Thursday, July 04, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

January 8, 2013

When they talk about reality shows, it is going to have to be very real for this B list celebrity who, without the show would be a D until the next Olympics. Apparently he is so dumb that unless significant editing is done on the show he is going to look like an idiot. He can't seem to manage to re-shoot anything without looking stiff and the only talent he appears to have is showing off his body and telling women who he is. When they draw a blank he then pulls out his phone and shows them photos of his accomplishments. He has nothing else going for him.

Ryan Lochte


  1. Has anyone filmed a reality show that didn't end up looking stupid. He more than most though.

  2. This was a blind item? Really??

  3. Wasn't this revealed already?

  4. Saycheese - thanks for looking up but how can you do it so fast??

  5. Anonymous11:32 AM

    ...and despite all the editing, he STILL looks like a brainless tool

  6. what kinda accomplishments Olympic or ah other kinds...

  7. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Box of rocks.....

  8. @texas rose, if you click on the date at the top of the reveal, it brings you back to the original blind right away. that and i'm awesome

  9. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Easy peasy blind

  10. Since the blind was posted, I think we've all learned there is no amount of editing that can help.
    Forgive this OT post;
    Magic, my little guy in my avatar, isn't feeling too well and he's having tests. If anyone has some spare good vibes and light he, and I would really appreciate it. Thank you, and Happy Independence Day to our American CDaN family!

    1. Sending good vibes to Magic. I wuv the kittykitties.

    2. Sending huggies & love to the magical Magic!

    3. Aw, Mari, I hope Magic is okay and I'm sending my best to your furry baby (and you).

    4. Sending lots of love, light, & healing vibes to your kitty. I hope your little Magic feels better soon!

    5. Sending good & healing vibes to Magic too.

  11. I am pretty sure we already knew this. I'd still let him bone me, though.

  12. Now we know why this was blind... so it could be "revealed."

    1. Totally! There have been no big surprises yet...

  13. @saycheese - you are awesome - thanks. I'll get to work on that cross reference project now:)

  14. That's more than you have going for you, fat boy.

  15. @ Mari - been there, unfortunately. I hope you find out what's going on with poor little Magic and find a resolution.

    1. Thank you @Unknown, he's had a very tough life before he came to me, he's a brave boy.

  16. I have as well Mari. Sending you lots of love, and hugs and healing thoughts to you and your family hon.

    Remember to breathe okay.

  17. LOL it wasn't that hard to get!

  18. Anonymous11:44 AM

    @Mari, best wishes your way from myself and Chyna.

  19. Who is the brainiac that actually thought he would be perfect for a reality show?

  20. Where are the funny trolls today? Amanda's Wig and libbyonamobile? Fuck these 2 drug addicted losers! Oh Happy 4th American CDAN 'ers!

  21. Thank you @Sugar, @JoElla @heatherfleabag & Chyna, he is sitting here purring away (as he always does when I read CDaN to him.... I think he likes the warm laptop... Or he's a gossip maven, not sure...) Thanks everyone. It means the world to me.

  22. Not to bitch because I TOTALLY love and appreciate the Reveal Days but THIS is a waste of space...I am not that good with blinds but even I got this when it first appeared...C'MON big guy.

  23. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Best Wishes for your little guy Mari! Sending heartfelt prayers for your little guy!

  24. awww @Mari - sending you lots of good healing thoughts and vibes. They are family aren't they... Oh and a big ol' fish breath smooch from my Chewy (thats him as my icon) and his brother Jack!

  25. Thank you so much @Anna, @Stacey and a nose bump from Magic to cool Chewy and Jack.
    Guys it means so much to me. Thank you.

    1. Loooooooong Time Reader, first time poster...... when there is cat love required I feel obligated to send! how long before you get the test results @mari? I am assuming you rescued your fur baby since you mentioned he had a hard life? All the best to you guys and our love to Magic! xoxo

  26. This is sad. What a waste of swimming talent!
