Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Blind Item #3

The lawyers for this A- list mostly movie actress are playing a dangerous game. They know about a woman who was abused, but the A- lister has multiple exes who will say the same thing about her.


  1. Amber Heard. The worst for her is he didnt. Amber has just told her lawyers that he did to get them to take her on. Timesup for amber heard and ive got my popcorn ready to see how many she takes down with her.

  2. Amber K.O. Heard.

  3. lol, as long as she has a pigeon paying her legal bills she can litigate away.

  4. Depp is dirty AF and everyone knows it. Death and misery follow him like a sh!tty cologne. Unfortunately Heard has been known to hit girls too so she's not exactly the poster child against domestic violence.

  5. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Depp and Heard are both messy violent drunks and druggies. They both need to go away. Who would have ever thought 10 years ago that Johnny Depp would be a has-been? Maybe me but only wishful thinking. Add him to my long list of celebrities who everybody loved but I could never stand lol.

  6. @MissDavie, I would have said when he sold his soul to the mouse, but evidence seems to indicate he was a sh!theel all along.

    1. There were all these news stories in 1994 about him trashing at least one hotel room when he was dating Kate Moss. I don't remember if press reports ever made the link directly but in the public gossip -- you know it wasn't that long after River Phoenix died at Depp's Viper Room, I just remember death and drugs and violence being kind of hanging over his persona, and I don't mean in a goth/emo/mood way but in a strung-out druggie way.

  7. If you heard Enty's podcast about Depp, you wouldn't doubt Amber's story.

  8. Regarding Depp, in court, you need actual proof and she hasn't got any. Establishing that he was arrested 20 years ago and trashed a hotel room 25 years ago won't do it. Neither will proof that he is an addict. The fact that he had been clean from drugs for many years when he met Heard will not be good for her, especially because according to this site, she is the big drug connect of all of Hollywood and her former dealer is on record saying she was "the worst kind of drug fiend...shooting in her crotch to hide her problem". She admitted to punching him (in the face) and kicking him under oath. Now, Depp's attorney has doubled down and said that the women she has "savagely beaten" in the past will testify at trial. Depp wants that info. out there so I seriously doubt there will be a settlement. They want a trial. I hate her because she is a perpetrator of DV and plays victim. She is a pathological liar and climber who stops at nothing to get what/where she wants.

  9. Depp isnt a saint but i dont see him being abusive. Unless Vanessa comes forward with new info it just seems random. Amber Heard has had negative shit following her from day one and i believe thats bc there is definitely truth to her ugliness. She did release that video of him belligerently yelling and throwing things but there wasnt anything in the video that showed he came for her specifically. I bet Depp regrets his midlife crisis that caused him to date her. Vanessa and him seemed to be happy and private about their lives.

  10. If she feared for her life as she testified in her declaration in order to get a TRO, would she goad him and secretly record him? Most DV survivors say there abuser would kill them for that. Instead, when he finds that she is recording him, he leaves. She keeps the evidence and releases it to TMZ. Wouldn't an abuser grab the phone and destroy it? Releasing that recording to TMZ was a criminal act. It is wiretapping in California.

    California's wiretapping law is a "two-party consent" law. California makes it a crime to record or eavesdrop on any confidential communication, including a private conversation or telephone call, without the consent of all parties to the conversation. See Cal. Penal Code § 632. The statute applies to "confidential communications" -- i.e., conversations in which one of the parties has an objectively reasonable expectation that no one is listening in or overhearing the conversation. See Flanagan v. Flanagan, 41 P.3d 575, 576-77, 578-82 (Cal. 2002). A California appellate court has ruled that this statute applies to the use of hidden video cameras to record conversations as well. See California v. Gibbons, 215 Cal. App. 3d 1204 (Cal Ct. App. 1989).

  11. Lol. Amber heard has lost a lawyer according to paperwork filled today. Someone didnt want to wait for the ship to go down.

  12. Sometimes whores need beatins, but she had Depp so whipped no way he raised a hand to her. Dude started showering regularly for the first time in decades to get up in them guts

  13. He was only JUST admitted pro hac vice. He backs out of the case no notice? Sounds like he may have scruples?

  14. Johnny Depp Ordered To Release Booze & Drug Use Records In $50M Defamation Case Against Amber Heard

    Just to be clear, this junkie pirate is suing her, he's bringing all the bad publicity on himself. He's got to know he's not going to get any money out of her.

    1. Isnt he suing heard for breech of contract because she violated the gag order in their previous settlement?

  15. Are we talking about the slutty woman who accused Johnny Scissorhands of assault in the hair salon?
    She's a lying sausage hound and everybody in that brightly coloured town knows it!

  16. @Count: Correct. She wrote a piece for the Washington Post referring to herself as a victim of DV.

    @Sunkist: I’m with you. One of my best friends was a victim of DV a few years ago. It was horrific. I hate Amber for making up these bullshit stories and minimizing what actual victims endure.



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