Saturday, August 03, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

July 26, 2019

The foreign born former A+ list tweener singer was told by his manager that the singer just needed to release an album but didn't need to go on tour to support it. It was the only reason the singer agreed to record. The singer is going to be really ticked off to know that 100 dates are being readied for a tour. This is going to be an epic war.

Justin Bieber

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 26, 2019

I wrote about the former walking blind item within the past couple weeks and everything she is facing. Apparently, this week it almost pushed her over the edge.

Taryn Manning

Blind Item #8

The really quick rapper thinks all his troubles are behind him. If convicted though, no country is going to give him a work visa to perform so he will be limited to the US.

Blind Item #7

This network just has no clue about how much the cast and crew of her most recent show didn't like working with her. The network is trying hard to find a project for her. Notice how much work the foreign born former co-star is getting who had to leave. Yeah, that is because everyone liked her.

Blind Item #6

Apparently this A- list celebrity offspring of two generations has gone back to her old ways of letting guys treat her like crap. I'm not sure why she wants to be known as the girlfriend of the foreign born A list singer knowing he is hooking up with multiple women.

Blind Item #5

There is some rebooted news about the permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee who is the offspring of an A lister. He used to pay women to go away after hooking up with them and one decided they didn't want to, so he and his foreign born actress wife decided to make it look like a stalker situation. It wasn't.

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 26, 2019

After the disaster that was the foreign born three named ambiguously aged A- list actress portraying a real life figure, the only thing worse could be the A list everything in her mind actress taking on the same role. The only thing worse is her idea to direct it too.

Griselda Blanco ("Cocaine Godmother")/Catherine Zeta-Jones/Jennifer Lopez

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 26, 2019

This A-/B+ list mostly movie actor all of you know who has that common first name of actors that all look the same and does voiceovers for a national company has been in contact with the procurer/madam. Apparently they have had multiple flings over the years.

Josh Lucas/Ghislaine Maxwell

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 26, 2019

Umm, you would think after all these years that this former A+ list tweener actress turned A-/B+ list adult singer would know the rules. You sign the dotted line and agree to perform on the award show and you get nominated. If your team is good enough you make sure it is a win rather than just a nomination. That is how it has gone for the entire existence of the cable award show.

Miley Cyrus/MTV Video Music Awards

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 26, 2019

This one named permanent A+ list singer thought she didn't have to play by the current rules in place, so she blew off the players. Now, she has her worst performing song release ever.


Blind Item #4

The Insta famous transgender didn't shut down her account out of embarrassment, she shut it down because she was paid to by this A+ list NBA star who didn't want people to know he had hooked up with her when her secret became known.

Blind Item #3

This not old enough to drive for a couple of years has at least three porn videos that were made by this producer of a teen show who cast her and rapes her on an almost daily basis. 

Blind Item #2

I wonder if the one named foreign singer knows about the half dozen women that were assigned by the government to please the celebrity CEO when he was in the yachting capitol recently. 

Blind Item #1

This A list singer has a new song out. At this point, it can be tough to know which is new and which is a week or two old. So many songs. Apparently the fix is in though thanks to her manager. The song probably is top 20 at best but payola and all that is going to make it much higher than it ever deserves.

Friday, August 02, 2019

Blind Item #13

This three named actress got orally serviced by a woman who was under the table at a nightclub while out of the country.

Blind Item #12

The alliterate foreign born A- list singer is going to bring down that so called boyfriend of hers if anyone takes a pic of her way over the top coke use. It used to be a party thing, but is so much more for her now.

Blind Item #11

Speaking of cheating, this never seen in public any longer former A- list actor who is a celebrity offspring is cheating on his long time wife who is an actress.

Blind Item #10

This permanent A list singer who is married and aging is cheating on his long time wife with a former A+ list singer.

Blind Item #9

A charity bash is having one last hurrah because it was too late to cancel. The thing is this next year there will be lots of questions about the founder's relationship with the wealthy pedophile.

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 25, 2019

This is Nicolas Cage level creepy. If it wasn't bad enough that the mogul/wannabe rapper was hooking up with someone who hooked up with one of his sons first, apparently there have been two sons who have hooked up with her. I'm sure it is love with the dad though.

Sean Combs/Lori Harvey

Four For Friday - That Time Of The Year

For the past few months, the permanent A list actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee has been willing to talk to me after a years long hiatus. This is not about her so much although she is the one who brought up the topic. We were talking about certain events that happen towards the end of the year and the public even has a term for it even though the culmination is not until late winter or early spring.

It starts now though. It starts now with an organization that has a get together and if you are invited, you better show up or get on their bad side forever. It is also the time of the year that members of this organization will start calling actresses for "dinner meetings." If you don't want to go, you better have a substitute. A former A+ list mostly movie actress all of you know went on a dozen of those dinner meetings which is why she gets nominated even in years she does't have a movie that necessarily qualifies time wise. There is a married A list dual threat actress who is also an Oscar winner/nominee who did the same thing for five or six years straight two decades ago and now has a younger actress she sends in her place. This all began because of this back in the day really bad actress. Like Tori Spelling bad. The actress took on five or six of these guys and the next thing you know she was bathed in glory. Since that time, everyone knew how to get ahead. Many many take advantage of it. Lest you think actors don't have to do anything, you would be wrong. They also have dinner meetings or have been known to have to attend children's birthday parties or be a co-host of a dinner party. This permanent A list mostly movie actor who has a movie out right now has done all of the above.

As for the Oscar winner/nominee who is talking to me again. She says she has been on a lot of dinners, but drew the line at after dinner activities. 

Your Turn

Have you known anyone to die of an overdose?

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 25, 2019

She refuses to driver herself anywhere, so I'm not sure why she was gifted a six figure car for a birthday present.

Jennifer Lopez (and she admitted that this week)

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 25, 2019

The alliterate former actress hates doing the royalty thing unless there are A listers in attendance. She bailed on a commitment she was going to do with her husband that is really important to the family. No A listers means no show.

Meghan Markle

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 24, 2019

I'm not sure why everyone was so shocked at catching the B-/C+ list celebrity hooking up with a married guy. Serial cheating is her thing. Yachting is her thing. That married NBA player who recently got busted cheating was her thing. That record label owner has long been her thing despite who he may be with. All of the above is one of the reasons this former athlete turned multiple host put the tracking device on her car because he knew she was cheating on him too.

Nicole Murphy/Antoine Fuqua/Carmelo Anthony/Birdman/Michael Strahan

Blind Item #8

The A list reality family won't say anything publicly, but a recent lawsuit actually has them worried. If it stands as is and proceeds, there will be a very large check they will have to write. It could easily approach eight figures in a settlement and more if it goes to trial and they lose.

Blind Item #7

Do you think the celebrity sibling of the reality star will ever admit anything similar in a magazine? Hmmmmm.

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 24, 2019

After two years in development, what would have been an incredible tell all limited series about the fired long time morning guy and all of his affairs and the gossip about those around him is now on hold. When the Loudest Voice/Roger Ailes thing bombed it made this pay cable channel/competing network to the fired anchor take a step back.

Matt Lauer/Showtime (Apparently Lifetime is looking to pick it up)

Blind Item #6

Thew network has so far been talked out of ordering the firing of this former A list tweener actress turned B list adult actress. Her test scores in a new show have been bad and she really can't act.

Blind Item #5

This former YouTube star who has actually made it fairly big outside YouTube is hooking up with an actor she met in the thing she is starring in. Not the first time she has cheated in a relationship.

Blind Item #4

The gossip blogger who has helped the alliterate former royal for years with glowing articles has been getting the cold shoulder as of late. I'm thinking now that she is not in a position to do anything useful, she has served her purpose.

Blind Item #3

Apparently the one named foreign born singer didn't have that surgery she spoke about having. She just thought it sounded cool.

Blind Item #2

I think we all knew the hooking up of the former A+ list mostly movie actor and the A list singer was inevitable. The question is whether he dumps the girlfriend he cheated on the singer with or not.

Blind Item #1

It is a great story, but wholly untrue. This closeted foreign born former boy bander knew all about a certain dating app long before a reality star showed it to him.

Thursday, August 01, 2019

Blind Item #13

Interesting choice of boyfriends for the actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee. The boyfriend has always been the go to guy for threesomes for lesbian couples in Hollywood when they want to spice things up.

Blind Item #12

A royal not named Meghan said that the feds sent photos over to her parental unit to be looked at and to help identify teens in photos with the parental unit and also teens in photos engaged in sex acts with at least four celebrities from her home country.

Blind Item #11

Long before there were any pap photos being offered for sale, I told you weeks ago that the A list rapper was being cheated on again by her husband. Much like her coke addiction, the cheating isn't going to stop.

Blind Item #10

Pretty funny that the new wife of this political offspring has also been spotted on the arm of a Russian oligarch not even six or seven months ago.

Blind Item #9

Looks like the closeted foreign born former A list boy bander/wannabe actor is back on with his long time boyfriend. They were together at the internet camp thing.

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 24, 2019

These two co-stars from a very hit streaming show are still boyfriend/girlfriend and they still enjoy replacing food with coke as often as possible.

Natalia Dyer/Charlie Heaton/Stranger Things

Today's Blind Items - Not Just The Producer

I have often written in this space about the yachting adjacent southern reality show. It is the payoff for sleeping with one of the producers. He generally delivers. Apparently though there are a couple of former cast members who are now speaking out about some extras that are required. For the most part, they don't have to have sex with the other men on the show because they have enough women to keep them happy. This was not always the case though and cast members from the first couple of seasons, including arguably the biggest star of the show were forced to sleep with multiple cast members and even boyfriends of the oldest cast member of the show. Further, they were pawned off to people who finance movies and other wealthy individuals thinking of investing money with one of the producers. The show is basically a brothel and continues to be. You think those women coming on for one episode are random hookups from a bar? Nope. They are first vetted by that producer and then treated as one night stands because they are. The producer has them first and then they are assigned to a cast member to have a real one night stand with and then shown on camera as their payment. 

Your Turn

What grade in school was your favorite?

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 24, 2019

Apparently this sexual assaulting permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee wanted to make a movie where he had license to pretend to rape a woman. You know, because that would be great for his image.

Ben Affleck

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 24, 2019

The celebrity offspring has attended events sponsored by this church for quite some time. It is how she met the A+ list actor who wanted her to be the one he married instead of the one he did. However, this recent weekend is the first time she convinced her husband to attend. Everything was laid on thick for the husband who has some collateral left behind at his other church and they will not let him go without releasing that collateral.

Hailey Baldwin/Chris Pratt/Katherine Schwarzenegger/Justin Bieber

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 24, 2019

Things are pretty bad when you call out your family member for having a fake relationship. Such is the case with these two YouTubers. Apparently it was to distance one of them from the drugging women at parties thing or being associated with the guy who raped the 16 year old.

Logan Paul/Jake Paul/Tana Mongeau

Blind Item #8

This foreign born actor is probably A- list. He was one of many to play an iconic character in a television show and has been cheating on his significant other with his current co-star through the entire film shoot he is on right now.

Blind Item #7

This multiple network reality participant gave a fairly revealing interview. She gave a reason for walking away from a corner of the entertainment world she was trying to conquer. What she failed to mention is that she was awful and no one wanted to give her any songs for free because she wasn't all that nice to them and threatened to have them all blackballed via the guy she called her boyfriend at the time who is a mogul.

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 24, 2019

I find it funny that this sometime Housewife had things to say considering how she used to make her living was just slightly less transactional than the former Housewife she referred to or the current one.

Camille Grammer/Brandi Glanville/Denise Richards

Blind Item #6

This alliterate former B+ list actress who has a long long history in the celebrity world is finally ready to admit that the permanent A++ lister forced her to have sex when she was just 14. I told you years ago that was the case, but now she is ready to go beyond the whole kissing thing she has previously admitted to. The guy didn't like anyone above 14 or 15. If you were 12 and showed interest he wanted you.

Blind Item #5

It is interesting but not surprising that one host gets fired while the other who is married and cheats like they are going to take away his freedom tomorrow is allowed to stay. 

Blind Item #4

I'm not sure why the serial cheating foreign born alliterate NBA player would now decide he was going to try to get people believe he didn't cheat on a woman with the alliterate reality star. Maybe because he is trying to get with the woman again he cheated on. 

Blind Item #3

Look for this network to bring back the food show if this latest morning experiment doesn't work. Of course if that happens, one of the hosts time on the casting couch will have been for naught.

Blind Item #2

The mogul is having an emergency meeting on his yacht this weekend to discuss strategy. He has some pet projects and needs his pets to do his bidding. Lets see who flocks to him.

Blind Item #1

This former A- list tweener turned A- list adult singer who has spent a lot of time in rehab has done a George Lopez. No, she hasn't dumped a spouse for hookers and strippers but did dump the person who saved her life and is abusing what the person gave her.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Blind Item #12

This foreign born one named musician who is probably B-/C+ list was once married to someone who has a big story to tell. She has shared part of it with the world about the producer, but apparently there are hours of tapes of things she said about the producer that the musician has in his possession. 

Blind Item #11

This foreign born world's worst actor who has also done reality television both of the staged variety and competition wise as well as done a bit of serial cheating and arguable child abandonment is apparently untrustworthy enough to where his wife makes him travel with her.

Blind Item #10

The former A list teen star is going to start asking you for money for a campaign to get a reboot made. How much do you think will go in his pocket versus the reboot campaign? Do not ever give him money.

Blind Item #9

Yo. Weekly tabloid that begins with an U. It is not an "Exclusive" to tell us the permanent A list actor from a massive franchise is not allowed to see his daughter. Myself and others have been saying that for nearly a decade. Is this a recent revelation? 

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 23, 2019

The barely barely barely a celebrity offspring of low level celebrities still has no idea that his foreign born singer girlfriend spends the night at the foreign born permanent A list singer's house once or twice a week. He thinks she is "recording."

Anwar Hadid/Dua Lipa/Chris Martin

Today's Blind Items - Groomed

A lot of attention has been focused on this country in recent years. Some strange happenstance. The missing airliner. The massive amount of embezzled money that has seemingly touched a dozen A listers as they wined and dined with the embezzlers, and in the case of the spouse of B list reality star/celebrity/designer, probably jail bound because of it. There has also been something in the news as of late, but only in the tabloids about a failed marriage. You know when you have to pay $1M upfront to sleep with the woman who says she loves you, that maybe things are not going to work out. Anyway, lost in that, is the story of wife #1. She has lots of stories to tell and is finally speaking to a television host in her country. I'm not sure what the laws are in that country on speaking out about some of the things she witnessed, so hopefully they will air. One of the parts that troubled m the most is how celebrities from that region of the world flock to the palace to meet the girls who are being groomed to become wives to royalty. This includes the first wife. From the time she was five she was trained on how to be the bet wife possible and this included lessons on sex and how to please a man from the time she was about 11. This involved various instructors who wanted to make sure she would be perfect on her wedding night. Apparently this has gone from that to celebrities taking their turn with these young girls. In fact, a top 5 Indian box office actor has been one visitor and also this Chinese A++ list movie actor in his country and a Korean soap star who is also A list in his country.

Your Turn

From a reader

When is the last time you either gave out or received a business card?

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 23, 2019

Signing the A-/B+ list celebrity offspring of a permanent A++ lister to a record deal would just be a waste of money. People who go see her in concert go to see her, not her music. Second, there is no way she would ever be able to make steady recording session dates. Just asking for trouble.

Paris Jackson

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 23, 2019

The network reality a-hole host wouldn't speak out against any kind of domestic violence or anything that would hint that he is anything but spineless because he doesn't want to lose his job because he knows he would never get another like it.

Chris Harrison/The Bachelor

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 23, 2019

Speaking of drugs, they are pretty much a constant in the life of the former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort. It is what has television producers so nervous. I would be worried about a whole lot more than that.

Lindsay Lohan/Masked Singer

Blind Item #8

His fairly recent wife doesn't fulfill this fetish for the A/A list dual threat actor, but his former wife who once was A- list did. The fetish? Our actor, who ALL of you know enjoys having a woman empty their bowels on him.

Blind Item #7

This A/A- list dual threat actress who is on a very hit network show has not been the same since she split with her ex. Sure, she has a new guy but he doesn't really care about her. Our actress has just shut down and honestly it is only her kid that is keeping her going at this point. Her actor ex doesn't care at all and has completely moved on.

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 23, 2019

This LA Laker is set to be the next in line to pretend to date the reality star. Even his ex is in on the secret and is not being very discreet.

Kendall Jenner/Kyle Kuzma/Katya Elise Henry

Blind Item #6

I'm not sure why this A- list writer/television actress/movie actress who got her start writing for television just doesn't come out and tell the world that her best friend is also the father of her kid. Maybe it is some kind of long running game for the public?

Blind Item #5

The wife of the director who openly cheated on her in the past couple weeks and made her look ridiculous is seeking comfort from a wife who is married to a permanent A lister who has an entire second family, so maybe not the best person to seek out for comfort.

Blind Item #4

This north of the border A list singer doesn't want to lie straight to his fan's faces about his fake relationship with the foreign born alliterate singer so sidesteps questions. Hey, lies of omission and all that about that other thing in your life are equally as important too.

Blind Item #3

The one named trying to sound smart serial cheating rapper who used to pretend his marriage was rock solid is getting married again because his girlfriend is pregnant. Should we tell her that he got someone else pregnant while they were hooking up or just make it their wedding present?

Blind Item #2

Here normal amount of partying took a sudden turn and the next thing you know this A list rapper was out of control and canceling a show. Don't do drugs kids.

Blind Item #1

Tori Spelling and her money issues must wish she could be given a big fat check to write a book like this celebrity offspring of a parent and a grand parent. Wow, that is a lot of money which must mean the offspring is going to tell a lot of tales. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Blind Item #13

If you think it is going to be just the original cast in the reboot, then you don't know this network very well. They will figure out a way to bring in dozens of tweens and teens. The best friend of the producer runs the place. 

Blind Item #12

I give the alliterate former actress turned royal a lot of crap. The thing is though, she is not the one responsible for which names were included in the issue and which were not. She got to pick three or four. The rest were predetermined for this type of issue. She has no interest in half those people. She would have picked a dozen A+ listers and called it a day.

Blind Item #11

If the alliterate talk show host joins that reality show that films in the host's city, the producers will destroy the host and make the host look awful. They want to film it and edit it just like that. If the talk show host agrees to do it, there will be no more career. One season on the reality show for ratings and then throw the host to the curb is what will happen. 

Blind Item #10

Is the ex an a-hole? Yep. However, the whole thing going on right now with the legal maneuverings is more to give the former reality star turned actress turned barely there celebrity to holding on for life at a second chance of fame, some kind of hook for a story line or her own show. Keep the name in the news that much longer.

Blind Item #9

The permanent A list everything in her mind confirmed what I told you about her in the deep dives. She hasn't driven in decades which makes the gift even more ridiculous. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 22, 2019

This MTV star seems to have forgotten the main reason she got divorced to the second husband was because of drugs. Oh, and cheating which was like the first one too.

Leah Messer

Today's Blind Items - The Birthday Gift

It all started with the decorator. There is a misconception as to where the trio came from. They went through the country they were said to have originated from, but in reality it was their second or even third stop. The decorator was talking to his best client, a ruler of a Middle Eastern country. The subject was the pedophile. The decorator started discussing the birthday of the pedophile and how he was going to be unable to attend a birthday party, but that a fellow countryman would be there. This particular person is an entrepreneur. Until certain forms of printing took off, every company used this guy's invention. Every company. Wealthy. Very wealthy. He and his girlfriend at the time were wonderful friends of the madam/procurer and often attended her parties. They especially enjoyed threesomes with the madam. As I was researching all of this, the girlfriend, who is a well known artist deleted all of her social media. It looks as if they split, but she had very close ties to the pedophile and madam and apparently doesn't want that to affect business. She also has hooked up with the pedophile Prince from time to time.

The designer, who is trying to distance himself in a hurry from the situation I am about to describe, was certainly happy to help a little over a decade ago. The ruler of the country knew of the pedophile. Knew him very well. Knowing him so well, the ruler wanted to send a gift. A gift which turned out to be three tween girls. How to get them from point A to point B? Enter the brother of the current President of the home country of our designer. The brother who shares many of the same predilections of the pedophile even though, his seem to be centered around roleplaying rather than actual pedophilia. That brother is probably more known to you than the former President of the country. The brother made some calls. This was a government that loved underage sex. A cabinet member admitted to having sex with many boys, but still served. This is a man who has always come out in defense of underage sex, including that of the disgraced director.

In any event, visas were obtained through the help of multiple government officials, including a female cabinet member who always seemed to turn up in sex scandals within the country. Our entrepreneur accompanied the girls from this country to the birthday party of the pedophile. No questions were asked at immigration in the US because the highest level of multiple governments made calls to make sure there would be no issues. The trio was delivered to the pedophile. No one is sure exactly what became of two of them, but one of them is still in the employ of the pedophile and, until his imprisonment was the person who had replaced the madam as head procurer.

Your Turn

What superhero would you most want to hook up with?

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 22, 2019

Up until his death, this permanent A list singer/actor who was in a very famous unofficial group was the biggest donor to the Church Of Satan.

Sammy Davis Jr.

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 22, 2019

Only ONE reporter/pap who has run into this former A- list singer/actress/possible murder suspect has asked her about the pedophile. They don't even bring it up. If I see her, I'm asking. Repeatedly.

Courtney Love/Jeffrey Epstein

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Old Hollywood - Mr. X

July 22, 2019

This upcoming documentary about that legendary A++ singer and actress who everyone knows and the husband/manager/producer she was married to the longest will gloss over the husband's mob ties. One of his best friends and a mentor was an infamous mobster who supplied starlets to movie studio execs and politicians... which is how the husband-manager met his first wife, a B/C-list actress.

Judy Garland/Sid Luft/Lynn Bari

Blind Item #8

Anything can be said publicly about boyfriends, but this A-/B+ list celebrity offspring of a permanent A list couple is still hooking up with the same bodyguard she has been since she couldn't even drive.

Blind Item #7

The late night talk show host showed his true colors once again. People keep expecting him to change, but he won't. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 22, 2019

Despite the effort of publicists from both the singer and the actress, there is no relation between the song "written" by the singer and his actress wife. It is a Will & Jada move.

Keith Urban/Nicole Kidman/Gemini song about how Nicole is a maniac in bed.

Blind Item #6

Production cameras were not rolling while this Housewife was there, but there is lots of camera footage of her present at a newsworthy event this past weekend. You know it will be used for ratings which is par for the course, but still horrific to exploit the tragedy like that. 

Blind Item #5

An inside look at the A- list reality star with a side gig's empire. Yes, the revenues increased in 2018, HOWEVER the cost of acquisition was way more than the revenue generated. They are trying to keep revenue numbers high so they can get someone to buy their crap product. The original product was good but that was just a huge markup on an existing already good product with a name slapped on that differed from the manufacturer. The other stuff is crap and people don't come back which is why to increase revenue you have to spend so much. Oh, and that nonsense about social media posting. It is an algorithm, not an actual number that is paid. If it was an actual number paid, there would be nothing but paid postings 24/7 for a week and then we would never hear from the family again. 

Blind Item #4

This long-delayed film directed by an aging permanent A list director will finally premiere in about two months.  Three aging A-list actors are featured in starring roles.  This group is so far past their prime, that even the concept of a big-budget film in this genre today would be laughable.  That is, to everyone except the streaming giant.  Yet another colossal waste of money, but the streaming service has already sent signals out that they will spare no expense, legal or not, to try and buy as many awards as possible, for this white elephant of a film.

Blind Item #3

It is not shocking that this actress was the only main part of the cast who was blackballed from the reboot. I mean, she was the only one from the tween show to call out the producer for his actions on set. Once again though, people have decided to bury their heads in the sand and collect a paycheck rather than speaking up and saying she was right.

Blind Item #2

This former A- list mostly movie actress who had quite the run back in the day before coming out (which caused a huge run of people being quiet about their sexuality) was passed over for a chance at a big sequel because the lead actor wanted to be seen opposite someone young. Plus, they hated filming with each other during the original, so that was never going to happen. 

Blind Item #1

As unhinged as the former C list actress was towards the death of her long time permanent A list actor/mogul husband, one of her reasons was the rest of the family, with outside help was trying to get the A lister's fortune to help them advance in that celebrity cult. 

Monday, July 29, 2019

Blind Item #13 - Reader Blind Item

I could never hope to summarize this, so will just leave it as is.

Heres an oldie that links to a well known living UK Christmas music single God botherer who dislikes Auntie Beeb to a Dead Dirty DJ.
Lets call him 'Live Doll'
When Rutgers home Country de-criminalized the worst form of pron, Miss Contrary Mary. W. had to do something.
She did the first thing we'd all do...send a crack team composing of an A-list grannies favorite pop singer and an A-list DJ and TV personality to investigate. Of course...
They went to the Country with 'FordLong Lord' to 'sample' the availability of the pron.
I wonder what they 'found' and 'came across'.
You all know the Dead Dirty DJ.
But why has no one ever brought this up this 'fact finding trip' to Live Doll?

Blind Item #12

Apparently the walking blind item (WBI) was inspired by recent events that occurred to the A- list dual threat actress on social media and tried to use the same excuse for her recent meltdown. Nope. She meant what she said and should have stuck to her story, especially since she did have one co-star go out on a limb defending what WBI said.

Blind Item #11

This permanent A list singer solo and in a group who sings not so well if you see her live had no problems being on stage and performing with the permanent A list singing multiple time underage rapist. 

Blind Item #10

Is there such a thing as a post bachelor party because that sure seemed like what was going on after the wedding of the YouTube star.

Blind Item #9

Are we really still talking about whether the husband of this Housewife prefers men to women? Everyone knows the answer is yes. Kudos to his wife though for trying every once in awhile to convince people otherwise.

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 22, 2019

Don't forget in that whole wrongful death thing being talked about in celebrity news, that we need to mention the former MySpace celebrity who loved being naked and is now one of the more bizarre former celebrities you will ever encounter.

Shawne Merriman (wrongful death of Kimberly Fattorini)/Tila Tequila

Today's Blind Items - No Choice

This premier league player is closeted. He was just keeping his private life to himself and he never thought of finding a beard and presenting that to the public as real. That is until about four years ago when one of his closest friends caught him while he was sleeping with his boyfriend. The friend pulled out a phone and took a photo of the athlete's hands around his boyfriend's waist. The player and his boyfriend didn’t know anything about it until a year later when that friend decided to blackmail the player. The friend asked for a large amount of money which the player couldn't afford. So, after a three day deadline the picture was released. It was all over the internet and people started asking questions about the player's sexuality. The following month after the release of the photo, his management team made contact with the team of a female singer who was just out of another PR relationship. A contract was forged and the athlete and the singer are suddenly everywhere. They go to clubs and on a yacht vacation. Instagram accounts are created for this "ship," by the public but also by the respective PR teams. The thing is though, the management teams have trouble remembering which they have set up and which they haven't and also forget to log off certain accounts while replaying to others and people are beginning to wise up.

Your Turn

Water slides or roller coasters?

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 21, 2019

Apparently the feud is back on again between the A+ list singer and the A list singer/reality star.

Taylor Swift/Katy Perry

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 21, 2019

Apparently one of the witnesses the government is talking to trafficked women through the Mexican border. He was paid massive amounts of money for any teen girls he could smuggle into New Mexico to the pedophile's residence there.

Jeffrey Epstein

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 21, 2019

Apparently that showrunner with the pedophilia sketch decided he wanted a little more controversy in his life so created this.

Dan Harmon/Rick & Morty

Blind Item #8

A college education is not going to make this celebrity offspring a better reality star or social influencer or possibly following mommy's steps as a sugarbaby, which is a lesson some other celebrities should have heeded before they went crazy trying to get a college education.

Blind Item #7

Neither the internet's former boyfriend/foreign born A list dual threat actor or the woman he calls his wife can get their story straight about whether there is a third child. Faking it or horrific life event?

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 19, 2019

To the people who got close to the diminutive A list mostly movie actor, all they could keep mentioning was his extensive use of fillers.

Tom Cruise/Comic-Con

Blind Item #6

This A list talk show host who is not known for being nice, seems to particularly enjoy targeting lower level staffers. These staffers are frequently in tears due to sarcastic and passive aggressive comments from this person.

Blind Item #5

This permanent A list entertainer has been battling an illness since childhood that causes episodes of baldness.They have been able to hide this for the most part with custom wigs that are undetectable until the hair has grown back. A recent relapse has been more severe with almost total hair loss. This was triggered by stress after the entertainer was assaulted by a significant other, also an entertainer. Thankfully our entertainer split from this person recently and is moving on with their life. The vindictive former significant other is now spreading rumors among insiders that the entertainer has substance abuse issues and is losing their hair because of that. The entertainer is fed up with the rumors and will be going public soon with the disease and abuse story. This will be good. 

Blind Item #4

Speaking of writing, a lot of people are noticing that a recent novel authored by the significant other of a musician seems to have two distinctly different writing styles, one of which is very similar to the musician's style of writing. The book isn't very good anyway.

Blind Item #3

There's a person who was close to a certain deceased musician who is considering a memoir. The deceased musician's spouse of course will do whatever it takes to stop any mention of the deceased musician in the memoir. This includes making terrible and untrue accusations against this memoir writer to smear them.

Blind Item #2

Apparently many members of a certain royal family are alarmed about a recent addition to the family and their latest side gig. It is being viewed as not politically neutral and there is concern it is going to inflame the public during a time when they need to be anything but. One of the senior members of this particular family is observing all of this with chagrin since this isn't the first time something like this has happened. They don't seem worried since these things always have a way of taking care of themselves eventually.

Blind Item #1

This talk show host/Ryan Seacrest wannabe always has jealous husbands or women he has hooked up with showing up out of nowhere. I guess his new employers didn't know that.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

July 19, 2019

The A/A- list singer who wants to be an actress full time is already talking about fiddling with the numbers of a new line by spending her own money to make it look like a huge best seller.

Lady GaGa

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 19, 2019

This royal has shown no shame over the past week as he has made multiple public appearances despite knowing more of his rapes of underage teens are going to be made public.

Prince Andrew

Blind Item #8

This former A list tween actress turned A- list adult actress turned not really doing anything says that when she made a movie under the guise of the perv producer of tween entertainment, he had a hidden camera in her trailer and showed her all the footage of her after the shoot wrapped.

Blind Item #7

This former A list athlete has a backup plan if not added back to the reality show where he once starred. He wants to make his dollars go further when it comes to hookers, so wants to move overseas.

Blind Item #6

This A- list mostly movie actress who may or may not get invited back to her recent franchise is doing some yachting while out of the country. She is being very aggressive about it too. Funds must be tight.

Blind Item #5

This married former A list tweener/teen actress turned A-/B+ list adult singer is hooking up with a foreign born model/actress who is in a relationship. 

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 19, 2019

Apparently this current one season wonder wanted to be on the drinking side of this theme park and kept saying it was wine time until she finally got to head over there.

Hannah Brown/The Bachelorette/Disneyland/Disney California Adventure

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 19, 2019

This one named permanent A list singer thinks she can find someone to replace the person who has worked with her for decades. Nope. That person got her the songs and the music that made the singer who she is today.


Blind Items Revealed #2

July 19, 2019

This one hit one named former A- list singer is trying to land a reality gig. She needs something because her label dropped her and her team dropped her and yachting has been a big loser for much of the past six months.


Blind Items Revealed #1

July 19, 2019

I noticed that all the people helping out the really fast rapper have totally ignored all of his past assaults whether they be against men or women. How about devoting some of this energy to people who aren't famous or get your name in headlines?

A$AP Rocky

Blind Item #4

This permanent A list "singer" weighs herself up to a dozen times each day.

Blind Item #3

The walking blind item got a co-star to stick up for the walking blind item without knowing what the walking blind items has been doing. The co-star would change their tune really quickly if they had been given all the information.

Blind Item #2

Don't believe the hype. This cable network isn't changing the name of an award.

Blind Item #1

This alliterate matriarch/former actress has been cutting family members off financially so there are a lot of stories in tabloids trying to make her look bad from those spurned family members.