Monday, August 06, 2018

Blind Item #2

All it took was one chance to break away and this B list athlete hooked up with his ex while out of the country. I guess his A- list reality star girlfriend thought things had changed and he would be faithful because he was with someone friends who said they would watch him. Nope.


  1. Their IQ is even lower than I thought if she actually thought he would stay faithful.

    I like how they all keep referring to it as the "alleged cheating" still too as if there wasn't video evidence...

    1. Kourtney is my new hero (we’ll dont lover at all), apparently she called them all disgusting and said everything we think on new episode .Didnt/don’t watch but read about it. I hope it wasn’t staged.... because she really had some zingers!
      Said she dreams of leaving country to get away from them

    2. Absolutely. She is also the only who went to college and hasn't rearranged her face, lips and ass!

  2. Fake. Khloe is a saint and would never do this. CDAN lies for attention. They're not even a TV show.

  3. Poor Tristan. Lebron brought him to Cleveland and made the team pay him way more money than he deserved. He had it made. But now Lebron ran off to Hollywood to seek (more) fame and fortune, leaving Tristan behind in BFE with a bunch of other chumps. Who can blame him, really, for seeking comfort in the arms of many hot women?

    He's Canadian anyway. Charge him with contributing to the delinquency of a reality TV star (that's hard to do!) and deport him.

  4. haha Tricia I saw that! That apparently she said Kim is vile and evil and that she has different values.

    Probably all staged but oh well still +1

  5. This is not just because women Kardashians and Kylie Jenner are retarded lol any woman should accept that rich, mostly sports men are traitorous maniacs haha

  6. Lmao didn’t he bring her back a gift? I immediately knew he cheated when she showed that off. She tries to hard to prove to the world he’s being faithful when we all know he’s not!

  7. The gifts should make her more suspicious lmfao. Men bring gifts back after they've cheated to ease their conscience this is a tradition as old as time

  8. Screw khloe. She's been cancelled in my book ever since she made those tasteless tweets about Chloe Grace Moretz.

  9. Screw Khloe? No thanks.

  10. It has to be somewhat scripted, but I wish it were true. Kourtney is saying all of the things we've been thinking. Her biggest contribution to the show was Scott, and he's pretty much gone. Maybe that's why she's always been "boring" and never seemed like she wanted to be there? But she's part of the Kardashian Machine and was probably pressured to keep participating. For the family. She could hide behind Scott and let him be the center of attention. There's nobody for her to play supporting character to, so she's out.

    Maybe there is some truth to it.
    It's called Keeping Up with the Kardashians, but she doesn't want to keep up anymore lol

  11. the REAL question is how seething angry is Beyonce that the Kardashian drama seems to be overshadowing her Vogue article?

  12. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Guys, I'm still on Team Khloe. But her absolute bullshit "pregnancy lips" excuse for her appearance in the upcoming season of KUWK has me on the ledge.

    @thonker oh shit I forgot about those. Those were absolutely fucked up, especially since they weren't even true.

  13. It wasn't staged Tricia, I watch every episode, Kourtney was for real crying. She is over it!

  14. Cheat with a man and don't be surprised when he cheats on you. At this point I think she doesn't really care, she's just pretending to care.

  15. She should just start claiming she's a cuckquean to reclaim her strong woman delusion. Like the Maxwell Smart of getting cheated on.
