Friday, February 29, 2008

You May Want To Hold Off On Lunch

At last night's NME Awards which are the UK's version of the Billboard Awards, but better, Alexa Chung and her boyfriend Alex Turner lead singer for The Arctic Monkeys were making out by a set of elevators. When I say making out, I mean that if there was no one else around they probably would have gone ahead and just did it right there. They are all over each other, when Alexa, overcome by "food poisoning" became violently ill all over Alex's shoes. Apparently he must have had some warning, although since they had their tongues down each other's throats I hesitate to even think what could have been his warning. One second they are full on, and the next thing that happened is that Alex jumped back and only got his feet soiled.

All of this took place about a minute before the group was supposed to perform. Instead of just leaving his girlfriend to deal with the mess herself, Alex took her to the bathroom, held her hair for her so she could finish puking, and then cleaned her up as best you can when you have puked all over yourself, and then went and performed while Alexa went home and called it a night.


Lux Luthor said...

Aw, this gross little story just warms my heart. Alex Turner's way hot, glad to know he's a sweetheart to his girlfriend too.

Anonymous said...

I've always heard Alex Turner was a good guy, glad to see it's true. :)

Rhianna said...

Gross as can be, but at least chivalry isn't totally dead. Considering I hate vomit I have to commend him for being a good guy and taking care of his girlfriend.

Oh, and ENT, thanks oh so little for the visual of tongue to vomit ... Really.

Praetorian said...

That's real love!

mandythegreat said...

Awww, how sweet. Makes me wanna hork myself, but it's sweet, nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Jessica Alba's man would clean up her puke?

juju said...

thats true love!! :)

J said...

Awhh thats sweet!

Anonymous said...

That's a gentleman

Unknown said...

Has anyone here ever accidentally peed on their boyfriend?

Marnie said...

This would have made a great blind.

Reese said...

Always nice to read about the celebs who are cut from a better cloth; good story Enty!


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