their hearts. Yes it's good to be of service to others, but it's also nice getting to make Easter dinner for your own family instead of serving it to someone else's.
    on that note, happy weeken CDANers. You are a hilarious and much needed break from the craziness that is real life.

  82. @Agent**It A very happy Easter to you too.x


  84. These are the best posts. I love to see all the cool ways people are making money and creating things, blogging...

    Sales of these cool tshirts support the therapy for my friend's child. He has autism and their insurance evidently doesn't give a shit so they're going deeply into debt. Check 'em out.

    tshirt shop: Coffee & TV
