Saturday, July 20, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 13, 2019

This permanent A list mostly movie actor didn't quit a movie on his own, he was asked to quit, but allowed to make it look like it was his decision.

Johnny Depp/Invisible Man


  1. What a shithead.

  2. Most important people who get fired these days are allowed to resign instead.

  3. He needs to become invisible, permanently.

  4. I dont understand why Hollywood is adamant about clinging to Johnny Depp like hes still a major film star. I havent been very impressed with anything he's done since 2000. And anytime I see him in photos, he strikes me as the kind of guy that got stuck in a style rut back in 2005 and hasn't bothered to change it since. Sorry Johnny, but your Keith Richards scarves and fedora coupled with your Brandon Flowers style guy-liner while you pretend it's still the 90s and belt out bad rock songs just make you look out of touch and reeks of self involved Peter pan complex.

  5. Why do people here hate Depp again?

    1. I know. I love him and will always root for him!!!

  6. Anonymous - I don't hate Depp. Can't speak for anyone else.

    Weren't there rumors he beat Amber?

    1. And there is video of her in an elevator w/ james franco hours after the alleged beating w/ no marks on her.

  7. If the film is The Invisible Man, do they really need an actor at all?

    Just saying.

  8. I don’t hate Depp, nor do I believe that he beat Amber. I do believe that she beat him, given that she’s been arrested for DV in the past. And she’s crazy. Maybe she can hook up with John Mayer since she likes to poop in people’s beds.

  9. Wasn't enty running numerous blinds about Depp sleazing on underage girls or has he quit that?

  10. As other people said in the comments for the original blind, Johnny Depp was signed at a time Universal wanted to make big budget remakes of their monster movies, with The Mummy being the starting point of the "Dark Universe". After The Mummy flopped, they gave up on these idiotic plans to make their own MCU, and hired instead horror production company Blumhouse (Get Out, Happy Death Day, Halloween) to handle the remakes.

    Given that the budget for these remakes is much lower than at the time Depp was supposed to star in The Invisible Man, it makes sense that they would drop him and hire someone much cheaper (and less famous) instead, which is exactly what they did. And Depp was actually dropped in January, without any hard feelings or claims that he had left on his own. Whatever Depp's antics are, it's totally stupid to turn this into evidence #4259 that Depp is finally blacklisted due to his bad behavior. The recasting is just standard business practices in the industry, because the project of remaking the old Universal monster movies has turned into something completely different than what it was two years ago.

  11. Interesting but all I keep wondering is why isn't your name Angelo?

  12. @ Angela not really bad behavior. Don't blinds abound how uninsurable he is with his alcohol addictions and accidents? Also I think Depp is a genius but his self-loathing ways did him in. He started with HATING his JUMP STREET pretty boy image and went to Tim Burton for the quirk and substance factor and then the very mainstream MASS appeal he once shunned fell in his lap with PIRATES and he got a huge sum or money and back to self loathing or self destroying or whatever. The guy was ETERNALLY youthful forever - in spite of never taking care of his teeth and then finally the alcohol bloat but he has succeeded the very self destruction he chased. It is a sad sad tragic tale or a man and artist.

  13. @Angela Exactly - due to The Mummy's flop, they're "reimagining" this film with a minuscule budget. I don't think it will make much money and Depp's resume is better off without it.

  14. The reason why some, certainly not everyone, of the commentators hate him, @Anonymous, is because they believe Amber Heard's lies about him as well as the ridiculously OTT gossip posted anonymously online by 'net strangers they've never met, which is never backed up by any actual evidence.

    While we're on the subject, Amber's friend has come forward in the last few days and publicly stated that she never once saw bruises on Amber's face.

  15. kiki - I felt sad to see Depp's apparent spiral. I always rooted for him. Didn't he begin his Hollywood days homeless, sleeping in a car, or am I thinking of someone else?

    Some pretty men hate their looks the same way pretty women do - wrong type of attention I guess, or not being taken seriously in their craft.

    But hey Johnny ya won the Lotto, from nothing to top of the heap. Turn it all around. It's not too late.

  16. The only two people who know what happened are Johnny and Amber, certainly nobody on a gossip website.

  17. @Do Tell

    That's true. But there are people who think that Depp is a victim and people who think that he's a violent POS. Actually, the blind item is written in such a way that both sides can relate to it, which is the precise goal. He was asked to quit, it wasn't his decision, but why was he fired? That would be the interesting information, and Enty deliberately remains ambiguous to let the two different camps claiming it as a win.

    While, if you have followed the developments, it wasn't just Depp who was "fired". Russell Crowe and Javier Bardem were also supposed to star in projects that were canceled a few months later. It's just that Blumhouse was interested in a small budget remake of The Invisible Man, with a totally different creative team and that they had no intent to make a Johnny Depp vehicle, with all the baggage attached.

  18. @Samantha

    What an effective put-down! How many hours did it take to come up with it?

  19. It wasn't a put down Angela.

    It was a literal statement.

    You've said openly "I'm a dude," but you chose the name Angela. I admitted to being idly curious about why.

  20. If you don't want to divulge: don't.

  21. With all due respect, @Do Tell, the evidence and eye witness statements have been in the public eye for awhile now. The text messages Amber sent Depp, begging him to take her back and that the false DV accusations was her lawyer's idea, are also in the public domain. The footage of her smuggling Franco in and out of Depp's apartment, while barefoot and dressed in a nightie and dressing gown, clearly show that she did not have any facial injuries.

    She lied, which was obvious from the start.

  22. There's zero harm. The alias was inspired something like 10 or 15 years ago by the poster of a 80s shoddy sex comedy (that I haven't seen) where a cast member was named Angela. At the time, I was part of a quizz team, and we had all picked girl names for aliases. It remained attached to my main Google/Gmail account, on which I try to provide as little information to Google as possible, and it was revived when I started posting on Blogger, mostly on CDAN.

    I've always come clear about being male, and straight, to dissipate any confusion, right from my first comments here. Lately, due to the obvious polarization among the commenters, this piece of trivia has been weaponized by a few people who presume that the alias is related to something shameful in my own sexuality, or something like that. That was my first guess when you posted your comment, until I saw that you had much mored nuanced views elsewhere. And regarding my alias, nope, there's nothing particularly sexual. It was just that I was too lazy to change the profile settings from Blogger for a decade-old private joke that nobody would find humorous now.

  23. Oh hey Angela, thanks for explaining, I hadn't realized you were a dude like I've known Sandybrook is a guy.

    no harm no foul, it's not like you're starting fights with people under a fake name, or writing misogynistic whatevs so it doesn't really matter but is nice to know.

    I will now imagine you as a burly man wearing a tattered wig and a housecoat.

  24. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Depp did this to himself with his choice of roles. Every role had to be quirky or comic or heavy makeup wearing or somehow over the top. I think he equates that with good acting, maybe because he's just not really a very good actor.

  25. The reason he, as well as others, were dropped had nothing to do with his calibre of acting. You talk as if the only roles he has played involved make-up and theatrics, but what about Donnie Brasco, Cry Baby, What's Eating Gilbert Grape?, The Ninth Gate, Finding Neverland (in which his Glasgow accent was critically acclaimed), The Libertine, Dillinger and quite a few other titles I could list?

  26. Thank you Angela, and thank you for being fair @ me & reshaping your 1st impression of me.

    Nah, I was just curious :)

    I like a good story, it's why I was drawn here I suppose.

  27. ^ I'm not hunter btw although hunter answered Lol ^

  28. He didn't beat Amber but he is a terrible actor
