Friday, January 22, 2010

Levi Johnston Made Six Figures Last Year

In another sure sign the world is ending Levi Johnston made six figures last year. Between his posing for Playgirl and selling interviews to anyone who has a forum for his words, Levi made at least $105,000 in 2009. Those numbers come courtesy of court papers filed by Bristol Palin who says that Levi has not been living up to his parental responsibilities. In other words he is not providing support to his baby financially.

TMZ obtained court papers where Bristol is asking for $1750 a month in child support. According to Bristol's declaration she says that Levi has only paid $4400 in child support in the 13 months he has been a father. Levi's rep says Levi has paid about $10,000. Either way it definitely isn't $1750 a month. I guess he better think about going full frontal if he is going to pay that bill. I still can't believe he made that much money last year.


  1. Damn, kids are expensive. If I were I guy, I would make sure I wrapped it.

  2. Really pisses me off that I can't find a job to save my life and this guy makes 6 figures. Hope he knows how to save his money. End rant.

  3. That's right! Don't be a tease- show your peen, Levi!

    Unfortunately it's too late. He has lost his momentum, and the wang is worthless now.

  4. Who would pay him that much money?

  5. Why did I even bother to get a PhD (in education no less)? Ugh...

  6. I can't believe anyone has any interest in this yokel. Why should he be famous?

  7. If he could get Britney preggo, then his penis could make him some money to give to his other baby momma. Just ask K-Fed.

  8. $1750 a month for one kid?

  9. I CAN believe he made that much money. He isn't worth any money but Sarah Palin is and anyone who can provide the goods on her will get paid right now.

    If Bristol turned on her mother and started giving interviews she'd make at least twice that much.

    By the way I saw Bristol on Oprah today and she came off as kind of an ahole. Also what the hell were they doing bathing that huge child in the kitchen sink? He looked like he was about one y.o. which just looked unsanitary.

  10. i didn't think playgirl had low-balled him like that...he so should've had a shark to negotiate that. and i'm w/ RJ...he needed to have taken a page out of the kfed playbook before knocking up little bristol.

  11. Anonymous10:54 AM

    I'm getting really tired of no-talent, uninteresting people being rich and famous. Kardashians, Brody Jenner, Paris Hilton, Heidi Montag....the list is endless. I want to be rich too (although you can shove the famous).

  12. Hope he saved that money. It will be the last time he sees that much cash in a year for a very long time...

  13. The pix I saw were quite disappointing. He could've at least bulked-up or something. Sheesh! No peen and a doughboy to boot!

    Makes the new Mass. Senator look like dang Burt Reynolds!

  14. $105k?

    That works out to what, $2,000 per IQ point?

  15. The world is cruel. Here I am making less than half of that at a daily job and this punk can grab $105,000. Not a Palin fan, but I say, go Bristol go!

  16. I don't know, notonmydollar - I grew up in 'the sticks', and we had baths in the kitchen sink MUCH past a year old. Try 4 or 5...

    Anyway. Isn't this guy's 15 minutes about up?

  17. Hi, I live in Alaska and according to people up here, Bristol's lawyer filed the papers and then asked Levi's lawyers for a financial disclosure. Meaning that he inflated the dollar amount as per internet reports without any financial documents. I'm not a lawyer or anything so I don't know how you would do that, but that's the word on the street. The local blog I read that seems to have a pretty close relationship to the Johnston camp says he didn't make anywhere near that much money. Also, Bristol is saying that Levi has only paid about $300 a month since late November and the dollar amount is closer to about $10,000 since the baby was born. Levi is kind of a sad idiot but he's doing everything he can to make some money while it's available to him since the Palins plucked him out of Wasilla and forced him into the spotlight. He's pretty much unemployable up here and selling himself to the highest bidder is about all he's got. I'm hoping he gets a book deal because I'm pretty sure he's got some fantastic stories to tell!

  18. Thanks Babs for a different POV.

    I guess it's similar to the people who wash their hair in the kitchen sink, to some it's okay and again to others unsanitary.

  19. Good info, Tessa. Thanks for the local perspective!

  20. Oh--and my opinion is EFF parents who make their daughters have babies. That blows.

  21. >>>Oh--and my opinion is EFF parents who make their daughters have babies. That blows.

    Yes. Much better idea to simply kill the little inconveniences.

    Too bad the mother of our current President didn't feel this way too. (She was only 17 when she got pregnant, you know. Just like Bristol.)

  22. @ notonmydollar - I guess it just depends on where and how you were raised. We didn't have indoor bathroom plumbing (yes, even in the 60s), so the kitchen sink was our tub. I certainly wouldn't do it anymore, but back then, it was just what we did.

  23. Let's not open up this can of worms...

  24. Babs that's very understanding (I certainly know about limitations).
    But like you said there were no other options.

    I'm sure the Palins have other options but again like you said they probably just don't see it as unsanitary.

  25. @selenakyle

    What proof do you have that Sarah Palin "made" her daughter have a baby?

  26. Wow, I wish Bristol and Levi had both been neutered when they were just pups.

  27. No problem SelenaKyle - I can't stand Palin so anything that annoys her (such as Levi) is fine by me. In my opinion he didn't get paid nearly enough to put up with that family.

  28. Time for a quick look back at his reveal. AnnaLynne, you may be a druggie skank, but I still like you.

  29. If he didn't knock up a Palin, he'd be such another dumb piece of shit kid from Alaska, his child is his moneymarker as is the Palin family, well Sarah and Bristol anyways.
    The media was only interested in Levi,cause he knocked up Bristol Palin, and of course the more famous he gets the more he'll have to pay.

    Levi is a dumbass douche, people and media will soon tire of him if they haven't already, he's so yesterday.

  30. I read he is saying he hasnt been allowed to spend any time with the kid... that would make me very reluctant to paying support too!

  31. I'm so sick of this Palin backwoods family. From what I understand he has very little access to his son but they want $1,750.00/month??!! What the hell for? Are they feeding this baby caviar? She doesn't even live on her own!
    I agree - I love these people who tell their pregnant teenage daughters that they should keep their baby. These girls end up living off of their parents, they try to soak the father, if he's still around and the baby becomes a commodity. Give the child up for adoption. If you can't afford to have them or give them the basics then you shouldn't be keeping them. That's being a loving parent.
    AND you should be investing in birth control.
