Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 6, 2015

This former A list mostly television actor who has also starred in movies is old. He is also trying to spin a story to make himself look better by telling friends that he discovered his actress wife was having an affair with the at the time A+ list mostly movie actor who broke up their marriage once before.

Robert Wagner/Natalie Wood/Warren Beatty


Kno Won Uno said...

Well, that could be verified/disputed by the still alive Warren Beatty. Should have picked a dead guy. You'd think he could come up with a better idea in 33 years.

sandybrook said...

Desperate men do desperate things.

ettacettera said...

Maybe I'm missing something, but how does the story make him look better?

david said...

On the outside looking in, I always thought Natalie's death was suspicious. Did she drunkenly fall into Catalina harbor as she was trying to get away from a stressful situation of a threesome?
Was she pushed because she was done with both Robert and Christopher Walken?
So suspicious...

Scarlett Drawl said...

Splendor in the Grass is one of my favorite movies. I always thought they should have ended up together.

Wendy said...

Because there has always been a rumor that he had something to do with her death.

Malibuborebee said...

RJ should shut his damn mouth. Natalie had a lot of friends and most of them are still alive.


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