Thursday, October 11, 2012

Your Turn

If you could be politically incorrect for a day, what would you say? Do you think the world would be a better place if people could have that one day a year?


EmEyeKay said...

They do, in Florida.

Amber said...

For me it wouldn't be so much about being un-PC, it would be more about saying exactly what I'm thinking to people. I work in HR - I manage and administer benefits. I'm not a babysitter or middle school guidance counselor. It's so hard keeping it all in!

FSP said...

I'm not taking the bait.

Beth said...

This works on the assumption that people are politically correct in private.

They aren't.

Second Hand Reader said...

everyday is that day for me. i just don't care about hurting feelings that aren't there.

Anonymous said...

I would answer this question if Enty brought back the "Anonymous" posts....

Beta said...

I think it would be disaster. IMO if something needs to be said, its important, and you need stuff to change, you have to figure out how to say correctly.
For example un-PC of the kind "you look ugly in that dress" serves no one, better shut the trap.
Stuff like telling a friend you're tired of hearing them complain about the same stuff again and again, that is useful and can be said in a good way.
Bref: I believe in honesty with restraint and effective communication skills.

Unknown said...

I love to call out rude and unprofessional people. And I would stop saying "yes" to everyone.

a non a miss said...

PCU- great movie!

dizzyeggs said...

i don't approve of willingly hurting others for shits and giggles, but i would love to have a day where everything i said would not be held against me. i am long overdue to have it out with my mother and she is unstable most days and uses the most messed up things against me now. if i could afford it, i'd be in therapy now. wonder if obamacare covers it?

katsm0711 said...

I tell hilarious racial jokes to my friends of color that I wish I could share with the world.

Turkish Taffy said...

Huh? What do you mean by being politically incorrect? Do you mean being unkind, impolite and insensitive? Not something I would aspire to, not for one day, not for one minute.

katsm0711 said...

There's a difference between politically incorrect and flat out rude. I wish everyday was politically incorrect day bc it would ease our hidden tension! If u make a carefully worded unPC joke to a friend that it's aimed at, the friend will maybe? laugh and say haha I can't believe you westerners/white folks/whatever believe that but it's so not true! Then they explain the truth and because you trust your friend, you can form a more informed opinion.

auntliddy said...

if you had a day like that, prob be last day of earth, lol

auntliddy said...

I really couldnt think of anything to say! oh! dont know if this un pc, but pull up your damn pants!!! it looks so stupid!!!!!!

tara17 said...

I would take to the streets and yell out about the violence women still have to endure around the world, and how there are still starving children in 2012. I wish I knew how to make a difference without money (or yelling).

Anonymous said...

No, i dont speakie spanish. Learn how to speak english or go the fuck home.

OneGirlRevolution said...

I would say that who is allowed to have children (and when) should be regulated. Not in some China (one family, one child) way...but good lord, there are WAY too many people out there who have NO business putting children into this world.

I don't know if saying that s unPC or not.

Anonymous said...

I lived in Germany for two years. I speak english, french and german fluently. American woman who doesnt even try to learn the,language is only cute for about six weeks.

nolachickee said...

I would say my favorite curse phrase all day long - mother fucker. Oh wait, I sometimes do that anyway.

Anonymous said...

And if you hâve five Babies by five babie daddies by 21, you are a.whore. Sew that.sluthole up. Have you Never heard of Birth controll.

Seattle_Strips said...

Lola, me too! Just to be able to tell people, "You are an unfit parent and you're fucking up your kid, who in turn is probably going to make society even worse. You are what is wrong with the world. You shouldn't even be allowed to have a house plant."

Or perhaps just force them to watch 'Idiocracy,' which makes the case for me!

MadLyb said...

I've noticed a lot of people like to scoff at "Political Correctness" but then I realized that putting down being "PC" was some people's way of showing disdain for not being able to go through life being complete assholes and showing disregard for their fellow human beings with zero consequences.

"PC" is another term for having manners, consideration for your fellow human beings and not vomiting out every piece of garbage that hits your brain before it even as a chance to be fully processed. Most people stop vomiting thoughts by the time they are 4 or 5. Many do not. Some people call speaking their mind without filtering out the BS "honesty", but in many cases, it shows a significant lack of intelligence and is actually dishonest.

Someone with wisdom takes information they've received and takes time to process it using gut instinct (subconscious knowledge) along with years of knowledge and life experience.

Pogue Mahone said...

I think Political Correctness has gone too far anyway and interferes with people's freedom of expression and freedom of speech and I refuse to give in to it any day.I say what I think and I speak the truth and if people are offended,too bad. No matter what you say or do somebody will ALWAYS be offended,no matter what, no way around it.Live with it.Get over it.

Gtzisshe said...

Jesus, talk about stirring the pot Enty.

redronnie said...

that is one of the benefits of growing older, you can stand on the street corner and say exactly what is on your mind..people pass you by thinking, "That poor old thing, lost her marbles." then I wander home drink a cup of tea and find posts to comment on...;p

FalseProfit said...

Something about gays always being rude and how that behavior stems from insecurity, likely due to molestation. It's pathetic, transparent behavior.

Gtzisshe said...

Kimberly, shut you're feckin hole.
Im done with my ”un-PC” moment now.

Gtzisshe said...

Not you're.

Maya Sambora said...

I have always wanted to ask a gay person why, if you are attracted to a man do you want a man who acts like a woman, and to a lesbian why are you attracted to a woman who looks acts like a man? I am honestly curious about this phenomenon.

SusanB said...

Agree with Gitzisshe (geez - I had to look 3 times and I still don't think I spelled it right!). This is a totally inflammatory "Your turn" and although I have a few I could post, I just refuse to get involved in something so mean-spirited.

Cheryl said...

Actually, my beef is with people who think EVERYTHING is a personal violation of their civil rights. I have a lesbian cousin who is not a nice person. She thinks people hate her because she is gay, but people hate her because she is mean and hurts everyone around her. Bad things happen to everyone, Blacks, gays, straights; but EVERY bad thing that happens is not because you are Black, gay, straight.

Roman Holiday said...

Honesty is the best policy! I usually speak the truth! The truth sometimes hurts. But I will not say something if it hurts someone's feelings, that doesn't mean I still don't believe it though!!! I hate this PC shit - it just makes everyone walk on eggshells most of the time!

__-__=__ said...

My 85 year old Aunt has that handled for me. I should wear a sign on my back that says "Let it go. She's old.". I am just thankful she says "colored people" and not worse. It gets really cringeworthy some days. Still love her though and glad she's a squirrelly old gal! She does come up with things that just rattle my brain sometimes. And high-five to everyone who isn't rude to her and just smiles, nods, and goes about their merry way. Seriously, high-five!!

GladysKravitz said...

@Maya Sambora: As a lesbian who was married to a man and dated men exclusively until a few years after the divorce (out as a lesbian for 14 years now), I think I have a bit of insight into this, at least my feelings. For me, it's about balance. I am pretty feminine---I wear dresses and makeup and more so, I look at the world in a kind of conciliatory, collaborative way. My partner of ten years is more "masculine," although she doesn't look like a man. But I've mainly dated women who were more "masculine" than me. I am sexually attracted to women---I enjoy being with a woman in bed---and I also want someone who has a more forceful presence in the world than I do. What I love about women, besides the sexual attraction, is their willingness, in general, to access their emotions. It doesn't take a year to have a meaningful discussion. But primarily---for me---I'm attracted sexually to women but want to be emotionally with someone who balances me in their way of being.

And, btw, I in no way found this question offensive. I think it's a question many people have about gay men and women, and is born out of curiosity, not a desire to put gay people down.

FalseProfit said...


That was nice!

Patty said...

I believe the became afraid to refer to terrorists as terrorists. Let's call things what they actually are.

crazy/beautiful said...

Instead of brushing it off, I'd confront head-on every white person (friend or stranger) who says or does something borderline racist to me or in my presence. I'd make them listen to my explanations of why it's inappropriate that they call everything "ghetto" or start sentences with "I'm not racist, but" or judge me for having a culture that is dissimilar to theirs or talk about why they'd never have feelings for a black guy or hold me to a different standard than they hold eachother.

Merlin D. Bear said...

To the helpdesk all of our IT services got outsourced to:
Listen you cutrate wanna be tech - Get your head out of your ass and listen to what I'm telling you to do so I can get this issue resolved in 10 minutes not 8 hours. Do you understand me?
Oh wait. I did say something similar the other day...

Maya Sambora said...

Thanks @gladyskravitz , That does help me understand a bit. I'm a woman who feels sexually attracted to beautiful ultra feminine woman, and very masculine men both, obvioulsy i should have realized the answer is that we are all different.
And thanks for realizing I had no desiere to put gay people down. I am actually for everyone just being honest and live who you are. I get so annoyed with the subjects of these blinds who try to hide there sexuality... The days of living in the closet are and should be over in my opinion. I would much rather know the real you whomever you are.

crazy/beautiful said...

And I'd also say to those people who think black people are voting simply based on skin color, that that's not true. We'd happily vote (and obviously have) for a white man (or woman) just not Mittens' brand of white man. He's exactly the kind of ruthless white man that all black people secretly fear.

Sunny said...

Cats freak me out!
I don't care for cats!!

Amartel said...

"Politically correct" is not about being polite or not pointing out bad parenting. It's a term intended to mock ridiculous and counterproductive efforts to enforce what people can and cannot say and think. Bill Maher built a whole show(s) around the premise that he is "politically incorrect" (although the only thing politically incorrect about Bill Maher is his casual contempt for women; in all other ways he is as kkkorect as can be). It's better for everyone to be honest about their opinions. Having the opinion out there for all to see forces people to think about what they're saying/thinking rather than hiding out behind a facade of political correctness. If it's expressed the opinion can rise or fall on the merits.

smash said...
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Barton Fink said...

Myself, I reject the idea of "political correctness" as it's just a stupid, stupid thing that fat, ignorant scumbags on talk radio like to say to their obese, ignorant, unschooled listeners.

As you might note, I don't censor myself, nor do I expect others to. If they have ignorant race-hating or anti-gay things to say, let them say it -- and let me attack their stupidity, not their language. Stupid people should use stupid words. Otherwise, there wouldn't be a GOP network selling fake news.

Turkish Taffy said...

MadLyb, I love you!

GladysKravitz said...

Dear Barton Fink: I love you. I wish I knew your real name so I could be your Facebook friend.

e said...

I'd say that Jews have too much influence in American culture and government. They're not evil, but their interests and America's interests are not the same.

Mango said...

Yeesh, I'm not touching this one with a ten foot pole.

@ Amber - Why did I think you have your own business? Or maybe you do and administer the benes there?

redronnie said...

I love Barton Fink!!

redronnie said...

@Crazy/Beautiful just the other day a vice-president of a non-profit and I were chatting and she mentioned someone's name, I told her I was a friend, she looked at me and said,"she's not Indian." The President of board asked if I knew how to hunt moose..the last thing anyone would want to see is me armed.. especially these two..

old ;ady said...

I would stand out in front of my house and tell everyone that my ex son in law is the spawn of the Devil. I would say that he refused to help me do CPR on my Daughter. That he was dating while they were married. I would tell that he is now dating my Daughter's "best friend" and they started dating a week before she died. I would yell that the Doctors said they think he knew she was not breathing and did nothing. I would also say he has a drug problem. Also, he is mean to Dogs, was telling my Daughter that he would take her Daughter and not let her ever see her. I found out a lot of things from her real friends. Of course I would tell that he hates Blacks and Native American and doesn't want her to know her Mother's family. Evil people need to be outed and I would buy newspaper Ads to let everyone know.

smash said...

Old;ady you could have some of my money to help get more ads and billboards put up!

auntliddy said...

Hey, plenty of white people fear him too! Well, not fear him, but really dislike his smug ass atufyde that we shld be govered by him and his theoretically upper crust friends. We are just the igniorant, stupid unwashed masses that he and his cronies have to govern cause well, we's just too stooopid to do it!! Go to hell mitt!! And i hate their code lingo- 'food stamp president-( he is black, therefore familiar with food stamps, and is trying help all black people get them), someone is too new york-(jewish)- welfare queens( naturally obama encourages women to get on welfare), and the best , the 47%. Ugh!!!!

crazy/beautiful said...

@redronnie Just another day in the life...

auntliddy said...

You have GOT to kidding.

auntliddy said...

Hey, do it anyway!! Very sorry for your loss.

Saffron said...

My pc rant for the day would consist of asking Romney why he's part of such a dangerous cult. Then I would explain to him that I consider Scientology mild compared to the nonsense he and his Mormon sheep spew i.e that the Mormon God is an exalted man called "Elohim" who lives on a planet near the star-base Kolob. KOLOB???!!! Google this if you don't believe it.

Really people, the above is a super example of reality being stranger than fiction and too strange to even make up. All these religious nuts voting for Romeny are so dumb and ignorant. But then they love voting against their own best interests.

Unless you're part of the 1%(filthy rich) no one should vote for this fake.

/end of pc rant

auntliddy said...

Really, the ignirant things people say and believe are mind numbing. I had a guy explain to me that black people arent good swimmers because they have large pores that take in alot of water that hold them down in the water. He was serious.

auntliddy said...

Yeah, ive read alot about mirmans, dont trust them at all.

Unknown said...

I would probably make a speech about how not all non-whites are liberals (I'm a paleoconservative with libertarian leanings, in other words a Ron Paul type without the nutty goldbug economic theories), and those that aren't liberals are not dupes and Uncle Toms (or Uncle Tomasi in my case). I actually came to my positions via study, research and reflection, not because someone from the GOP gave me a suitcase of money.

I would also state that not all conservatives are god botherers. I'm an atheist. Not a rabid one, but I'm fairly out of the closet about my lack of belief and philosophical materialism. No gods, no spirits, no afterlife, no UFOs, etc... but if you want to believe, that's up to you.

An odd combination, in America at least. It's a long story, but it mostly derives from my Hobbesian outlook on human society and the nature of governance, as well as a belief that nature (genetics) is far more determining of one's ability than nurture (environment). In short, I could never believe in liberalism, progressivism, that whole shebang because there's an implicit idea of humans being a tabula rasa on an individual level and on the societal level, when in actuality, we're just a bunch of jumped up chimps and we ought to be cognizant of that fact we have to work with the raw materials we got, not what we wish they would be.

I return you now to your regular programming.

auntliddy said...


Sherry said...

The only thing I would do would be to reply to all 10000 people that want to respond to a company announcement to all: "Fucking reply ONLY to the person the announcement is about or the sender.Do not hit reply to all." We have close to maybe 100,000 people here and we have so many mass announcements every day.Do the math.

Sherry said...

@Auntliddy: That swimming thing actually made me guffaw..The total ignorance of people is funny if it weren't so sad.

And old;ady: We do need to get you a billboard fund..That SIL is fucking evil! We all HATE him.

katsm0711 said...

Ohhhh @sherry I feel your pain! Maybe I should steal yours on our UNpc day bc there's someone I need to tell but I feel bad. This sweet old lady from my parents church with very strong political views usually opposite of mine sends all the "forward this if you love America" or "you're my friend so forward this to 20 friends or else" well it got worse. She must have gotten a virus. One day I just decided to look at all the 100 people she forwarded to to see if I know anyone. Oh my god her virus must have pulled out some of my contacts bc I recognize 2 people that are definitely my friends only! I'm too embarrassed to say anything to anyone.

ForSure said...

I think the whole PC thing came about partially because people have let their verbal communication skills go to hell in the last 20 years or so. I think that we could say a lot of honest things to each other without being harsh if we just put more effort into being better communicators. Our national discourse, political or not, is just completely in the gutter now and very few people speak up about it. If anyone tries to address it, the response is usually 'its the internet, grow a thick skin and deal with it'. Kind of sad. Why can't we just ask each other to communicate in a more civil manner and let that be the norm on the itnernet instead?

MrWolf said...

I would go on a racial tirade to end all racial tirades!

lostathome said...

Me too!!

Bethan said...

Nah, I don't think it'd make the world a better place because there are usually very good reasons for why something is un-PC.

Like others say, you can say things in a better and more constructive way.

Amy said...

I'm right there with you Saffron. I would tell everyone what a cult the mormons are (I'm an exmo) and I would quit keeping quiet about how much I absolutely detest religion.

lostathome said...

This is just an observation, but if it's politically incorrect to say it, IDGAF. I've noticed that black people are much better drivers than other races. Hardly ever see them in wrecks, tbh.

Also, I work around 95% Hispanics, and I notice a lot of the mothers have no problem letting their young children out of their site for long periods of time. I'm talking immigrants, so someone needs to tell them about pedos. I work with a guy who's ex had a son by another guy and she would let him go blocks away on his own, 4 years old, while she was napping. Needless to say, he was abducted, raped and murdered. By someone who lived right across the alley.

I know all mothers of all races are capable of this, but maybe it's because I have been around a lot more of these women than women of my own nationality, but it's definitely something I've noticed that I never notice with Americans very often.

Chilie said...
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Chilie said...
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Lori said...

@crazy/beautiful- i'm with you! I would also like to add people who use the term "race card" and caucasians who insist that there is no raciscm, 'cause..c'mon "it's 2012 and we have a black president!" ... ummmmm, no. And people who talk about "hispanics", make assumptions about citizenship, or think it's cute to make fake spanish words by adding an -a or -o, or make fun of people for their accents or difficulty understanding a language that they are clearly trying to understand. Why do you think so many people just say they dont speak English? It's because dicks make fun of them...not that they dont want to or can't. Some speak and/or understand English very well.

Oh, before I forget, animals are not as important as people. Sorry...

Chilie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
auntliddy said...

Totally, take ut to the poice. Get a local reporter interested in doing the story, ior u write it. If he needs to be punished, i hooe u do it. If not, he will have to answer for his actions, u never will. U will have joyous reunion in the next wirld, while he burns in hell. Small comfort, but its something.

auntliddy said...

You know whats dodgey? Using a word u dont mean in any bad way, and then find out its offensive. I used the phrase 'the help' referring to myself and others who work, and many people here took huge offense when none was meant. Now i have no occaision to say the "f" word, but i had no idea it was so offensive. So its tricky when u mean no offense and inadvertently do so.

Chilie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
feraltart said...

I think there is so much hate in the world now that to encourage more is a dangerous thing.

xoApril said...

I'd slut shame. All day long.

pinch weasel said...

Many people complain about political correctness because it interferes with their desire to say racist shit.

This was a very odd post, enty.

Roman Holiday said...
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Seachica said...

I go on about MORmONism even on pc days. That cult scares me, and I don't think the Christian right has any clue who they are really voting for. I would use my anything day to moderate next weeks presidential debate, and grill Romney on blood oaths, allegiance to a senile white man in salt lake city, kolob, and polygamy in the celestial kingdom. Oh, that would be fun!

NYCGirl said...

e said...
I'd say that Jews have too much influence in American culture and government. They're not evil, but their interests and America's interests are not the same.

Gosh, yes. I mean, look at all the Jewish presidents we've had!

Alicia said...

I'm tired of the word " native American " .. My moms tribe is Spokane Indian and if you called my uncles Native American they'd laugh.. It's Indian, ok?

Also classifying everyone by race in general is remarkably stupid to me.. The term African American, Mexican American , Chinese American .. How about we are all just American? I have a friend who's from Germany who happens to be black.. I asked him if they refer to him as African German and he just laughed. Perhaps if people stopped describing people by race of origin and just referred to them as people ..example describing someone by their clothing or accessories as opposed to their race .. then continued racism would start to decline ?? I don't know but it bothers me.. How in America whites are now statistically the minority, however whenever you hear a white person being described, generally they are not referred to as " that European American over there " .. You can be in a whole room of different races but the only people being called out on their race is non-whites . Just a personal pet peeve. Coming from a white ( mostly ) girl.

doctressjulia said...

"I'd slut shame. All day long."

Well, aren't you a good little handmaiden of the patriarchy. /s

PR Princess said...

@ Lori

I disagree with the blanket term animals are not as important as people. That unethical and illogical thinking shows a serious lack of empathy. I think all your Monarch research has scrambled your brain.

katsm0711 said...

Oh god here we go...


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