Sunday, July 07, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 28, 2019

While he usually goes for older high school teens, this foreign born former superhero is the one who had final say on casting the way underage foreign born A-/B+ list actress because he wanted to get to know her. Uh huh.

Henry Cavill/Millie Bobby Brown


  1. That dude is straight? When did this happen?

  2. Drake's girl is getting snatched up by Superman 🤭

  3. @ Count - Yeah, Enty keeps flipping on the Cavill gay/not gay thing. Whatever is convenient for a blind, I guess.

  4. I've never noticed a Henry C. blind with the implication of him being gay. All of the ones I've seen have talked about way underaged girls.

  5. Thia - much like Drake, before the underage girl rumors there were longstanding gay rumors.

  6. Agreed. I have only heard he is into underage girls, but, BG had him intowantinn to have unprotected anal with a woman.

    But, it would not surprise me if ENTY did say if he was ghey. Same with Drake. He went from being closeted to a pedo who is into underage girls. LOL such opposite ends of the spectrum.

  7. Have these grown men no feeling for these young girls and boys? How does one forget that we are all responsible to protect the young? An f-MRI would no doubt show a vast hole in the judgment part of the brain.

    Does Millie Bobby Brown have no parents? Is it absolutely REQUIRED that talented young people in Hollywood be doomed to become sexual zombies? I realize this rotten behavior has been there since the beginning but jeez!

  8. Dude gives me the creeps. Remember its legal at 16 in the uk.. sooooo

  9. Millie's parents are one step away from pimping her out for cash.

  10. EW What a twisted man. Abuse is a cycle but he definitely knows better she's SO young!

  11. Strange that Henry Cavill would have final say. Millie Bobby Brown and her mother are the producers of this movie.

  12. Shame Henry has pervy tendencies, he has wcting potential. If 16 is legal in UK, then HC and MBBs parents are probably seeing nothing but green lights.

  13. Watch out Millie! Pretty sure Cavill has herpes

  14. No spoilers, please, but has anyone seen season three of Stranger Things yet??

  15. MBB's parents are horrible people who probably took a full chapter or ten from the PMK handbook. Her father demanded money from an agent to represent her - and this was before Stranger Things. Their only job is basically managing her. And the poor kid is exhausted from all the work they're making her do.

    1. If she is exhausted, they should probably get her on cocaine. It will also help her cope with the vile tje vile acts she allegedly participates in. Does wonders for Lohan

  16. @Vita - Only Dumbasses watch Shitter Things

  17. Goddammit. HENRY. Stop being skeevy.

  18. It seems like closeted guys in Hollywood go for underage girls. They use them as beards.

  19. @ Count Jerkula WHEN have you ever heard Cavill is gay blinds? Never. they are always about his penchant for VERY young girls.

  20. MBB looks very young. I know she is young but everything about her looks like a young teen, these guys are so gross.

  21. Whatever suits the current narrative N.T. wants to sell to his stans. The scary part is that he has folks fooled into thinking he's this bastion of truth and virtue. He could literally claim someone was pimping out their baby to a ghost or some young starlet yatched it with the reanimated corpse of Elvis Presley last night to and certain people would run to other sites spreading it as gospel.

  22. Cavill would have no say in casting anyone in the new Sherlock Holmes movie, since Millie is the producer and her team would be the ones doing the hiring. In actuality she probably greenlit HIS hiring, interestingly.

    1. So that means MBB made Superman bang her to be cast?

  23. I recall many gay blinds about Cavill when he was making the Superman films.

    1. Yeah, Brainy. Werent their rumors his relationship w/ Penny was bearding?

  24. Agreed @WeStoneTHem. That is what always irks me is if you go to DM or YouTube or other gossip websites and they are quoting this website like it 100% the God's honest truth when in reality it changes up narratives constantly. Henry and Drake being super gay then loving underage girls.

    Gay people do not up and think hmm I think I now prefer underage women of the opposite sex. So stupid.

    Then, Richard Madden cheating on his last girlfriend all the time with other girls only a couple months later to be ousted by the DM as being in a serious relationship with another guy.....

    If someone is in the actual know....they would not keep changing narratives all the time.

    I am all for Coming to this website and Having fun with it, but, people really should take this stuff with a grain of salt. I do think ENTY is in the know with a few people in Hollywood and basically does their bidding on this site. But, those tipsters also probably have a gain in what is being tipped.

    Also, Henry Cavill is one of the HOTTEST guys in Hollywood at the moment. He was GORGEIOUS especially with shorter hair in the first season of the Tudors. He could be very well be skeevy, but, it would not surprise me if Henry is just simply a crush of MBB.

  25. HC looks like a Greek God. really dont get what he sees in MBB...must be immature or uneasy around Adults.

  26. Greek God is right. I take that back. I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder but I cannot think of one male I consider hotter in Hollywood. He is perfection and really likable in his interviews/ videos as well.

  27. lies. millie was cast before him.

  28. You're right, El. Millie was cast first. Enty has another one wrong. And anyways Henry does like the young ones. But even Millie is way too young for him. He couldn't get away with it. She is too high profile.

  29. @Diva - Yes, I finished Stranger Things last night. I thought it was great. :)

  30. I believe it. He’s a perfect human specimen but likes them young.

  31. There have been gay Cavill blinds until about a year ago.


  32. It's extremely immoral to make accusations like this.

    You can't hold yourself out as someone who has integrity because they tell the truth, when you're simply lying for profit and thrills.

    Some of these blind items are true - because they are well-known industry secrets.

    And some of them are clearly invented, like this.

    I can see this is false because Millie Bobbie Brown and her mother are the producers of the show! So the idea that he would have the authority to cast her is backwards and false.

    I tended to believe these blind items, but this has really annoyed me - you simply do not mess around with someone's reputation on something so serious.

    Also, something I've considered for a while: the "entertainment lawyer" thing makes me cringe a bit. If you were really a lawyer you'd be on the roll, and it would be relatively easy to identify you. So why say you are? It just feels a bit embarrassing and inauthentic.

    I'd believed that HC was herpes-ridden because of the relevant blind item here before, now I'm reconsidering that... and he's back on the market if so.
