Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Blind Item #3

Apparently this closeted cable news host was freaked out about some photos of a guy he was with so he paraded the wife in front of some cameras to show how much they love each other.


  1. 'Last week tonight' HBO guy?

  2. Derek Harvey12:05 AM

    Chris Cuomo? Is Cuomo a Homo?

  3. Khaleesi12:14 AM

    On point rhyming game there Derek. Lol!

  4. fliplova12:24 AM

    *this blind was paid for and sponsored by Nick Denton

  5. Derek Harvey12:24 AM

    haha, thanks---look-out, I'ma be the next Kanye or Drake

  6. Salaam1:02 AM

    In 1977, when Cuomo's father Mario ran against Ed Koch for mayor of NYC, signs started appearing all over the city that said "Vote For Cuomo, Not The Homo" (a reference to Koch's long rumored homosexuality). Cuomo denied his people were behind it, although many folks thought the signs came from his camp.

  7. Derek Harvey1:06 AM

    That is awful-and NYC of ALL places? What a moron.

  8. Salaam1:51 AM

    It was the 1970s, a completely different time, even in New York City. Stonewall might have been 1969, but not all that much had changed in 10 years.

  9. sandybrook2:37 AM

    Bill Hemmer or Shepard Smith

  10. Guesser2:40 AM

    I don't think either is married.

  11. Guesser2:44 AM

    I thought of this when Derek wrote this. Someone even went through the streets with a loud speaker.Ironically, Cuomo was regarded as the more liberal of the two.

  12. sandybrook2:54 AM

    missed the married part--Smith was married once.

  13. bush bunny3:07 AM

    Geraldo? Chuckle.

  14. Mrs. Patsy Ramsey, formerly of Boulder Colorado5:27 AM

    Mario Cuomo probably was the more liberal of the two and certainly the one I admire more but that was a vicious, nasty campaign just the same. Mario once gave the greatest political speech I have ever seen or heard but he had serious flaws.


    They said that the reason he wouldn't run for POTUS was because of skeletons in his son's closet. I thought it was due to his own skeletons but who knows?

  15. Malibuborebee5:28 AM

    Fuck. I forgot to change the goof-name from the other post. Mea culpa.

  16. Malibuborebee5:29 AM

    I don't think Shep bothers to beard anymore but he's still in the closet.

  17. Guesser6:55 AM

    If Shepard Smith came out he couldn't do any reporting in dangerous areas Middle East in particular. Anderson Cooper doesn't get the type of reporting he used to, now he's just a talking head. As long as they aren't doing anything illegal, best to know little about reporters lives. Does anyone know what Tom Brokaw's wife is like when he was on the air? Matt Lauer is a joke as a reporter now, because of his personal life.

  18. HH3147:01 AM

    Huh? Shepard Smith was married? To what?

  19. Salaam8:24 AM

    I always heard the reason Mario didn't run (or seek out the Supreme Court seat many wanted him to land) was because of his own skeletons. Perhaps mob ties, if I recall correctly.
    There was also some nastiness between Mario and the Clintons back in the day, if I recall correctly.

  20. Tim R1:40 AM

    There was a rumor on another site a couple months ago about a cable news guy who had left his wife for another man, but that he and his wife were keeping up appearances publicly and the guesses seemed to point to Chris Cuomo.

  21. Tricia137:32 AM

    Chris Cuomo isn't gay. He lived with /was more or less engaged to my sis many years ago and a part of our family. While he certainly isn't my favorite person, and is a cheater-- it was with women I assure ya..)Marci Macall(Carl's -"former state comptroller's daughter "looking at ya).

    Bill Hemmer is married- a and I always believed to be gay...so +1 Sandy
