Saturday, May 18, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

May 9, 2019

A coroner has given a private investigator 90 days to convince her a recent celebrity death was a murder. The coroner was expected to close the case, but left it open because the coroner was intrigued by what the detective has discovered. Not convinced, but intrigued enough to leave it open for a short time.

Keith Flint

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 9, 2019

This one named always broke rapper played his favorite game. He takes a new potential girlfriend shopping but actually only buys one thing. He has stores set aside numerous things to pick up the next day. He then hooks up with the woman and sometimes sees her again, but those items will never be picked up. At this point, stores just say they will set it aside but never do.


Blind Item #8

In an interview with an offshoot of huge name in magazines, this closeted A- list reality star came up with a new reason why her "romances" always fail. 

Blind Item #7

Unable to get her to sing or dance, the people of this permanent A list "singer" made a recent post seem current and hopeful. 

Blind Item #6

Interesting to see the alliterate former actress turned A+ list celebrity complaining about treatment she has received from others when she complained to producers to get two actresses fired because she thought they were getting too many lines at her expense.

Blind Item #5

This disgraced permanent A+/A list mostly movie director wanted this former A+ list tweener turned singer/upcoming actress in an episode of a big almost television show to put in a good word for him with someone. She refused because of that unnecessary sex scene he made her film for a different almost television show.

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 9, 2019

That big last name that is A+ list throughout the world is the financial backing behind the big bust yesterday. Don't forget that big reveal a couple of years ago about the last name and what they previously did. It isn't like they are not willing and capable.

Getty/Bel Air gun seizure

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 9, 2019

This A-list YouTube gamer with the made up sounding last name  repeatedly slept with other women, despite being married.  Not only did he cheat on his wife, but also solicited child porn from many underage fans.

Jared "ProJared" Knabenbauer 

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 8, 2019

The alliterate actress is spending nearly as much on PR and magazine articles lauding her than she is on attorneys to actually defend her.

Lori Loughlin

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 8, 2019

They can believe what they want and talk to everyone, but there will be zero advertisers for any show that puts the initialed one on the air. Zero.

Jenelle Evans and David Eason

Blind Item #4

Certain members of a family are using go betweens, including A list celebrities, message boards and other family members to get me to stop my campaign to bring truth to the situation involving a dead rocker. That kind of effort won't work because it just makes me want to search even more for the truth.

Blind Item #3

You know when Kneepads gets involved, things are serious. The thing is, it is not so much that people close to this A- list-ish actress are worried about her safety. They are worried she is not generating enough cash any longer on which they are dependent.

Blind Item #2

Last month I wrote about a missing will. A will everyone associated with a case knows exists. Apparently the attorney who prepared it has been unable to find it. I previously advised you of that fact. There is hope though. After the will was signed, it was scanned into the system of the law firm. The only issue is they have since changed cloud companies which were hosting the files. Slowly, files that were lost in the merge are being discovered, and it is only a matter of time before the will is also located.

Blind Item #1

The widow is doing everything in her power to keep the truth from being told. One of those ways is by trying to shut down a family member who is just trying to look out for the interest they were promised. Depositions in this case would open a can of worms which could never be closed.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Blind Item #13

Well the A-/B+ list mostly movie actor hasn't beaten his model girlfriend yet but has cheated on her.

Blind Item #12

Don't believe the hype. This foreign born former two franchise actor is on a short list but his team tried to force the studio into giving him the job with their PR push yesterday. The foreign born actor who has a current box office bomb is still the odds on favorite.

Blind Item #11

This former A- list mostly television actress from two now defunct hit network shows is doing partner swapping on a fairly frequent basis. 

Blind Item #10

Recently, a few less-than-reputable outlets took their marching orders from a publicist and printed rebuttals to an article about trouble in paradise involving our favorite dual threat foreign born actor and his so called wife.  Try as one might, though the referenced article was nowhere to be found.  Apparently they had jumped the gun which just made them look like idiots.

Days later the referenced article finally dropped online with an outright declaration of trouble in paradise.

While this is causing a tempest online, our actor showed up in the south of France living it up without his so called wife.

Is the internet's boyfriend making a comeback?  

Blind Item #9

The former stripper turned reality star turned celebrity who fakes a lot of things, is apparently out of money which is why her lawyer is bailing on her.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 8, 2019

This A list mostly movie actor cheated on his actress wife and is now cheating on his singer girlfriend. Hey, she was cheating on him too at one point.

Channing Tatum/Jessie J

Four For Friday - You Need To Pray

I have had blinds about some of the individuals in today's big blind. The blinds all talked about how they used their celebrity to do what they wanted to female parishioners in their church where they grew up. Until I spoke to this A-/B+ list female singer though, I had no idea just how bad ll of this was.

Our singer started recording when she was about 13. She was signed by a management company that also represented the celebrities from this church. The person who signed her was a good two decades older than her at the time. He was in his early 30's and she is 13 or 14. She was told it would be best for her career if she started attending this church and could develop "friendships" with the other singers so they would be able to work better together. So, she started attending. She was also told that she needed to pick one of the guys who were probably 18 or 19 at the time to be in a relationship with because it would be better for her image. So, she picked one and was told she needed to start having sex with him too because she didn't want to rock the boat or disturb the good working relationship everyone had.

So, she started a relationship with this singer who at the time was close to A list. He would always cheat on her with other women and she finally moved on from him and started dating the singer's brother. Well, apparently the man who signed her didn't give his permission for this and the only way she could get his permission was to have sex with him. So, she had sex with this 30 something year old guy and was told from then on she would always have to when he asked. He asked a lot.

She was told the only way all of this would stop was if she got pregnant because then no one would want her. So, she tried all the time to get pregnant and did so while still a teen. They did leave her alone. They also dropped her as a client and she had to rebuild without them. It has been a long road and she has dozens of stories to tell about all the guys in the record industry who used her and others and who continue to try and use her including her on again off again A- list boyfriend who is always leaving her for some new singer or someone more famous and then comes back for a week or two before moving on again.

Your Turn

Does anyone actually choose an electric range over gas?

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 8, 2019

Finally something I agree with this family about. They have tried multiple interventions with the celebrity offspring of the permanent A++ lister to get her away from her boyfriend. They think she will end up dead from drugs if she stays with him.

Paris Jackson

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 8, 2019

As I have been telling you since he got arrested, the first person who would visit this foreign born celebrity was indeed the foreign born former A list syndicated actress turned celebrity all of you know.

Pamela Anderson/Julian Assange

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 8, 2019

Congratulations to this university for belatedly withdrawing an award. They should never have offered it up in the first place. It is not like they didn't know the permanent A list singer from a permanent A list group regularly beat his wife. They just thought no one would notice. People noticed and they revoked the award.

UCLA/Don McLean

Blind Item #8

This foreign born A+ list model in Europe and practically unknown here is seen as the heir apparent to the foreign born permanent A+ list model/mogul. In any event, the heir apparent and our favorite foreign born actress/singer got into a near brawl over who was going to accompany a Russian oligarch back to his yacht yesterday.

Blind Item #7

This three named former A list celebrity has been earning money as of late by being a threesome partner. Her specialty is doing strip teases and then inviting the female in the relationship to join in with her and the male. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 8, 2019

Maybe this registered child sex offender will get out of jail again in the next decade or maybe he won't. One thing is certain though. He is communicating with lots of different women so permanently destroying your body with images and tributes of him isn't going to get you any closer to being with him.

Tekashi 6ix9ine

Blind Item #6

This recent one season wonder winner told one of her best friends that she and her "boyfriend" have still not had sex and are waiting until the right time.

Blind Item #5

This kind of former WWE star is basically living with a producer to land acting roles. I think she thinks she is more famous than she actually is and the producer is just using her for sex.

Blind Item #4

According to several clients, this B-/C+ list celebrity continued seeing men for money even after she started dating this permanent A list celebrity/mogul who would become her husband.

Blind Item #3

This network has long shown it only cares about making money and doesn't really care about #MeToo. Even though a star was given a ton of money in a wrongful termination complaint they still will do everything to defend the serial cheating married star of this show because advertisers love it.

Blind Item #2

This married celebrity billionaire who owns a huge fashion house forces his ex to hook up with him several times a year if she wants extra child support.

Blind Item #1

This former really bad A- list actress turned really bad A- list reality star turned really bad money managing celebrity thinks she has inherited some kind of television making magic. She also hates the latest addition to her new show and is willing to crash and burn the whole thing if she doesn't get her way. Good luck ever getting another green light on any show.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Blind Item #13

She already makes more than every other Housewife when it comes to her television work, but if she decides to return, she wants to be the highest paid Housewife for just that show and wants the network to leak that to the press for them to print.

Blind Item #12

This A- list mostly movie actress who is in a long running court fight with an ex, met up with a former mistress of the actor who lives where the actress is visiting. Apparently this former mistress has proof of some of the bad behaviors of the ex.

Blind Item #11

The wannabe momager suddenly has a ton of cash burning a hole in her pocket thanks to recent statements she made supporting her ex and his vision going forward.

Blind Item #10

This former A list dual threat actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and is now disgraced is planning on leaking the name of his accuser. 

Blind Item #9

Just as I told you, the fix is in. It is really tough to have a transparent process when all the documents are under seal. It is all going to plan for the disgraced producer.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 7, 2019

Met Gala

This former A list mostly movie actress who is a celebrity offspring of a former A+ lister skipped the event again. She has never forgiven that designer who dressed her for so long.

Kate Hudson

Today's Blind Items - The Courtesan

I am trying to think of someone less likely to be  courtesan, but am having trouble bringing anyone to mind. There was the former A- list network actress from a long running hit show about a northern state that was shocking. She also kept to very familiar circles and was seen as someone you needed in your corner or on your arm or in your bed if you wanted to succeed in politics.

The one I am talking about right now was once A list. A celebrity. She did reality once or twice and the results were pretty horrific. Plus, she was so horrific to other cast and crew that she was essentially barred from any sort of US television landscape. She is foreign born, and became famous worldwide for someone she married rather than anything she did on her own. She has had some attempts at television in her home country and other celebrity making endeavors, but much like here, no one wanted to work with her.

Over the past several years, she has been seen in private clubs and gambling rooms on the arm of much older men who are all very wealthy. She provides a service. She can be discreet and she made her fortune by servicing a much older man and making him feel special. She translated that into tens of millions of dollars. Right now, she is looking for the same type payoff, but she is having trouble getting men to divorce their current spouses. They are happy with paying our celebrity a retainer of the equivalent of $100K per year to make herself available whenever they need her. She has about a dozen men on the payroll and does what she wants and travels in the circles she wants and continues to treat those she considers beneath her like crap. Oh, before I forget, there was a judge she slept with for a month to get a favorable ruling for her in an important case.

Your Turn

Scariest thing you ever willingly volunteered to do. 

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 7, 2019

Met Gala

Apparently no matter the theme, the twins wear whatever they want and don't really care. They are allowed to get away with it. This former A+ list mostly movie actress was essentially wearing the same thing as the twins and was called out for it.

Olsen twins/Demi Moore

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 7, 2019

Met Gala

As she was headed into an after party, this foreign born A- listish actress kept being asked about the nuptials of her in-laws. She was ticked. She kept trying to change the subject to what she was wearing or projects she is working on. She really hated when a reporter suggested the more inexpensive wedding option was the way to go.

Priyanka Chopra

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 7, 2019

Met Gala

At an after party, this foreign born initialed last name singer was a bit wasted. Maybe more than a bit and she got into an argument with this foreign born A- list model/really really horrible actress. Apparently the singer was accusing the model of using several of the singer's friends for sex and then dumping them. Oh, and had sex with them while she continues to date the actress.

Charli XCX/Cara Delvingne/Ashley Benson

Blind Item #8

Despite all the talk to the contrary, this comic/actor/host/fired host is really splitting with his long time wife. They might delay it a couple of months to try and prove critics wrong, but the critics aren't wrong.

Blind Item #7

This is all making things awkward between the frosted tip having, got away with sexual harassment, mogul and his on air buddy who pretends they are best friends. That on air buddy plugs the reality shows from this reality family almost every week on the former's show. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 7, 2019

Met Gala

The sunglassed one hated the outfit of the wife of the foreign born dual threat A/A list actor. She thought it looked like a prom dress from Sixteen Candles.

Anna Wintour/Sophie Hunter/Benedict Cumberbatch

Blind Item #6

This foreign born A- list actress/singer is A list in her own country. In this country she is probably B- list. She managed to snag a huge A list type role by sleeping with the married director of the project. 

Blind Item #5

Part of the deal with the powers that be they will require to get the children back of this former cable star is that both parties submit to random drug tests. Who thinks they will pass? I don't.

Blind Item #4

It looks as if this celebrity offspring who might have her parents go to jail might also get the nightclub she visited shut down. Our offspring was sharing where she was and what she was doing at the alliterate nightclub. Only one problem. The club is 21+ and our offspring is not. Investigators want to know if she used a fake i.d or the bouncers just let her in violating the terms of their liquor license. 

Blind Item #3

The barely there celebrity offspring of two former A listers has now made close to a dozen private porn videos with paying customers. It is only a matter of time before one leaks out to the public.

Blind Item #2

How creepy is it that this foreign born three named underage actress had a personal fitting of her clothes while in the presence of the foreign born A+ list rapper/singer who has been creeping on her for well over a year.

Blind Item #1

This A+ list news anchor was wearing lifts at least a couple of inches high for his cable network's upfront. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Blind Item #13

Everyone always uses initials to describe this reality show that has been around forever. Anyway, one of the contestants this season is known for stealing from her clients while they are sleeping. Often times she is the one who slips something to them to get to sleep. On the show this season, she has used both of those talents more than once.

Blind Item #12

A family business? For long time readers who are fans of this reality show, I have told you in the past that many of the females who are in and out or girlfriends/dates for an episode or two have a west coast yachting past. They are discovered by one of the stars of the show and recruited not for the show, but for wealthy friends. As a side product to that, some end up on the show for a minute or an episode or a season. A guiding hand and a task master who used to act as a go between back in the day is a family member of the star. It was more subtle, but even a very recent almost marriage was the result of one of those introductions made by the family member.

Blind Item #11

This former A+ list reality star who has spun off a show multiple ways before rebooting the original is having a cash flow crisis because her boyfriend lives off her income and he costs a lot.

Blind Item #10

This long time celebrity owned restaurant in town has the usual when it comes to actresses who also serve as waitresses. One thing that is not usual is the actress who does commercials and did a a cameo of sorts in a recent highly rated/reviewed docuseries but not much else in her career, sells information about every one of her celebrity guests and is also known to tip off unsavory characters who are owed money by any of her patrons. She also springs all kinds of honey traps. The restaurant is starting to lose a lot of business and can't figure out why. Ask this waitress.

Blind Item #9

This former A- lit mostly television actress has some hits and misses. Her biggest hit might be the long running pay cable show that ended several years ago. She is trying to do the movie thing in Cannes right now and spent the night on a yacht with its owner last night.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 7, 2019

Met Gala

This A-/B+ list actor/singer yelled at a photographer who thought the actor/singer was one of the hosts of Queer Eye.

Jared Leto

Today's Blind Items - Counseling

Two of the favorites of the foreign born former A+ list tweener turned adult are married. They pretend to be living a pious life but I have a running total of at least a dozen actresses/celebrities/regular people who gave their social media/contact information on a visitor card and instead of being sought out by some type of visitor coordinator, they were approached by these married men.

AT least three of these women have boyfriends. Their boyfriends attended with them and also filled out information cards. All of the boyfriends were contacted by a visitor coordinator. Every single one of the women was contacted by one of these married men and in the case of two of the women, they were contacted by three married men all of whom recommended meeting for coffee or drinks or dinner to discuss their spiritual growth.

One actress who is on a fairly hit ABC comedy says she was contacted at least a dozen times by one of these married men and always made every conversation about sex. When the actress said she is celibate, the married man says it isn't healthy to be celibate and that she should come in for immediate counseling.

This model/actress who has been a professional beard all of you would have known a decade ago even though she has never done much acting or modeling wise does have a boyfriend now. It didn't stop one of the married guys from always making sure he was seated next to her and never missed an opportunity to touch her thigh while seated next to her or to give her extra long hugs or to ask her out.

One actress who none of you will know says she joined a singles group but the leader of the singles group was one of the married men and would take turns doing activities with the single women. Those who would sleep with him would end up with expensive bags or shoes. He made several moves on our actress but when she said she wasn't interested an asked about his wife, he said that maybe she wasn't a right fit with the group.

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 6, 2019

This former A- list singer/reality star who comes from an entertainment family keeps trying to mount a comeback. I wonder if she knows her celebrity husband is the one doing his best to thwart her efforts. He likes to be the star.

Ashlee Simpson

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 6, 2019

A blind item for a specific reader. Yes, at the reunion for this classic film, it did indeed look as if the former A- list actress turned B-/C+ lister was in fact, wearing a wig.

Janeane Garofalo/Reality Bites

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 6, 2019

This A+ list mostly movie actor wanted nothing to do with the event thrown every week by the former A+ list rapper. The studio made him do it though for press for his new movie.

Brad Pitt/Kanye West service

Blind Item #8

The A list everything in her mind is tired of trailing her boyfriend everywhere he goes. Each time she doesn't though, he starts talking to other women or making plans to meet other women. It is exhausting for our A lister.

Blind Item #7

This former late night actress has always said she would never return to television. The pressure and stage fright she gets is multiplied with that much work. So, it is kind of shocking she agreed to a new show. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 6, 2019

I don't know why anyone would be shocked about the goings on at the YouTuber's party. He and his brother have been featured in this space multiple times for things they have done to women.

Jake and Logan Paul

Blind Item #6

Even though they know that last year's sabotage will be nothing compared to this season's, the alphabet network can't really do anything about the actress because her contract is huge. They would have to pay it and then find someone else and the whole thing would just be a mess. Pleasant faces for the press though.

Blind Item #5

And just like that, this former tweener turned A- list adult singer/bad actress has reunited with the guy she fell in love with last year. 

Blind Item #4

This way underage B-list YouTube celebrity is not famous for a musical or artistic talent. Very recently, she has rocketed to A-list in her corner of the internet.  This was due to media exposure of some of her racist and hateful comments.  What most people don’t know about is the other, much older male A-/B+ list social media / YouTube celebrity in his corner of the internet, who has been in personal contact with this previously described underage girl, who is barely a teen.   He is a pedophile, draws cartoons which should be considered child porn, and has even drawn these sorts of sick cartoons based on this girl. He has also drawn pornography involving his mother.

Blind Item #3

The former A+ list reality star/celebrity who people still don't really like, all but admitted that she arranged, designed and paid for her most recent engagement ring on her own. She also continues to tell everyone where it was purchased to keep her end of the deal with the company.

Blind Item #2

When you are trying to make the case you are still together, it is much better for the C list felon celebrity to not use a picture that is months old of he and his girlfriend. 

Blind Item #1

Very interesting that Kneepads took the side of a non celebrity in a divorce. Even more rare is they interviewed her. They must know something extra bad about the A- list mostly television actor from the long long long running network television show.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Blind Item #13

The actress girlfriend of this Academy Award winner who is in an acting family and not even the most famous in the family has been barred from meeting anyone in the family because she has not signed an NDA.

Blind Item #12

She used to have two great simultaneous television jobs. Now, she is going to have zero. The soon to be former A- list actress/singer does still have her Adderall habit though.

Blind Item #11

I wonder how this suddenly a celebrity because a royal has fallen for his line of crap explained the guy that lives with him. I'm guessing "roommate."

Blind Item #10

The alliterate talk show host wants you to believe one thing, but she sits at home most nights alone with no one to talk to.

Blind Item #9

The permanent A list "singer" just found out her boyfriend gets paid to be her boyfriend.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 6, 2019

So, it turns out the married producer that the former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort/reality star was hooking up with during the reality show she filmed several years ago and wouldn't discuss on the show is the one who has been in the news as of late with his more recent reality star girlfriend. The only question is whether the vehicle from before was given to the escort or if it was another mistress.

Randall Emmett/Lindsay Lohan/Lauren from Utah

Today's Blind Items - Recruiting Time

The person I spoke to compared it to college football recruiting, but with even large financial repercussions. As we speak, there is a group of tweens, teens, young adults and in some cases their parents gathering at a convention of sorts. It is small by convention standards. Probably all told there are less than 500 people attending or working it. Financially though, it is one of the largest. Consumer decisions through next Christmas are being made there right now and your fate is in the hands of the impressionable groups I just mentioned. They are all YouTube stars. Kids that have been taken out of school by their parents to make a gazillion dollars for the parents.

I guess it wouldn't shock you that when parents are involved, the companies trying to get their products to be used and in front of the kids of the parents, it is the parents that are bribed. At this convention there are any number of vices that can be used as a sweetener. Drugs? Women? Readily available. Cash in briefcases to avoid paying taxes? Right there for the taking. Just have your kid display the products because they will set the tone for what every other kid in the world wants to purchase. There are six figures in those briefcases plus more legit money on the back end.

Old enough to be traveling without a parent? Yeah, the women and drugs are going to be sent to your suite and they will stay as long as needed to make sure you do whatever it takes to get those products being opened and displayed in front of millions of eyes every single day. The swag bags put the Oscars to shame in their value. For parents there are watches and private jet rides. For kids there are meet and greet with any of their heroes or vacations. The list is endless. This group of people do this every other month or so. It is full on debauchery disguised as marketing.

Your Turn

Has anyone not been to a Blockbuster? 

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 6, 2019

Sometimes a really big check is written and everyone knows there is a settlement. So, even though no one admits anything, whoever pays is usually in the wrong. What if, as part of your payment though, you get someone to say they were in the wrong. That would be a nice way to settle a suit involving a hit show on a streaming service.

Stranger Things lawsuit

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 5, 2019

The return last night would never have been possible during the reign of this actress/writer/producer who starred on the same show forever. She made/makes you choose sides as to whether you were against the actor or with the actor. If you were/are with him, you were/are shunned by her.

Adam Sandler/Tina Fey/SNL

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 5, 2019

As I told you a few weeks ago, the media covering the Palace have now confirmed that the alliterate one and her royal companion are indeed looking for a house in Los Angeles.

Meghan Markle/Prince Harry

Blind Item #8

Apparently this former back in the day B list actress who has a unique name and voice has always been known as someone who has been into the occult. She was last seen by most of you in a hit pay cable show and she has another show which is going to do very well. Anyway, several men who have dated her says she likes to collect their semen and keep it in vials.

Blind Item #7 - A Blind Item Quiz

#1 - The name of the man arrested while traveling with the foreign born A- list actor with substance abuse issues. ______________________

#2 - The name of the formerly Instagram/barely there celebrity ex/sometime reality star ex of the man arrested in #1. _______________________

#3 - Who the woman in #2 left the man in #1 for. ______________________

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 5, 2019

Apparently this one named north of the border singer thinks track mark like bruising is what everyone wants to see when she goes out with the celebrity CEO. I do wonder if he has the same type bruising.

Grimes/Elon Musk

Blind Item #6

Pretty sure the first time this couple ever attempted to kiss each other was on the BAFTA red carpet. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes looked like they needed a room in comparison to this couple. But yeah, keep on selling that passionate marriage to us foreign born A list dual threat actor.

Blind Item #5

I'm not sure things could get more rocky in the marriage of this B+ list long time television actress an her A- list actor husband. All of you know the couple and so many more who didn't, do now.

Blind Item #4

The B+ list actress who is in a big fake relationship would probably only get "engaged," if there was a People cover involved. Why go through with the charade without maximum publicity. 

Blind Item #3

This long long long time reality star who has gone through at least a half dozen formats. Her latest has to hide her long time boyfriend, because obviously that wouldn't fit in with the scenario she is trying to sell.

Blind Item #2

For a few minutes people at a restaurant in NYC were confused. There was a barely legal teen calling this Oscar winning permanent A list mostly movie actor grandfather and then made out with him. It turns out that is just what he likes to be called by his new girlfriend. 

Blind Item #1

Apparently the members of The Club have a new assignment and the foreign born actress did her assignment over the weekend. It sure did get a lot of blowback. It will be interesting to see how the other members fulfill theirs knowing what will likely come their way.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Blind Item #13

She is one of the biggest social media stars on the planet but is having to finance most of her own media projects that involve television or streaming because no one wants to hire her. She has way too many demands and wants way too high of a salary for what she delivers outside social media. Everything she has done outside social media has been a bomb. 

Blind Item #12

This A list voice over comic actor who is B list when not doing voices hired two escorts in the spring/summer yachting capitol of the world. 

Blind Item #11

This former A list singer in a group and solo turned reality judge turned accused rapist makes women who want to hook up with him be topless at all times so they can't hide any recording devices.

Blind Item #10

Two studio executives made a bet. The bet was who could get a movie greenlit with the worst possible casting choices. Box office poison type stuff. The first studio executive managed to get what he thought would be a sure fire winner for the bet. This former A+ list mostly movie actor who is a racist, sexist woman beater starring in a Christmas movie. Had to be a winner right? Not so fast. The other executive said hold my beer and she managed to get a movie to yes with that same former A+ lister and a younger version of the former A+ lister without the religious issues but with much more racist and substance abuse issues. This is what the movie system has turned into. 

Blind Item #9

In addition to the monetary issues between the A+/A list mostly movie actor and his celebrity partner I mentioned in the past few weeks, apparently this foreign born former A+ list boy bander has also been a wedge between the famous partners too.

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 5, 2019

As I have been telling you for months, this disgraced director hasn't suffered any punishment at all for his lewd behavior. Not only was his company continuing to make money behind the scenes, but he is also moving forward with a huge payday for himself as a director.

Brett Ratner/Rush Hour 4

Today's Blind Items - The Hapless Movie - A Back In The Day Blind

Nothing real scandalous here, but maybe you sleuths will have a bit of fun guessing this one. Having said that, the consequences of this movie did do some damage to at least one career.

Let’s go back a little while shall we, we have a director who I’d consider permanent A list  (academy award winner/nominee) but would probably not be on many peoples usual suspect list. He had just released his latest movie. At the time of the movie’s release he had already been around for a long time and directed some much acclaimed movies that were in the running for the top award. One movie in particular is still a beloved classic with a terrific ensemble cast and it essentially put the director on the map. Not to mention his involvement in those movies that you all know and know well.

Anyway, our director had fallen off the radar for a number of years until he jumped at the opportunity to direct this movie which was based on a book. He still had a bit of clout in the industry and his production company managed to secure the rights to this novel and get a pretty big budget from a major studio. Perhaps this could be his comeback into the mainstream after a long absence. Along the way a permanent A+ list writer got involved in the project and partnered with the director to bring the story to the big screen. After watching the movie it’s boggles the mind wondering what they actually saw in the material. It was hardly the kind of material that both the director and the writer had much, if anything, to do with in the past. 

All things aside, shooting of the movie got under way with a number of good actors signing on for rolls, probably just to work under the A list director with a script written by the A+ list writer, based on a novel by an acclaimed author, how could they go wrong? They all did their best with the script and direction they were given but playing it serious was arguably not the way to go about the material. The director was treating the movie like he would have normally done in the past and it just didn’t weave together this time round. 

The permanent A+ list actor (academy award winner/nominee) played against type in the movie and even he couldn’t save it or bring it any credibility, but hey, he was still responsible for delivering the best line so I guess that counts for something. The B+ actor who was on a recently axed almost network show seemed to recognize the silliness of what they were doing, but he made his scenes count and chewed through the scenery like no tomorrow. His scenes were some of the more “intentionally” humorous ones and at least he seemed to enjoy himself filming them.

Eventually the movie was released and quickly became a laughing stock. I doubt that anyone in the audience was prepared for how ludicrous this film would be. It was jaw dropping how bad it was considering the caliber of the people involved. You’d be forgiven for not expecting this type of movie to come from the A list director. Looking at the credits there a number of award winning cast and crew members across the board and somehow they caught up in the net. It’s not like they did a bad job, far from it, the film is actually pretty well made on a technical level, but the story and plot make no sense what so ever. 

For those who have seen the movie I’m sure they would only remember the one aspect that when spoken out loud, would either deter people, or encourage them to watch it just to see how ridiculous it plays out. And this is coming from a movie that has one ridiculous and awkward scene
after another. Suffice to say the movie was a bomb, and it wasn’t hard to see why. It quickly fell into obscurity and was forgotten. The timing of its release was probably not going to do it any favors either, considering a major world event had just taken place that everyone knew was a bad idea, but was powerless to stop from happening. This movie channeled a few things that were going on at the time. 

Surprisingly it doesn’t appear on many “worst of all time lists” which maybe a good thing for the multiple A list talent involved. As for the director, well, he will probably always be A list considering his track record & prior achievements, but even he admitted that this film screwed his career a bunch. He had other projects that he wanted to work on but because this movie was a disaster he never got the chance to do them. It was another decade before he got a chance to direct again and he went back to his comfort zone, albeit without any major studio backing this time. That film also bombed and after that he didn’t have anything to go on, at least until not until he got another chance to be involved in the movies that made his name

Your Turn

Which did you enjoy more each year? First day of school or last day of school?

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 4, 2019

This A-/B+ list dual threat actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee was in the Caribbean doing what he does best. Hitting on every woman in the place while drinking. He also skipped out on his bill.

Cuba Gooding Jr.

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 4, 2019

This teen actor who is legal and who has millions of fans and followers on social media has been looking for a breakout adult role to shed that Disney type image she has. Apparently it is going to be in a movie which is based on a book. It will be the second movie from this series of books and involves multiple sex and nude scenes. Her fans don't know yet and everyone is unsure what the reaction will be.

Bailee Madison

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 4, 2019

This permanent A list mostly television actor who portrayed an iconic character for decades is playing favorites with who he wants to invite back for the reboot.

Kelsey Grammer/Frasier

Blind Item #8

This permanent A list model who also does reality television and acting is hooking up with a married man a couple of decades older than our model. The married man left his wife of forty years to be with the model.

Blind Item #7

Whenever this permanent A+/A list mostly movie actor has to hit the road to promote something, he tried out raising kids stories, but by the third or fourth interview he is done with it because he doesn't spend enough time with his kids to actually have any stories.

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 4, 2019

The things the boyfriend did to this former A/A- list mostly television actress is nothing compared to what she has endured her entire life from men, including those closest to her.

Hayden Panettiere

Blind Item #6

This singer all of you know says a certain network talent show is fixed to the point where the judges know the winners weeks in advance.

Blind Item #5

While filming overseas, this A-/B+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee has made not just fans in this country mad with his lies about why he can't take photos with them, but also ticking off his much more famous co-stars who think he is being awful. Apparently that guy who is by his side every second of the day and night is really nice though.

Blind Item #4

Last week while his wife was out for most of the night, this foreign born former A+ list tweener hooked up with a brunette with one of our former tweener's friends acting as an intermediary. Wanted someone who looks like his ex I guess.

Blind Item #3

Too busy using drugs to make it to this life event was the celebrity offspring of this permanent A++ lister.

Blind Item #2

The publicity people of the A list singer/sometime actress are the ones leaking that the recent split of the A+ list actor had to do with his feelings for the singer. They just can't stop trying to put them together.

Blind Item #1

The wannabe momager of this singer went house shopping this weekend looking for a place because she thinks she is going to come into some money very soon.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

May 3, 2019

This recent Bachelor winner is trying to pitch a show which would involve her traveling the world alone discovering new places to visit. So, that wedding is not going to happen then? Shocker.

Cassie Randolph

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 3, 2019

It is not so much that the members of this alliterate misspelled 90's band have made up with each other as much as they both really would like the money to be gained from touring. One of the members thinks she can do a two fer and really rack up the bucks.

Shakespears Sister/Siobhan Fahey ("Bananarama") 

Blind Item #8

This permanent A+ list singer had her ex embezzle a ton of money from her. Our singer goes on tour to make up for it and also has sponsored her life so she can be as frugal as possible. She promotes a car service who drives her everywhere for free. A meal service who sends her every meal for free. A chef service who prepares it. A housekeeping service who cleans her place. The list is endless. 

Blind Item #7

This foreign born A- list singer who once hooked up with an A- list actress long enough to get her pregnant is being investigated for having a threesome with two female teens who say he got them drunk/drugged them and they didn't consent to the sex he had with them and they had with each other. He says they just didn't want their boyfriends to find out.

Blind Item #6

In what might be one of the dumbest moves ever, this A+ list mostly movie actor hooked up with his A+/A list actress ex. Apparently she wanted to clear the air and they had lunch. Neutral ground at a restaurant she rented out which is usually closed at lunch. After they ate, the two hooked up in the private room. When I say dumbest moves ever, I am referring to each of them.

Blind Item #5

I'm not sure this former Teen Mom could be any more obvious about wanting to come back to the franchise. 

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 3, 2019

This A-/B+ list mostly movie actress who keeps doing that singing franchise was spotted with a man in Europe who is known for yachting with fairly high on the list actresses. Never models. He only is interested and wants to be seen with people he has seen on television or movies.

Brittany Snow

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 3, 2019

Although the kitchen staple name of this former A list group from back in the day makes it sound as if there are just two members, there were actually three. In that big reunion tour headlined by the band with the New Edition connection, though there will only be two members. The third was fired so the other two don't have to share the money from the tour.


Blind Items Revealed #2

May 2, 2019

Billboard Music Awards

Try to find one person last night who enjoyed their encounter with the foreign born A- list actress. Some people said it felt like she wanted her ring kissed.

Priyanka Chopra

Blind Items Revealed #1

May 2, 2019

Billboard Music Awards

"Look at my weight loss program. And it's vegan too."

A list rapper as she did lines of coke while getting ready.

Cardi B

Blind Item #4

Is anyone going to be surprised if the alliterate former actress turned A list celebrity starts selling waist trainer tea on her Instagram? I see her probably going the GOOP affiliate route though.

Blind Item #3

I'm guessing we are maybe a month away from this former get naked actress turned celebrity turned reality star turned celebrity turned reality star outing her A list ex.

Blind Item #2

This former A list NFL star who is a serial cheater spent part of this weekend cheating on his B list celebrity/lower on the list as an actress girlfriend. She should be used to it not only from him but for the serial singing cheater/beater she previously dated.

Blind Item #1

This a few more months in his teens B+ list rapper already has four or five children from four or five mothers. He also has been actively trying to get two 16 year old Instagram/singing stars with many millions of followers pregnant too.