Monday, March 03, 2008

Marion Cotillard Must Be A Coast To Coast Listener

I don't know if Coast to Coast is syndicated outside North America or not, but if you have ever been driving late at night here in the US or Canada, there is a radio show which takes seriously basically any conspiracy theory you can come up with. It is a great show, and I have a certain fondness for it because it is based here in LA. I've decided that if Marion Cotillard can't get any more work as an actress she can be a co-host of the show or one of those guests they have frequently who are breathless with anticipation because someone just saw a new footprint of Bigfoot that had never been discovered.

In an interview done about a year ago, but just re-released this week to take advantage of Marion's newfound publicity, she alleges that the 9/11 attacks were done in some kind of far reach insurance scandal because it was cheaper to knock them down then to remodel, and questions the US government's accounts of the tragedy.

“I think we’re lied to about a number of things,” Cotillard said. “We see other towers of the same kind being hit by planes. Are they burned? There was a tower, I believe it was in Spain, which burned for 24 hours. It never collapsed. None of these towers collapsed. And there (in New York), in a few minutes, the whole thing collapsed.” “It was a money-sucker because they were finished, it seems to me, by 1973, and to re-cable all that, to bring up-to-date all the technology and everything, it was a lot more expensive, that work, than destroying them,” she said.

Now, of course her publicists were all over the airwaves this weekend saying that Marion didn't mean it and she was being misquoted and it was taken out of context. Of course they didn't say those things a year ago when the interview was first published. Look, I think she's wrong, but I also like someone who doesn't always follow convention, and who has her own whacked out ideas. There are lots and lots of coverups in this world by all kinds of governments and corporations, and so I have no problem with her having her own beliefs. It is kind of refreshing.

One other statement she made which was not refuted by her publicists was her claim that men never have walked on the moon.

“Did a man really walk on the moon? I saw plenty of documentaries on it, and I really wondered. And in any case I don’t believe all they tell me, that’s for sure.”

See, the great thing about Marion is that she's still young. Give her another 10-15 years and she will come up with even better stuff, and would not be surprised to see her leading an expedition to look at crop circles or the spray that black helicopters disperse at night over corn fields where UFO's have been seen.


Anonymous said...

Sign Marion up for the remake of Capricorn One! (And lets hope they keep OJ out of it this time.)

She's still gorgeous and talented.

canadachick said...

i gotta say i never believed the moon walk either :P

captivagrl said...

i listened to the show when it was broadcasted from Art Bell's home in the desert(nevada). it would pass the time when i had to drive late at night. it was interesting. he had some big name guests that would come on and speak about some crazy stuff.

jax said...

it's not a bad theory when you think how effed up our world has become.

still love her.

The Cocoanut Grove said...

I agree with Marion in that they don't tell us the truth about everything. WMD anyone? Whether she's right about 9/11 and the moon landing, who knows.

My government (Australian) lies all the time, and we don't have one twentieth of the power and resources of yours.

Moonmaid said...

Poor Marion. Would she have been downtown on 9/11 and seen what my friends and husband saw.

Yes, buildings collapse.

Actors should always keep their mouths shut. They are not too bright, as a group.

Anonymous said...

Well I wont completely disagree with the inside job or foreknowledge theory, but for insurance purposes? As ruthless as our own country has become, I dont know that they'd skewer 6,000 lives just because they were too lazy and cheap to remodel. I mean, sure, they'll take plenty of third world country lives, but usually act as if their own are the most precious commodity on Earth. I think if they're going to do something that awful, then it would have even worse motivations behind it, such as ushering in a police state.

Having said that, I love that Coast to Coast show. Never listened to it live, but there's a bit of old legend 'round where I live, thanks to the show. Mel's Hole. People still go out and look for it. I dont know that I believe in a bottomless pit in the Cascade foothills and plateaus...but it sounds deliciously fun if it were true.

canadachick said...

when Trix said Mel's Hole - my mind went to Mel Gibson shudder...but sounds like our Oak Island up here in Canada...well other than the dead dog coming back to life part.

GammaGirl said...

I'm a little surprised that this has caused such a fracas. Have people forgotten that she's an actress? Stars say things like this all the time.

I also think that the media pounced on this and the early reports I saw definitely insinuated that she said 9/11 never happened.
I don't mean to offend anyone personally effected by 9/11, but she's one of millions of people who have questioned the events of that day.

Not gonna lie though, I wish she had criticized Bush because people would be applauding her rather than calling for her to hand over her Oscar.


jax said...

9/11 was a horrific tragedy not a sacred event...people need to remember that. we should be questioning what happened because it sure as f*ck wasn't what the gov. wants you to believe.

she was not trying to tarnish the memeories of all the people who persished so please don't turn it into that.

joe*to*hell said...

she is the wrong person to say anything, but she DOES open up discussion on verrrrry widely held beliefs about 9-11.


CarolMR said...

I guess she's been talking to Charlie Sheen and Rosie Fire-Doesn't-Melt-Steel O'Donnell.

Anonymous said...


I'd be afraid to see what THAT Mel's Hole looks like, you feel me? LOL

captivagrl said...

i want to hear some more about Mel's hole. what makes his hole so special? anyone have pictures? why hasn't he done a movie about it?

__-__=__ said...

She's great! I miss Shirley MacLaine. Knowing what I know about TX insurance I couldn't say she is completely nuts. And that's just sad. I enjoyed Coast to Coast when I lived on the left Coast.

Anonymous said...


You should have seen the Wiki article on it, a few years ago. Read like it was written by someone who actually believed the guy. But I do recall a few details, which have since been erased. I take it that the writer had listened to "Mel Waters" on the broadcasts.

Its also of interest to note that someone left a note on the discussion page, mentioning that "Mel Waters" who called in, was a fraud, and that the real one died in 1984, and was tossed into the hole per his request, and the government had taken over the hole a long time ago, as reported in the c. 1979 Tri City Herald. Makes me just mad with curiousity, but the Mel Waters on the radio had claimed that he was drugged, removed from his property, and false accusations from the FBI led to their illegal seizure of the property. So, while there are still some searches now and again, its unlikely anyone would find it, as I'm sure it'd be difficult to obtain access to it if the government does indeed have control.

A few other stories included Mel throwing a dime into the hole, and it being spit back out. The mint marking was different, as well as a few other features. Apparantly, the coins he's done this to, were stolen or for some reason or another unphotographable (if thats a word). There were claims he'd found other holes, too, one in the Mexican desert, another in Europe though I cant remember where.

Here's where it gets even weirder. I wish the original text had been preserved.

In the Washington hole, supposedly that dog was running around in the woods after his owner threw in the dead body. Apparantly, they also filled up the damn thing with garbage for years, with no consequences.

But the other ones...were supposedly different somehow. They had a metallic ring lining them that would hum and change temperature. A strange animal came out of one, a hairless sheep that puked up an eel or some shit. I'm gonna try to find the original stories, because its just too weird to describe.

Anonymous said...

OK so I checked the wiki article, and the original article author is a little upset that all his anecdotal material was erased. However, I found the transcripts of Mel's Hole call-ins.

captivagrl said...

trix- i was referring to mel gibson's hole.

jax said...

lol @ captiv.
Trix your thinking cap is on too tight it's impeding your humour.

Anonymous said...

Ah sorry~!

Jesse D said...


My father is probably one of the most level-headed and intelligent people I know, not given to wild exaggerations, bullshit stories, etc. He's worked on the space shuttle for thirty years. Not in some office, pushing papers, but actually physically touched components of it for thirty years. I was laughing off these "first man on the moon" conspiracy theories one day, and he told me not to laugh, that the whole thing was staged. We've been since, of course, but that "first landing" was b.s. - we totally lacked the technology at the time. Physically impossible, he said. He also said he would never - NEVER - get in one of those expensive "death traps, built by the lowest bidder with substandard parts".

As for 9-11, there are certainly things that our govt hasn't told us. We American sheeple have been fear-fed for so long we can't handle anyone upsetting the balance of our carefully created atmosphere. Don't question, don't question. If you're not *for* us, you're *against* us.

Anonymous said...

lol too right, Jax I just LOVE a good mystery. I have a one track mind! LOL

jax said...

jesse d- as a Canadian on the outside looking are 100% correct. for example if you look at TMZ their title for this article is "Why we hate the french"
and then goes on to slay Marion for her opinions in a really awful light.

It's funny that "Freedom of Speech" only seems to allow for American opinion.

lauramart said...

I have always been amazed at the "freedom of speech" card. It shoud really be "freedom of speech but only if you say something that the american majority believes". Look at what happened to the Dixie Chicks when they expressed their "freedom of speech" about George W.

I think that 9/11 was a horrible tragedy that took way too many innocent lives. I also think we aren't being told the whole truth. As long as people like Rosie, Charlie, Marion and many others get ostracized for having the bravery to question what they don't agree with, then the US will continue to be a nation of "sheeple" too fearful to say what they want.

YahMoBThere said...

Do you people understand what freedom of speech is? If not, try contacting someone in China or Russia, I'm sure they'll give you a heads up.

1) Mainstream media reported what Marion C. said w/o any slams to her, so why you have to go by what TMZ did is foolish.

2) Nobody is thrown in jail for speaking their mind here. THAT is freedom of speech. You don't like what someone says in exercising that freedom, you have the freedom to call for boycotts against the person or corporation. That's what freedom is about, it's not one-sided. Freedom of speech means you have the right to say what you believe, it does not mean you won't suffer any consequences by the public for what you said. You don't believe that, then think about the people who have been fired for saying something the public felt they shouldn't have said.

I don't care how warm those tinfoil hats are keeping your heads, take them off for a moment, please. ;-)

takeme2espana said...

Jax, The irony re: the US, is that there exists a contingency which truly appreciate the 'French' (for example) as well as other cultures....and do question our government. But, the majority shlep along 'grazing' whatever is set before us. The rest of the world judges us on the flock. There are aspects of this country I love...the adventurous nature, the generosity...but the sheep mentality and close-mindedness drives me NuTs!
*Jess D -wow!

YahMoBThere said...

And by the way, the headline TMZ used is their way of exercising freedom of speech, yet people here are complaining about it. See what I mean?

jax said...

whatever try living in Canada and see how shadowed we are by everything American.

I couldn't even post about another post before people were jumping on me becasue of my opinion.

People have opinions,they shouldn't be completely strung through the mud in the press for it. I commented about TMZ becasue that is what the headline is
"Why we hate the french"
How ignorant is that? Even for a gossip site.

Oh and i don't wear a tinfoil hat..i wear a "I'm not conforming to what you tell me is the truth" hat.

We vs them as always....i highly doubt if it were an American actress saying those things it would be as big of deal. oh sure she'd get thrown under the bus but it wouldn't be all pitchforks and recalling Oscars like for this.

It's been a long 8 years peeps.

jax said...

we'll have to agree to agree with me on this Twist. LOL.

happy monday *wink

YahMoBThere said...

"we'll have to agree to agree with me on this Twist."

LMFAO!!!!!!! Best line evuh.

Happy two more days 'til hump day, Jax!

captivagrl said...

more americans should travel rather than vacation. you can't appreciate what you have until you experience the alternative. watching something on tv or reading about it just isn't the same.

Anonymous said...

Just as much as its her "freedom of speech" to say what she did, its also TMZ's "freedom" to say what they did, too. Just because we have free speech, doesnt mean that everything anyone says is somehow exempt from criticism and scrutiny.

jax said...

captiv- i think no matter where you are from you wasn't until i was in my 20s travelling on my own that i really saw the differences and similarities in all of us.
maybe it should be mandatory like in Israel except instead of going into the military you get your ass on a plane. man we would be a much more enlightened world...

Anonymous said...

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and has a right to speak it. Doesnt mean that it SHOULDNT be drug through the mud. What, your opinion being debated is somehow being railroaded by the big ole USA? Freedom of speech doesnt mean exemption from criticism. If you wanna be heard and not barked down, then you need to speak up and bark louder than your challengers.

Maybe, just maybe, Jax, your culture wouldnt be so overshadowed by ours if you developed one of your own. I grew up on Canadian TV and lucky for me, there was barely a difference between that, and American TV. Except the commericals were stupider and there were more public service announcements, and all the American news was being read by an Indian.

YahMoBThere said...

Cap, I think more people in general should read global news. The fact that some guy in China is in prison because he posted negative things on a yahoo group and yahoo handed over his identity to their government is chilling. We DO have freedom of speech here, so it's a real hot button when people here criticize it.

And I really get offended when ass hat celebs visit with dictators and befriend them. They should LIVE in those countries like the rest of the people do for a year and then we'll hear what they have to bitch about.

captivagrl said...

jax - it wasn't my intention to leave anyone out. many americans have a poor attitude about what freedom means. they are ignorant when it comes to understanding other cultures. i blame: lack of a basic education, no world travel experience, and poor parenting. most of the cultural problems in the US can be traced back to these 3 things.

The Cocoanut Grove said...

I don't believe we're being told everything about 9/11 and the moon landings, amongst other things, but the conspiracy theorists really do themselves a disservice with their shonky books and websites, and the ridiculous, poorly-researched or just plain fabricated "evidence" contained therein. "Coke bottle on the moon", anyone?

I just wish they could put forward their theories without making the rest of us who might sympathise look stupid.

lauramart said...

These posts make me happy to be a part time poster/full time lurker here. You all sound like a great bunch of people that I would love to meet and talk to. If we didn't agree on something, we could respectfully disagree.

Majik said...

Oi, Trix...

2 things....number one, agree w/ you about the Police State--the one surefire way to keep the gov't's favourite lapdog, Dubya, in the Whitehouse is to have him declare martial law...I'd say that gives about 6 months of "evil terrorist" activity on US could happen. assume we Canadians have no culture because you don't see the difference between American and Canadian culture vis a vis tv programming...perhaps that's just because you are looking at us from an American viewpoint. Ask any Canadian if our culture is different from American culture and they will give you a hale and hearty "hell yeah!!!". Ask them to define it...well, that's a different story. ;o)

Honestly, I think the Canadian 'culture' is more the subtle awareness of the differences...oh, and being exceedingly polite on most occasions, of course.

YahMoBThere said...

Laura, you're sweet, but some of us respectfully disagree and others can be flaming assholes. I have a lot of respect for Jax, and we do respectfully disagree, when we disagree. Hopefully, you'll never be witness to the pitbulls because you might be disappointed.

Hey - post more, you're out of lurkdom now! ;-)

takeme2espana said...

The American 'freedom of expression' can certainly be a bad thing when travelling abroad. I must say this, basic education is available here. That is not the issue, I would say by-in-large American Schooling is very good if a family invests any time and energy at all into RECEIVING the education. Not everyone has the ability to travel, but everyone can appreciate foreign culture from their own living room and that goes to parenting. Embracing foreign culture or one that is only slightly different will broaden one's horizons. That is where we Americans fall way short. We're too short sighted to step outside the familiar...

I never realized Canadians felt that way, overshadowed, I am sorry to hear that, truly.

jax said...

Maybe, just maybe, Jax, your culture wouldnt be so overshadowed by ours if you developed one of your own.
Wow that's a really BS and naive statement coming from someone so close the border.

Sorry but that just proved my point to a T. No one can have an opinion about the US without the attack being turned on them.
Funny how conversations turn to insults in a matter of mins.

oh..and there is your difference right there.

just saying... said...

Jax- now don't go all painting us with the same brush as Trix.

I am 100% proud American and 100% disagree with Trix's approach.
Just because you are passionate and disagree doesn't mean you need to stomp your little feet and act like a toddler insulting other people.

I counted 4 really insulting and plain immature responses in your small paragraph. Not only did you insult Canada but what is that about an India man reading the news? why is that worthy of note to you?

Most of the time you are a great contributor but sometimes you act like a child who didn't get her own way and that is a shame.
We're all adults here having a debate of sorts. Your should try it sometime.

Off to make dinner for my proud American family.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MadLyb said...

Whoever this woman is, I like her.

YahMoBThere said...

Jax, don't take the comment of one person to heart, hon. Nobody else said anything like that, so most of us know better.

bionic bunny! said...

twisted, jax,
you guys know you are always targets for some reason.

bottom line: without freedom of speech NONE of us would be here. period.

can you imagine what a country like china, the former soviet union, etc., etc., would do to ent????

YahMoBThere said...

Bionic, so we've all Yes, both Jax and I have been targets, which is odd to me. I would think some of the pitbulls who go after other people for no reason would be the targets. The only time Jax and I get aggressive is when someone tears into us first. And then when we defend ourselves they get pissy. Like I've said before, I think some people are pretty fucked up here, but thankfully, the majority of posters are about the gossip and are cool. ;-)

Amber said...

Hahaha I used to love Coast to Coast.

Anonymous said...

May have sounded a little harsh of me, but damnit, I grew up on the border. I'm more than aware of the daily criticisms of American culture, from a country who has no problem then playing our music, watching our TV programs, watching our movies, etc etc. Do you guys have your own culture? Sure. Sure you guys are different from Americans. But you delight in the benefits from practically being one of us, while seperating yourselves as if you're somehow better we are. I remember that happening during the Columbine shootings. All the criticism over our gun control laws, and the acceptance of violence...and then boom whammy, it happens in Canada. I think they call that My Shit Dont Stink Syndrome.

Anonymous said...

About the Indian newscaster comment--I meant nothing by it other than B.C. happens to have loads more Indian and Asian people than practically anyone else, and I cant recall the last time I saw an Indian man on American news. Thats all. Its a little refreshing how Canadians dont care if their TV personalities have names that few can pronounce.

Majik said...

Yes, the two 'Ls' in Lloyd Robertson is difficult in our native tongue.



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