Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Today's Blind Items - She Is Not Letting Go

She is foreign born. Probably B- list in her own country, she is relatively unknown here. She is probably the most calculating person you will ever meet though. She set her sights on this other foreign born B list actor on a hit network television show and she got him. The fact that she had to trash the other women our actor was seeing at the same time as her doesn't matter to her. She trashed their reputations, sold stories about them to the tabloids and made sure she was the one her boyfriend picked. There was no way she was making the same mistake she made earlier in her life when she last had a chance at a big star. he was an A list all movie actor at the time and she kept him strung out out on booze, drugs and keeping him away from everyone who would ever say anything bad about her. She hooked him, but later he got out of it on a technicality and she ended up with nothing except a miscarriage. Throughout the intervening years she has tried and tried but has not been able to snag anyone else as famous until now and she does not plan on letting go. I feel so sorry for that waitress who gave the actor an extra long stare and made small talk with him because she will probably get fired to keep her away from the actor.


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Kiki said...

Jamie is being interviewed with his brilliant wife. Don’t u know she’s part of FS? Hell shes been photographed more in LA than the actual star!! Wait until the premier, I have a feeling that’s when all the over the top smiles and acting will really start!!! While i really do like Jamie this is typical...actress gets great reviews for movie, actress actually promotes said movie not personal life, actress may know script is shit, but is professional and pretends she’s excited and not to good for said movie.....actor gets all the interviews!!

Phillips Head said...

I assume you're kidding about an interview with the wife but we got an interview--with French simultaneous translation to add to the WTF factor-- with Liam Payne and he's almost as irrelevant as Millie is.

PR Cluster...

Anonymous said...

Talk about 50 shades of awkward....if the blinds on this site are true Jamie, Dakota, Rita and Millie all out to dinner tonight. Yikes...poor James is definitely getting drunk tonight. This was the only interview they did together and it was great. For those who said they didn’t have chemistry should watch this interview. Loved the hand holding...and I don’t mean the Mr and Mrs!

Phillips Head said...

Unlike one of this thread's frequent, and frequently insane, posters, I have never submitted a blind to CDaN. She specializes in fake Dornan blinds but my first one will be a Rita blind.

"Our favorite B- foreign-born singer actress whose small role in a big franchise is almost over entered into a lesbian relationship with the writer/producer of the franchise. That explains her sudden insertion into every single promotional event for the last installment of the franchise."

In other words, WTF is Rita Ora doing everywhere all the time? Find me any fan of Fifty who think "Oooh, I must go see Rita's movie."

We know EL James hates Dakota and she is a not-very-bright control freak but I can't believe she thinks she can just will Rita to happen. Shoving Rita (and Liam Payne!?) down the public's throat is a

PR Cluster...

Sophie said...

Dakota did a great job today! She was dressed in professionally stylish attire and she maintained a positive confidence in all of her interviews. At times, the focus was specifically on Jamie - and she redirected the attention to include them both as the main characters of the movies. She was able to make her point without making things awkward - and it was perfect.

It was touching when they ran a clip of Dakota as a small child on the red carpet with her mom. She reached out and grasped Jamie’s hand and held it as the film rolled. Jamie said, “ look at how sweet you were.”

And Jamie confirmed that they would see one another when they each travelled to LA and London.

Let’s see how the premiere goes tomorrow.

BBB said...

Oh stop it! Real Aunty never submitted a Blind Item and you know it, so leave her alone, you wanted her gone and went after Enty to shut the Crib down, you partially got your wish and all Aunty's comments are gone, but it was too late she's already under your skin isn't she? And all the things that were said you can't forget them. So you came back and sadly insist on this sick game pretending to be her. That's the real cluster...

And now you insist in bringing Rita Ora into the convos, like WTF! Insinuating how irrelevant she is. I'm not even her fan but the
last time I checked she's on the 3 Fifty Shades movies, so she has every right to promote them and by doing that her "career" too.

You choose to ignore the Big Elephant in the room: Millie the shadow, trying unsuccessfully to be relevant from 2015 until now, she's the irrelevant one that keeps being brought to sets, to the premières, to interviews, why is that? A PR bargain too? There must be other way to do the things that must be done, and for once be gentle and kind like a friend should be, after all she's the mother of your children.

A question was made some posts ago, why haven't you answer it?

"...If I help you, Clarice, it will be "turns" with us too. Quid pro quo. I tell you things, you tell me things. Not about this case, though. About yourself. Quid pro quo. Yes or no?
Yes or no, Clarice? Poor little Catherine is waiting..."

Anonymous said...

While I don’t always agree with everyone on this board I do agree about Ora. Yes she was in all 3 for a grand total of 10 minutes!!!
As for why is Millie there with him all the time, ummm, she is his wife! I mean didn’t you hear Jamie say that when they are 70 or 80 they w ill watch the films together?????? That right there sounds like maybe that divorce you all talk about might not be happening anytime soon. Another reason Mrs. Dornan is always there, Markus probably couldn’t be there to watch Jamie, so she had to go. Look what happened when he filmed in Prague….she won’t let that be repeated. Jamie had a good 2 weeks with the old ball and chain, I’m sure he’ll be taking a guys only golf trip soon. Wonder if his golf groupie will follow!!
We got great promo yesterday from the two stars, gasp, TOGETHER! I hope everyone holds on to that, because I feel tonight is going to be one big clusterf&ck!!!! Mrs. Dornan is going to put on a show worthy of an Academy Award, question is…..Will Mr. Dornan play along!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Phillips Head said...

How awful it would be to anticipate 35 more years of marriage to someone I consider a "ball and chain" and who thinks I need to be monitored.

Here's a blind item from Blind Gossip. Many, but not all, of the guesses were Jamie.

" This actor’s announcement of the end of his portrayal of the film character that made him famous is amusing. He’s doing it just before the next chapter of the film franchise comes out.
Remember when we told you about Daniel Craig’s “decision” about ending his portrayal of the iconic role of James Bond? Craig said, “I’d rather break this glass and slash my wrists” than play James Bond again. The producers made a big deal of searching for a replacement… only to have Craig come back after they offered him large sacks of cash!
Same situation here. Saying “I’m done!” is not a black and white decision. It is a negotiating ploy."He is disappointed that he’s not scoring the lead roles he thought he would. On [another big film] he’s not even on the top three of the call sheet. He will come back if the money is right. He’s not going to turn down a $10+ million payday!"

Negotiating ploy for what exactly? Mia's story? Rita Ora is telling anyone who'll listen "they" are thinking of doing a movie about Mia and her kidnapping. Our insane poster has accused me of being Jamie occasionally and, as Jamie, I say,

"No way in hell would I do that for less than 100 million dollars. Oh, and a really big insurance policy on the old ball and chain.
On to the premier. I can't wait to fondle Dakota's tiny waist when I think no one will notice."

Rennie said...

Well, DM had an article yesterday about Dakota and Jamie in Paris promoting FSF. Some of the comments were comical. Some wanted to know why DM didn’t mention Millie. Was it because, she and Jamie were not holding hands and you could not see her. Maybe because he stormed out the car with an angry look on his face. He left her behind so no one knows she had dinner with he and Dakota. I promise you, these are real comments. Now my comment is Jamie sure can look at Dakota and this is off screen. I’m not saying they were or are lovers, but they have a deep deep affection for each other. Millie can follow him 24 hrs a day. It’s done now.

BBB said...

Travesty Aunty please consider your message received, i'm insane OK, I can live with that, we all have our opinions in this dark weird place. Although I think that insulting a fellow poster like this is not very wise, isn't it funny that Fake Aunty has less readers/repliers than Millie, at least she has at least 7 fans...

Here's my message to you:

“I think it's easy to mistake understanding for empathy - we want empathy so badly. Maybe learning to make that distinction is part of growing up. It's hard and ugly to know somebody can understand you without even liking you.” Hannibal by T. Harris

Good luck for Jamie and Dakota at the Paris premiére finally I can see some glamour, the French know how to do it, roses everywhere, lovely isn’t it?

Anonymous said...

Looks like Jamie’s best friend and his wife (the ones that got married in Capetown) are with his wife. Question...do the have brushes in Paris??!

MZ said...

@Sandy must be why her gf suddenly isn't private on IG. It seems she did this at her wedding too. She seems to work for a fashion designer, I mean can't she hook a sista up? Yeesh. So now what happens when they premier the movie, does Millie hide in the bathroom talking trash about the movie, writer, co-star, etc. with whomever friend she brings?

Hannah J said...

And here we go again...is she or isn't she pregnant? I mean is that all these fans care about? The minute they see her stomach, they want to know. She did have two children, maybe she just hates spanx or maybe she likes to stick her stomach out on red carpets to get everyone talking. All I will say is these premier's were horrible and thankfully it's over. Hopefully everyone will go into hiding for a long time. And if by chance she is pregnant, I'm sure we'll see pictures of her again in about 6-7 months!

Sophie said...

The recurrent question to Jamie about his wife seeing the films is so ridiculous - of course she has seen the movies!
She brought their babies to the set during filming - and most of the movies can be seen on line - especially the sex scenes.

She has definitely seen the movies - that’s why she is so insecure in her marriage - and why she and Dakota have a fake friendship.

It seems that Jamie is beginning to realize just how much that he will miss Dakota. ( just an observation).

Kiki said...

One of the french reporters asked Jamie about being a sex symbol and he said it’s not something he thinks about, the reporter said like I tell the public you are married and Jamie said emphatically – EXACTLY. When I see interviews like this, I really do hope the blinds on this site are not true. Because Jamie makes himself come off like the perfect husband and how he hates being a sex symbol, blah, blah, blah because he’s a husband and father. I really would love to know, is Jamie as perfect as he makes himself sound or is he really a serial cheater???????? I just get confused with this site because no other magazine (other than Star and a website along time ago has alluded that Jamie cheats) or gossip site ever talks about Jamie cheating and no one has ever come forward.

Kiki said...

Spoiler...All you shippers might want to not watch Jamie’s interview tonight. I’m pretty sure you will all realize your ship sunk!

Anonymous said...

Part of his interview tonight......so I guess he's still married???

Jamie is married to English actress Amelia Warner whom he calls Millie.

"I knew the night I met her that I was going to marry her so I thought I just have to get a bit serious here and being serious to me wasn't to continue modelling," he says.

Meeting Millie at a Los Angeles party in February 2010 was his "epiphany moment" says Jamie, who admits that he knew who she was and had always fancied her and "knew" that they'd get along.

He says he tells her 10 times a day that her loves her and she tells him seven or eight times.

Phillips Head said...

I don’t have to wait for tonight. I know already. OMG! OMG! Jamie is in love with James Corden! I didn’t see that coming. Let’s hope Jamie influences James’s diet and not the other way around.

I kid, I kid. I’ve seen the teasers for Jamie’s interview on UTV tonight. Among the gems is his saying Dakota and Millie are besties.

Kiki, as far as the Jamie blinds go, don’t be confused by this site. The Jamie blinds here are fakes, posted by the person who posts here now as B Bitch B but who previously posted under many different names, often responding to herself. She over identifies with Dakota and “punishes” Jamie when she thinks he needs it.

If you doubt me, read her posts. The ones where she thinks I am Jamie are especially vivid in their insanity.

Phillips Head said...

One last thing. What is Millie saying to Jamie the three times he says "I love you" and she doesn't respond in kind? Some ideas:

"Phoebe's, I mean Elva's, nappy needs changing."

"Does this dress make me look pregnant?"

"How come you never help me out of the car at premiers?"

Kiki said...

@Aunty so what your saying is Jamie is devoted to his wife and never cheats. Good to know!

Phillips Head said...

I didn't say that.

I believe Jamie and Dakota fell in love but he decided to keep his family intact. He's not the first married man to make that decision and he won't be the last.

What I don't believe is that he hooked up in a golf clubhouse with some random woman, banged Rita Ora on set the day he met her, regularly visited some teenage barmaid in her parent's home or whatever else the fevered imagination of B Bitch B cooked up.

Rennie said...

I do agree with you. Jamie did fall in love with Dakota. You can see it. You can see it when he look at her. When they are in a crowd, he can’t keep his eyes off her. E.L. James make me sick the way she tries to keep them separated like they are children. James Foley saw their connection. I’m glad Jamie stayed with Millie. Dakota deserve better. Jamie has too much baggage. Chris has tons of baggage as well, but he’s divorced. I’m hoping she meet someone tender.

Phillips Head said...

Well, lookee here. Just in time to prove my point. A new anti-Jamie blind.

"Things really are bad between these two long time co-stars. I wrote a week or two ago about how they went from hating each other to liking each other and it is now back to hate. Oh, and a note to the wife of the male lead. He did find 30 minutes alone with the foreign born co-star, so your plan to keep him faithful didn't quite work out. That foreign born co-star loves to brag when she foils your plans."

Ask yourself if Jamie and Dakota looked like they "hated" each other at the premiers. And who is the only person here who sells the Rita Ora theory? Why it's our thread's resident crazy, BBitchB. So predictable.

I stand by my earlier post.

Kiki said...

So so basically you’re saying you only believe he cheated with Dakota. Yeah I’m not buying that.

Anonymous said...

Well Jamie had an epiphany when he met Millie and tells her he loves her ten times a day. He knew he was going to marry her right away. It was her eyes. Does he tell her he loves her 12 times a Day on the days he banging Rita or the waitresses or the golf groupie???

Phillips Head said...


Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. Why are you and Sandy so ready to believe blinds that make no sense?

Let's look at just the latest offering. We are supposed to believe that, in public, with 300 people (and 300 cameras), his wife, his coworkers, his producers, and his friends there, Jamie snuck off with Rita somewhere. That's hard enough to pull off. Then he didn't get a speck of lint from his velvet suit on her white Elvis jumpsuit and not a smudge on it from the janitor's closet or wherever he took her.

Jamie is either amazing or someone is making up shit about him.

Phillips Head said...

I just watched the Eammon Malley interview. Jamie came across as thoughtful and devoted to his wife and family. He blushed when he said many people in Belfast insist his father is handsomer than he is. So sweet. And he hates the moron in the White House. Kudos. Given the opportunity, I WOULD play golf with the moron--after having fitted my 7 wood with a plutonium dot.

I can see that Jamie absolutely was smitten with his wife when he first met her and early pictures of them show him looking at her with love in his eyes. We saw that look when he was with Keira and we saw that look with Dakota, especially while promoting the second movie.

I'm sure it was difficult for them and their marriage when he fell in love with Dakota but, as they did when they decided to leave social media and live in the country, they made decisions for the benefit of their family. I understand that but I also understand he may be selling himself on the idea that he loves Millie as much as he is selling us. But it's time to stop with the "I love my wife" promotional tour.

I don't for a second believe that Millie and Dakota are friends but the interview reinforced my view that there is no way Jamie is a serial cheater.

Anonymous said...

Come on Aunty are you that naive??! Not saying that Jamie cheats or doesn’t. There is no way to know that but look at all the other male actors who proclaimed to be so in love with their wives and yet cheat 24/7. And if you think something went on with him and Dakota then yes he is a cheater! And PS This is the only website that alluded to something going on between J&D??? Are you sending those in?

Sophie said...

Jamie is a devoted father and he will not do anything to jeopardize his role in the girls’ lives. He has aged a lot and hopefully matured since we first met him.
I am touched by his raw grief for his mom. He does not appear to have a religious practice, but a spiritual connection would provide him great comfort.
He might not have enjoyed academics,but he speaks and writes articulately.
Sorry, I still do not believe that Dakota and Millie are friends - and he knew Matt ( who is gay) - but those were approved sound bites.
I wish Dakota and Jamie the most success - they have great potential.

Better Angel said...

Lies and deception,
So much effort being made.
Such a sweet intoxication,
All the good left will fade.

She is gone, like the first
Silently like a gentle breeze
They run from the cursed
Are the demons pleased?

The burden of a endless nigh,
Is the price to pay.
For those who despise light,
And the coven blindly obey.

Phillips Head said...


I am not naïve, especially at interpreting body language. For instance, when I saw the last pictures of Chris Pratt and Anna Faris on the red carpet I knew they’d soon divorce. They were kissing but their eyes were flat and uninvolved with what their lips were doing.

I saw Jamie and Dakota interact and knew they were in love.
Yes, he cheated with Dakota but I make a distinction between an actual relationship and the random hook-ups many married athletes and actors engage in. You don’t have to accept this distinction.

Finally, I already said I have never submitted a blind item. My only activity on this site has been as a poster. It may or may not be true that CDaN is the only website that alluded to something going on between Jamie and Dakota and I can only remember one blind about them. It mentioned “sparks.”

@Suz Vic

I agree. Jamie is very thoughtful and articulate.

Anonymous said...

Just saw an interview where Jamie says he doesn’t look at any other women now since he’s married and he’s so massively attracted to his wife!! Come on James all men look as well as woman. I’m sure even “my wife” checks out other men. Why is he acting like he’s the second coming of Jesus because he’s married??? He tries too hard to convince everyone that he’s the perfect husband....it’s like Taylor Swift acting like she’s a down home Church girl all the while the skeletons are building up in the closet! I’m not saying he’s a horn dog but I don’t think he’s as pure as he wants everyone to believe.

Rennie said...

What’s going on with Jamie? I’ve been reading comments on DM. People are wondering why he’s promoting his marriage and not FSF. I wonder did he get caught doing something and afraid it’s going to be leaked.
Anyway, Dakota is getting wonderful reviews and Jamie not so good. How can he do a good job when your wife is on the side lines watching your every move. Hopefully, I’ll be seeing FSF this weekend. I can’t wait. I love Dakota and Jamie. They have a fan for life❤️

Anonymous said...

@rennie if he’s happily married good for him. He has two beautiful girls with his wife. But instead of promoting the god awful movie that got him recognition he promoted his marriage. Someone who need to promote his marriage so much usually is up to something shady.

Phillips Head said...

Any ideas on WHO is releasing all these behind the scenes videos that are oh-so-pro-Damie and WHY they are releasing them NOW as Jamie beats his "I'm so in love with my wife" drum?

Jamie seems universally liked by the people he's worked with but someone with access to behind the scenes footage clearly has a different agenda than he does. Or at least it seems that way.

Hannah J said...

BTS footage obviously shows that Jamie and Dakota actually got along very well and didn’t hate each other. Hey this blind is about a woman who sold stories to the media, maybe old Millie and her mom were behind the rumors that J&D hated each other. Wouldn’t be surprised. Saw the movie this weekend, Jamie’s acting was a little better, Dakota nailed it (she really did save those movies). And they both looked so much better than in the first. Movie was way too short, not sure why, since they had so much filmed.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Dakota was at Ellen’s Birthday party with Chris Martin (and his sister/ex wife was there also). I’m confused though…. the trilogy is over, is this still PR; is the divorce announcement coming soon or did Rita screw that up; did Jamie fall back in love with Millie while in France; did Rita blab to Dakota and Millie about her secret rendezvous with Jamie….all these questions, will we ever get any answers??? Friggin Rita, she ruins everything!

Sophie said...

I saw the movie and I thought that it was really good. It was abbreviated and I wonder what happened to everything- but I would not be surprised if there is a special edition DVD with lots of extra scenes. Jamie and Dakota did a great job and the movie is supposedly #1 rank in the world.

Dakota and Jamie have been working non stop and it seems that more projects are planned. I look forward to seeing them in more movies -I would love to see them together again—-their connection is the reason that I was drawn to the franchise.

Phillips Head said...

I agree Freed was rushed. Too much time on cars and "espionage" and too little time on Christian and Ana's relationship and what they do well. The "revenge" red room scene was especially disappointing--too rushed and choppily edited. It's not like the movie ran too long. They could have easily added another 14 minutes of meaningful content.

On YT, Dakota said Jamie's karaoke song would be Ginuwine's Pony, though Jamie denied knowing that song and said his karaoke song was something by Michael Jackson. Check out the lyrics to Pony. Dakota's a savvy woman. I wonder if she is telling us something by that choice.

Sophie said...

Dakota was sending a message with Ginuwine’s Pony!

I hope that Dakota is having fun with Chris - he isn’t one to get serious about. Jennifer Lawrence, Annabelle Wallis and Dakota are all about the same age and he seemed to date them during the time when they were garnering attention from their projects. He is a nice Valentines weekend date - but Dakota said that she would be working on Valentines Day. She also said that she might never get married.

MZ said...

Exactly, let Dakota date who she wants, she is young and single. Everyone is going crazy over this, but I think if something did happen while filming between J&D that is long over with. And honestly that is just unknown gossip, just like Jamie cheating with all of his co-stars, waitresses, porn stars, etc. is. Jamie seems to be settled back with his wife and Dakota is dating, like any normal 20 something woman should. While I would love to see Dakota and Jamie star in another movie together (a good one this time), I don’t think that will ever happen. It’s sad, but not too sure we will ever see Jamie and Dakota together again. People need to move on from that fantasy. For all intents and purposes Jamie is a happily married man or that’s the image he wants to portray. Me, I don’t think Jamie is a hound dog, but I also don’t think he’s as “angelic” as he makes himself out to be. But I will say seeing him in all these interviews, if he does cheat, he’s a better actor than I ever gave him credit for, but then again so are most actors/actresses. I think there are issues there, but they are Jamie’s and Amelia’s issues. I don’t’ think there marriage is as perfect as Dornan wants you to believe or the wife’s fan(s) try so hard to make it seem.

Anonymous said...

Seems like Jamie is back in LA again…..wonder since it’s not FS related if the wife flew home. I mean Jamie alone in LA can be trusted, right? I wonder if he got together with Dakota and Chris, you know since him and Dakota are BFF’s. Maybe they went to the Soho House and if the wife is still with him, maybe the went on a double date!! Or maybe that’s PR also and they all really hate each other. I’m so confused with all of this. I mean according to FS fans everything is PR to cover up the love affair between Jamie and Dakota. But now that the FS franchise is finished and Universal and the rest of them made their money, there’s no need to hide anything….hmmmmmmmmmm.

AgonyAunt said...

It's difficult to know what's true anymore. Just a jumble of seemingly coincidental events. A pap here. A blind there. Messages reverberating on social media. Random releases of BTS or promo-pics revealing another angle to a very long and increasingly boring tale of bad behavior, poor choices and lost opportunities for redemption. Terms and conditions have long been satisfied. What remains is PR-follow-the-money-merry-go-round gaslighting fanfags, erasing memories and rabbit-holing evidence that there was anything there, there. Hollywood is illusion. It's business is money laundering. And FS has served its purposes. The last four years are all the evidence one needs.

Just curious...does anyone have input to the following mysteries:
1. What happened to the Cillian-Jamie bromance?
2. What percent of female co-stars has Jamie Dornan banged? Estimates only.
3. How many "wee-bags" went missing on FS set? Cuz it seems they were short a few...
4. How did Dakota Johnson "un-glue" her triangle? Ouch!
5. Do the Dornan's keep ponies in the Cots?
6. Why does Fake-Aunty cling to my energy? Can he not LET GO of anyone?

P.S. I have it on good authority Dornan submits blinds to ENTY. Wink-wink.

Anonymous said...

@Aunty maybe I can help a little:

1. What happened to the Cillian-Jamie bromance? Cillian got tired of the pregnant pornstar from Prague calling his phone looking for Dornan. Baby had to be born by now, no??????

2. What percent of female co-stars has Jamie Dornan banged? Estimates only. According to here around 5 or 6. But the roles he’s taken now are mostly 98% male dominated. His wife has been picking out his scripts, she's getting tired following him all over.

3. How many "wee-bags" went missing on FS set? Cuz it seems they were short a few... Rumor has it Erika has a shrine to the “wee-bags” used by Dornan, but remember it is just a rumor. Apparently she had to fight Ora over them.

4. How did Dakota Johnson "un-glue" her triangle? Ouch Well this is where it gets tricky, I heard two versions. One Annette sent, via Millie, udder cream. It makes glue removal much easier. The other thing I heard is Goop came up with a magical cream “made of poo” and sent her a case. Not sure what it true and no one will verify it. I'm waiting for the DM to get back to me.

5. Do the Dornan's keep ponies in the Cots? They try but the sheep get jealous. But Jamie’s MIL has horses, don’t ya know, she posts her life on IG. And even though the Dornan’s love to be private , she gives hints to all thing Dornans (the eldest child with a horse, the whole Dornan clan singing Christmas Carols, the Dornan Dog, etc. I wonder how Big J feels about this, you know since he loves his privacy.

6. Why does Fake-Aunty cling to my energy? Can he not LET GO of anyone? Not sure about this, you might want to ask him.

As for Dornan sending in blinds, oooh is it the one about Chris Martin cheating on D with girls in his guest house??????????

Rennie said...

DM finally written the article of Jamie, Millie and Dulcie at Disney last month. They said they went on Monday, boy are they being called out. Everyone saw those pictures on Instagram last month. People are suggesting that the article is a plant because Jamie was seen playing golf on Sunday in LA. So where is the family? His PR team is slipping per the comments. They’re calling it fake news.

Phillips Head said...

How laughable.

All that effort via DM to prove Jamie is not alone in LA, with the implication that he is NOT boinking Dakota, (See, world? He's happily married!!!), and Dakota is front and center on Just Jared as being in Vancouver. Whoever went to the trouble to have Jamie time-travel via DM should have checked with Dakota's peeps.

A cover-up always means there is something to cover up.

PR clusterf...

AgonyAunt said...


Thanks so much for your helpful inputs. It's comforting to know others pay attention to the same little details which some would have us forget. Or attempt to dazzle or charm or bully the memory of 'words and deeds' right off the page. And out of the spotlight. But elephants and empaths never forget. Oh sure. We forgive slings and arrows. And are sometimes persuaded by false-hope or misplaced-kindness to look at only one side of the coin. But we never get fooled by the same con twice. Cuz shame on us. For grifters seldom change their stripes. And its hard for a grift to LET GO of a mark. It takes alot of courage and insight and grace and fortitude to escape a well-executed con. So here's to all those who not merely endure -- but prevail -- the expert grift.

P.S. I've enjoyed reading your comments. They're honest. And observant. Without an (apparent) ax to grind. Or meme to push. Cuz meme-pushers have flogged this thread relentlessly. From the get-go. Sad.

Sophie said...

The series of interviews from the premiere was interesting. Jamie is sticking to his story of devoted husband and that might be accurate today. The wife is the boss of the family, we get it. ( he didn’t say that verbatim, but it sure came across)

His career is at a pivotal point and it would be a shame for her insecurities to limit his choices for future projects. Yes, he is in LA to line up work ( he was photographed on the golf course with a director and 2 other guys). But, please let him act in some projects that we would be interested in seeing. Surely, he is receiving scripts after the $$$$ that Fifty Shades earned.

Dakota is moving on with gratitude to the Fifty Shades opportunity, but she is not looking back.

Rennie said...

@Suz Vic
You said the right words, Dakota is moving on with gratitude. Jamie not so much. Although he did an excellent job in The Fall, it’s always the last job anyone pays attention too. His reviews in FSF are awful, but it’s making a killing. I’m hoping Dakota and Jamie do well with their careers. He would be crazy to let his wife ruin his career. He saw what happened to hers. She claim she never wanted to be famous. Yea, I bet......

Phillips Head said...

The question of whether Jamie is in love with Dakota has been settled, thanks to a French cameraman who zoomed in on Jamie’s lovely eyes during his joint interview with Dakota on a French talk show. At one point, Jamie is watching Dakota speak, his face melts into a soft smile, and you can actually see his pupils dilate as he looks at her. (YT video “Damie Just a Friend to You,” minute :38) Pupil dilation is a physiological reaction of love that cannot be faked or controlled.

So Jamie is in love with Dakota. What remains to be revealed is if he’s gonna do something about it.

Phillips Head said...

...followed almost immediately by IM photos of Dakota and Chris at a Vancouver restaurant. I can't tell what their pupils are doing. The good news is Chris doesn't have on his dopey (as in the 7 dwarfs) hat.

Rennie said...


OMG, that is the cutest video. That camera man nailed it. There’s another video with them sitting on the floor. He looks at her likes he’s seeing her for the first time. This was doing the promo for FSD. If we can see it you know the wife can see it. That’s why she was a permanent fixture on set. It affected his performance. That also why Erica treated Dakota the way she did. I truly believe that Chris came at the right time. That’s why Jamie made those little slips about Dakota personal life. The only time he smiles with his wife is when he knows they are on camera, otherwise they are in two different worlds.

Phillips Head said...


"Everybody knows you love me too." That line from the song nails it too. It is also interesting that after Jamie's pupils dilate, he breaks contact with her by lowering his eyes. Breaking eye contact vertically is a classic "tell" of strong attraction.

I know the FSD promo you are talking about. They are on the floor and she is wearing the knitted red dress. Even Dakota was surprised by the intensity of his look. His longing was so powerful.

I've yet to see Chris or Dakota look at each other in any way that's close to the way Jamie and Dakota look at each other. I'm not even sure I've seen a single photo of Dakota looking directly into Chris's eyes.

As for Millie, it's unreasonable to expect Jamie's wife to just shrug, and say "oh, well," and give up because her husband has fallen in love with another woman. She's entitled to fight for her marriage but not the detriment to her children emotional security and her husband's happiness.

As for EL James, why the hell does she get to treat Dakota like shit? It's not like she has anything other than a financial stake in Jamie no matter how she might fantasize otherwise. As if... She also has a financial stake in Dakota so it's crazy to disparage her.

Sophie said...

I loved the French video. Jamie’s facial expressions reminded me of the FSD photo shoot when he looked at her so tenderly. We may have discovered the reason that Dakota and Jamie have been doing talk show appearances separately.

Sophie said...

I’m paraphrasing a couple of comments from Dakota in recent interviews...

“My grandmother taught me if I don’t want to talk about something, then I just don’t talk about it. I’ve been doing that a lot lately”.

When asked what she has learned from the experience of Fifty Shades, she responded, “ I have learned that there are different kinds of love”
To what was she referring?

Jamie and Dakota have continued to describe their special relationship as one that will last forever.

Phillips Head said...

@Suz Vic

"We may have discovered the reason that Dakota and Jamie have been doing talk show appearances separately." Yes, Jamie and Dakota aren't good at hiding their feelings for each other. I still think it is insane the producers of a freakin' love story don't want it known that the story's stars are "fond" of each other or, heaven forbid, enjoying a "different kind of love."

Speaking of "different kinds of love," I wish I'd saved a comment I saw in the Daily Mail. I can't find it now. It was from a woman who lives in the Cotswolds near the Dornans and sees them out and about. She said something like (paraphrasing) "they don't look at each other like they do on the red carpet but they do normal things with their kids." Sounds an awful lot like "co-parenting." And, since I don't think the Dornan's look at each other with much heat on the red carpet, it sounds like they are just getting on with their responsibilities. It's not how I'd like to live my life but I understand why Jamie chose that.

What I don't understand is why he thinks we can't figure out there is a disconnect between how he talks about his wife--in the Eamonn Mallie interview, for example--and how he acts with her, especially when we can easily compare it to how he acts with his co-star.

Sweet Jamie, sweet Dakota. I hope they are happy with the choices they've made.

Phillips Head said...

For those who speak Spanish, there is a new YT video on Jamie and Dakota's body language. It's called "Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan - Lenguaje Corporal y analisis carte II."

If anyone wants to translate it here, feel free. Then I'll have another excuse to avoid doing what I should be doing.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why people are going nuts because Dakota is dating Chris Martin and they are together in VC. They are both single, they can date whomever they want. People need to let go of the Jamie and Dakota are together, because there is proof everywhere they are not. Jamie is still married, probably will stay married and Dakota is now dating Chris. They all keep saying Chris looks homeless. Hate to say it but have you ever seen Jamie when he’s not dressed by a stylist? It looks like he just rolled out of bed and picked up the clothes on the floor. While I don’t think Chris is the lasting type, why shouldn’t she enjoy the now. That’s what single girls do!
I think everyone needs to let this whole Damie go, because sadly we will probably never see Jamie and Dakota together again. Were they ever really together, I don’t know. What I do know is Jamie plays the role of the loving husband, but I’m not sure I’m 100% on board with this. Does he love his wife, yes, but I think Jamie isn’t 100% accurate when he describes his marriage and what a loving and faithful husband he is. But that’s just my opinion.

Phillips Head said...


"...we will probably never see Jamie and Dakota together again." Aren't they presenting at the Academy Awards?

Regardless, even if WE never see each other again, they will see each other again. In the French interview, Jamie said they "are very close and they make the effort" to see each other. I'll bet. He chose not to add "naked" to the end of that sentence but I'll bet he thought it. They have a sexual relationship. If I owned a farm, I'd bet it on that. They have a sexual relationship because they are two (hot) adults who love each other.

I never expected the "announcement" some so breathlessly await. Had Jamie ever said the name of his second daughter out loud? He's not an announcement kind of guy.

Damie can logically coexist with Jamelia and Dakris or Dartin or whatever TF they are calling Dakota and Chris. Damie can logically coexist with any marriage or coupling Jamie and Dakota wish to maintain or pursue in the future. That would make Damie a "different kind of love," wouldn't it?

Things may have been different if Jamie and Dakota had met earlier. But they didn't and they are making the best of their situation. But that's just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

@Aunty, Jamie also makes himself out to be husband of year, soooooo people do lie in their interviews. And if Jamie doesn’t lie, then he is madly deeply in love with his wife, he tells her he loves her all day and if that is true, Jamie wouldn’t have cheated with Dakota. Thankfully you don’t own a farm, you most likely would have lost it!

Rennie said...


I am neither a Damie or Jamelia, just someone with an opinion. I’ve find an opinion is not tolerated around these parts. I could care less if Jamie and Millie live happy ever after. Jamie is no prize nor is Millie. They kind of deserve each other. Neither wants to be famous but chase after the golden egg. Both hate the Paps but have them on speed dial. This is the most hateful Fandom that I’ve ever seen. I read everywhere how awful Jamie and Millie fans are. It’s sad that so much hate is written about Jamie, Dakota and Millie. BUT THIS IS JUST MY OPINION!!!!

Sophie said...

I want Dakota to be happy and it is great that she is dating Chris. But these recent “candid” photos from Vancouver throw up red flags - they were photographed at a smoothie bar, supposedly on the same day that they were eating in a vegan restaurant- and my first impression of them holding smoothies, looking into each others’ eyes was, “wow, what a posed photo”. Everything about it was too perfect, especially the clarity and close up perspective. ( her hand is on his leg, and their faces are unobscured)
What is going on?

BBB said...

"...Damie can logically coexist with any marriage or coupling Jamie and Dakota wish to maintain or pursue in the future... " Like WTF! Dakota would be a complete fool if she accepted that kind of life, I agree that there are different kinds of love and guess what? Some are toxic, a complete waste of time, Jamie Dornan's love is a burden because he's a complete FRAUD and a player.
If he really loved Dakota he would LET HER GO, she deserves much better than him.

Sophie said...

Dakota is a young woman, but she is an old soul. She is wise enough to realize that if Jamie’s marriage broke up and she stepped in, she would be labeled a home wrecker, even if it was undeserved. She is not waiting for Jamie.

Regardless of what Jamie says about his marriage, no one really knows what their relationship is like at home. But, I get the feeling that he would never risk losing his children.

I have read interviews from Millie’s past and she comes across as a harsh narcissist. ( this may not be accurate, but she doesn’t speak to the media often). This blind was started before she ever married Jamie ( and it has never been revealed), but if it is about her, she is not beautiful on the inside.

Phillips Head said...

Aunty, here: "I'm not even sure I've seen a single photo of Dakota looking directly into Chris's eyes."

Daily Mail Headline 2 days later: "Chris Martin and Dakota Johnson Sip Smoothies and Locking Eyes..."

Suz Vic: "I get the feeling that he (Jamie) would never risk losing his children."

I get that feeling too. I'm no expert on British law. What would it take for a parent to "lose" children? Abuse, of course, but that's not the case here. And the marriage is intact.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of children...has anyone seen the new pictures of Jamie and Millie?? Let the is she or isn’t she games begin!!! Question...who gets custody of the Hammers -jJamie or Dakota?

Kiki said...

Seems the Dornans are still in LA. They’ve been there awhile, so I would like to assume both daughters are there with them since they’ve been away for close to a month. It seems Millie might be pregnant again, but then again it could be the game they always play. A month ago in London she didn’t look pregnant at all. Who knows and at this point who really cares. Jamie is still obviously with his wife (even though you have those on twitter who are still screaming divorce, it’s pretty pathetic the conspiracies they have going on) and Dakota is with Chris. I’m sure we’ll get more pap pictures on both sides. I have to say I’m shocked Millie has been in LA so long, since she hates it so much. But I guess (a) she needs to keep an eye on her husband and (b) her husband isn’t going to get any jobs from the sheep in the Cots, you need to be in LA. I’m calling it, either Jamie and Millie go into hiding for a couple of months and when they finally are pap’d again Millie will be sporting a big baby bump or we’ll keep seeing pap pictures of them until its apparent she’s not pregnant.

Phillips Head said...

A cheeky grin and his hand on Millie's belly. Cute. And just last week his pupils were dilating at the sight of Dakota. Maybe Jamie's just a man
who's in the middle of something that he doesn't really understand.

Hannah J said...

I really don’t have a feeling one way or another about Chris Martin. He’s ok looking and I like some of his songs. But I find it funny that people keep saying he looks homeless, he’s disheveled, etc., I love Jamie but honestly 95% of the time he looks disheveled and homeless also. Take those pictures last night, imo, he was kind of looking rough. I get a lot of people want Jamie and Dakota together but sometimes you just got to give up. He seems to be forging ahead with his marriage and maybe another baby is on the way. One thing I feel is that Jamie might not be the loving and loyal husband he makes himself out to be. I remember when an article came out about him flirting with the girls in Prague, another reputable website wrote they believe it because they heard some things about him. They said he’s not a horrible person but they heard when the cats away, he will play. But in the end the only person who has to put up with his cheating ways (if its true) is his wife.

AgonyAunt said...

Ahhhhhh yes. The belly-hand. To be swiftly followed by the obligatory belly-cup. I called it first.

A year ago, when GCG (now Fake-Aunty) appeared in the old Crib, it was as if he was on a mission to resuscitate Miz Millie's rep. I called it then too. It was Step One of reconciliation "terms and conditions". Now "Dornan Baby #3" is the next contract deliverable. Right on cue.

No woman worth her salt would find such an arrangement acceptable. None. If she did. Then her "fans" have been VERY mistaken about her core beliefs. Oh sure. She may always love him. Or at least she loves the IDEA of him. She loves what might have been. But she doesn't love the choices he's made. And at this point -- its IMPOSSIBLE to separate HIM from his CHOICES.

It is what it is...

Anonymous said...

Thank God Jamie bought that Mansion in the Cots, hopefully it has plenty of bedrooms for all those kids. But with more children it will be harder to follow Jamie around when he works. But as long as she keeps picking out movies for him that have no love scenes and basically no woman, they may be ok. Now if she could get rid of the waitresses (and Ora), she'll be golden!

AgonyAunt said...
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Phillips Head said...

Two delightful articles from Slate.com on our favorite movie of the moment.

Review: "Fifty Shades Freed is Basically Just Constant Boning, Which is Great”

Analysis: “Is Christian Grey Secretly a Sith Lord? Let’s Examine the Evidence.”

If only Slate.com would put forth some effort to solve the Damie conundrum...

Sophie said...

I never realized that Hollywood was such a small town...
Dakota is very involved with the cast of “Call Me By Your Name”... attending the premiere and presenting awards to Timothee at 2 awards shows, she sat with the cast at the a Golden Globes and Luca Guadagnino stated that she would be in the sequel.
This week ( she was out of town), Jamie and Millie attended the party in LA celebrating Timothee at a GQ event.

( yes, I realize that Evelyn, Jamie’s PR Rep was there, and I’m sure that she set up his attendance) but, the very next day on Instagram, Armie Hammer’s wife, Elizabeth Chambers, posted a photo of their little girl at ballet class with Dulcie

So, this is much closer than 6 degreees of separation...

Phillips Head said...

@Suz Vic @Sandy

I can't find the ballet class photo but I guess this means Jamie, not Dakota, gets custody of the Hammers.

I'm going to see Call Me by Your Name tomorrow night. Maybe after that I'll give a fig about Armie Hammer because I sure don't now.

MZ said...

I saw the picture floating around twitter, many people are saying its not Dulcie, but a friend from school. You really can’t see the childs face, just that she has blond hair and a braid. I mean why would Chambers put up a picture of the Dornan child, since the Dornans are soooooo private???? Listen it’s obvious the Dornan’s PR people call the paps (hello VC anyone), but 95% of pap pictures of any celebrity, the paps were probably called. Jamie seems to get annoyed by it, but everytime the wife seems to love it (her joker smile is something else). I wonder why the Dornans have been in LA so long, maybe Jamie needs to be there for auditions? Maybe they are finally getting some use out of their house. Waiting for the day Dakota gets pap’d flying back to LA, betcha you see pictures of the Dornan’s hightailing it back to the UK. Unless we get to see the Dornans and Dakota and Chris out on a double date (maybe the Hammers will join them too). Just think, Jamie can play his guitar, Millie can play the piano, Chris can sing and Dakota can dance around, now that would be a perfect pap shot…maybe Millie’s mom could put this sing along up on her IG too!!!! Come on PR people get on this!

Anonymous said...

I have to commend the last of the fledging “Damies” on twitter, bless their hearts. They are not giving up on the whole Jamie is divorcing. They are even going so far as to say that he’s setting up a life in LA story. Yes, the man is there with his wife (who may or not be pregnant for the 100th time), but he’s divorcing her. I don’t know who’s more stubborn, those who swear he’s leaving the wife or those we believe he has the perfect marriage and never stepped out on the wife. One of the marriage fans even went so far as to say that instead of Jamie and Dakota presenting at the Oscars (which I don’t’ think they are), they should ask Amelia and Jamie to present, because she is a star in her own right!! Are they considered naïve or delusional?

Sophie said...

Will Markus accompany them to the Academy Awards? He shows up as her escort to all red carpets.

AgonyAunt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kiki said...

Guess Jamie is the only one disgusted my social media because for the 3rd or 4th time his wife is back! Guess she hated seeing all the attention her mother was getting! It’s obvious the “talented” one in that marriage craves attention any way she can get it!

BBB said...

I was wondering since MyWife is in town and by looking at her outfits she seems to have really good taste she could help Jamie to decorate his LA home, maybe a pink sofa in the living room?

Rennie said...

Jamie and Millie out shopping at the James Perse store in West Hollywood. They must forgot that the paps hang out there. She did a wardrobe change and combed her hair. I think she’ll be ready next time. DM even have an article with Colin and his lady love all wrapped up.....It makes you go hmmmmm.....

Sophie said...

For the most recent Daily Mail article of Jamie and wife walking down the street —- Watch the video!

Phillips Head said...

As a fan of both, I sincerely hope neither Jamie nor Dakota gets custody of Armie Hammer, a laughably bad actor. Every second he was on screen in Call Me by Your Name, you could actually see him thinking "I'm on camera. Must act now." I'm surprised his performance wasn't an instant disqualifier for Best Picture but maybe his physical awesomeness--let's be honest here-- kept it in the race.

As for Jamie and his wife shopping--complete with video!-- what are we supposed to get from that? That they are madly, deliriously happy? If you say so, DM, but nothing says madly in love like drinking smoothies together, complete with hat.

Sophie said...

I’m referring to the video where the paparazzi asks Jamie if he enjoyed filming the sex scenes with Dakota.

AgonyAunt said...

Hmmmm. Perhaps "Jamie-Armie" (i.e Jarmie?) is the bromance rebound for "Jamie-Cillian" (i.e. Jamcill, rhymes with damsel, as in "distressed"...)? Cuz "Jarmie" is a MUCH better match -- talent-wise -- than "Jamcill". And Dornan looks so pretty-and-fragile next to the big-strapping-Hammer. Oh dear. It's a Hollywood fairytale fantasy!

As long as Mr. Hammer doesn't get calls from rando waitresses looking for "tips" this relationship has legs (and abs, and bums, and "D's"). It's surely more authentic (and wayyy more interesting) than others being forced upon beleaguered fanfags.


Kiki said...

Find it a bit weird that Jamie always comments about he and his family love privacy yet his wife and MIL are all of a sudden on IG sharing their lives. If this is really Millie on IG it’s obvious she wants everyone knowing where she is and what’s she’s doing. And she seems to light up on those paid pap walks. Maybe she didn’t get the memo Jamie is selling about his privacy. Also guess her tune changed about LA! It’s obvious this woman Loves and craves the spotlight. LA is more her speed with all the snakes instead of the Cots with all those damn sheeps!

Phillips Head said...

@Suz Vic

That video bothered me and made me feel sorry for Jamie. Paparazzi are really leaches, scum. They want to make money off of Jamie's image and voice and comments (which is how he makes his living after all) and they offer annoyance and rudeness in return. As bad as they are, at least the guys at the stoplights will wash your windows.


I don't know what account you are referring to. Could it really be Jamie's wife?

Sophie said...

I believe that the Instagram account is
It is her account and it’s followed by her friends

BBB said...

So, just come up for lunch what's on the menu today?

Oh! I can see Fake Aunty, is serving: poor sweet Jamie with his precious "image and voice and comments" is being annoyed by those nasty horrible paparazzi, evil creatures, bad bad hombres. I guess the agreement was just to take pictures and zero questions, this is really hilarious! Keep them coming! Go papps go! Gotta love Jamie's bitch face.

Guess what? They may be scum but you're no better than them, because you (or someone allowed by you) call them to keep trying to control your public image to keep your farce. In the end you appear so weak and fake that even the vulture's make fun of you.

“Observe the movements of the stars as if you were running their courses with them, and let your mind constantly dwell on the changes of the elements into each other. Such imaginings wash away the filth of life on the ground.”
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Hannah J said...

Apparently according to the wife's publicist (yes, I couldn't believe she had one either) she doesn't have an IG account. So either they don't know or her family and friends are being duped. Poor JDO will be devastated if it’s a fake account, he's kissing so much a$$ between her IG and her mother's IG, its quite pathetic. He acts like there his family. No 20 something male should be gushing over a wanna be singer/actress/composer and her mother. Some people believe that that Cheryl Alyson is behind it. Since she knew they were in Vegas, the dates. She knew pictures she posted were old pictures, etc. I mean everything that surrounds Mrs. Dornan always seems shady!

Phillips Head said...

@Hannah J.

Okay, I looked at that IG account out and it's not verified and it's so generic it screams fake to me--with or without Millie's publicist's (!?) seal of approval. That's a black dog, all right, and his name is Leonard. Whaaattt? Is there some other source that says Jamie and family are in Vegas or is this thing 100% made up? Maybe the account holder is just being merciful, doling out bits of Millie to the true believers and making their lives a little brighter. We live in tough times and if a picture of a book that is somehow is related to Millie gets some people through the day, then so be it.

And can someone please explain Cheryl Alyson to me? What exactly is her deal?

Hannah J said...

Apparently it is her as it was confirmed by one of her friends and then her publicist. I mean one day its not then the next it is. I just can’t believe after all the interviews Jamie just did saying they hate social media and they are so private, then not 2 weeks later, she opens her instagram account. What Jamie should have said is I am private, my wife, friends and family not so much.
Cheryl Alyson says she “knows things” things about the Dornans, then she’ll say she knows people that know things about the Dornans, but I think she follows the Dornan’s friends under other names and gets information and pictures (basically steals the pictures). She seems to get info the minute it comes out and knows when pap photo’s are going to be shown. I personally think she’s the female version of JDO and she is obsessed with the wife. I just don’t get these ladies obsessions with her. Her and all her friends remind me of mean girls. Noticed her friend that was with her at the FSF premier took off her privacy on IG, posted some pictures, then went private again. She did this at her wedding too. I feel like whenever she is going to be around Jamie, she takes her IG off private.

Phillips Head said...

If it is her, it's pretty weak sauce for an IM account. You'd think an actress/singer would be more creative.

And, oh good god! That frog-eyed French stalker JDO got a job in the UK teaching French. Jamie may want to stay in Los Angeles. If his mother-in-law had any sense (and I'm not sure she does) she'll alert the authorities in whatever school or company was crazy enough to hire him. In this day and age, I figure an employer would do some online snooping on their new employee but evidently this one didn't.

Astral W. said...

It's a deja vu all over again...time is frozen in ye 'ol crib.

Perplexing musings:

1) Was it just a coincidence the old CDaN crashed shortly before the H. Weinstein story broke? (btw, this thread was not the only one that vanished)
2) What's with D. Brunetti? Low profile these days. You know, he was K. Spacey's best "friend" for a very long, long time.
3) Why are identities being changed like musical chairs on this thread? Piff, the new aunty was more convincing as a women
before. Burn Bitch Burn is nasty no matter what name or gender. He Is out to get our Jamie and protect sweet Dakota!
4) Why did Chris M. refer to his X as a beard, and why did his X refer to Chris as a brother? Well. Well. CM has long been rumored to be gay, has he turned a corner with DJ, or is it more make believe?

Cringe worthy:

1) The way J's PR lady shadows his like he is a wayward toddle. Gee, she is always in the frame, makes him appear really dim and very dependent on others to do any heavy lifting.
2) Everything to do with FSF. Every. Thing. J and D have skin in this one. Lots of money riding on a strong box office. So it appears their memes will continue until the final cd is released in May. (note: Twilight PR: Kristin and Rob "broke up" right after the final cd was released.)
3) C á vous joint interview was a disaster. (note: Always, always, review questions before agreeing to go "live.") Gee, the show gathered together every greased-up underwear pic that Jamie wishes he had never done. Yikes. I had to close my eyes. Then the embarrassing "this is your life Dakota Johnson" videos and images. The video of a young momma Mel stating passionately she would NEVER kiss someone she didn't know on screen was a catty put down of DJ. Snobby French!
4) But the piece dé resistance of cringe was The Eamann Mallie interview. WTF. The only logical explanation is that JD is striving to crush rumors and elevate a fairytale marriage to protect all involved. But it comes across as a very maudlin sitcom. JD is not as dim as he sounds.

All this sm chatter will not bring forth anything worthwhile. Yeah. Yeah. It might be vaguely amusing to those generating it, but mostly it is a never-ending loop of teen-age angst. Who wants this type of celebrity? But memories are short, it is never too late to write a new narrative. Why not?.

Anonymous said...

I just can’t believe at this point anyone is still on the divorce train. He’s been in LA with his wife for over a month, divorced or separated people don’t spend hat much time with one another. While I personally think his wife is a fame chaser and loves the spotlight (everything Jamie says he and his family are against), I feel they have their own arrangements in this marriage. While I do believe Jamie loves her, I don’t think Jamie is the loving and most faithful husband that he stresses he is. Hey this may work for them, or maybe I’m wrong and Jamie adores her and never steps out.

AgonyAunt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AgonyAunt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Astral W. said...


The "unknown Unknowns," are the boogie men in the closet. In an era of here today, gone tomorrow, there are many wildcards. Too many leaks to plug, or, even anticipate. James Franco? Who is he? The paps or gossip rags are not the bad dudes, rather watch out for those "fake news" reporters sniffing around. Nothing like a front-page NYT story to sink the strongest PR machine.

Yeah, the heart of this never-ending saga is $$. But not its' soul. That is fired by pure stubbornness. Lots of time and tears invested and methinks someone is determined to get in the last word.

BTW, Did any other French speakers pick-up on the "cherchez la femme" comment in the c á vous (French) interview? It is a negative phrase and roughly translated means using women for profit. An interviewer said it to J, in response to his (scripted) response about how he and D are friends, blah, blah, and make a point of seeing each other in LA and London. J got flustered, lost his place, D picked up the ball, avoiding a true meltdown of scripts.

get with the program. Many divorced and separated peeps remain close when kiddos (or $$) are concerned. Divorced Friends I know once lived together for years in the same house for their kids. Believe it or not Pap walks in W. Hollywood or celebrity gatherings don't a marriage make. BTW, are you a Uni shill? I thought so.

AgonyAunt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Astral W. said...

Well, it ain't pink sneakers, or sofas either, that sunk the old crib. No, it was the broader context of child abuse, sexual manipulation, money laundering and exposing dirty little secrets of powerful peeps that wiped the slate.

'Tis the BiG Picture that needs airing out. I suspect CDaN is under new management these days. All the producers/directors/mover and shakers are out-of-here. Erasing their footprints. Sorry, won't work.

The Original Aunty aways seems to have a pulse on the inner workings of HW. Much more of an insider than many "inside" the village.

I must admit I do miss GCG's recipes, travel tales, and musical references. She had promise. But a stubborn bitch. (Tbh, I often prepare her recipes.)

The problem with this new "aunty" is she/he delegates too much. I suspect multiple posters. Which probably includes the stern PR lady, that follows J around. Yikes.

Better be careful New "Aunty," What can seem like a fun diversion might become something not so entertaining.

Sophie said...

During the Paris interviews, an English woman with a poster of Fifty Shades of Grey Paint asked Dakota why she discussed her skunk problem on a recent talk show...
Dakota answered, “Do you want me to preserve the magic or do you want me to tell you the truth?”
I wanted to hear the truth ( and I’ll bet that Dakota wanted to share it), but the interviewer deflected.

The only person connected to the project who is sharing real facts is James Foley. For one thing, he said that there was footage of Jamie full-frontal, but they did not use it. The real facts will eventually come out - but, they need to stack up as much $ as possible first.

AgonyAunt said...

“Better be careful New "Aunty," What can seem like a fun diversion might become something not so entertaining” sounds vaguely ominous. Don’t fret about little-ole-Aunty. She’s had more IC crawling up her ass and taking pics of her home than fanfags with selfie-sticks in Dakota Johnson’s Hollywood Hills hood. We live in dangerous times. And TRUTH isn’t optional. I’ve never chosen the “lessor evil”. One simply chooses to BDS whatever isn’t TRUTH. And let the devil sort out the rest.

Sigh. One might reasonably call me MANY things. But an insider isn’t amoung them. I simply use insight to SEE thru the miasma. And I surely make mistakes. It’s very hard to get facts straight. Especially when peeps work hard to keep everyone in the dark. But desperate people tend to do desperate things And make mistakes. And unscripted TRUTH is revealed in those moments.

But thank you for your concern. I’ll be careful to watch BOTH sides of the street when crossing.

BBB said...

Hum...so the cunnus caller is back with his revenge mode ON and now he's
threatening real Aunty...SMH! Fuck you! Pretentious little bitch!
Oh wait maybe you really didn't mean to say that... you must be confused, too much California sun on your pretty little head?
Ps: does you presence here means your press secretary aka dumb Fake Aunty is gone? Fingers crossed!

Astral W. said...

@ OA,

There seems to be a case, or two, of mistaken identify happening here.. Just for clarification "new" aunty is NOT you "original" aunty. The diversion comment and its' potential dangers was directed towards the "new aunty" and his/her surrogates not you. (But still good practice to watch both sides of any street!)

And I, must certainly, am not anyone other than myself, and far far away from California sun.

p.s. BTW, no actor, or anyone for that matter, owes it to others to dish up up the nitty-gritty of their personal lives.

James Foley (who looks and seems very ill, btw) has his own vested interests, that have little to do with "true" stories, and a lot to do with visions of profit margins. Dollars to donuts there will be full-frontal in the "special" FSF dvd. So what? Nothing new in wanting to squeeze out every $$$ from a franchise that has always been about exploiting fantasies.

AgonyAunt said...

“…no actor, or anyone for that matter, owes it to others to dish up the nitty-gritty of their personal lives…” is a very tired argument. Except, one presumes, those in the business of selling themselves. Including access to their personal lives. To have what some might consider a very enviable lifestyle. So. They sell themselves quite willingly in exchange for such privilege. Some may say it’s a poor trade-off. Cuz its tricky to save some corner of sanctuary in that life -- with such trade-offs -- where one might be free of burdens. Then again. They seem to revel in the attention. Do they not? As long as people LOOK at what they want them to SEE. And that's the rub. Cuz peeps tend to LOOK at things (and for things) others (with money and privilege) don’t wish them to SEE. And then pull the “I’m not obligated to share my personal life with my fans…” card. Which is rather rich. Since they call the paps to put themselves in public view. Cuz, of course, that IS the job description. And they DID cash the checks. So its rather disingenuous – or downright churlish – to claim otherwise.

To be honest. If they went away altogether. I doubt they’d be much missed. Show of hands...how many of you will miss Jennifer Lawrence? Not me. There are thousands of young actresses to take her place. Hollywood is largely driven by which actor gives the best blow jobs or has access to the best drugs or can hook-up with the richest Saudi prince or will supply the youngest children to degenerates and pedos who call the shots. And NO ONE wants to spotlight those “very personal” activities. Just ask the actor from Glee. Oh dear. Mebbe not.

Times are changing. The more transparent and authentic ones PERSONAL life, the safer one shall be when the bell tolls. Frankly. It may save ones life to be THAT actor without something to hide. The person who didn’t live a double-life. Didn't use the Hollywood bearding machine to hide less honorable activities. No one lives a PERFECT life. But imperfections don't include purposely deceiving others for personal gain. Follow-the-money isn't an excuse. It's an indictment.

Phillips Head said...

@Suz Vic

I give the "paint chip" interviewer props for at least trying to do something new but her gimmick took up too much interview time. And, yes, truth would be a refreshing change.

Will the truth out? It hasn't so far. Anyone on set knows the truth about Jamie and Dakota. It's amazing that some assistant gaffer-- say, someone in a minor position--has not sold the story of J and D's affair to the Daily Mail ( or some other salacious site) but I guess they like their Hollywood job. Foley has been cagily honest about D and J's "friendship." Brant Daugherty too but no one pays attention to him.

We may never have confirmation and uncertainty is exhausting.

Phillips Head said...

Duh. I don't know why this never occurred to me before. The below-the-line production staff on movies must have non-disclosure agreements written into their contracts. Otherwise, all of them would be talking all the time. So, "what happens on set, stays on set" is contractually protected.

Sophie said...

Yes, NDAs are in place. But during filming, little comments would come out ( unless they were made up) - one was that Jamie asked production to leave him and Dakota alone between takes of the shower scene, so that they could maintain the mood.

What I keep going back to is the desperation that Jamie’s wife seemed to show during filming - with all of the set visits and the ocean swim - in order to run interference between them and stake her claim on her husband. Jamie is the only person who has ever said that Dakota and his wife are friends - Dakota mentions his kids, but not Millie. Now that Dakota is dating Chris, Millie has a happier persona. ( maybe her happiness is due to all of the $ that her husband has earned from it) -

But, regardless of the NDA, eventually, someone will slip up and say something ( RitaOra has no filter). But, by then, who will even care?

Anonymous said...

Well it looks like the Dornans are rekindling their marriage. On a road trip to Big Sur in a 1978 mustang…ahhh romance. Be prepared for that Cheryl person who stalks all of the wife’s friends to post some pictures, that London Chatter chick, who said yesterday she was going to CA to meet up with old friends is meeting them. I’m sure she’ll be posting on her “private” account. Just amazing how Jamie criticized social media and how he and his wife keep off it and lo and behold Mrs. Dornan opens an account not even 3 weeks later so everyone care share in her happy marriage and her and Jamie’s travels through CA. Hey, maybe this is a second honeymoon for them. I always thought LA was more Mrs. Dornan’s jam than the boring old countryside in England. I mean I’m sure the paps hate having to travel all the way to the Cots to get photos of the Dornans, much easier in LA. I just can’t believe Jamie is ok with her documenting their travels (back to “privacy” he craves). Unless a month in LA has Jamie becoming an attention seeker! Guess we won’t be getting any waitress blinds, as it seems Mrs. Dornan has put the Dornan D under lock and key and cuffs. Wonder if EL James sent her them. Maybe after the Mrs. found out he was banging Ora (cause you all know Ora has a big mouth, in fact Ora was seen all over her friends Georgia’s IG account because she wears Ralph and Russo the designers that the friend works for). Maybe Ora let is slide that she’s also up close and personal with Dornan. I think its safe to say Dornans’ “aww shucks I’m just a normal Irish Lad and me and my brilliant wife just love our peace and quite” persona may not be all the truthful. Millie didn’t fight tooth and nail to bag a famous man to be stuck in the corner --- to phrase dirty dancing – Nobody buts Baby(in this case Millie) in the corner. Ooh I would love to hear the tales Colin Farrell’s sister could give us about Mrs. Dornan, I’m sure there are plenty. Well enjoy the ride peeps, I’m sure we’re in for a love story like no other….wonder if she’ll get pregnant on this trip!!! Hey who knows maybe the will eventually meet up with Chris and Dakota. Do they have a Soho House in Big Sur??????????

Kiki said...

So sweet....Millie gave Annette a book of the month club for her birthday. Annette said she's the best daughter ever. Talk about coming out with a bang. I guess their privacy went out the window once FS was over. All the wife's fans are so excited to be given a glimpse into the Dornan's life, but those are the same fans who said to respect their privacy. Apparently, its ok when its the wife, mother in law and friends who don't respect Jamie's privacy. But then again, he has to be given the ok on this. Sandy you are right, Jamie has gone Hollywood.

Phillips Head said...

Let’s see if I can do this before the coffee kicks in.

@Suz Vic

“…desperation…during filming” seems to have turned into gloating. I don’t blame Millie for wanting to hold onto Jamie but she shouldn’t crow too loudly. Hubris is unbecoming and pride goeth before the fall.

“...who will even care?” Maybe it’s better that way. If no one cares, then Dakota isn’t a “homewrecker” and Jamie isn’t a “cheater.” I still say true love mitigates those labels.


As I said before, Jamie’s not the first man to go back to his wife and children. But she should be careful with her new “aren’t we perfect?” SM enthusiasm because my guess is the larger reason he’s staying is for his daughters.

If he’s off social media, does Jamie even know what his wife is doing on IM? Will he going running back to the one who dilates his pupils when he finds out?

And Colin Farrell’s incest-adjacent sister is rumored to be the author of the original blind here but we don’t need her to reveal Millie’s character. Millie’s revealing plenty on her own.

@Kiki We don’t know for sure that Jamie’s given his okay, that he's gone Hollywood. Maybe he has. (I hope he hasn't so he'll have an excuse to go back to Dakota when he finds out Millie is telling the world his underwear size. ) If he has given Millie the SM go-ahead, maybe his marriage counselor suggested it. He’s been spewing “marriage counselor speak” in all the Freed interviews.

Phillips Head said...

P.S. Slate's "Dear Prudence" used to say that if a married couple were very lovey-dovey at a party you would know that they 1. were newly married or 2. very close to divorce. Same for renewing wedding vows--the kiss of death for a marriage. (Not that there's a reason I thought of these two things.)

BBB said...


Thank you for bringing us good news about that lovely couple, bon voyage for them, just hope the Mrs. gets to wash those horrible pink sneakers she's been wearing non stop UGH! Don't want sweet Jamie to get a cold for driving with his window open through the Big Sur, do we?

Phillips Head said...

P.P.S. I just had a horrible thought. I hope Jamie going back to his family doesn't lead Dakota to do something really stupid--like marrying a wealthy but poorly dressed musician, for example.

@ Suz Vic i never noticed before that Jamie is the only one who says Dakota and Millie are friends. I have noticed that Dakota makes a face whenever Jamie's stag weekend or his marriage comes up in joint interviews.

AgonyAunt said...

It’s surely a conundrum. You know. What DOES one do to keep ones name and face in the media whilst whoring for new roles. I wonder. Does Jamie Dornan still get stacks of scripts and roles to read? You know. Like back in the days when he was comparing his mountain of opportunities to his roommates thin pile? Those same roomies who have either been nominated or won Oscars. Tsk-tsk. Perhaps pub crawling, banging co-stars and waitresses isn’t enough. So mebbe a road-trip with #MYWIFE is just the ticket. Cuz the moment Jamie Dornan’s face disappears from DM’s celebrity column -- the vast majority of normies and fanfags say “Jamie who?”. There are no studios hiding amongst the sheep back in the Cots. So Dornan and the Misses must try to grab some attention in Hollywood whilst the grabbing is good. He tried the London route the last time. Remember. And we see where that led. To an award ceremony where the “GQ Man of the Year” didn’t show up to be handed his award by his bromance co-star. Yikes. That could have been an embarrassing moment. Good thing the media and PR swept it under the rug so quickly. Tho’ surely some peeps DID take notice. Wonder if Christopher Nolan keep lists…

AgonyAunt said...

@AstralW: Here’s what I SEE. A bunch of deluded Hollywood celebs and their “teams” doing everything to manipulate for what they want. EXCEPT. Living the TRUTH. Cuz its obvious they ALL think TRUTH is malleable. That it can be twisted and bent to get what they WANT. Without CONSEQUENCES. If Dakota and Jamie hadn't been sneaking around for the last several years -- trying to follow-the-money and being fuck-buddies on the sly -- no one would NEED to hide behind #MYBRILLANTWIFE or hire “specialists” to battle the Kabballah-Koven. Taking a stand for TRUTH is all that’s required. It’s ALL in ALL. Moral sanity isn’t negotiable. It doesn’t require lies or incantations or wearing evil-eye necklaces. It simply means ones actions are the reflection of TRUTH. NOT “your truth”. Just TRUTH. Without all the bells, whistles and gaslighting one sees in THIS saga. By the time this is “done” decent peeps will despise them all. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

Sophie said...

Do they have their little girls strapped in the backseat of that ‘78 Mustang convertible tooling up the Pacific Coast Highway? If not, where are they?

BBB said...

I must apologize for the lost bullet that hit you while I was after our old visitor with many faces he used to be a ally but sadly turned into an enemy of the Crib and his residents... In the middle of the mist it's hard to SEE
"Beware what you speak,” said the Merlin very softly, “for indeed the words we speak make shadows of what is to come, and by speaking them we bring them to pass, my king."
Marion Zimmer Bradley, The Mists of Avalon

Anonymous said...

Or it could be a husband and wife going on a road trip together!

Sophie said...

I saw a video clip of Diane Keaton on The Ellen Show and she was discussing Ellen’s birthday party. The main topic of discussion was how gorgeous that Chris Martin is and that he and Dakota are a couple. Ellen entered the conversation and asked if Diane had seen Fifty Shades Freed and what did she think about Jamie Dornan...

It occurred to me that as they spoke, photos appeared behind them of Chris, Dakota and Jamie. So this was obviously a set up conversation ( and Diane pretended to be tipsy on her branded wine). But, why was Ellen shamelessly plugging Dakota & Chris, Jamie and Fifty Shades Freed? Is she on the Fifty Shades payroll?

AgonyAunt said...

Ellen is Hollywood deep-state. Her interview with the Las Vegas shooting "hero" -- where she was feeding him answers -- should have told you all you need to know. What the hell happened in Las Vegas? I've never seen a mass-terrorism event drop off the radar quicker. Except maybe Larry Silverstein yelling "pull-it" and Building 7 tumbling down. On its footprint. Or Israeli art students being arrested by FBI, then released. Ah well. The mysteries of American Deep State. I reckon the FS franchise is an important money laundering vehicle for Hollywood Deep State right now. Considering their drug-trafficking and pedo-rings are being rolled up. Money must be tight. So old shills like Diane (aka Woody's Diane -- #METOO) are called in to shill for FS-follow-the-money-gravy-train. It's convenient when perps OUT themselves.

At least Ellen didn't drive across the border with $5bil cash-securities in her car boot...

Sophie said...

Please enlighten me on something.... it has been said that Jamie and wife will be attending the Academy Awards this weekend. He has not been announced as a presenter. And Dakota is working, so she is not expected to attend. Jamie is not a member of the Academy. Nothing associated with his projects have been nominated for an award. So why was he invited? I’m certain that they will appear on the red carpet if at all possible. Do celebrities have to be invited or do they just purchase tickets?

Astral W. said...

Yikes, I am new to this thread. But a cursory review of current posts reveals a few shills, at least 3 PR hacks, a couple of tired fangirls, and one or two posters with more than a shallow engagement with....well....anything. Yeah, just to round things out a couple of (so-called) HW insiders.

@Aunty, or more accurately PR for Jamie (Aunty), Not to be cruel, but you paint Jamie as a very wet, dull noodle who is caught in a groove, spinning forever more in a bad 1960s sitcom. Ah, where is the late departed GCG and his (oops, her) cussing, and kicking, and dig-in-his/her-heels stubbornness?

@Sandy, if you are the best shill a billion dollar franchise can materialize...well, Erika is even cheaper than I thought. Ya know we can all make-up anything we want on SM, right doll? If I write it, it must be true!!. Ah yes, like the second coming J & A are driving down that big exciting highway, happily singing show tunes together, telling each other how much they luv themselves. Marriage is such a blessing, don't you think?

@AUNTY, or THE Aunty, for there will always be just one of you. An Original. I wonder though why did you jump back onto this caravan?

@burn baby burn, you are an enigma and a tad too predictable in your defense of DJ and anger towards J. But you are also often thoughtful and smart & remind me of how complex we all are.

@curiously, I love your name; please post more often.

p.w. "THE" Aunty: many actors truly do want to, and manage to, keep their personal lives private, and are motivated by more than $$$ and TW. IMO, the very best actors don't even live in LA, or even the States. Lots happening in the world that reaffirms and uplifts. Art is not only possible it is highly likely at any given moment.

Curiously said...

Hey Astral, I’m still around, just haven’t felt the need to post in a while. Good to see new blood in the Crib. Also good to see the Original Aunty back.

Astral W. said...

p.s. s. @wait

I just now thought of you and believe this is the name you used on this thread... but memory can often alludes me. But, regardless, where are you?

As I recall, your posts were always true and timely

Phillips Head said...

@Suz Vic

I can't find reliable source material for the info that Jamie will attend the Oscars. I sheepishly confess to having repeated that here. My only excuse is that the producer of Fifty is Michael DeLuca and he is producing the Oscars as well.

If Jamie and his wife show up for the Oscars red carpet and he is not presenting then we will indeed know he has gone Hollywood. I will then add my name to the list of Millie haters. I've previously understood--if not exactly supported since I believe Jamie and Dakota are in love--her quest to hold onto her husband. Of course, last year he (and seemingly no one else on the red carpet) enjoyed the free snacks so there's that angle. The man can eat :)

Phillips Head said...

I remembered where I first saw Jamie was attending the Oscars. Somewhere on Twitter. I should have known better than to accept it on face value.

We'll see what happens.

BBB said...


You can't be "new" on this thread because your energy is familiar and you seem to remember old posters before Enty turned into the Blog version. Maybe you didn't use to post but you were here before, didn't you?

We all miss the exchanges that once occurred in here, I have many good memories of many posters and miss them dearly,the Crib was like a family and we all had different roles and many positive exchanges happened here until the chaos (CD and GCG) came. By then we were already too weak and tired of the circus, the lies and the manipulation that came upon us and many choose to leave or be silent because it became toxic...

You mentioned BBB anger against J is palpable, yes it is palpable, predictable, sometimes childish and even bizarre, don't really care, I speak from the heart with my little foreign wings. But tell me, do you think he deserves a better treatment after all he has done and keeps doing? Just look at fake Aunty posts. I'm not pleased to take this role,I often felt outlandish like an odd troll, but things were so unbalanced that I felt someone had to step in and be the unorthodox voice.

Things have changed, like @Curiously said new blood has arrived and our precious Aunty, the Original is posting again.

Maybe it's time for the Cribsters to return too.

So, once again welcome to our home.

Astral W. said...

@enigmatic BBB & even more enigmatic @(PR) Aunty

It is easy to cast stones, moralize, deflect, or attempt to create fantastical SM platitudes. The "Realty" is that there are no absolutes for any of us. And if we attempt to walk in another's shoes they never fit.

D is a lovely, smart, and determined young woman. She is very capable of taking care of herself. J, apparently, not so much so. But he is not the enemy nor the bad guy in this narrative. He is just a (highly objectified) guy who is playing out a storyline whose ending has yet to be scripted.

"Un comédien, comme tout artiste, est un explorateur," is as good a mantra as any. N'est pas?

MZ said...

Even if Jamie doesn’t attend the Oscars we’ll probably get pictures of him and his wife at Oscar parties...what better way to be seen. So what do y’all think....baggy dress, top with bow over stomach, pant suit with hubby’s arm covering your stomach as an accessory? One thing for sure that big toothy smile will be present!

AgonyAunt said...

“The dogs bark but the caravan moves on…”. Perhaps I tired of hearing dogs. It was time to re-take the caravan from thieves. Cuz it was NEVER about them. Water seeks its OWN level. And I tend to raise the bar. Where-ever I land.

TBH…there seemed to be bigger fish to fry. This saga has always been like a pet pony. I simply out-grew it for bigger and faster steeds. And ENTY gave me an out. A reprieve. A way to wipe the slate clean. But others continued to post and abuse MY LITTLE PONY. Well sir. Couldn’t let them harm and corrupt that which my energy and creativity so lovingly tended. It was evident people refused to SEE and RESPOND to TRUTH. And others co-opting my energy all over SM. A TW account here. An IG account there. All mere shadows of the ORIGINAL. Trying to hold a mirror to creative Mind. Fake-Aunty is a sad, frightened little shadow. Doing battle with “her” wasn’t interesting enough to pull me back here. But lately. OTHER forces got the juices flowing toward this thread. So here I am. And I’ve cut-off all OTHER means of communication. The reasons are clear to those who SEE. Tho’ peeps tend to SEE me everywhere. Which is rather amusing. And shows a level of stupidity which boggles the mind.

I’d rather not argue art with those who can’t distinguish ART from AESTHETICS. Tho’ to be blunt. Hollywood isn’t even aesthetically pleasing. So I’ll cede that point.

Sometimes TRUTH is revealed slowly. Other times the unraveling is rapid and confusing with string flying all over the place. It’s hard to know which end to grab. What I SEE are people who decided to play by the enemies RULES. NOT Marquis of Queensbury. Cuz when ones enemy plays by shifting and deceptive tactics, one is foolish to play by a static limited set. Sun Tsu says the way to win a war is to let the enemy fight itself. Always make the enemy SELF-CENSOR. They kill themselves by limiting their rules of engagement. Frankly, its better not to fight them at all. On any battlefield. But once the battle is waged. Use whatever means necessary to win. And “by deception, war”. There are LOTS of peeps using this motto. Against all enemies. Foreign and domestic. And allies can become enemies. And vice-versa. “Eye-for-an-eye” is the way one fights mortal evil. “Do unto others” is how we conduct ourselves with trustworthy seekers.

Keeping ones personal life from thieves is an important defense. Frankly, if I were a Hollywood celeb, I’d use every means in my arsenal to perplex and confound the enemy. Which includes confusing my friends as well. Cuz “loose lips sink ships…”.

It is what it is…

AgonyAunt said...

I never use another's shoes. Nor do I lend mine. But figuratively speaking. It's a rather poor argument when judging human behavior. Read Aristotle. There are 10,000 years of human development and moral civilization to render your argument silly at best and disingenuous at worst. And frankly, her shoes are MUCH too expensive for me to wear. And that's the rub. She is part of the "elite". And sets herself apart from rules and mores that are required of those who choose NOT to follow-the-money for deep state. And regardless of whether one thinks her lovely, smart and determined...she will be judged by her actions. Ask JLaw how its working out for her. Maybe its better to have a few honest "judgy" peeps to keep you keen. Rather than a bunch of kiss-asses blowing smoke. Idunno. Call me mad. But I'll take honest. Any day of the week.

Sophie said...

@Original Aunty - I like your message, especially the line about how the enemy limits his rules of engagement ...
I’m not referring to Millie as the enemy, but her stranglehold on Jamie is limiting1 his opportunities. If they are hanging out in LA, attending photo op parties and being papped, then their motivation may be to be seen as Hollywood types.
The best connection that Jamie has to a true Hollywood insider is Dakota Johnson, but his wife won’t allow him near her.

Astral W. said...

@ THE Aunty,

Your last paragraph. Exactly. What seems to be happening."tis what makes it intriguing and worth expending energy and spirit on.

The more one tries to unweave cloth, the more its' uniqueness is lost. Better to let it Be. Instead, send forth that which is bright and focused. Even if not fully, or even at times partially, understood.

p.s. I think it is cool, and oddly appropriate, that this 'new" thread has only times: no dates, or years, or identifiable tracers like place or names. It carries a strange cosmic signifier. The Moment. For it is all we ever truly hold. Alone. Together.

2:36 pm
somewhere in the eastern U.S.
where the witch hazel blooms
and maple trees give forth nectar

AgonyAunt said...

P.S. Those who’ve co-opted my on-line alias with elements of personal info do so at their peril. I’ve never needed a coven to do effective metaphysical work. It’s a gift. I never misuse it. Bullseye.

Astral W. said...

@THE Aunty,

p.s.your 10:29am last paragraph... is what I referenced. (Not your later post.)

p.s.s. ...you read too much into what I write. No need to kick my intellectual butt 'cause you disagree w/me. TBH, I do strive to not worship illusions, or fake gods, and certainly not 20something-year-old girls or buff wanna be movie stars.

(As an aside, my mother had hundreds of pairs of shoes. Many stilettos. (I sometimes hear their click/click ) I reacted by only owning a few pairs of shoes and have never, not ever, worn high, high heels. Mom and I have exactly the same size feet. Odd.)

AgonyAunt said...


What I said (I think) is that the enemy want to limit YOUR rules of engagement. Not theirs. He wants to hold you to YOUR rules. But always sets DIFFERENT (and more generous) rules for himself. And therefore you box yourself in to self-censure.

Otherwise, I don't pay attention to the Dornan's these days. Their comings and goings are boring. It's all so stilted. One only looks to see what gaff one or the other makes. And they seldom disappoint. I wouldn't take the job of their agent for all the pink sofa's in England. And there are tonnes of them. I'd be the fucking QUEEN of the pink sofa market.

What REAL work has either AW or JD rustled-up from all their walking and smirking and tunny patting and kiddie parties around West Hollywood? He's got some TV gig. What else? If this entire bullshit farce is Follow-the-money driven -- then lets see some fucking work to show for it. Otherwise. What's the point?

Christ. He gets better FREE advice here than all the idiot PR he and #MYBRILLIANTWIFE hire which simply drains his bank account. I thought he was an Irish lad. I thought they knew how to squeeze their pennies. Or must one be Scots or Welsh to get the thifty-DNA. Good lord. These people are pathetic.

AgonyAunt said...

By the way. When are the Brits gonna brexit? And leave those gawddamn orangemen to get fucked by the rest of EU. It's the fucking Ulster-Scots that got the US into every gawddamn war for the past 200+ years. And I've never met a fratboi who WASN'T scots-irish. Fucking Appalachia.

Northern Ireland doesn't SEND THEIR BEST.

MZ said...

Hey you guys did y’all know The Dornans are on a road trip??? Ms. Millie wants you to know! Wonder does her husband have to approve of her posts or is it like the shower pictures she “accidentally” posted..oops...to let everyone know he was hers.

AgonyAunt said...

Good gawd Mazie. Is this the sum total of your contribution? Really? Who the fuck cares if they're on a roadtrip or not? Honestly. Can you imagine ANYTHING more boring than to be stuck in a car as PRISONER headed to Nowheresville with Millie? Please bring some actual gossip or bants next time you post. Otherwise I'll leave again. Which will make for an even duller party...

Phillips Head said...

@Mazie Bee

I'm still not certain that account belongs to Amelia Dornan. First, @awarnermusic is an awkward name for an IM account. Second, there is no "verified" check mark on the account. Third, those pictures are generic enough that they could be anybody's. A link to her music website make it seem official but anyone can post a link.

Who said this this was Millie's account again? Her Twitter stans? The Fifty Shades franchise has unleashed a lot of crazies and there is a lot of misinformation floating around out there. Plus, there's been nothing in the Daily Mail about this road trip and Amelia's publicity team loves to feed the DM information about how "loved-up" (their words) the Dornans are.

To me, the jury is still out on that account.

AgonyAunt said...

The last place you want to be when someone drives you fucking nuts is in a car. On a long drive. I can't get my kids to drive ANYWHERE with me. They're wise to my tricks. Cuz, like my mother before me, I use it as a means to capture their attention. It's one of the most egregious female tricks. And men are WISE to it. They always have buffers. Trust me. Jamie Dornan doesn't go anywhere with Millie without a buffer.

I don't know why you people focus on this shit. As if ANYONE involved is actually ENJOYING themselves. Even couples who get along well HATE these kinds of trips.

Give these people some fucking space. What happens between them happens. You won't make it better or worse. It is what it is. If you have any influence, get the poor guy a REAL role in some BIG movie so he doesn't have to be papped looking miserable all the time. Christ.

AgonyAunt said...

@Aunty: Who the actual FUCK are you??? What happened to the OLD FAKE-Aunty? The one with spunk? Cuz you're a total embarrassment. And waste of post space. Tell the other Aunty to man-up and fight his own battles. Rather than send the hired skirts in to do his dirty work. Christ.

AgonyAunt said...

Hey. Aunty-boy. Lemme give ya a wee bit of advice. #MYBRILLIANTWIFE sucks all the pretty out of you. Honestly. All I see is the lazy-eye and receding hairline. It may sound harsh. But it is what it is.

Dakota Johnson has one VERY strong power. She can make even the homeliest guy look sexy next to her. So its no big task for her to make a good-looking guy BETTER. Millie drains you son. She makes you look much older than you are. And its the kiss-of-death in Hollywood.

If Johnson won't play by your rules...mebbe switch back to waitresses. Cuz AW is killing your best shot at leveraging the FS gravy-train. Sad your agents won't give you GOOD advice lad.

MZ said...

@originalsunty don’t let the door hit you..

Rennie said...

I’ve never been an Damie because I respect marriage. Jamie has too much baggage. I truly believe that he and Millie deserve each other. I do believe Jamie has a thing for Dakota. I’ve been reading everything you’ve said. I do agree. AW suck the life out of him. I read a comment about on Instagram, someone said one of J eyes look strange every time he is with AW. I made a comment myself on DM which they did not print. I wrote that J was responsible for this fairy tale and now people wanted to see it played out.

AgonyAunt said...

@Mazie: Didn't Uni tell you not to tug on supermans cape, hon? Sad.

@Rennie: Whatevah. She's a big girl. She can make her own decisions. She doesn't look like she's pining away. If anyone squeezes a career outta this mess, I reckon it's her. Tho TBH a pox on ALL their houses for the fucking FSOG bullshit. They all should die of shame.

Ho hum. More tats all around. Eh....

Anonymous said...

Oh Children let’s play nice. Why don’t we all calm down. Why don’t you all go over to Millie’s mother’s IG account...you’ll see horses frolicking in the snow, cats and dogs getting along. You may even hear Jamie and his family singing Christmas carols, it will sooth all your souls. If that doesn’t work try rubbing udder cream all over yourself...a little birdy told me it’s a miracle cream!

Phillips Head said...

Mark your calendars! May 18 is the premier of The Book Club. "Older women’s lives are turned upside down to hilarious ends when their book club tackles the infamous Fifty Shades of Grey." Starring, among others, Dakota Johnson’s father, Don. We have to assume pathos , as well as hilarity, will ensue and excellent plastic surgery will be on display. Since Dakota’s daddy is in this, dare we hope D and J have cameos?

@ Mazie Bee “Don’t let the door…”

Just ignore the poor thing. OA (Orange Anus:) isn’t going anywhere. She’s mentally ill and her medications must be off. She’s also Burn Bitch Burn, Astral W, Curiously, Enigma—it’s simple to spot her deranged writing style so I don’t even read her posts. She is also the source of the Dornan cheating blinds. She deserves our sympathy. I doubt she can hold a job or has any life outside of CDaN. It’s entirely possible she is institutionalized.


I know you are a great fan of Dakota. Me too. I think she and Jamie are in love and I think “caring” (Jamie’s word for her) Dakota has enough room in her heart to love Jamie’s two little girls. He has baggage for sure but if (and it doesn’t look like he’s planning to) Jamie leaves Amelia then he carrying exactly the same amount of baggage as Chris Martin—two kids and an ex-wife. Do you like Chris for Dakota? Regardless, I hope Dakota can build a life with a man she truly loves. And if that man isn’t Jamie, I think Jamie will always regret it.


I always play nice. Talk to the bi-polar brats in the head of OA (Orange Anus:).

Sophie said...

Gossip Update...
Millie’s bestie, Kelly Eastwood of The London Chatter, has arrived in LA for a business trip. She came a few days early to see friends and she is staying in a large suite at a funky hotel in Venice Beach. On Instagram story she toured her suite and showed the second bedroom, where a friend was going to come and stay with her but was whisked away on a last minute trip ( could that be Mrs Dornan ?)

A list of attendees to the Academy Awards came out and Dakota and Jamie are listed. So get ready for Millie’s ensemble - it is always the most entertaining part of the red carpet ( I must be in a mean girl mood today)

Today is Chris Martin’s Birthday - and Dakota is back in LA

Phillips Head said...

@Suz Vic

Why would Millie be staying in a hotel with Kelly Eastwood if she and Jamie have a house in LA? God, I get sick of these PR machinations.

And now Chris is in his "early 40s." Way too old for lovely young Dakota.

Is the "list" you referred to the one on Twitter, the handbook news? What the hell is that? I checked deadline.com but they had nothing. (There was a time when I checked actual news first thing in the morning. Sigh. )

Anonymous said...

TLC person did write to Millie on IG see you guys soon. They are having horrible Weather in CA right now -a lot of rain- so I am assuming J&A went on this road trip awhile ago. He’ll it could even be pics from their honeymoon. Millie is sneaky that way (can anyone say naked Jamie in the shower pics). Anywho I’m sure Millie won’t miss all the parties this weekend. That list of the presenters is from last year. It doesn’t seem J or D will be there this year...but I’m sure we’ll get pictures. Hey maybe J & D will go to the same parties with their significant others

AgonyAunt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AgonyAunt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rennie said...


I’m not a big fan of Chris Martin or his music. He has too much baggage as well. If I had to choose, it would be Jamie. It something about Millie that I just can’t put my finger on. I’m not sure what it is. I’ve read her old interviews. Her vibe is so strong that comes off the page. I’m hoping Dakota fall in love with someone close to her age. She’ll make a wonderful mother.

I do believe that you have to be a member of the Academy or invited to attend. Dakota is member and Jamie isn’t , but that trilogy has made tons of money. You can buy tickets to those parties if you can afford it.

BBB said...

Poor little Dumb Fake Aunty is doing her best, behind her desk she's following orders, such a shitty job... at least I get to choose what I write in my posts and don't have a memo to follow BITCH!

I was wondering (yeah I kind of have a dirty mind) since Dumb Fake Aunty is so committed to her "job" and even comes with insults this time (I bet your master will be pleased Eh? - WINK WINK) you deserve a raise, or a tip bigger than 1000$, what you say? Or you just wish he would bang you like he does with those waitresses?

p.s: Listen don't embarrass yourself going after Original Aunty, she's way out of your league, you are not remotely skilled enough to fight her.

Stick to the program!

Astral W. said...

@ PR Aunty,

For your information, Astral w. is most decidedly not THE Aunty, Burn Bitch Burn (who admits to being an enigma, more than I can say for you), or Curiously. And, just to be crystal clear, I am so not Jamie Dornan or any other principal. And neither are you!! Really, isn't it time to stop using surrogates and up your game? Don't be lazy. The endgame is coming into view. Maybe.

As for @sandy @rennie @suz Vic, et al. Who cares?

AgonyAunt said...

Hmmmm. Wonder if Cillian and Tom will attend any Oscar parties. Cuz of course Dunkirk was nominated for multiple awards. Golly. Do you think Jamcill will be re-united? Or will Tom nix it. And will the British actors all hang out together at some pre-party? Will Miz Millie and Faggot-Aunty attend? Is THIS the reason AW's coven is gathering in LA? To form a prayer-circle? Is that anything like a fundamentalist revival meeting I wonder? Oh Miz Millie. You SHALL be healed of the worst-dressed-satan!

I wonder if the OTHER British actors find this FS shit as embarrassing as those of us with above-average IQ...

Sophie said...

I find this site amusing because there are others who see the story playing out in the same way that I do. I could care less what you think of me Astral W. - Especially since you and Millie have the same initials

Anonymous said...

@Assral apparently you do since you felt the need to comment!

AgonyAunt said...

Dear Suzy-Q. When Faggot-Aunty lumps you into the same class as MOI. Take it as a YUUUUGE compliment. Cuz I’ve lived – RENT FREE – in his head for a VERY long time. And frankly. The décor is a little dated. New pink-sofa’s are on order. So I hear.

Nothing wrong with a little gossip. The problem is few of you know how to bring-the-bants. Mazie has a very limited repertoire. Her best effort is using the word “c unt”. Which is a rather common Britishism by-the-way. Often used affectionately. Not very powerful. Poor effort. Needs work.

I’d give anything to be a fly on the wall at the British actors pre-party. Can someone PUL-leeze take some snaps and post on IG. I promise to bring-exceptional-bants.

AgonyAunt said...

For those with access to old crib posts…you might re-read early “High Road”. Just a suggestion.

Everyone has energetic markers. Things which gives us individual identity. Over time this energy may shift a bit. But the core of it remains constant. Sometimes one makes stylistic adjustments. They are tweaks really. Like wearing a new dress. We try on things. To SEE what works. But ultimately. We feel most comfortable wearing certain styles. Just as we feel at HOME using particular phrases and syntax. It’s easy to discern my style from others such as Sandy or BBB. Cuz while we may occasionally communicate in sync – our style isn’t IN SYNC. But in REALITY. It doesn’t matter much what others think or say about one's identity. It only matters what each of us THINKS. And SEES. That is our INDIVIDUAL right to express and believe whatever we CHOOSE. And no one may take it from us.

Tho’ to be candid. I did contemplate submitting a blind to ENTY. Once. It had to do with sheep and bare-back riders. But I decided not to bother…

Astral W. said...

@ PR,

You gals aren't doing your job very well. At least do a tad of research before you make silly fangirl posts:

1) It has been in the 30s this week in Big Sur, with lots of rain. Not top down weather by any stretch.

2) J & D are not on this year's Oscar presenters list. Most peeps know the diff between 2017 and 2018.

3)Did you know It is but a 3 hour flight from LA to Van City? (Hell, peeps drive more than that commuting to work in southern Cali.)

Hmmm, perhaps time to get further directives from the boss.

Sophie said...

Original Aunty, you are very skilled at evaluating energy —- and there are some photos of Jamie and wife taken tonight at a Pre-Oscar Party. Instagram @cheryl_alyson has several posted. Things look tense and his eyes are doing the “one eye larger than the other” .
( he talks up their loving relationship all of the time, but tonight I feel sorry for him).

Rennie said...

@Suz Vic

Did you see the photo of them in the street? They appear to be in deep discussion or arguing. When they get inside you can see the angst in his face. She has a smile on hers. I think Cheryl shouldn’t have posted that photo. It’s going to be a long weekend.

Phillips Head said...

Chris Martin's ex-wife is sticking with the "my brother" meme. Gwyneth Paltrow thanked her "brother" Chris for giving her two children on his birthday. To quote a line from the masterpiece that is Fifty Shades of Grey, "Odd doesn't even cover it."

And Jamie is fighting with his wife in the street and looking like he would rather be anywhere else on planet earth than with Amelia for a photo op at some second tier Oscar party.

As just a fan, I dare to ask, "Jamie and Dakota, are these the situations and the people who cause your heart to swell and your pupils to dilate? If not, then go after what and whom you really want."

AgonyAunt said...

JesusHChrist. Look at Faggot-Aunty’s “advice” to Dakota Johnson. Pushing her to “go with her heart”. Fuck you asshole. Why would a woman like Dakota Johnson – with ALL she has – talent, beauty, natural kindness and a career that’s about to blow everyone out of the water – even CONSIDER being your side-piece-fuck-buddy? The guy who won’t leave his freemason-coven handlers and nasty witch of a wife. The guy who's too cowardly to live his life authentically. The guy who is literally shunned by other respected British actors. The guy who can’t be trusted to keep the Dornan “D” in his trousers with random co-stars and barely legal waitresses. WTF? You love her SO MUCH you went bare-back-riding ON SCREEN. You total miserable faggot-asshole. And idiot Damies the world over have bought-in to your grift? The ONLY TRUTH about you is evident in that lazy-eye getting more and more pronounced.

You better be glad I’m not Don Johnson. Cuz I’d be calling in my chips all over Hollywood to fuck-you-over-good-and-proper if you kept hassling MY DAUGHTER. Cuz I don’t care who she dates. As long as its NOT YOU.

AgonyAunt said...

Dear Suzy. I don't look at him anymore. I've seen enough. SO have audiences. It is what it is.

Astral W. said...

@THE Aunty,

You sure are trying to piss someone off. What a string of negatives you spit out!! Ouch. Pushing all the/his buttons. Hoping for a reaction.

Why do you care so passionately about this guy and his narrative? In the scheme of things, this particular script is benign. Complicated and messy, yeah, but not a swamp that threatens to sink America, ART, and perhaps the world!

TBH, it is presumptuous to assume you know what motivates J or D, or anyone. And it is insane to believe anyone, you included, possesses a laser beam that penetrates another being's mind and/or soul.

Do you see yourself as the moral, spiritual, artistic, and intellectual police? Why, oh why, have you dedicated years of your life to slandering and harming people? PARTICULAR these people? What was the trigger? And what is the hoped for gain?

Your "little pony" my ass.

p.s. One more time. Dakota Johnson is taking care of herself. So is J, for that matter. Promise. This I do know: neither benefits from manipulation or scolding. Or bullying.

AgonyAunt said...

AstralW…High Road…ConfuseDone… What’s in a name??? Will you people never learn? Unlikely I reckon. Cuz you just can’t stay away from MY ENERGY. Even Uni-shills know better than to tug on my cape too hard. Tread carefully Assy. VERY carefully...

Astral W. said...

@PR Aunty:

"As just a fan, I dare to ask, "Jamie and Dakota, are these the situations and the people who cause your heart to swell and your pupils to dilate? If not, then go after what and whom you really want."


Song of the Siren; A 21-year-old Tim Buckley puts his soul on the line.

(and, yeah, Tim Buckley IS Jeff Buckley's father.)


and....a video version of Song of the Siren Buckley performed on the Monkees TV show in 1969. {First link is a better rendition of the tune IMO, but moving to actually see him play...{hard to tell if his pupils are dilated, but I suspect they are}

Phillips Head said...


We were all on tenterhooks but the good news is Fifty Shades Darker didn't come up empty in the Razzies. Kim Basinger won for Worst Supporting Actress and the movie won for Worst Sequel. Tom Crazy Cruise beat out Jamie for the actor prize and Tyler Perry beat out Dakota in the actress category.

And in fashion news, at a pre-Oscars dinner, Jamie's wife looked flamingo fluffy but I think her shoes were too dark for her ensemble. Jamie looked resigned to his fate. I hope Amelia didn't order the chicken though I think the irony would probably be lost on most people.

Phillips Head said...

P.S. Anyone have any rational theories on why Dakota doesn't seem to be hitting the party circuit? She's in LA.

Sophie said...

Jamie and wife at the Chanel party exude misery. They are dressed appropriately but Millie always screams for attention, either in her attire or her behavior. He needs the party circuit to be seen and be relevant- Dakota doesn’t really need it.

Rennie said...

Jamie told Edgar Wright, they have been in LA for six weeks and have one more week to go. I know he’s ready to go back home. Im stressed out for him. Millie holds on to his hand for dear life. As for as Dakota, she’s going to the party where everyone goes, Vanity Fair.

AgonyAunt said...

Oh my. Millie gets all tarted-up in an orange mini feather-duster and clings for dear life. But nary a snap is published in DM! Aren't the Dornan’s top-banana at Daily Mail? Someone isn’t making payments these days. But Dakota Johnson’s casual dinner with her sister is all over every gossip site. Front-and-center at Daily Mail. Dear me. I reckon that coven-prayer-circle isn’t up-to-snuff. Millie might consider getting a more powerful crew. Mebbe ask Lizzy Hammer.
It’s nice to see REAL sisters together. Enjoying one anothers company. Supporting one another. Thru thicc and thin. It’s what REAL sisters do. And whatever one thinks of Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith. They raised VERY nice daughters. Its not easy to do. Particularity in Hollywood.
Too bad Millie doesn’t have REAL sisters. Just a sloppy-seconds-coven and totally insane mother. Sad.

P.S. Millie isn’t built for mini skirts. Her legs are as BIG and MUSCULAR as her husbands. No amount of cross-ankle posing will hide those thunderous calves. She’s built like a bowling ball. Reminds me of the field-hockey team at boarding school. YIKES! She needs a proper stylist to help her enhance her best features and hide her less attractive ones. #smh.

Phillips Head said...

@Suz Vic @ Rennie

Jamie and Dakota both look so unhappy in their latest (decidedly separate) photos. What is going on? Jamie's been in town six weeks but with Millie. Dakota's supposedly dating Chris Martin but they are not together on his birthday.

Dakota could be unhappy about the situation with Chris or the situation with Jamie. Jamie could be unhappy about not be spending time with Dakota or he could be jealous of Chris or maybe Elva just has diaper rash. Jamie and Dakota may have agreed not to see each other "as friends" anymore because it is just too complicated.

It could be none of the above. All we know for sure is that Jamie and Dakota always look happy when they are together.

Anonymous said...

Who said the paps are good for nothing?? One comment to the Dornans on how they never smile and bam...the next day they are smiling like two loons! Jamie and Millie are playing the game hard! I guess when your billion dollar franchise is over you need to hustle for work that people are going to want to see. Because let’s be honest besides maybe Robin Hood is anyone really interested in all those movies Jamie is making? If it wasn’t for Jamie’s attractiveness would anyone go see them? Let’s just say if Adam Sandler for instance was starting in them would anyone go see them? Jamie can say all he wants that he dorsnt want to star in big budget films but even he knows that’s where the money is. And at some point he’s going have to film love scenes again even Ms. Millie knows that. The sheeps aren’t going to pay the bills on those pink couches! But then again Jamie did say him and his family are very very private and we all know how that is turning out. All the women in his life are attaching themselves to the Dornan train. I mean really would they even have 10 followers on IG if it wasn’t for him??! He’ll naybe Ms. Millie is out in LA to pick up some business! She seems to enjoy the fame much more than her loving husband!! Lord knows Dornan probably has been the ideal husband this trip...cause Ms. Millie isn’t leaving his side. We all know it doesn’t take Dornan a lot of time to find trouble when his wife’s eyes aren’t on him 24/7.

Phillips Head said...


I haven't seen the "two loons" photos. Where are they?

Sophie said...

Just from observation... Jamie and Millie were smiling all over West Hollywood before their Big Sur road trip ( oh yes, Dakota was out of town, too) —- but, either he came down with the flu or there was a major blow up in the Dornan love nest —- because he looks terrible.

Who knows about Dakota and Chris —- maybe he spent last evening with his children and Dakota went out with her sister.

I am betting that Dakota does attend the Academy Awards - her buddies from “Call me by your name “ are nominated. But, will she cross paths with the Dornan’s? ( ..not if Millie can help it...)

Phillips Head said...

@Suz Vic

"...cross paths..."

Jamie and Keira Knightley managed to avoid each other while being in the same room and talking to the same people during a 2015 BAFTA tea party. My guess is Jamie and Dakota will be able to avoid each other at the Oscars and subsequent parties if they are told/forced to do so or decide to do so for whatever reason.

Chris spent both Christmas and his birthday away from Dakota. That does not bode well for the future of their relationship. He's too involved with Gwyneth. A man should put his wife first but that's supposed to end when she becomes an ex-wife, especially an ex-wife engaged to another man.

Phillips Head said...

I have a fantasy about the Oscars, BTW. Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty start to walk to the podium to present Best Picture and they are tag-teamed out by Jamie and Dakota.

Tonight's the night. What will we be talking about tomorrow?

Rennie said...

I think Chris was with his kids on his birthday. Dakota is back in town and Millie is feeling a little paranoid. I do believe that Jamie is jealous of Chris. Dakota is trying to move on, but she need someone better than Chris. I’m so glad Dakota has her sisters.

Phillips Head said...


Who does Jamie have for emotional support during this whole fiasco? His sisters and father are in the UK. I hope he's in frequent contact with them.

I feel stressed out for him too.

Sophie said...

Surely there are scripts being presented to Jamie right now. Fifty Shades raked in the $ at the box office, regardless of the crappy script, etc.
And Jamie is accepting roles that steer away from a “sex symbol” stereotype. But, come on, what do you think the audience that paid for all of those Fifty Shades tickets want? Jamie, do something that women want to see! Even a comedy would be better than all of these war movies.

Astral W. said...

@ PR Aunty,

Please. If J needs emotional support forward him the Tim Buckley link up thread. He can stream it continuously during all these deadly dull HW parties. If that song doesn't provide "what matters" perspective and support, J should hang up his guitar!

Not so much a puzzler as you indicate. Yeah it's scripted, but not all by Uni.

DJ loves parties. Yes, surprising she did not attend the Independent Spirit awards, at the very least to support Luca, who I imagine she will attend the Oscars with. BTW, she looks tired not sad.

Whew, what a relief that J's stern PR lady was not lurking behind him at those god awful parties. Please, oh please, if J does attend the Oscars, may she not be his shadow, feeding him directives.

IMO, J doesn't look miserable as much as just plain TIRED. He needs to get more sleep. I highly recommend sunglasses when ever possible (a pity only (jazz) musicians can wear them at night or indoors). BTW, diluted pupils can be indicative of medical issues as well as sexual arousal and/or drug use: J seemed to be slipping into a coma during party photo ops!! Hope he is ok.

And, why, pray tell, would J and D want to avoid each other? I know, I know, the script but let's not go overboard.

And, finally, an important observation: has anyone else noticed that literally half the guys at those (yucky) HW parties were dressed exactly the same as J? I mean exactly. Why lockstep all the way?

Sophie said...

He may have been tired on Saturday night, but on Friday night, he was furious.

Astral W. said...

@Suz Vic,

How do you know J was truly "furious" at (staged for paps) HW party (s)?


you mention upthread you find this blind amusing/interesting 'cause other posters see this "story" playing out the same as you do? Pray tell, enlighten us? (naughty girl, have you read to the end of the story....)

Sophie said...

I don’t have the end of the story...

The candid photo taken on Friday night of Jamie and Millie standing in the middle of the street, with him speaking to her and Millie looking in the opposite direction, then the photos taken inside with the tense looks on their faces and Jamie’s eyes in different sizes indicated to me that he was not happy.

Astral W. said...

@ PR Aunty,

Can't seem to stop posting here today. Must be all the excitement of THE OSCARS...

Anyhow. You may be right. Perhaps J & D DO deserve to be awarded Best Actor Awards for their performances during this past year.

Fingers crossed, don't burn too many bridges and try not to escalate the drama factor into a pap meltdown.

p.s. I am not a ColdPlay/Chris Martin follower (not my type of music and/or guy). BUT I truly appreciate and applaud his punching a cretin pap, who accosted him and his then wife, supposedly leaving a hospital after a miscarriage. The pap actually said," congratulations!" to C, right before C smacked him. (Wish C had broken the sicko's camera too.)

Rennie said...


This is only my opinion, you can have Jamie and Chris. Both of them appear to be spineless and dress like teenagers. I still say they have TOO much baggage and Dakota can do better. Jamie nor Millie can act that well. They were arguing Friday night. Now tell the truth and shame the devil....

Astral W. said...

Once upon a time, an astute poster who went by the name "wait" speculated that no matter what scenario played out (with J& D) Jamie would surely take all the "he is a jerky bad guy" hits. No way he could win. And so it has come to pass...

Come on. Anyone over the age of 20 has "baggage." Those of us w/ kids and (X) spouses have complicated histories. So?

Only DJ can determine what she wants/needs/desires at any given moment. She, as most of us who live in the free world do, makes choices, makes mistakes, and is entitled to change her mind. It does her no service to project your needs/fantasies/scenarios onto her. Tell her what she feels. TBH, who needs or wants "fans" like that?

AgonyAunt said...

Whew. Time flies. Only one more week. And the Dornan circus pulls stakes. Rounds up all the sheep. And heads back to big stone prisons full of poison-pink sofas. Smiles will be double-wattage tonight. Cuz it’s the last-chance-ranch for the Mr and Mrs to appear relevant. Sadly. Doesn’t seem the walks and smirks and tummy pats impressed industry suits much. The moneychangers don’t care about two mediocre british actors with negligible talent and NO red carpet presence. Hollywood knows FSOG franchise would have done well regardless. The off-screen affair gave it more traction perhaps. But Dornan’s marital status made it very problematic for them. And Hollywood doesn't need more problems these days. And going forward, other co-stars might be less susceptible to his, ahem, charms.

Too bad about Dunkirk. Eh. I reckon the freemason-coven didn’t have enough grease for Nolans wheel. Be watching for a Jamcill reconciliation tonite tho'. Fingers crossed.

Rennie said...


It amazes me that you are so quick to judge. What is it that you are saying but your opinion? Tell me more, tell me more!!!

Sophie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
confide in me said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sophie said...

Hey @Astral W.,

I don’t think that Jamie is a”jerky bad guy”.

But, there have been some troubles that he has brought upon himself.

Such as, leave your wife at home when you attend events. All that does is provoke criticism. She does not have her husband’s best interest at heart. There are many celebrities who attend events alone and it is perfectly acceptable.

When interviewed, please stop gushing about how you cherish your wife. Private people do everything to protect their family and they don’t find it necessary to proclaim their love. It just doesn’t play out authentically.

I’m not going to speak about Dakota because I am not sure about what really went on between them. But, as a married man, if he encouraged a young woman to fall in love with him, then he is a”jerky bad guy”.

And just a suggestion, professional actors continue their training with acting lessons and stints in live theater. May want to try it.

Astral W. said...


Sorry but prefacing one's comments, assumptions, or speculations-- regardless of how inflammatory or slanderous-- with "in my opinion" does not always provide a universal it is ok to say anything pass.

That said, sure, I too say dumb things and make mistakes. And surely state faulty opinions and form judgements that are sometimes justified, sometimes merely wishful thinking, and sometimes knee-jerk reactions.

Rennie said...


The main difference between you and I is you truly dislike Dakota. I wish no harm to Jamie or Millie. I just comment on what I observe. I will always defend Dakota and be a fan of Jamie’s. Now, I going to finish watching the red carpet.

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