Saturday, April 16, 2022

Blind Item #8

Has the foreign born A list singer turned in the rugby player for a soccer player? There was a LA pro player with a pass that identified him as special to the singer.

Blind Item #7

 The alliterate one brought four stylists, a makeup person and a hair person, along with other staff.

Blind Item #6

I do wonder what happened to the woman that was traveling with the very fast rapper that he brought home from overseas. Did she go home or is she staying behind waiting for him to get back from his hide from the press trip?

Blind Item #5

 This multiple former one season wonder is still being the awful jerk he has been. Getting drunk at a Coachella party last night brought out the worst of it.

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 8, 2022

Considering she lives in Southern California every day she is not on vacation in Mexico, it really does seem odd that this HGTV star would have a show 2,000 miles from her house in a city where she spends no time. Is she trying to rebrand herself?

Christina Hall/Christina In The Country

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 8, 2022

Sure is suspicious that whenever a major blockbuster goes on sale, this movie chain’s site conveniently goes down. Avengers Endgame, Spider-Man No Way Home, now Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness all saw the site go down for 7-8 hours. However, you could buy tickets at full price through Fandango. And it was discovered that if you log-in to the chain’s app WITHOUT their $20/month A-List membership, you were able to buy tickets at full price. And it’s always 7-8 hours. And their CEO never pledges to fix their alleged "server traffic" problem. Almost like it’s by design, forcing their subscribers to pay twice. Are they playing games because they’re still struggling financially? Why aren’t they just implementing policy upfront that big-ticket pre sales don’t apply to A-List? Sounds like foul play.

AMC Theatres

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 8, 2022

It was not all that long ago that this barely there celebrity offspring of an A list actor would be invited to family events. She was treated like crap at them, but invited. Now, it is as if she doesn't exist.

Ireland Baldwin

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 8, 2022

This former A list teen actress thinks she can divide her time between acting and being a medium. She has already had lessons from a very popular medium and wants to work some small events until she gets the hang of it. 

Vanessa Hudgens

Blind Item #4

 This one named A list DJ sexually assaulted a woman at a Coachella party last night.

Blind Item #3

 This prime time cable talk show host had a relationship with another man when he was at college. There was thought to be zero proof of the weekend fling, but there is a photo of the talk show host sitting in the lap of the other man. No proof, but would make for some very interesting conversations.

Blind Item #2

This former child actress turned teen actress turned adult actress has her significant so paranoid about past cheating, the significant other never leaves the side of the actress.

Blind Item #1

 The permanent A list "singer" doesn't know the sex of her baby yet. 

Friday, April 15, 2022

Blind Item #13

 This foreign born A list singer nearly overdosed in a Los Angeles hotel this past week.

Blind Item #12

 This three named former A- list singer got dumped by a guy she thought she was going to marry. He is sleeping with her best friend.

Blind Item #11

The shoe designer and the very fast rapper who I wrote about prior to anyone else, also have another piece of interesting trivia. The very fast rapper did the best friend of this barely there celebrity wrong, so the barely there celebrity trash talks the shoe designer whenever possible.

Blind Item #10

 This French actor is probably A- list. All of you know him. His significant other is cheating on him.

Blind Item #9

 Usually this A+ list dual threat actress attends these little mini-reunions of an old movie, but didn't want to hang out with her ex, who usually skips them.

Blind Items Revealed #5

 April 7, 2022

This almost network actress said her co-star ex kept making excuses why he wouldn't come pick up his stuff. She finally just threw it away and is apparently seeing a guy who is super nice to her, unlike her ex.

Lili Reinhart/Cole Sprouse/Riverdale

Four For Friday - Bad Drug Behavior

#1 - This former B+ list actor/reality star is from an entertainment family all of you know. Most of the time when he would get wasted and hit on his family member's wives and girlfriends, he would strike out, but he did manage to sleep with this former A list singer who liked getting wasted with him when her husband was not around.

#2 - This A list mostly movie actor got hammered on coke and booze one night and had a friend insert a bottle into his anal cavity which had to be removed carefully by a doctor who made a hotel call in the middle of the night.

#3 - This former A+ list mostly movie actor blamed drugs when he slept with a teen who was barely a teen and later said it was a setup by the teen's family to get money from the actor.

#4 - This back in the day A+/A list comic actor who is now deceased and not named Chris Farley, would get wasted exactly twice per year and see how much blow and how many hookers he could sleep with in 24 hours.

Your Turn

 A form of exercise you hate.

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 7, 2022

The celebrity CEO is a criminal who made $150M+ and knows nothing will happen to him for his crime. Meanwhile, someone not rich, who steals $20 could do (not likely) up to a year in jail.

Elon Musk/Twitter share buying report SEC violation

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 7, 2022

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of smaller producers who will give a movie role to this singer/dancer/reality star who is always full of energy. They think she can sell tickets. What everyone knows though is she can't act. It is basically stunt casting and hoping she has enough pull left with her fans to get them to buy tickets.

JoJo Siwa

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 7, 2022

This foreign born rapper is doing his best to keep his green card marriage quiet, especially with all the press he is getting right now, but enemies of his misspelled coffee sounding girlfriend are trying to broadcast it far and wide.

21 Savage/Latto

Blind Item #8

There is a recent trend among stylists who are sick of not making enough while their celebrity clients roll in cash. The married sometime model/barely there celebrity from an acting family recently fired a stylist when she learned about what they were doing. They are all doing it. Here is how it works. The stylist makes a deal with a company about product placement or getting something worn and takes a fee. They usually want $10K. They get the celebrity to wear it without disclosing the fee. 

Blind Item #7

 The significant other of this A-/B+ list actress once sexually assaulted a co-worker at an open house.

Blind Items Revealed #1

 April 7, 2022

This showrunner knows what went on and what is going on and doesn't want the public to know he knows what his actor was doing. Who do you think is paying for the vast majority of the legal bills?

Lee Daniels/Jussie Smollett

Blind Item #6

The lookalike wanted too much money so the A+ list rapper found someone else who is just happy for the attention.

Blind Item #5

 There has not been an ad for the reality star's sex tape in well over a decade. It is all just more lies.

Blind Item #4

 When the late ight actor and this A list actress were dating and co-starring together, he actually said he had a "better opportunity" which is why they needed to split.

Blind Item #3

The significant other of this A list singer is bragging about he keeps the singer wasted all of the time and thinks she is under his control.

Blind Item #2

This permanent A list model who is also a producer/creator and television host, knows she is going to lose her most recent high profile television gig. She doesn't care though because the payout will be in the tens of millions of dollars. She only did it for the money anyway.

Blind Item #1

There is a standup comedian spilling truth tea about the shambles of the comic world. One tidbit not discussed in this space before is the significant other of this A list comic. Apparently he writes the jokes for the significant other and the significant other would not have a career without him.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Blind Item #13

Speaking of agents, the agent of this A+ list mostly movie actor has a reputation in town for date raping women after he lets them text the actor from his phone.

Blind Item #12

This A- list standup comic/actress has always publicly dated men, but is hooking up with her agent's female assistant.

Blind Item #11

Good for the alliterate Euphoria actress for admitting that men used to pay her bills when she was starting out as an actress. It happens often, but actors and actresses like to pretend they somehow managed to live a luxury life on their acting pay. cc: The alliterate one and the model who used to star with her.

Blind Item #10

This cable news anchor only came back to her job because they threatened to put someone in that timeslot she cannot stand. If she is not careful, she will get fired and they will eat her salary.

Blind Item #9

Back in the day, this ABC show was highly rated. It also starred a woman who transitioned to being a man, but the network, refused to let him appear as anything but a woman.

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 7, 2022

There was a private service and burial for this actress. Before letting people know where she is, they want to be able to figure out a way for fans to visit, but not disturb other graves.

Betty White

Today's Blind Items - The Setup

This celebrity used to get naked for a living in between hooking up with men for money that her mom set up. In her current situation, she is not getting many men to meet her rate, and needs money to live, so is going back to reality. The thing is though, even though she has been advised against doing the show, she craves fame more than anything, even money. Her current attorney almost quit representing her because of this show. This show is a setup by her ex and arranged by her ex to show that the celebrity earns a ton of money and doesn't need his help. The show will go away just as soon as it not useful to anyone opposing her.

Your Turn

 Spiciest thing you ever ate?

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 5, 2022

This A- list actress/director was shut out from a recent meeting that included the foreign born former boy bander referred to as her boyfriend. In every previous meeting of this type, she was always included.

Olivia Wilde/Harry Styles

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 3, 2022

It didn't take this A list mostly movie actor to find two "assistants" from the country he is trying to help. Apparently part of their job duties are to sleep with him every night.

Sean Penn/Ukraine

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 3, 2022

I will say this about the one named A list singer. She knows how to get headlines and get people talking about her on music's biggest night. Plus, she is really good at feuding and her recent comments should start a nice one.

Pink/Rolling Stone Magazine

Blind Item #8

This 90 day star has been using OnlyFans for awhile. The in person hookups for customers is a recent thing.

Blind Item #7

 If you have a caregiver 24/7, and do not have a disability, should you be an A+ list politician? 

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 1, 2022

The actress/muse/model/drug addict and her photographer got booted from the front yard of a house by the owner.

Julia Fox

Blind Item #6

After my blind item yesterday concerning the cheating from the very fast rapper on the foreign born permanent A list singer, she has made it clear they are finished. It isn't like he hasn't cheated before, but just because of who the person was, it struck a nerve.

Blind Item #5

 It is really funny that this B+ list actress is in the news for some comments she made about men. Maybe she should look at the mirror and not have sex with other men and women in front of her husband.

Blind Item #4

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who has at least one franchise to her name, can protest as much as she likes, but was fired from a recent movie.

Blind Item #3

This A+/A list singer is being body shamed by her significant other to the point where the singer really doesn't eat much any longer. Not a foreign born singer.

Blind Item #2

 It looks like the A+/A list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner has been facilitating women to come forward and tell their horror stories at the hands of this A list comic.

Blind Item #1

Just like in the US, the royals when they go to the Netherlands, will have the host country paying for all their security. So, despite being a 30 minute flight from his home country, there will be no drop bys, because the home country won't pay except for the minimum that the royal had his whole life.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Blind Item #13

This permanent A list rapper had two of his associates visit a woman who was threatening to discuss the affair she had with the rapper. A gun was shown and her child threatened. 

Blind Item #12

There is now a parents support group for daughters who have gone missing inside the cult of this A- list actor.

Blind Item #11

The A- list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee is really working on a way to sign people up for an afterlife package. Yes, she is serious.

Blind Item #10

 The alliterate foreign born A- list singer/wannabe actress is up to two packs a day to try and keep herself from eating. This is a crash diet of crash diets.

Blind Item #9

I do sometimes wonder if one night, the person who has a copy of the golden shower footage will just release it for free somewhere and then what would happen to the career of the reality star and her family.

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 6, 2022

This studio head who is in over his head when it comes to two projects that are filming, was cornered on a red carpet last night and asked when he was going to approve the massive budget for a film which is currently holding another movie hostage until the budget is approved.

Brian Robbins/Paramount/Mission Impossible 7/Mission Impossible 8

Today's Blind Items - Advance Notice - House On St. Charles Blind

 This actress is foreign born and A- list on a very good day. The powers that be said I should keep my eye on her over the next month because she will be doing them a favor. She just got into town early last week. She is married. All I have been able to learn is that she has a very big fan and that fan would do anything to spend some time with her, including providing to the powers that be some photos and videos. I don't know of what or whom. Our actress owes the powers that be several favors including getting her cast in this current project by withholding financing until she was cast and making sure she was the highest paid on set, including a co-star who is higher on the list.

Your Turn

 Who wins the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard lawsuit?

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 6, 2022

It is always nice when your forced return to social media in order to promote the new season of your show, coincides with a civil complaint against you that questions why you are not behind bars for life for your criminal behavior. Something to discuss on the reunion!

Erika Jayne Girardi/RHOBH

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 6, 2022

The good news is this former A- list tween/teen star will call out in her upcoming book at least one of the producers who slept with her when she was underage. The bad news is there is subtle shading of the producer we all want burned, but the good stuff didn't make it through the legal team.

Jennette McCurdy/Dan Schneider

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 5, 2022

The rapper who has thousands of lawsuits against him, said he decided to withdraw from playing the spring festival. No, you would never be allowed to play. There was nothing to withdraw from.

Travis Scott/Coachella

Blind Item #8

They kissed and made up once a couple of months ago, but now the fighting is almost daily because of the substance abuse issues of this three named rapper. The A- list actress is over it at this point. They are about to be the first of the three similar couples to split.

Blind Item #7

 Apparently the former bird CEO has been in contact with the mysterious founder of the big crypto coin. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 5, 2022

I very highly doubt she will accept the offer, but one of the shopping channels is trying to make a deal with the alliterate one.

Meghan Markle

Blind Item #6

This foreign born one named permanent A list singer who doesn't sing any longer, definitely can hold a grudge. She has a favorite shoe designer. Loves those shoes. Our singer doesn't know her very fast rapping boyfriend has an on again off again thing with the shoe designer.

Blind Item #5

It isn't a coincidence that this former A+ list steroid user showed off his new girlfriend this week. His ex got engaged and shamed the steroid user for his engagement ring game. 

Blind Item #4

The celebrity CEO's fanboys are working overtime to spread malicious gossip about the famous investor who shorted the CEO's company and made it very big a decade ago and even had an A+ lister portray him on film. I have received multiple "tips" that the investor has all manner of sexually transmitted diseases and is abusive to women and so much more.

Blind Item #3

At this point, the alliterate reality star is just gaslighting us. Not only had she watched the late night show she says she never had, BUT she went to the 40th anniversary show and a show in 2018 when her husband performed.

Blind Item #2

The significant other of this murdering actor is trying to get a solo interview for herself on a network. The thirst is never quenched.

Blind Item #1

This extremely wealthy reality star who has her own cable reality show and is not on Bravo, is cheating on her husband with a man three decades her junior.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Blind Item #13

This A- list singer was at the CMT Awards, but this blind has nothing to do with her appearance there. Her husband has been hooking up with an actress here in Los Angeles, and it has got to the point where the husband is going to have to split with either the mistress or the wife.

Blind Item #12

This A+ list mostly movie actor let it be known that he was a massive contributor to this wildlife corridor being built in Los Angeles. He never actually came through with any money though.

Blind Item #11 - CMT Awards

This C+ list singer who just released/is releasing her first big project, said that an A+ list DJ would make sure the lead single would get played, but only if she slept with him. He keeps a list of all the female singers he has slept with and even their pictures right after sex. I didn't know he was still doing this. It has been at least three decades then since he started doing it.

Blind Item #10 - CMT Awards

This A list mostly movie actor was just being Hollywood and being loud at an after party and then criticized the quality of the coke. It was just a bad look for him and he isn't usually like that.

Blind Item #9

The spokesperson for the police department investigating a double homicide that has been in this space multiple times, as much admitted there have been no arrests because of how high profile the killer, or at least the person behind the killer is. The anniversary is approaching, but still nothing.

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 5, 2022

These two Beverly Hills Housewives are accusing each other of using surrogates to bid up the prices on a charity auction which puts an actual dollar value on who is more famous/loved by fans. So far, the lip filler lover is losing to the one who has had multiple siblings on the show. A side note to this is that a niece of the Housewife is actually besting both of them, by a LOT.

Kyle Richards/Lisa Rinna/Nikki Hilton/Cure Addiction Now Auction

Today's Blind Items - The Picture

I don't think anyone will actually be able to name the musician. If you do, then you get all the bonus points. He was A list for sure, but only locally to the area where he lived. The picture though was going to be his chance to become A list across the whole country, or at least where he was allowed to play. There were supposed to be 58 people in the photo to match the year. Instead, they ended up with 57. What happened to the missing person? It is not explained in the documentary surrounding the picture and how the people ended up in the picture. All of the people in the picture were A list. The biggest of the big. Our musician was the missing person. The night before the picture was taken he went out with some friends and ended up partying all night with them. He overslept and didn't even bother trying to make it to the shoot for the picture, although it turns out he would have had the time to make it because they were running super late. Because he didn't show up, none of the other A listers thought he took his career seriously and no one would hire him to go on the road with them, so he was forced to continue working locally and ended up dying of an overdose a couple of years later.

Your Turn

 What do you put on your hardboiled eggs?

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 5, 2022

Is the former A+ list NBA player embarrassed to have a child with a porn star? Why make her sign a massive NDA.

Blake Griffin/Lana Rhoades

Blind Items Revealed #3

 April 5, 2022   

This recently convicted pedophile/former actor turned singer just started a podcast on YouTube, providing access to more teens.

Drake Bell

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 3, 2022

There is a pap who is stalking the celebrity offspring/model of a permanent A list model. It is getting super creepy.

Kaia Gerber/Cindy Crawford

Blind Item #8 - CMT Awards

Speaking of cuckolding, is it cuckolding if you don't know that your son sleeps with your wife more than you do? It wouldn't shock me if this celebrity who is many many decades older than his wife, ends up dead and his wife marries the son of the celebrity.

Blind Item #7 - CMT Awards

Two nights ago, after arriving in Nashville for the show, this former A- list actor watched his significant other have sex with a man who used to be the boyfriend of the significant other. It is a very strange relationship.

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 3, 2022

This online kneepad gossip website that also includes a junior version said that the commando loving actor got into a party last night. Umm, no he didn't. He was so wasted drunk, they wouldn't let him in.

Just Jared/Jon Hamm

Blind Item #6 - CMT Awards

This A+/A list singer got wasted drunk and started hitting on women right in front of his celebrity wife. It was ugly.

Blind Item #5

Also present on the trip where the A list "singer" got pregnant was the Svengali. He met the couple there. This is not good news.

Blind Item #4

This European island nation's government has been doing a full court press telling people what a wonderful idea implanted microchips would be. They have government controlled media airing stories about the benefits and have briefed reporters from newspapers. 

Blind Item #3

This model was telling no lies when she said the wife of this permanent A+ list NBA player is being cheated on regularly. The other A lister would probably cheat if given the opportunity, but he is constantly monitored electronically by his wife. Is that really a marriage?

Blind Item #2

I love how the alliterate reality star pretends that she was a victim in the whole sex tape thing. She and her mom knew exactly what they were doing.

Blind Item #1

Some closeted NFL quarterbacks get a beard and live what looks to be a normal life, at least from the outside. Some however, just project and pretend and have zero idea what to say or how to act and should just come out and live their best life.

Monday, April 11, 2022

Blind Item #13

The superhero had an excuse last week when busted cheating on his wife with the actress. What is his excuse for this weekend and the woman he hooked up with who was not his wife or actress?

Blind Item #12

I bet this foreign born permanent A- list celebrity who used to be an athlete thought the marriage of his son would cause social media to bring up all the times he used to cheat on his celebrity wife.

Blind Item #11

Speaking of billboards, the opposite side of those four I mentioned in #10, all promote the brand of the guy being sued for all the wrongful deaths and injuries and trauma. So, when he says he has no money after he loses and has to pay judgments out, I hope someone asks him who paid for all the billboards. I hope they also ask him if his company paid or the reality family paid, since they are sharing the same space.

Blind Item #10

Speaking of that reality family, when you drive back to LA from Coachella this month and see the three billboards all featuring the face of the family wearing next to nothing, and then a fourth with just writing, the original idea was to have the writing on each of the billboards advertising the brand. Our reality star said no, so the photo of her could be even bigger on each of the billboards.

Blind Item #9

This A- list reality star with the lucrative side gig would get so many more points if she was just honest and told the world that as soon as she gets a trademark for her baby's name, she will announce it to the world. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 3, 2022

This A- list singer is the only one of his siblings to have a bodyguard. He doesn't need one, but his actress wife likes having one because it makes her feel important. Of course, she doesn't pay for it herself though, and if she had to, would immediately dump the security.

Nick Jonas/Priyanka Chopra

Today's Blind Items - The Healing

 There were a lot of young women, legal and not legal who signed very painful NDA's and have stayed quiet. Whenever I think about it, I am shocked that this A- list celebrity who is higher than that to those her age has stayed silent. She is one person you never expect to have her mouth on lockdown. I suppose she is afraid of losing everything she has built from nothing and knows it would be difficult to start over. One of this A list host's favorite things to do was to have a session after the public session. The host would identify those who would allow his "healing." Then, that same night, the host would take his subjects to dinner and usually get them drunk even though none of them that I know of were legal drinking age. The host would then talk about all the money they earned and the victim never had a dime. The host only picked the poorest of poor. The host would then take them to an apartment they owned just for this purpose and have sex with them. Sometimes I'm sure it was consensual, but most of the time they were too drunk to consent or they were underage. None of them know for sure, and I have only ever managed to talk to three women, but all three said they were pretty sure they were recorded. 

Your Turn

 Do you think you will get a refund or owe taxes this year?

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 2, 2022

The road manager for this foreign based A+ list group spent nearly $100K on strippers in Vegas Thursday night.


Blind Items Revealed #3

April 2, 2022

I can't decide if it is confidence or delusion or entitlement that this foreign born A- list celebrity/porn star in her own country feels she deserves a MBE and a title. Maybe she could schedule it for a day after she gets her license back or a day she is not in out patient rehab or not fighting with her abusive drug dealing boyfriend.

Katie Price

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 1, 2022

This Euphoria star/model learned an important lesson last night. That smile she got from an actress she thought was a friend, turned to insults when she thought the Euphoria actress could not hear any longer. 

Barbie Ferreira/Kiernan Shipka 

Blind Item #8

The alliterate staffer/press person/talking head always seems to keep her head down until one of her affairs/relationships comes to light. She hasn't always made the best choices when it comes to her love life. I'm not sure hooking up with a married candidate is the right thing to do either. Yes, she has done the married man thing before, but how many times does it take before you look for a single person first.

Blind Item #7

Pretty sure that loud noise you heard last night was the celebrity CEO and his Dr. Evil laugh.  He will be back for more. He just wants everything to be under his terms. He knows the board will wait too long before implementing a poison pill.

Blind Items Revealed #1

 April 1, 2022

Apparently getting to see a movie before anyone is somehow going to convince the royals to support the celebrity cult in their country?

Top Gun: Maverick/Prince William and Kate Middleton/Tom Cruise/Scientology

Blind Item #6

 Yes, she used to rape people and drug men before robbing them, but she was still at the kid's show because the network doesn't care about things like that as long as you can bring them shows that make money. I mean, they let a predator work there for decades and just kept their head in the sand as long as possible.

Blind Item #5

A female sibling of the foreign born not as bad of an actress as she used to be, who is really fun, but just not that great of an actress, has been hooking up with this foreign born celebrity chef who is much older and very married, except when he is cheating on his wife.

Blind Item #4

Apparently the trades, in their interviews with the executive producer/showrunner are just going to ignore what happened to the second season of this show. There has not been this big of a drop off disappointment between the first and second season since Heroes. The reporters just let them talk about future plans and spinoffs instead of asking the tough question about why should they get another show after destroying this one?

Blind Item #3

Speaking of underage, the offspring of this B list singer who has a mean backhand slap but will never be the highest on the list in her family, has an underage child who is about to be a dad. The mom is a porn star. I smell reality show.

Blind Item #2

This disgraced actor who used to be a dual threat A lister has been trashing one of his victims to anyone who will listen and said that if the victim wanted a big role, all he has to do is forget it ever happened.

Blind Item #1

 It was very interesting that this in the news a lot B+ list actress chose to hit a red carpet next to the woman who casting couched her years and years ago which got our actress her first big acting job.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Blind Item #8

 This is a bad time for this former Disney star turned host to lose her job. She won't make it a month without a salary. She and her husband are close to broke.

Blind Item #7

 Now that he only has a half dozen sexual assault allegations against him, this alliterate reality star thinks this is the perfect time to take her relationship public with him.

Blind Item #6

 This Academy Award winner hate this A-/B+ list mostly movie actress who only works in a long running movie franchise. I'm not sure how this is going to work on the set of the franchise.

Blind Item #5

The recent history of drug abuse and some other problems are going to keep this former A+ list celebrity to the under 12 crowd, on double secret probation for awhile.

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 1, 2022

Apparently the north of the border singer thought he could beat the foreign born former boy bander in a war of released singles on the same day. The north of the border singer got crushed.

Shawn Mendes/Harry Styles

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 1, 2022

The drugs that killed the drummer were not bought locally. Was the drummer alone smuggling them into the country?

Taylor Hawkins

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 1, 2022

Reading between the lines from the latest manifesto from the flowering financial institution, it looks like she needs a new sugar daddy and would like him to be Russian. It also makes me wonder how she blew through the celebrity CEO's money so quickly.

Azealia Banks/Elon Musk

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 1, 2022

This former network reality star from multiple shows is a singer. He is also not getting his calls returned from this A+ list singer. The A+ lister knows the call will be asking to "borrow" money.

Todrick Hall/Taylor Swift

Blind Item #4

There has been a lot of burning up the phone lines this weekend to try and get a settlement between the former A+ list mostly movie actor and his A- list actress ex. There are dozens of different entities working behind the scenes to make it happen. There is talk that this universe will also give the former A+ lister a role in its universe.

Blind Item #3

This closeted A- list model/reality star hooked up with a waitress this week she met at an Oscar after party.

Blind Item #2

This foreign born A-/B+ list has always been problematic with her political Tweets because she has a horrible take on everything inside her own country, so no one wants to hear what she has to say about anything outside it.

Blind Item #1

This talking head at a cable network, who gets hammered on a daily basis, much like his not liked very much significant other is doing his best to kneepad for the new owners, writing one puff piece after the other.  It won’t save his job.