Friday, June 13, 2014

Off Topic

Friday the 13th is a great day to just stay home and hide in a corner until the clock strikes midnight.


  1. I'm throwing a Bachorette party for my best friend.

  2. Are you threatening us, Enty?

    1. I got an extra shotgun you can borrow if necessary, Kristin. Ain't no Enty zombies gonna get us.

    2. I t'aint scared of Enty zombies! What are they gonna do, kill me with poor grammar?

      I still have the crossbow you got me for Arbor Day, Charlie. If anyone needs me I'll be hiding in my tub I Am Legend-styles.

  3. Always a lucky day for me!

    1. Me too Renoblondee! Hubby and I got married on Friday the 13th, with a full moon and rain. And today is our 11 year anniversary with the exact same forecast :)

  4. Superstitious nonsense.
    Mr V has gone to London for the weekend (prob to meet up with Lilo). I have a bed all to myself. The absolute highlight of 2014 to date.

  5. Well lets see....
    Its storming outside--check
    I have no e-mail service since yesterday afternoon--check
    I have a new cable modem that is supposed to supply 60mogs and only gives me 20--check
    Yep time for bed

  6. I have to work tonight AND its s full moon. yikes. If not I would hide in my room under the covers and watch The Gilmore Girls...

    1. The last season made me sad.

    2. @Derek
      Love me some Gilmore Girls marathons.

  7. nope it's the greatest day ever

    it's Friday and that's good enough for me

    my husband's favorite day--Fri. the 13th

  8. im going to basketball game

  9. Mr Gator snored too much last night so he got placed in the guest room. So I got good sleep and my day is pretty good so far!

    1. We sleep separately and its been heaven since.

  10. but it's so nice outside

  11. I remember reading about a guy who was superstitious about Friday the 13th, so stayed in bed, but then his bedroom floor collapsed and he died or something.

  12. Sorry but it's an awesome day. It's my oldest daughter's 19th birthday! Now I need to rush through the rest of my work day, so I can go home and bake her a red velvet cake. :)

  13. It's really Saturday the 14th we all should be afraid of! Anyone else remember that movie?

  14. No, it's just a day. Full moon tonight may or may not genuinely affect people's behavior, but not the calendar. Like astrology, it's all just superstition and "parlor games" as a friend likes to say.

  15. Sugar, I *love* that movie! I need to see if it's on Netflix or Amazon. Thanks for the reminder.

  16. Sugar, I *love* that movie! I need to see if it's on Netflix or Amazon. Thanks for the reminder.

  17. Sugar - I do, and I was gonna say the same thing! Richard Benjamin means srs bzns!

  18. Orrrrr it is a great time to talk about Book Club! Last day for suggestions for the June 29th meet, book and movie.

    I will put up a post tomorrow for voting on, that will close Sunday and I will post the choice in Monday. Not too many suggestions yet, jump on in there with an idea! I'm planning to put in some previous suggestions as well. Everyone / all welcome! Last time was a BLAST!

    1. I just read Orange is the New Black. Great book!
      Just started the new season and it's crazy! Only seen the 1st two episodes though so no spoilers!

  19. Jeffery Tambor! I haven't seen it since I was a kid but I always remember that movie for some reason.
    Even the sequel Saturday the 14th Strikes Back is a piece of art that cannot be denied.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Perhaps the fake Enty's will disappear and the real Enty will return.

  22. I dont like to think about Fri 13. So i wont. I am up in New England and we are getting some Noah's Ark kinda rain! Luckily i accidentally bought a bag of Doves milk chocolates, and got 2 good books out of library. And got 2 mags in mail. Plus i have u guys. My cup runneth over.

    1. And sure, yes, i should be cleaning, but who's gonna row over and yell at me? Lol

  23. It's Friday and I'm playing instead of working. Just took the puppy for a walk & swim at the park. Beautiful day here since the rains cleared away in NJ.

    1. Aj, hope some of yhat coming my way! Instead we have thunderbumpers coming! Not that mind but everything is Just. So. Wet. Ugh!

    2. @AuntLiddy
      Ug. No fun. Twas wet like that this morning. Puppy was not happy to miss her morning walk. Luckily I work from home and called it a day the minute the weather cleared up.
      Sending lots of Sunshine vibes your way.

  24. Parents 44th wedding anniversary today...coincidentally my granny died about 16 years ago today. I always joke to my dad that was my granny's final show of disapproval of him.

  25. Going to a black belt Krav Maga ceremony, hosting a podcast and celebrating our 13 month anniversary :)

    1. Sooooooo, no picking a fight with your fiancee for me. I totally did not call him a big wuss.

    2. Maybe Shocky is the one graduating, hmmm Charlie?

    3. She very well could be, my little Wiglet. However, her left hand visible in the pic looks to be in too nice of shape to have been bitch slapping little punks like me around. Whereas her fiancee looks like he could break me with mere intention. That being said, I could be wrong.

    4. @charlie and @wiglet haha! It's my friend:) I am training for my green belt though. I like elbows and groin kicks. They keep the hands pretty

    5. Hats off to you, Shocky! My 15-year old son does Krav and it's awesome and wicked hard. I'm happy just to watch.

  26. In my country it´s not Friday the 13th, it´s actually Tuesday the 13th. So I´m completely saf... hang on a minute, someone´s at the door...

  27. I walked under a latter @ Party City.
    I'll let u kno how that goes.

  28. It's fun to comment and joke about it, but it's just a day, a superstition, as @FS mentioned. Calendars are a man-made construct. And I'm skeptical about the lunar effect, too.

    That said, I think it's pretty cool to be able to say I was born on a Friday the 13th with a full moon. :)

    @Sugar, ahahaha, I had forgotten about that movie. Thanks!

  29. Nah Friday the 13th means getting out the hog and driving down to Port Dover on Lake Erie for a wild day and/or weekend.

    Born to be Wild. Lots of people with assless chaps apparently.

    Better than when Friday the 13th falls in the winter time.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. My son's name was Jason and today is his birthday.

    I love '80s slashers!

  32. Ah, no wonder everything is going to hell. Meh. Tomorrow will be better.

  33. Happy Anniversary @Looziana!

    1. Thanks!! Hope you're having a great day and weekend ahead!

  34. I've always found Friday the 13th to be a really great day for me. This one seems to be no exception so far, but we'll see how it goes with that full moon!

  35. Friday the 13th... Full moon...
    Gonna drink some beer and shoot off some fireworks with the neighbors.

    What could possibly go wrong?

  36. @Bikey - I had to look that up to check it out. Discovered that Spain and the 'Spanish speaking world' have the superstition as being about Tuesday 13.

    Interesting, thanks!

    Also Olé olé olé ... anyone from the 'Spanish speaking world' is going to be World Cupping right now! Go Australia, don't comply with the odds (the game is on now and I have stuff on so I'm avoiding the results until I get home and YouTube it).

  37. @StewMcG Hey, can you do me a favor and tell her she's beautiful* for me? Don't worry, not trying to make a move or anything. It just never hurts to know people think you're beautiful

    *just like her Mom

  38. I'm in LA and I have serious rain envy. This drought is so horrible I eould happily switch weather with some of you for a day or two.

  39. I have absolutely no good luck whatsoever, so Friday the 13ths are usually oddly great for me! My teenager son feels the same way, "hey Mom, there's a Friday the 13th coming, great day for US". I guess it must be genetic ;( .
