Sunday, September 29, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

April 8, 2013

This A list mostly television actress has hundreds of hours of recorded phone sex calls that she has had with various boyfriends. The boyfriend before her current one says instead of dropping names of guys she knows or has gone out with she loves to bring out a recording of phone sex calls and play it for her current guy.

Jennifer Love Hewitt


  1. I feel like Mr. Reynolds. ..def boner breaker.

  2. That poor schmuck who knocked her up. Money ain't worth that kinda crazy. I bet she goes double batshit after having the kid.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I'm hoping becoming a mom will get all Love's ducks in a row and she'll outgrow the crazy.

  5. She is a desperate weirdo.

  6. I think she never really grew up. This is Jr High crap..

  7. No way. I do not buy this at all.

  8. I don't know, those post partum hormones make you pretty loopy. I'm a relatively sane gal, and I still had some wacky days after my son was born. I think JLH is just at the foot of her crazy mountain.

    I bet she goes totally Mommie Dearest.

  9. That is so fucking creepy.

  10. If J-Love wants some good phone sex, she should give me a call. Hey, I had a girlfriend here while I was away, give me a break :)

  11. So was real sex just too ooky for her? What a waste of a good vajazzle.

  12. Why would anyone want to hear that? If she found someone who enjoys that kind of crap I hope she makes it work with him.

  13. How charming, I'm sure the new boyfriend just loves this.

  14. Lol phone sex. Okayyyyy. Now tell her to go back to 1995 when people actually cared about such things...

  15. No wonder she can't keep a man.

  16. I really hope she doesn't have a girl.

  17. I'd put up with it for a while to get my paws on those cans.

  18. Phone sex annoyed me as much as sexting. I hate discussing crap, lets just roll

  19. Anonymous1:44 PM

    seriously what is wrong with this girl?! definitely a deal breaker, no wonder they run!!

  20. Note to self:

    When having phone sex with Jennifer, make sure to use double entendres related to cooking to enable plausible deniability. "Oooo, yeah baby. How do you want your eggs poached? I've got some special Hollandaise sauce. Why does your oyster have rhinestones surrounding it?"

  21. She's one weird chick. And now she's growing another little weirdo inside her. Ew.

  22. I agree with John. I know she is crazy as a loon but she does have darn near if not the best real breasts of any woman in history. That's just an irresistible lure. The same goes for Aniston. She looks incredible but her baggage is also off the charts. Halle Berry, and on and on.

  23. I cannot believe this.
    The problem isn't record all that "sex" phone, the problem is play it to a current boyfriend, it is unforgivable, What evil they do to her? Why she hate them so much? What sadistic pleasure she gains doing this? How she doesn't want they dnot run away from her?.
    It's too unbelievable.
