Sunday, July 21, 2019

Blind Item #5

Apparently one of the witnesses the government is talking to trafficked women through the Mexican border. He was paid massive amounts of money for any teen girls he could smuggle into New Mexico to the pedophile's residence there.


Tricia13 said...

Epstein and?

Rosie riveter said...

There's probably a lot of people talking for reduced sentences rn

James Howlett said...

So fucked

Trapped said...

Watch out go your teenage daughters, pedos are once lookout for them

Sd Auntie said...

poor girls. unfortunately in Latin America being 15 is considered to be ok. don't know who hangs in Mexico. only that Joe Francis but he is a wanted man

Veritas said...

Bill Richardson’s place

Jne said...

So is the witness getting immunity?

Troy Dyer said...

Epstein- which, I think I mentioned here that she I was visiting ABQ a few months ago, law enforcement had a plea on the local news that ANY girls who were victims of Epstein at ANY time to call a designated number.

Soapdish said...

Sick. Again I ask, what is wrong with these girls mothers? They have to know what awaits their daughters.

Mrs Libnish said...

THIS is why Trump is trying to close the border. Every pedo lover out there is trying to stop it under the "we want open borders of love" -complete morons.

It fit in nicely with his Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption which basically states if you get caught committing serious human rights abuse or crimes against persons, we are going to come take all your shit. Which you probably gained by illegal means anyway, so all's fair.

Mrs Libnish said...

@Rosie I hope so. I hope they squeal like little pigs and take down the whole house of cards.

Samantha the 1st said...

IDK Soapdish, ploys are used like "make good money overseas" waitressing, babysitting, au pair, whatever.

I don't think all families know.

There still are a lot of desperately poor families in the world who do not read or speak English, do not have internet, and do not even have enough food.

Vita said...

I dont know about any of this, but thus far in 2019, it seems the celeb facing the longest (inevitable/impending) sentence is Felicity Huffman. Hopefully, the second half of the year will be correcting the scales.

Paul E. Ester said...

In Nevada Epstein bought his ranch from the King Family which subdivided their ranch for Epstein, making them neighbors.

"Epstein had purchased his 10,000-acre Zorro Ranch in Stanley from King’s father, former Gov. Bruce King, in 1993."

"Democratic gubernatorial candidate Gary King has received more than $35,000 in campaign contributions from an address in the U.S. Virgin Islands that also is listed as the address of a convicted sex offender who years ago bought property in Stanley from King’s family."

Unknown said...

@Vita, when it comes to the Epstein stuff, my guess is that (lower-level) political and business people will be going down more than celebs will. This is a celeb gossip website, so those are the people we've been focusing on, but I'd honestly be pretty surprised (in a good way) if any A-listers in Hollywood or the music industry or even high-up political officials wherever were actually implicated and publicly shamed.

mike m said...

Those who are screaming the loudest are desperate to get their fresh meat.

If they showed an ounce of concern for the homeless in this country as they do of the Border Crashers things might be a little different.

Unknown said...

eh not, the legal age is 18, if pervs from USA go after minors in Tijuana and think "it's OK" it's still a felony

MountainMama said...

@SD Auntie, why is Francis a wanted man?

Sd Auntie said...

sex with underage gal. he dies not come here and i think she sued him too. to own property, u have to be a citizen, so i am surprised he is still there

sandybrook said...

Because he's been caught filming underage girls at Girls Gone Wild and he pleaded no contest to child molestation and prostitute charges, but I don't think he was ever jailed for it. He's got a lot of other legal problems too which is why he sits in Mexico where he is safe.

MountainMama said...

Thanks, Sandy and SD, I do remember the filming of underage girls in Girls Gone Wild but I did not know about the molestation and prostitution charges. Yet Kourtney K still goes there often to vacation? Gross, I thought she had some sense.

Gwili Andre said...

No, he's trying to close the border because he's a racist. 99.99999% of people crossing the border aren't engaged in trafficking

Andy Taylor said...

He's closing the border to make people use the proper port of entry - any other way in is illegal. Duh!

Collateral Justice said...

Start quote/ "THIS is why Trump is trying to close the border. Every pedo lover out there is trying to stop it under the "we want open borders of love" -complete morons." /end partial quote by Mrs Libnish.

Open boarders is more than just sex slaves doing the drug mule thing.
Closing the wide open border robs compromised boarder agents from free nookie while contracting to the local Druglords. It's a Pay to Play thing. Which is on the up and up if you invoke the Clinton clause. If weapons are included then one must use the Eric Holder special clause, which can be very expensive with US Hi-Tech.
Besides, public servants are working hard for job security and the art of blackmailed voters.

By the way, illegals are here because the USA welfare is advertised throughout Central and South America with free Health Care and housing. Not to mention the Warlords (military police) with guns to mommy and daddies head.

Mary said...

Fact, the legal she in Mexico is 12 and Mexicans think raping babies is acceptable.

Sd Auntie said...

talking about the culture. TJ was a fun place in the 80's and seen it all.

Anonymous said...

Why do you think they are all for "open borders"? Grow TF UP people!

nextstepz said...

They should ask that witness what he knows about "Cypress, Inc.", or why the legal address that the New Mexico Secretary of State has on file for Epstein's ranch, 9100 Havensight, Ste 15/16, USVI is shared by Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett.

Or maybe why hours of searching will turn up zilch for "Cypress, Inc." in the states of New Mexico, Florida, New York, or even the tax haven of Delaware. Same results for an IRS search.

If somebody has access to Lexis/Nexis, it'd be worth a look.

Sd Auntie said...

no not really Mary. its all races andtake a good hard look at Meghan's list and become informed. and Eastern Europe is really a hotbed for such activity.

Anonymous said...

While we are distracted by the Southern border. Imagine what's coming over the Northern border in the wilderness of our Northern States. The really highly prized blonde/blue-eyed boys and girls. We need to close both borders as well as we can.

Astra Worthington said...

Ugh shut up with the racist accusations, Gwili. That shit is exhausted, it’s meaningless and I’d be fine with being a racist as long as it keeps children (or anyone really) from being trafficked through porous international borders. No matter their color, race, ethnicity, etc. People like you are the definition of the term “useful idiot”.

Agree with you, Mike M and MissDavie.

apple_seed said...

Donald and Donald Jr.

Now coming out Wilbur and Mnuchin are ensnared as well.

not a libtard said...

"99.99999% of people crossing the border aren't engaged in trafficking"

who told you that? how do you know? got any proof? evidence? facts?

Or are you just making shit up on the spot, like a typical libtard propagandist? Both Goebbles and Staling used to say 'tell lie often enough and it becomes the truth'. You're in deserving company.

Kansa said...

Don't you just love it when all civility leaves American life and people start calling names over politics? They cannot control themselves. They cannot behave as adults. They cannot listen to one another. I have to say that I think the Republicans are worse than the Democrats on this one. The other thing is that I see a lot of people being very self-righteous about being Christian, and then behaving in very non-Christian ways to others. I see this mostly with Trump supporters. I was just speaking with one the other day, and she was saying that she refused to learn any Spanish at all, or to support her child learning a foreign language in school, because she wouldn't want to unknowingly have any conversation with an illegal immigrant. And I just thought how stupid that reasoning was, since she missed out on all the great conversations with documented people, visitors, etc. She was arguing in favor of her own limitations. *smh*

Samantha the 1st said...

Kansa - I am soooo sick of politics being brawled about all over the 'net. You, too?

MountainMama said...

Not Kansa but sick to death of it, it seems especially gross here. The moderators should ban that shit.

Kansa said...

Yes, absolutely. It will be interesting because we are due to make a visit back home in time for election day, although I'll probably vote early just to avoid wasting a lot of time that day. I get to vote over here, too, but mostly there are just posters up for that. You really don't see the crazy behavior of US politics over here. We also don't see the wildness of the French strikes here (although the farmers did take a big hose and blast milk at the firemen along the strike line in Brussels! At least it wasn't liquid manure, which the French strikers did to the tourists lined up to take the ferry to Calais last year. The French really don't play, when it comes to politics and strikes, and neither do the Spanish.)

Dumblesnore said...

You are totally correct, particularly about "Christian" folks delivering their opinion in such a hateful manner. What continues to amuse me on this site, and I guess with a lot of American political discourse as a whole, is that these people actually think that there's a difference between either side, acting as if their not both being paid off by the same big businesses, and that we're not being divided on purpose.

Count Jerkula said...

Legal teens or underage teens? I hate vagueness in sex trafficking.

Melody the First said...

AJ has the troll crowd out, trying to shore up their BS theory to defend Trump. Clinton was a customer, but Trump is Epstein partner in sex trafficking. He owns Trump Models.

not a libtard said...

ah yes Kansa, those fascist republicans burning down university campuses while wearing black balaclavas .... oh wait...

BRAD PITT said...

I've been on twitter since 2012

my account was banned when i posted that the pedophiles are procuring children via illegal immigration


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