Saturday, February 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

October 17, 2013

Note to those future filmmakers out there who strive to be A list like a certain unnamed director. You will miss days of shooting on your big budget flick if you get the crap beat out of you because you didn't pay your hooker bills after bosses extended you credit.

Michael Bay


  1. Kinda gives new meaning to the old joke, "how do you make a hormone? Don't pay her"

  2. I think technically if they take credit, you have to refer to them as escorts.

    I thought he was too busy forcing all of his actresses to bone him on set? Um, kudos on the libido?

  3. Credit for hookers?

  4. Gotta pay yer hookers. Even if she doesn't have a pimp, she can still blow a guy to get him to beat your ass. If a pimp is extending you credit and you don't pay, then yer just a friggin moron.

  5. Bwahahaha. Credit ? This is Bey, you fools!if he knew the meaning of money, his movies wouldn't be so over budgeted for such simple stories……

  6. The last reveal said he misses time on the set because he's out looking for teenage sex and when he finds one "dumb enough" to come home with him, he stays up all night. "Dumb enough" doesn't imply prostitutes, unless the prostitute is dumb enough to not get paid beforehand or to accept "credit".

  7. Ah poor guy....absolute trainwreck

  8. Two of the cardinal rules I've tried to instill in my girls is Cash Or Barter, no credit of any sort, and Payment Upfront. Charges can be disputed, promises can be broken, but they can't get the hundreds from your room safe or the cocaine back out of your nose.

  9. You gotta decide what's better, gettin' laid or gettin' paid.

  10. Lmao. The Kardashians are here y'all! Better luck next year.

  11. Kanye, I just wanna say I love your earlier stuff. That is all. And you're not a Kardashian. Now that's all

    1. Actually TalksTooMuch, when we welcome someone into our family, it is legally binding. He is contractually a Kardashian. *The More You Know

    2. Khloe don't forget the gag orders.

  12. So the so-called attack on him with an air conditioner on the set of Transformers was not by some shakedown by greedy vendors but by some pimps trying to get the money owed them for their hookers? Those pimps need to hire better enforcers. What self respecting goon-for-hire tries to beat someone up using an air conditioner?

  13. Bey seems like such and ass pimple Who didn't love seeing him get beat up?

  14. Mama Krass is the funniest screen name I think I've ever seen. I also love the insight from KhloeK ;-)

    Seeing Michael Bey getting his ass kicked would be far more entertaining than any of his movies.

  15. Well it does make more sense than the air conditioner story. Or he could say he meant to pay, but he got stage fright and ran off before he could complete the transaction.

  16. Oh Chief, you are a sweetheart. If you ever need a director for a sex tape, or even just some tips, you let me know.

  17. If Bey is perv taste specific when it comes to sex, then sex outside his perv won't satisfy as much, making him randier.
    Think having a taste for chocolate, its all you really want but all you have are apples, pate de fois gras,margaritas... Everything but chocolate ( can't you taste it? The creamy sweetness of milk chocolate as it melts on the tongue...don't bite! Just slooow easy caresses, rubbing that softening chunk with All your tastebuds reacting as it eases coats you fingers, sticky and warm...just brush it onto your lips..back and play with the slit. ( feel the dampness?) Using only the tip, ply the tongue in and out, little want to make it last, don't you?
    Inhale that browned sugar bitterness...feel it travel down the back of your throat, filling your lungs that had gone tight with longing..
    Memories come in a skin tightening rush...chawww clit...mmm
    Want an apple?

  18. He was attacked by gangsters armed with hair conditioner? That's almost as good as The Spanish Inquisition and their comfy chair torture.
