Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 8, 2017

This much hated former A+list singer turned A-/B+ lister has regularly started taking PCP. He is also one of the few I know who has ever tried to mix it with sizzurp. Wouldn’t be surprised if he kills someone with that combination.

Chris Brown


sandybrook said...

Preferably himself.

jack said...

Soulja boy watch out

Plznothrotomato said...

Chris Brown has done some real bad stuff undoubtedly, but he experienced significant child abuse just fyi. He used to fall asleep to the sound of his step father beating his mother, and he sometimes peed the bed b/c he was too scared to go to the bathroom. He "lost his virginity" when he was 8 after having been exposed to pornography with the older kids he hung out with. The girl was 15 and he recalls it as consensual, but most people would call that rape. When I read blinds like this it just sounds like someone numbing themselves.

longtimereader said...

Yup, that sex with brown after the fight will leave him unable to walk for a week.

Barbara RiceHand said...

Well I've witnessed parental abuse first hand I don't do PCP. It haunts me but I didn't beat up Rihanna. I also didn't sleep around and contract aids. Just because he went thru those things doesn't make it ok for him to treat people badly and do drugs.

Betty said...

Lots of people have survived horrific childhoods but chose not to be defined or emulate the abuse/abusers.

Betty said...

*defined by

8====D KermitGosnellKnobjob said...

He does not need that combination in order to be violent.

Riven said...

He had my empathy until he beat the shit out of Rihanna, then cried all over for years about no one letting him be a famous singer anymore. Michael Vick paid his fucking dues. Chris Brown just cried like he was the victim. Count me as another kid who survived decades of traumatic abuse and has not and will not repeat the cycle. He's a fucking adult, act like one.

Rolf said...

exactly my thoughts.

Kate said...

Tomato... I had no idea about Chris's childhood. That saddens me and explains a lot

I ate my own head said...

BOOHOO. He's an adult. Stop looking for excuses for his violent sociopathic ways.

I ate my own head said...

It explains nothing. Lots of people survive abusive childhoods but they don't all turn into sociopathic monsters who beat women.

conor's back door man said...

I've heard from reliable music people he has AIDS and is so angry about it that he went off the rails long ago. He is determined to take people with him along the way. He won't live out 2017. He's a mess physically, mentally and spiritually. Someone put him out of his misery, why don't ya?

Arrrgh! said...

Obviously his father suffered while he was a child, so it isn't his fault either.


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