Saturday, November 07, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 29, 2020

A camera crew was on hand this morning at the home of the alliterate one. My only guess is that she is going to use today's announcement the trial has been extended for nearly a year as a "win," for her documentary to make it look like she won the court case.

Meghan Markle

Blind Item #8

Apparently one time, and one time only this foreign born A-/B+ list actress tried to have sex with her husband and it did not go well at all.

Blind Item #7

This foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor is cheating on his wife the a production assistant on the set of his new movie.

Blind Item #6

Don't be surprised if this B+ list actor/expectant father announces he needs a liver transplant. He is not healthy right now.

Blind Item #5

One of the reasons this foreign born A- list comic actor always treats his female conquests so poorly is because he was treated so poorly when he was an escort. He thinks it is the way it is supposed to be.

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Anniversary Month

October 15, 2020

The one season wonder actually only went on one public date with the former tweener turned adult singer. It was for publicity for himself. The rest of the time he just went to her place for sex. So, it isn't a shocker he is trying to get more publicity for himself to try and keep those 15 minutes going.

Mike Johnson ("The Bachelorette")/Demi Lovato

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 28, 2020

With the talk show on the ropes, this former A+ list mostly movie actress is trying to recruit the retired actress to make a movie with her. That would probably be the only way the actress would come out of retirement. It would also make her husband a nervous wreck that she will leave him.

Drew Barrymore/Cameron Diaz

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Anniversary Month

October 20, 2019

The feds have opened an investigation into this reality star with a massive family. They are looking into tax evasion and money laundering. Oh, and get this one. Human trafficking.

The Duggars

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 28, 2020

I have written about the death of this heir to one of the biggest fortunes in the world. It was a family member who made it look like a suicide. That death a couple of decades ago almost went wrong. It also made the group nervous about having bodies examined. Now, when they want to rid themselves of a body, they dump it on the crocodile farm owned by a luxury designer. 

Amschel Rothschild/Rothschild/Sir Evelyn de Rothschild/wife Lynn Forester de Rothschild/Hermès

Blind Item #4

In a recent Zoom interview, this A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee abruptly disconnected when the actor was asked about the man he lived with for his first two years in Hollywood. 

Blind Item #3

A couple of months ago, I wrote about a DWTS star already hooking up with their partner even though they had only been rehearsing a few days at that point. Pretty easy to figure out who it was now.

Blind Item #2

The amount of cease and desist letters to tabloids and websites through the years threatening, and sometimes even pursuing legal actions against them for reporting the truth about this rapping doctor and his affairs. Now, it is all coming out and we get to find out how many kids he had with other women while married to his wife. Over under is 6. 

Blind Item #1

 This A+ list athlete is starting a new school. Could someone please tell him that his current plan to follow the model of the A list acting family's school, would be a really bad idea. Scientology. 

Friday, November 06, 2020

Blind Item #10

The foreign born former A+ list boy bander is leaving a lot out of his story. The reason he could not see a family member during lockdown is because the singer wanted to party with people and have sex with people more than seeing the family member. The singer refused to quarantine.

Blind Item #9

 The affair that brought down the career of the pastor involved this female radio host/website worker.

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 27, 2020

Get ready for a whole season of hearing about the "feud" between two husbands of Housewives. That won't be boring at all to hear about all season. A non existent feud about which millionaire got the worst of a business deal. Oh, and a minimum of three appearances from the former A+ list reality star. 

Mauricio Umansky & Kyle Richards/Rick and Kathy Hilton/"Real Housewives of Beverly Hills"/Paris Hilton

Four For Friday - Getting Back

 He really wanted to get back in the good graces of the band that fired him. He went from making lots of money and attending the best parties, to just being a hanger on. He knew the band wanted full control of their name. He knew there was a battle going on. He asked one of his friends to help him, but the friend said no. What did he need help with? Killing a fired member of the band. There would be one less person who could claim the name of the group. The friend did agree to be there at the killing, but refused to actually do anything untoward. Hey, not reporting the murder is pretty untoward. Our killer managed to pin the blame on the friend. The killers also got a relative of the friend to accuse other band members of the murder.

Your Turn

 Does anyone eat anything other than turkey as your protein on Thanksgiving?

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Anniversary Month

October 24, 2019

I'm not so sure it is brag worthy, but our favorite foreign born B+ list actress/singer is bragging that she has now had sex with this father/son acting duo with the father being A- list.

Rita Ora/Jude and Rafferty Law

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 27, 2020

This A+ list mostly movie actor who sometimes directs and generally seems like he is always doing something sketchy, confirmed what I have been saying for years. The alliterate one invited A+ listers to her wedding even though she had never spoken to them before in her life. 

George Clooney/Meghan Markle

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Anniversary Month

October 24, 2019

The alliterate actress turned escort/reality star has been crashing parties and showing up to them wasted. Usually she has her home visits a month later than this. She probably ticked someone off in her adopted country and can't go back until bribes are paid on her behalf.

Lindsay Lohan

Blind Item #8

The husband of the Housewife who quit because of his cheating is now hooking up with a female reporter who made a splash several years ago with a politician.

Blind Item #7

During the first season of this almost network show, this A- list actor hooked up with his male co-star who is no longer on the show. During one of those hookups, they recorded some of it. It was recorded on the phone of the now departed actor. That recording is now in the possession of the always scheming wannabe manager.

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 26, 2020

Not to be outdone by his alliterate foreign born co-star, this A/A- list actor has several women each day visit him on set. That was the same reason why he got divorced a few years back.

Sebastian Stan/Anthony Mackie

Blind Item #6

 This A- list social media star died of a drug overdose, but her family is pretending she didn't.

Blind Item #5

It is one thing for this former A+ list rapper to stiff a bunch of employees who are owed money, but he is really making a mistake not paying his ghostwriter. The writer will talk. The writer probably knows a good half dozen things that would break the internet just on their own.

Blind Item #4

This former BFF of the A- list former reality star with the side gig, likes people to think she is making a ton of money getting naked on her site. Nope. She is reliant on her boyfriend to make ends meet and is also the person who buys her all the expensive things she wears. 

Blind Item #3

Currently on the Dark Web, there is a post on a board listing things for sale. One of the items for sale is the password/control of account to an account that has not posted in several days. The asking price is $1M. Is it really them? It seems as legit as can be for a site that sells all manner of illegal goods.

Blind Item #2

 This former A- list actress from an acting family turned host/celebrity is being cheated on by her husband.

Blind Item #1

This foreign born A+ list author used every bit of her power to keep the A+/A list actor in her franchise, but the studio was having none of it.

Thursday, November 05, 2020

Blind Item #10

This permanent A list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee says she stopped going to certain fundraisers where this A++ list politician will be, because he always tried to grope her or hug her too long or try and kiss her. 

Blind Item #9

Recently Coke Mom got some work done to her face and it is awful. I hope she gets her money back. It is tough though when you are working with a nose that has been destroyed.

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 27, 2020

This is astonishing. A publicist for this A- list mostly movie actress actually encouraged the affairs because it would make her this decade's version of Sienna Miller. Really? That didn't exactly work out that well for Sienna. It destroyed her for nearly a decade.

Lily James

Today's Blind Items - The Correction - Old Hollywood

When this former model/actress/muse/ingenue died a few years ago, I assumed the full and correct version of what happened on the set of one of her movies would come out. It didn't. Our actress was not really much of an actress, but everyone loved having her around and she partied harder than her long time permanent A+ list husband at the time, and that, is saying a lot. While filming a movie with this permanent A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee and has a very interesting Oscar footnote, our model/actress hooked up with the actor many times. Her husband at the time knew this of course, but wanted to make himself look better, so always told the version that his wife turned down the actor. Nope. Throughout the entirety of filming, the actress/model was with the A+ list actor.

Your Turn

 Is a soft taco a sandwich? Is a hot dog a sandwich? Is a hamburger on a bun a sandwich?

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Anniversary Month

October 30, 2019

The PR team of this A/A- list singer/actress is out of their minds. They are trying to peddle a story that this foreign born permanent A list celebrity wouldn't stop hitting on the singer/actress. Not true at all. 

Lady GaGa/David Beckham

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 27, 2020

According to this long long time foreign born actress friend of the site, the last time she slept with this foreign born film producer to get some financing for a movie she was making, he said that he feared for his life. I guess he was right.

Bai Ling/Prince Azim of Brunei 

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Anniversary Month

October 31, 2019

This alliterate record producer who was A list back in the day. He was at a Halloween party, and as was his custom, took out a ton of blow. The party was in kind of a loft/industrial type space and to cool the place was a huge fan enclosed in a big metal tube. Someone turned it on and his coke was instantly in the air and off the table. The guy lost his mind.

Scott Storch

Blind Item #8

The social media kingpin lets politicians take their shot at him in public for a soundbite. But, he makes sure they know he knows every little secret they have because he has a group of people at his companies who specialize in deeper tracking and know every little last detail about your life. Nothing will ever happen to any of the companies he owns because every world leader is afraid of him because of what he knows.

Blind Item #7

This foreign born A- list comic actress knows her boyfriend is a serial cheater and she doesn't care. She is willing to put up with anything to get him to marry her.

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 27, 2020

The ginger one can huff and puff all he wants, but he won't sue anyone about those military claims. It would make him look even more whiny, plus, even in his threatening letter admitted much of the article was true.

Prince Harry Markle

Blind Item #6

This former A+ list child/tween actress turned permanent A list celebrity all of you know says that her recent husband cheated on her nearly every day with a pair of mistresses and each was living in an apartment owned by our former actress.

Blind Item #5

It was only because this nearly 20 year old female TikTok star got busted making out with the 13 year old on video that she stopped their relationship. She doesn't want to talk about what else they did because she doesn't want to go to jail.

Blind Item #4

I am almost positive this permanent A+ list singer solo and in a group didn't know that her clothing line publicity team was sending free swag to a racist pedophile influencer who has argued in favor of sex with children of any age. It is a really bad look for her and her brand. 

Blind Item #3

This former A+ list rapper is telling the people suing him that he has no money to pay them. You can't be a "billionaire" and also have no money to pay bills. It doesn't work that way.

Blind Item #2

In about six months, some intrepid reporter should ask where the dog adopted by this fake celebrity couple (two foreign born singers) has gone. I guarantee the dog will be rehomed as soon as photos are no longer needed.

Blind Item #1

As I said all along, the relationship between this former A- list athlete and his partner was not about romance, it was about thirst and a reality show. It needed to end before one of them ended up dead. She abused him and hit him and he continues to abuse drugs in a way that will likely see him end up dead.

Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Blind Item #10

As I told you a couple months ago, the whole restraining order thing between two also ran celebrities was all for their reality show.

Blind Item #9

This back in the day A list mostly television actress shared a name with a contemporary actress of hers who was probably A+ list and starred on multiple network shows. Despite the A lister sabotaging her own career with drugs, she always blamed the A+ lister and has kind of made it her goal to, whenever possible, destroy the life of the A+ lister. She has done a pretty good job so far.

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 27, 2020

The A list one named DJ/music producer was dragged online yesterday by many more women who say the DJ groomed them while they were underage and vulnerable.


Today's Blind Items - Revenge

 After many years, there has been a breakthrough in the death of this reporter who was digging into an online tabloid's giving positive coverage to celebrities for pay. His death wasn't related to that, but three military guys who had been fired in the wake of a story the reporter had written a few years earlier. They followed him and harassed him and then ultimately planted an IED that his car ran over and blew up. One of the three guys told a woman he was going to marry, the story. When she heard it, she split with him and she shared it with reporters who have been digging into it the past two months.

Your Turn

 Out of all the channels on television, if you could only watch one, what would it be?

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Anniversary Month

October 6, 2019

This former A list mostly television actress who did that deed twice before becoming the mess she is, got back with the abusive ex and celebrated with a threesome and some party favors.

Hayden Panettiere/Brian Hickerson

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 26, 2020

The former A- list singer who was the only singer in the group of supposed singers lost her long time yachting job. Now, she really wants to snag a judge job on any foreign talent show. She doesn't have it in her to be tried out by a bunch of possible future yachter employers.

Nicole Scherzinger

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Anniversary Month

October 5, 2019

What you won't hear in that adjacent royal news is that the betrothed is apparently the former mistress of the soon to be father-in-law.

James Middleton/Alizee Thevenet/Michael Middleton

Blind Item #8

This A list singer from a permanent A list group has paid about $500K to keep investigating the death of this alliterate A list singer.

Blind Item #7

This back in the day celebrity who loved partying with A list reality stars and actresses was always in the tabloids a decade ago. Now, he makes his living laundering money for the mafia.

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 26, 2020

To me, it is kind of funny, to think of the bosses of this network reality show not able to do anything about their out of control host. It is not so much out of control, as she knows she can do whatever she wants and is acting like it. If she were to be fired, it would be a massive amount of money owed to her. The bosses were just in a hurry to sign her, they kept saying yes to every single demand.

Tyra Banks/Dancing With The Stars

Blind Item #6

This A+ list singer was prepared to announce a pregnancy on Thanksgiving, but had a miscarriage last week.

Blind Item #5

 This child murderer is starting an OnlyFans page.

Blind Item #4

The A+ list TikTok star who is being groomed, is being pressured to have a nude sex scene in her upcoming movie so her yachting price will go higher.

Blind Item #3

 This not quite so regular west coast Housewife went home with a guy last week for $5K.

Blind Item #2

 This A+ list host all of you know, has cancer.

Blind Item #1

This former A- list athlete wanted to do a throuple situation with his celebrity wife and his boyfriend. The wife said nope.

Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Blind Item #10

This old permanent A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee and starred in one of the most important movies of all time has been hooking up with the best friend of his daughter.

Blind Item #9

The most recent lover of this A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee thought she was going to be paid for her time with him. Nope. It is why she left. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 26, 2020

This in the past ex-girlfriend of the foreign born former superhero suddenly popped back on the radar this past week. She is trying to get a payday from the actor. She already got one, but now wants more not to tell all his teen loving secrets.

Henry Cavill

Today's Blind Items - The Contract

It wasn't all that long ago that this foreign born former A+ list boy bander was set to marry some random underage cousin or family friend. It had been set in stone for many years. The boy bander got out of it by paying a lot of money to the family of the bride. Back in the day, when the same thing happened to an A list singer, it was a much more difficult process. In the case from back in the day, our singer was female and had been promised to a cousin long before she became famous. Until she became famous, she was kind of wandering on the fringes of being slightly famous, but primarily just here in Los Angeles. All of you know our singer even though she hasn't had a hit in decades. She was never much of an actual singer. She had a lot of help in the recording studio, but she had genuine monster big hits. So, her prospective groom wanted a big piece of money to go away and have to find some other cousin to marry. Our singer could have blown the cousin off, but her family would have suffered. So, she was about to write a big check, when a past misdeed actually helped her out. 

While trying get a record deal, our singer also did a little choreography on the side. One of her employers was a B list singer/musician who came from a singing/musical family all of you know. The thing is the singer/musician was married at the time our A+ lister was working with him and the pair ended up having a sexual relationship. The wife of our singer/musician knew about it and for whatever reason chose to publicly talk about it right during the wedding money negotiations. Once the cousin heard the singer was no longer a virgin and had an affair, he wanted nothing more to do with her and walked away with a fraction of the amount he asked for before.

Your Turn

 What day will there be a winner declared in the election for President?

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Anniversary Month

November 26, 2019

The source behind every positive story about the actor/singer/reality star/porn performer/porn producer is coming from his mom. The same mom who once had her credit card stolen and used by the A+ list reality star prior to the porn tape that made her and her family a household name. The tab was six figures. Somehow they never bring any of that up in tales of their past.

Ray J/Kim Kardashian

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 25, 2020

The showrunner has coveted this former A+ list mostly movie actor for literally three decades. When he finally landed him, he thought it was going to be amazing, but he has been disappointed every step of the way.

Lorne Michaels/Jim Carrey

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Anniversary Month

November 26, 2020

A judge from this network reality show learned what many others have before her. One of the creators of the show prefers at least one female judge to worship at his feet, if not sleep with him. She did neither, so her contract was not renewed.

Julianne Hough/Simon Cowell/America's Got Talent

Blind Item #8

Don't think to yourself that the celebrity sibling has suddenly seen the light and doesn't want that lifetime income from the A lister she is related to. She just figured out a way to do the same thing without the light shining on her so brightly.

Blind Item #7

This online tabloid went full on in their support of the A+ list actor in his recent court defeat. Apparently they have a bunch of videos that will embarrass the actress they will be releasing over the upcoming weeks.

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 25, 2020

Digging through some old money heirs gossip and totally forgot about the department store heir who hooked up with a teen beginning when she was about 14. Then when her benefactor died she started raising hell and was going to name names to get some money. Then she was murdered by her roommate and all of her notes couldn't be found.

"Bloomingdales"/Alfred S. Bloomingdale/Vicki Morgan 

Blind Item #6

Another talk show casualty. This particular show is where hosts go to be killed if they don't kiss the ass of this foreign born co-host on the show. The singer is just the latest victim of the cull.

Blind Item #5

The A- list singer/actress can say what she wants publicly, but she is sick. It is one of the reasons you haven't seen her do the celebrity do whatever you want and go wherever you want thing. She is compromised. She needs to stay safe.

Blind Item #4

The cleaning product actor is just churning through the Instagram models the movie producing Svengali keeps arranging. This is what happens when you sell your soul to the Svengali. You get parts ad parties, but also a life of misery. 

Blind Item #3

The Housewife did the math. She gets the same money in a divorce as waiting for the guy to die, so, might as well go enjoy life.

Blind Item #2

This former A+ list tweener actress/singer says that while she was married, her brother-in-law hit on her all the time.

Blind Item #1

This former A+ list mostly movie actress is still A list. She also has at least one ongoing franchise. She is also sleeping with one of her divorce lawyers.

Monday, November 02, 2020

Blind Item #10

This A list mostly television actress from multiple hit shows rarely wears her wedding ring any longer. For her latest national ad campaign, she purposely removed her ring. She is making some definitive steps towards her long long time boyfriend/co-star.

Blind Item #9

This east coast Housewife got into a loud verbal argument with a random patron at a restaurant. The Housewife was drunk.

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 25, 2020

This acting/singing family has always been open about talking about sex, but they only do it superficially and never discuss all the crazy stuff that has happened sexually in the family and the experimentation which would drop the jaws of a lot of people. Not all, but a lot. I'm waiting for one of the kids to write a book.

Will Smith/Jada Pinkett Smith

Today's Blind Items - Too Far

Back when this permanent A+ list singer was just getting some fame, this permanent A+ list mostly move actor who is an Oscar winner suddenly showed an interest in casting her in a movie. Because of who he was, she took the meeting which was dinner. All through dinner she could tell he was more interested in sex with her than any movie. He tried to make a move after dinner, but she turned him down. Fast forward six or nine months and she is a little more famous and he had another great year. Our actor sends a gift to the singer of a car. A very expensive car. He then asks her out again under the pretense of another casting opportunity. This time, he hosts the dinner at his home and says there will be multiple couples there. Nope. Just him. She knows what is going to happen. She never called it rape or even sexual assault, because she did say yes. She called it the worst night of her life. She never spoke to the actor again. Hated him. He would force her to confront him though by having his publicists leak casting rumors that she was going to be in his next project. So, of course reporters would ask her about it and she would have to relive that night all over again.

Your Turn

 Did you already vote? Voting tomorrow? Skipping it?

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Anniversary Month

November 19, 2019

Over the past several months, this former A-/B+ list mostly television actress who had a nice run on that singing show has not been able to find any work. Not even a sponsored post. She was always a yachter to make ends meet, but she is actively hitting men up through Instagram and other social media looking for something monthly to pay those bills.

Naya Rivera

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 25, 2020

It is really a low blow to blame the demise of the cleaning supply actor's marriage to the A- list foreign born actress. As I have told you before, there were many other women and it was one of those other women and the sexting the actor did with her that finally ended the marriage. That, and the fact it was a woman who had been in a threesome with the actor and his wife a few weeks earlier.

Armie Hammer/Lily James

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Anniversary Month

November 13, 2019

Why yes, that was this former A- list mostly television actress from multiple hit network shows doing lines of coke off the hood of a car in a parking lot this past weekend.

Hayden Panettiere

Blind Item #8

This A- list wrestler is not only suffering from a very bad substance abuse problem, but she also made some really bad decisions with some guys that is going to haunt her for a very long time.

Blind Item #7

This 80's A lister who was a big star in teen movies and not named Corey is trying to make a name for himself by talking about one of his co-stars who had a much longer career. He is accusing the co-star of raping multiple actresses and groupies. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 24, 2020

The long time partner/actress (who is not AM) of the convicted sex cult leader is out there recruiting new women every day. She is also trying to find a male who can channel her long time partner to be the new leader.

Nicki Clyne/Keith Raniere/NXIVM

Blind Item #6

One more about singers. This A+ list singer bragged to this closeted A+ list mostly movie actor that she could take care of him better orally than a guy. He let her do her thing, more than once, so, I guess he agreed.

Blind Item #5

Speaking of singers and guys, this former one-fifth should watch her new boyfriend closely. He stole $200K from his last girlfriend.

Blind Item #4

This former B list singer who got her start on a make the band type reality show really misses being as famous as she once was. No matter how often she posts over the top things to social media, it doesn't move the needle. She really wants to find someone famous and do a reality show with them. She is having a lot of issues with money and finding guys to support her financially.

Blind Item #3

As I have said for nearly a year, if the A+ list mostly movie actor couldn't get a win in a trial overseas, then he would have to drop his case here. Look for it to be dropped within the next two weeks. He is going to end up having to pay the legal fees of the actress even though her legal fees are being paid by the celebrity CEO. 

Blind Item #2

 The murder of the B- list actor was a drug deal gone very very bad.

Blind Item #1

 This out of work reality star who is adjacent to the long time reality family is trying to act as a "matchmaker" to various celebrity offspring. Oh, and the TikTok stars someone has been bringing to him.

Sunday, November 01, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 24, 2020

I'm glad the K-Pop singer apologized for her latest outburst, but the only reason she had to apologize is because the stylist has a lot of power. The singer has never apologized for the half dozen people she berated or had fired or the table she overturned because she thought the food was crap. Oh, or the time she refused to pay the bill for food because she is a big star and they should feel grateful she chose to ate there.

Irene/Red Velvet

Blind Item #8

There was a Congressman who chose to not run again in a fairly safe seat because he got his mistress pregnant. He was afraid it would come out. The mistress had the baby. The former Congressman thinks his wife doesn't know. She knows. It is how I found out. Celebrity is your friend here.

Blind Item #7

You would think at some point the momager/matriarch would be sick of all the hits to the brand in the past month. With none of that guaranteed television money coming in, you need to keep your customers happy. Maybe that is why they wanted to try and keep secret the Halloween/birthday party with well over 100 party goers and another 40 people working the party. 

Blind Item #6

In the I didn't see this one coming category, this massive one hit wonder singer who recently came out, is hooking up with this A+/A list mostly movie actress/sometime director well over twice her age. I wonder how they even met.

Blind Item #5

You would think at some point the team of this A list female rapper would say, "Hey. We all know you love your coke. The whole world knows you love your coke. Do you think though, that when you are on a coke binge and out of your mind, that you could stay off social media, especially live social media."

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Anniversary Month

November 4, 2019

Apparently the foreign born B+ list actress was not willing to hit the casting couch so was let go from a hit streaming series.

Abbie Cornish/Jack Ryan

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 24, 2020

The A-/B+ list actor who shares a name with lots of other actors who look the same and is a top contender to be the baby daddy of one of the great celebrity mysteries of all time, seems to have forgotten a very important fact. While he is complaining about an article, he forgets that he was a pain to work with which is why he didn't get work.

Josh Hartnett/Suri Cruise's father

Blind Items Revealed #2 - Anniversary Month

November 3, 2019

This victim turned procurer who is always changing her last name apparently had a relationship with the actress turned cult member. 

Sarah Kellen/Allison Mack

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 24, 2020

This foreign born singer who is a 1.5 hit wonder knew her significant other was cheating when she got pregnant to try and save the relationship. She knew he was cheating while pregnant. Did she suddenly think that because the baby was born that he would suddenly stop cheating. 

Iggy Azalea/Playboi Carti

Blind Item #4

After a really bad experience with a dirty needle, this former A- list actress turned failed reality star has gone three weeks without using which is probably her longest stretch in years.

Blind Item #3

This A- list actress who has done pay cable, streaming and regular television in the past year or so is being cheated on by the celebrity offspring boyfriend she never acknowledges having.

Blind Item #2

This foreign born reality star from multiple shows, who shares the same name as a chain of women's clothing stores is currently the highest paid regular yachter in the world.

Blind Item #1

This foreign born one named A+ list singer has turned down tens of millions of dollars from companies who want to exploit her weight loss by pretending it was because of their product. All of that is tough to claim, when it was surgery.