Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I give Paula Abdul a lot of crap and I believe rightfully so. But, in her own way she is funny and the annoying factor only kicks in after five or six minutes. Up until then. I can handle it. Despite my love of giving her a hard time, I can't imagine what it must be like to have someone kill themselves in front of your house knowing they did it there because of you. Last night police discovered a dead body of a woman in front of Paula's home. She had apparently died of a self inflicted drug overdose. Police knew her because she had been to Paula's house often and was considered a stalker.

According to the woman's parents, the woman had an unnatural obsession with Paula Abdul. I have no idea why someone would pick Paula Abdul, but obviously this woman did and it is tragic that she could not get the help she obviously needed before she did this. I feel for her family who knew exactly where to send police when they had not heard from her, and I feel sorry for Paula who probably feels as if this is somehow her fault. I think Paula should feel fortunate that the woman decided to not seek attention in another way which would have been more harmful to others.

People Magazine posted a video of the woman from her American Idol audition. It is below if you want to see it.


KellyLynn said...

I can't imagine this as being the fault of anyone, but I can sympathize with the poor woman who probably realized she wasn't sane, but couldn't figure a way out of her illness other than death. Sometimes, even "help" can't help these people.

Molly said...

what a tragedy. it's too bad she couldn't get the help she obviously needed. i hope paula and her family can get through this painful time. they're probably all blaming themselves.

Virgo74 said...

I would not feel not ping of guilt of this if I was Paula. The woman was obviously very ill.

califblondy said...

This oughta send Paula right over the edge, if she isn't there already.

Unknown said...

This story keeps getting more bizarre...

The woman was on AI at one point.

See other stories on TMZ for more info on how obsessed she was.

califblondy said...

Should we expect a lawsuit from the family now? Apparently, the poor thing was crushed by the crappy comments she got from the judges. If every person committed suicide after receiving snark from Simon, there'd be more deaths than the Kool-Aid drinkers.

Maja With a J said...

My video-watching abilities on my work computer have been disabled...*LOL* Maybe they're trying to tell me something.

Tania said...

I remember her audition. I'd like to be able to say that I could tell she needed extra help, but honestly, she seemed no more fucked-up than many of the other weird auditionees.
Maybe it's time to rethink the freak show segment of AI...

BlahFrickinBlah said...

Watching that video and knowing how it all ends is pretty creepy. I'd have to agree with tania though. They are all out of their gourd. I stopped watching the trainwreck auditions years ago.

sauvage said...

I feel really sorry for her because it's obvious she has issues. BUT, about the auditon:

So she didn't have a musical bone in her body, but why on earth would Simon bitch about her braces? That's not even classless anymore, it's what a twelve-year-old might say to hurt a classmate. I mean, really.

slappywhyte said...

how creepy were those life-sized drawings of paula they showed? -- i almost feel like Idol contributed to this woman going over the edge


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