Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Beyonce Gets Her Butt Slapped At Copenhagen Show

It is really painful to watch the video, but if you stick with it, you can see it towards the end.


  1. That's a lot of butt to be slapping!

  2. At least she didn't get a cunt punt from the dude. Boo boo get escorted to the left to the left pronto for that!

    1. Ah, cunt punt. That is only when she performs at the sorority house lol

  3. ....broad side of a barn.

  4. he should be arrested as I'm sure that is illegal in denmark. that is totally disgusting and vile.

    1. I completely agree with you. I would be so mad if I were beyonce.

  5. Jesus annabella have an aneurysm

  6. He was just checking her butt padding.

  7. Given her caliber of celebrity, I'm surprised Beyonce gets as close to her fans as she does. I'm not giving this guy a pass; it's rude if nothing else. However, you never know what kind of crazies are out there, and her stage is so low and without adequate security, it's an appreciable risk she's taking.

    From what I've read, this guy was allowed to stay, which I also find interesting.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. That could have gone bad very quickly.

  8. At least he didn't slap her vagina like the NYPD always do.

    1. Anonymous9:49 AM

      Good one, Lazyday! : D

    2. I just laughed so hard and out loud at work! People are looking at me

    3. ashley greagrey sexual assault is not ever funny. jesus hates beyonce this is true but she still shouldnt have been assaulted and you should not be laughing over assault

  9. I get that none of us (myself included) like Beyonce, but if this happened to any other female singer, people wouldn't find it so funny.

  10. Im sure he was gay...Bey should've just laughed it off ..no straight men in the front row of your concert Baddie Bey..rest assured

  11. In all honesty, given the chance, which I'm sure I would end up paying for dearly, I would've spanked that badonkadonk as well.


  12. I couldn't see it, nor am I replaying it. FTR, I want those 22 secs of my life back.

  13. im reallY LOLing at lazyday's comment. too funny!

  14. View from Copenhagen: It wasn't even mentioned in the local press reports this morning. And the place she was playing was pretty low-rent for a star of Beyonce's caliber. Only 10,000 seats, a place usually used for book fairs and the like, portable stage that's very close to the public. It's not her fault - there's really no place else to play in Copenhagen except for the soccer stadium, and I assume that was booked yesterday. One Direction played in the same awful place a couple of weeks ago.

  15. It was rude and sexual assault. And i dont even like her, but facts are facts.

  16. meh, it's douchebags moves like that, that ruin it for fans in the future. She was getting close to the fans no security and that happens. So next time there will be a wall of security or railing to keep them further away.

    It was really a disrespectful thing to do. And she handled it with grace. Good for Bey.

  17. Guess its better to be slapped on the ass than a murdered vagine.

    1. hannahbanana the word is vagina

    2. sleep_deprived ouch another overused phrase that hasnt been used in mainstream vernacular in several years, youre killin me smalls

  18. I don't even like Beyonce but the fan was straight up rude. How does he think that he can slap someone on the ass? Glad she threw him out.

  19. @Sugar-cunt punt?! ridiculously awesome. Now a part of my daily vocab.

  20. I do have to say, ever since news of this website was published in the nypost, etc., the quality of the comments has fallen substantially.

    1. Oh, is THAT what happened? Cos I did notice the difference. I just try to ignore meansters hopingvthey will get bored and go elsewhere.

  21. Sorry for still thinking cunt punt is funny.

    AC - I can't take credit for this delicate turn of phrase. It comes from the deranged Delta Gamma sorority girl blasting her sisters for being FUCKING AWKWARD and BORING!

    Sorry Annabella! My apologies to you too if you feel my comment is bringing down the comment section which I guess used to be full of people waxing philosophically with each other. About gossip.

  22. Totally classless thing for this guy to do. Wouldn't have blamed her if she retaliated.

  23. Fuck, what is wrong with some of you? This is completely inappropriate. If that was my wife I would have had the man arrested and prosecuted. What a freaking douche.

  24. Remember when someone grabbed Tim McGraw's crouch and Faith Hill went off? This fool better watch Jay Z.

  25. Love her or hate her it's total bullshit and he better watch his own dumb ass, Illuminati will get him.
