Friday, June 14, 2013

Random Photos Part Four

Christie Brinkley continues to look great. Here she is with Alec Baldwin.
Dennis Quaid and his ex at a graduation for their daughter,
Speaking of daughters, Denise Richards takes two of hers to the Grove.
Andrew Garfield walks his dog in the rain while his
girlfriend Emma Stone makes a coffee run.
Ginnifer Goodwin as Jackie O
Rob Lowe as JFK.
Olvier Martinez holds Halle Berry in Paris.
Jessica Chastain looks amazing here.
She was at the Maui Film Festival with Ryan Phillippe.
Jennie Garth and her daughters.


  1. Ginnifer Goodwin looks amazing as Jackie O! Can't really tell about Rob Lowe but he's a good actor, he can pull it off.

    Chastain tries too hard.

  2. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Christie Brinkley eats babies.

    1. My friend was at this luncheon. She was there, as was Alec baldwin, for environmental activism.

  3. UPDATE 1/30/13 CDAN, aka "Enty" exposed long ago as a fraud by multiple sources is STILL at it, surrounded by adoring sycophants who sneak off to my blog to read THE TRUTH.

    This guy doesn't know any celebrities. He is a probate attorney in a firm WITHOUT AN ENTERTAINMENT DIVISION at all.

    As I previously disclosed below, THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!

    You will NEVER see a photo of Enty with any celebrity friend or acquaintance.

    Here is the truth. I grew up with the co-chair of a Major Hollywood Studio, now working with Steven Spielberg. I know a lot of things & there are tons of photos of him with EVERY A+ LISTER out here.

    I have nothing to repeat to gossip sites about a friend. No real friend would do that to anyone they care about EVER. If I asked him if he had ever heard of "Enty", trust me, TER would be puzzled by the question as he has NEVER read an obscure gossip site.

    When you are putting out Hollywood blockbusters, you don't read nonsense on the Internet. If you want to read more reliable sources of info, try "The Wrap" & Nikke Finke, Hollywood Reporter.

    1. U need a hobby! If u are so "in the know", why do u have time to copy/paste archives on an "obscure" gossip site? Doesn't the facility u are housed in have other activities u could be participating in??? Besides BORING THE SHIT OUT OF EVERYONE HERE?!

    2. @canopener, "you desperate guzzler of stagnant douche agua" trying to pilfer readers for your site by annoying the hell out of readers of another site is MANY rungs lower than enty's requests for $$$.

      And... I just want to call you a desperate guzzler of stagnant douche agua again, so there it is again asshole.

    3. Hannah: You keep responding to these comments...I think you're the one who may need a hobby. Trolls love people like you.

    4. @catlady, ummmm I've seen several ppl respond to this today. Here's a thought, worry about yourself & I'll worry about me mmmmmk?

  4. I love Jessica C.Off topic but for all you Shia Ladouche fans he is currently in my city at our army base.

  5. Did ya'll feel that mysterious puff of hot air?

    Anyway,Olivier Martinez is a total downgrade from Gabriel, don't you think?

    1. For sure. And its not even me, but I'M annoyed at all his groping the bump. That would drive me insane!!!!!!!!

  6. Enty is a probate lawyer?!?

    *mind blown*


  7. This is so annoying! Who the F*CK cares if its true or not! It's supposed to be fun. That's it! FUN. And he/she/it gets the job done! Get over yourself!

  8. Oh gawd is it that time if year again? (Enty is fake blah blah) and is it just me, but christy and alec look fantastic together

  9. Oh gawd is it that time if year again? (Enty is fake blah blah) and is it just me, but christy and alec look fantastic together

  10. Nobody can look great with alec baldwin, that dick spoils everything around wiht his douchery.

    Jessica C is cute, but there is something in her that would keep me from bonking her for about half an hour.

    Emma Stone is too thin. I would do her without any doubt, but I prefer her less anorexic.

  11. >>Jessica Chastain looks amazing here.
    She was at the Maui Film Festival with Ryan Phillippe.<<

    Is that a reveal of some sort? Not "also there was" but "she was at... with."

  12. Christie Brinkley must've sold her soul to the devil!!!! She looks amaze balls!!!!

  13. Christie Brinkley: bitch looks good.

    Ginnifer Goodwin as a white trash Jackie Kennedy? LOL No. Just no.

  14. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Whoa - meow.

    Ginnifer Goodwin - I really like her... she's got spunk.

    Christy Brinkley - how does she do it? (besides eatin babies? Hahahah)

    1. I think she eats Ex-Husbands, not babies. *g* Thank God she and Billy parted amicably.

  15. Canopener is so silly...everyone knows VIPBlonde is Enty. ;)

    1. Lols. I thought I was the only one who thought that way.

    2. That explains so much.

    3. I've been totes on that train for a while too.

  16. Can't wait for Halle and Olivier to go BOOM, since I can't stand either one of them and won't be taking a side it will be like watching a soap opera...
    And do you notice how low key Gabe is....he knows it's coming.

  17. Brinkley is like a fine wine - gets better with age!

  18. I can never understand how these celebrities leave half their children at home and take the other half shopping. My parents always took all of us wherever they went.

    1. Kelg, i think of that too, but some kids may be napping or at school or have a cold or its not their turn.

    2. @kelgela2,

      It is kind of weird, but perhaps they were shopping for those two specifically. It's a pain to shop with kids and bringing a baby and brothers along wouldn't make for a fun mom/daughters shopping trip. If one of my sons needs something, I'll take him only, no need to drag his brother along if he doesn't want to come!

    3. Nannies. Wish I had one at shopping time.

    4. Tardy here, but maybe she just felt like they needed some special time with mom? Five kids in a house is probably chaotic. Good for her if she's making sure everyone feels loved.

  19. It's interesting to see how many folks assume the blinds are fake. I have personally sent in a few and well, they were in fact true and they were some of the bigger ones on this site.

    Anyhow - I had to provide information to prove myself without a doubt, so while I do agree that some of the blinds make me go 'mhmmm' I know that most of them are at least factual.

    1. @little girl... Are you the source of the MV blind? That's the one I really want to see revealed!! ;)

  20. Thorazine works wonders.
    Just pointing that out for no reason at all.
    The offsprings of everyone pictured are all lovely kids, really beautiful.
    In utero the baby is already quoting "I will give 100 million dollars to whoever gets me out of here." The Halle/Olivier bust up is going to start at DEFCON 3 and move up from there. Said it before and I'll say it again, Gabe needs to file in QC, they don't play.

    1. I couldn't agree more. On all points.

  21. He’s never been friendly with DiCaprio, and within 24 hours of The Post’s call to DiCaprio’s people, that particular “reveal” vanished from Enty’s site.

  22. Let's assume canopener/kympossible donated $5 to Enty on January 31, 2011 for this radio show / Amber Tamblyn book that she's been bitching about.

    As of today, it's been 865 days that she can't get over it.

    Or, $ 0.00578 of her money that she's been fretting about for each of those 865 days.

    Labor involved in researching old posts, copying/pasting, and then posting = priceless. Certainly more than 0.00578 cents a day.

    She's losing money on this obsession. And wants us to go to another site. I am not going to check out this other site, as it has been mentioned/advertised here a few times, by other persistent, annoying posters.

  23. $0 I just can't stand liars.

    1. Wow, if you're taking the time to do this to the website of every liar on the internet it's no wonder you're cranky. Take a nap.

    2. Well there is that girl saying her cousin's ex-bofriend's mother makes $3456.00 a day on the internet.
      I know they seem really legit, but now I wonder...

    3. And I can't stand annoying idiots with an ax to grind. STFU already.

      Oh wait. You've created a lot of traffic for the site. Well then Canopener/Kympossible excellent work.

      NOW STFU.

    4. This is the most boring trolling ever. The other Friday trolling thing was much better - at least they were funny.

      I'm beginning to wonder if this is someone on Enty's team generating clicks or posts or whatever. Everyone knows this stuff already.


  25. I'm always happy when Jessica Chastain wears a color.

  26. Speaking of liars, whatever happened to kympossible/canopener saying she'd never visit CDAN again? She posted before, and yet, she still comes around.

  27. "In December, the firm I work for, started monitoring every page we go to on the internet. At that point, I could no longer do the blog on any work computer so have been forced to bring in a laptop and do it covertly. This has made everything much more difficult because I have to keep hiding and then dragging out my laptop. Over the past month, I had some days where I just wanted to give up. There have been lots of days over the past five years where I have wanted to give up. It is easy to criticize and to comment from afar, but I challenge each of you to do what I have done for five years for five hours a day and see if you are able to juggle everything in your life to make it happen.

    As for the radio show, Carli and I have always wanted to do a radio show. So, we decided what the heck, lets give it a shot. What we did not take into consideration was the fact we would be giving up every Saturday morning for eternity to do the show. It is one thing to blog from almost anywhere, but for now the radio show would require us to be in one fixed place every Saturday morning.

    Considering I was already giving five days a week to the site, Saturday's were going to be another day I would have to give up. Do not get me wrong, I have no greater joy in the world than doing that radio show. I makes me happier than I get all week and I love every second of it. The logistics of it are very difficult though and imagine trying to find guests, calling them, e-mailing them, while remaining anonymous and doing this during an already packed week. The radio show is not done or over. Carli and I just need to find a happy medium. I think it will eventually boil down to once a month for three hours or so and be more interactive with your calls and be more a reflection of the site than just a straight interview radio show. It is much easier to commit to once a month than every week. Plus, we are working on a way we can do it without having to be at a fixed place." -Enty


  28. Christie Brinkley does look amazing. And I love Jessica Chastain. I just do.

  29. Canopener works for enty, s/he is directing traffic to the site. Increasing the comments left as well as the eyeballs that read whatever s/he writes. I must say her/his copying/pasting skills are basic.

  30. Love Jessica in green!! And I like Denise but her legs are getting near the same size as her girls..a bit if curve aside from the implants are okay Hollywood ladies. The extreme thinness ages you.

  31. @canopener
    Please find another site to torment

  32. I know for 100% certainly MANY (not all) of the blinds here are true.

  33. I don't like Ginnifer for Jackie.

  34. I hate to feed into the frenzy, but it was stated that the Leonardo DiCaprio blind reveal disappeared from the site...Funny because I just pulled it up from March 10, 2012 Blind Item Reveal. Just saying if you want everything posted to be truthful, perhaps you should check the facts of what you are copying and pasting.

  35. FYI all...I have to get this out of my system....

    I did a little digging. The troll is Marcie Wogan, and she's batshit crazy (like we all didn't already know this...). She has been trolling numerous sites since last fall trying to up the traffic for her ridiculous and badly-written blog(s). She has been kicked off twitter (do you know how truly whacked you have to be in order to have your twitter suspended?). She professes to be a "former criminal prosecutor" from MD. One look at her blog tells me that is clearly untrue. Follow her links, google her name, judge for yourselves.

    That is all.

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      You nailed it! And I agree. Thanks for explaining it to everyone.

    2. I tried reading that blog a couple times. UHF, so long winded and couldn't follow the posts. Bye bye.

    3. Ok, Amanda Bynes still has a twitter acct, but this individual has been banned???? Oh shit! This bitch must be from crazy town, lol!!!

    4. Hahaha! So good. The best part about this site is the commenters you guys are sluethtastic! Also. The daily mail connection is weird. Something about that.

  36. *clapping hands* I'm excited for another trolling weekend! It was destined to be a quiet, stay at home weekend for us anyway! Yippee!

    Although I'll admit it's sort of lame trolling at this point. Boring and lame. I'm almost shocked to hear someone may actually think Enty ISN'T fake at this point!

  37. Hi guys! Haven't posted in a while, can someone let me know what the hell is going on with canopener and the whole Amber Tamblyn thing?
    Love reading the website and the good banter amongst people here, it's fun :)

  38. Or is he/she fake?!

  39. OH! Is canopener the infamous M from the winter time? If it is, M is a horribly boring writer whose grammar and spelling is simply atrocious. It's going to make for a long weekend if it's her.

  40. Hi guys! Haven't posted in a while, can someone let me know what the hell is going on with canopener and the whole Amber Tamblyn thing?
    Love reading the website and the good banter amongst people here, it's fun :)

  41. Amanda Bynes just tweeted that Canopener is UGLY!

    1. OMG that was beyond HILARIOUS!!!!

  42. someone forgot to take their meds today...

    Christie looks great, but I doubt she still has any original body parts left.

    I didn't recognise Dennis Quaid. Is there something different about him? Or is it just the sunglasses?

  43. @ are correct!!!

  44. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Hey canopener (aka "M")...go back to your own blog. Quit trying to drop hints over here to get site visits. We don't care you were a formal criminal prosecutor- you showed your cray over here long ago- so you bowed out. Guess you are still disgruntled at us all since you couldn't bring the cdan following over there. Want a clue why? You're a whack job. Amanda Bynes level nuts. Please leave. You weren't wanted then, or now. Why don't you go do your behavior analysis on that image you see in the mirror- or on one of the many in your head? Weirdo.

  45. @FrenchMelody: I don't think canopener is M.

    I remember those posts about this site. Other sites were saying the poster writes as if English were her second language. Canopener writes a little more intelligently.

    Canopener has the same poster ID as kympossible. And both names have ranted about Enty's requests for donations to host a radio show that involved an Amber Tamblyn book giveaway. Canopener/kympossible is either extremely buttsore at never getting a book despite donating, or has previously believed everything written on this site and is shocked -- SHOCKED!! -- that you can't believe everything you read. And she's been on a mission ever since. A mission most of us don't care about.

    canopener/kympossible once gave her name as

    Kxx Txxxxxxxxx

  46. Get a better shovel, Majik. I'm not her. Google "enty cdan fraud". Her's is only ONE of MANY links that show up.

  47. ^I meant I remember the posts about the site referenced by "M" during the winter. The one that canopener is now starting to promote.

    That is the site supposedly written by a former criminal prosecutor, but seems to be written by someone who has no command of the English language.

  48. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Oh and real clever with the username canopener. Makes total sense now- seeing you are all into the behavior analysis side of things. Can= head & opener= analyze. Soooo convinced you are "M" trolling us.

  49. @Marcie--I just followed the links to "your" blog. I didn't make the assumption it was yours, you stated it flat out in one of your many asinine posts today.

    From there, finding your crazy all over the 'net was a cakewalk.

    Goh 'wey.

  50. @jp...they are definitely the same person--see my previous post re: canopener's identity.

  51. Canopener Blues:

    Can't seem to face up to the facts
    I'm tense and nervous, can't relax
    Can't sleep cause my bed's on fire
    Don't touch me. I'm a real live wire

    Psycho killer
    Qu'est-ce que c'est?

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Quaid's ex



    I wish women were so accepting of being lied to and violated all the time.

    "Well he bought me all those drinks and kept telling me I was pretty, so it was OK he stuck it in my butt while I was passed out on the couch. I mean, it wasn't rape, I guess. I stumbled into his apartment at 3AM, what did I think was gonna happen? Tea and season 1 of Felicity?"

  54. Pssst...everybody...I have it on good authority from a waiter at Giorgio Baldi restaurant in Santa Monica that Enty is really ...*come closer*...Robert Downey Jr.! Not only that, but yesterday Enty/RDJ made an 18 month old child cry when he told the child a juicy story concerning "Nashville" star Hayden Panettiere.


  55. canopener, I've read your blog and you write like a crazy person.
    The cardinal rule of being on the internet is..NEVER ENGAGE A CRAZY PERSON.

    Fuck, now you made me break the cardinal rule.

    Please go take your meds. People post here because they want to and you are not doing anything but interrupting. Nobody cares about what you are posting.

  56. hahaha the interwebs is serious bussines y'all
    we aré just here for fun get over yourself

  57. Marcie is the same dolt who wrote about her "inside" knowledge of celebrities, and always signed off as "M". Remember her post about Sandra Bullock and the hidden German connection blah blah blah? Except everything Marcie wrote had been written about Sandra before... Someone should contact the Maryland prosecutor's office to see if this dingbat ever worked there. And if she did, try to find out why she was fired. She's obviously unstable...

    1. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Makes me wonder if that parlays into the bone she might have to pick with Enty.

  58. Oh M- atleast Ent writes different things everyday and doesn't rehash the same shit in every single post like you do.

    You mad at Ent cause he reveals blinds about your boo Winona Ryder?

    Get a life M- no one cares for your stupid blog that has the same article, over and over and over again.

  59. Dammit, I was really hoping CanOpener was LeAnn Rimes. Now I'm grumpy.

  60. This blog is a fraud:

  61. GinnIfer IS a trashy low budget Jackie, tho I really enjoyed her acting in Big Love. She has some freakish looking ears so I am glad they covered them. There hasn't been any entertaining trolling in oh so ever. The last was too profane and tbe current one is mind numbing dull. Somebody needs to check in with Miley or Amanda and get us back on track.

  62. I just saw Movie 43. I laughed so hard my face hurt. And, I now hate Dennis Quaid a little less.

  63. Damn Jenny Garth's girls look like their dad made over. Especially the younger two.

  64. I just scroll right past the troll's posts. Read one. Saw she's a loon. Skipped the rest.

    How about we all agree to stop encouraging her tomorrow by NOT RESPONDING TO HER AT ALL??? :)

    Love you guys!

  65. You just did. I win.

  66. And where the hell is the Friday "I'll be blogging away this weekend with reveals to fake blinds" and pathetic "If you would like to follow me, I am @whatever". Only 3000 more Kool-Aid drinkers needed for that super-awesome-fantastic-make your life worth living again-reveal. C'mon drones, make it happen!

    1. The post u seek is in the post titled "Four for Friday". As it is every week.

    2. Phew. That was a close one. Thanks for pointing me to it. For a second I thought Enty might be a real person who had something so horrible happen that he/she wasn't able to access technology with an auto-post op. I can finally go to bed now. Hugs to you!

  67. Christy Brinkley's daughter was born the same week as one of my daughters and a son was born the same day as my son.

    Such fun.

  68. Your mom and mine prostituted on the same street on the same day that Christie and I were buying sex toys together on Melrose. Oh, such a coinkydink!

  69. I opened the door, Count. You gonna come on in???

  70. What kinda toy did you buy?

    Christie been around the block a time or 30. I'm figuring she got a Vibrating Fist of Adonis, and Billy Joel had very little to do with the damage done to require such an item.

  71. I'm going to overlook the missing 's' on "toy", but only cuz we're such good friends. Ever seen "Human Centipede"? Me either.

  72. We did get into a little spat over the last Sledgehammer they had, but we decided to give it to Enty. He was so happy that he gave us a SUPER JUICY REVEAL, if ya' know what I mean!

  73. If anyone needed to be moderated that day, it was Enty! LOLZ. Good times...

  74. Enty got some of Sledge Hammer? That mope met an untimely end at the hands of the LAPD. I bet Enty set him up so no one else could have him.

    It is coming up on a year. RIP Sledge

  75. Probably why he doesn't write any of the drivel on this site anymore--can't walk to the computer. ;( It was fun while it lasted! Still, never thought I'd see anyone break a Sledgehammer model--impressive.

  76. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I wanna be! yor SLEDGE HAMMA! Why don't you call my name? yeah! Why don't you call me Sledge Hamma! LOVE that video! thanks for reminding me of it guys.

    I think that Christie Brinkley and Jessica Romain.. no Chastain... are doing the hollywood body fat thing right, they both have a nice hourglass shape, lean but not looking like theyre going to faint if they walk up a hill.

  77. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Amber Tamblyn.... sob....where are you??? sob....snifff..where is my signed book?...... so cold.. the world is so..soo cold... rocking back and alone... Enty...Amber...Amber...Enty.. booohooo hooooo....

  78. Canopener,

    Do you think Enty pays taxes on any of the ad revenue he generates?

  79. Most likely the current owner is above board with the finances. Site is a cash cow, why risk it?
